Additional Finds – and another reflection and the schumann !!


Had to take a shower tonight.  My girl and I played “beauty parlor” today and she streaked my hair with hair chalk.  Several hours later my head began to ache – I don’t get headaches.  I also began to feel woozy and just off.  I wondered what was up – then remembered I had hair chalk in my hair so off to the shower I went and scrubbed it out.  Aching head gone.  But something nudged me to feeeeeeeeeeeeel and share.

This deception game here and this notion that we are supposed to figure it all out on your own.  Let’s stop pointing the finger at one another trying to find the truth and instead point those fingers at those doing the deceiving – the intentional deception.  NOTHING positive ever comes from that b.s.


Deception.  Judgment.

I’m ready to give it all up – including deceiving and judging myself.

A burst of light at the end of this.  My god I am ready.  So and Soul ready.

Here are a few more minds while I wait for my late evening meal to finish.  (I haven’t been hungry much lately – body is now saying FEED ME NOW!)

now the schumann W T A FRIG??  30 lines then one of those BLACK lines….hmmmm  anyone??  i’m going to take it as a “positive” for i saved it at the 22:44 mark….maybe more timelines collapsing – THEIR timeslines of control…………well that would make sense considering how i felt today and how my mate and i were just reflecting that the agitation and chaos/frustration we felt today was them having a major temper tantrum seeing their agenda’s crumble……..


it’s goin’ down in Seattle (good perspective on the “China virus” too):


“artificially induced…’re going to see some bad things and then you’re going to see some really good things”……………(dark to light)…….


wow – we really ARE watching a movie – looking glass proof – 2 years ago they knew this was coming……..


more intel on those tunnels….


this is bothering me – sad obviously but considering that very song has been seen on social media – showing communities singing the song during lockdown – this just feels “off” to me….my wish is for people all over to sing this song together – regularly – until we are out of the storm:

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.