Additional finds (including excellent intel on Kazakhstan)…….and another reflection………1.6.22


Lots going on…………Thanks to my mate for finding most of these…………I was at the store………As I walked in there was a beautiful, older golden lab out front – giving me those sad eyes……….I was suddenly moved thinking this beautiful soul was having to see all of these humans in masks and how wrong that was………How much trauma and confusion not only our children but our fur babies and animals have had to endure – not just this realm overall but the past 2 years…………faces covered…………’s so f’d up……….I apologized to this dog and said the masks not only don’t work but being forced to wear them is absolutely wrong.  Wrong.  Wrong.  Wrong.  SOOO wrong.  Our children and our animals deserve SO MUCH BETTER.  What in the hell do they think of the adults they see these days?  Brainwashed?  Pathetic?  Scary?  Psychological conditioning/traumatizing method 101.  ENOUGH.  I cried – and couldn’t stop.  I sat in the car – cried some more.  I want to run away from it all – take our child and seek quiet space – free – away from this obvious evil.

Earlier today I had this higher thought come to me………… the Awakening, don’t get so lost in the rabbit holes that I forget who I really am……….that’s part of the awakening must remain front and center.  Very grateful for this one.


Here are the latest finds.  And please remember to Like/Share and Donate what you can.  Thank you!

Love, V.


Thought of this one today (saving israel for last)………….








‘you’re not the Queen, Nancy Pelosi’…interesting choice of words.

Breaking 911
Ashli Babbitt’s mother on Jan. 6 anniversary: “You’re not the Queen, Nancy Pelosi. This is America’s 14,000 hours of missing footage. We have a right to see it.”


Sayeth I with clear sarcasm:  You’d think more would be watching given how the MSM has claimed the majority think those who showed up that day caused an insurrection (those “majority” clearly live in my area)…….




thoughts on this one……….?………have my own feels (for some time now that is)………she was an actress originally……currently an interior designer….good actors make for good movies…….question remains:  good actor or bad actor? 


They got another patriot. R.I.P Cirsten W. We will miss you. On a ventilator for pneumonia. From everything I’m reading, she wasn’t allowed to leave the hospital and there were calls to get her Ivermectin, and try to find her attorney. Anyone know anything different??? I’m really gonna miss her.





Never trusted him either……….If this is the real deal (following The Art of War) – he really did draw them aaaaaal out……..






Then backtracks:

Ted Cruz Backtracks, Tells Tucker Carlson He Made a ‘Mistake’ to Refer to Jan. 6 as a ‘Violent Terrorist Attack’



Well I don’t understand this get out and vote – in a system that is and remains clearly intentionally fixed……….



How the holy frijola was this ever allowed to happen (if true)??

A Maxwell Juror accused of telling his history

We The People NEWS Situation Update 1/6/22



Smack down every dayem mandate in each state……..

🔴ICYMI: “Why The Supreme Court Should Slap Down Biden’s Utterly Lawless Vaccine Demands”


Christine Massey And Mike Adams | Truth In Plain

Christine Massey reveals to the Health Ranger: Covid-19 “virus” has NEVER been isolated and shown to cause disease…

WTH?  What are those things gonna be used for?  SATs with lasers?  Star Wars tech anyone?  I still think he was bad – is gone – is now an android working for good……..
Authentic Marketing For Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs & Creatives — Spirit & Muse

You’re a heart-centered business woman/creative and you have something to share with the world (a message, a product, or a service), and you want to get it out there in the most authentic way possible. You don’t want to force your business on anyone, but you do want to make sure that you’re ..

Kash Patel, remember that name. Q 1481 Q 1482

StormyPatriotJoe ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Channel, [1/6/2022 8:31 PM]
[ Album ]
Kash Patel on Hannity

Explaining he has documented proof that Trump ordered 10,000 National Guard

But the Chain Of Command
Didn’t sign off

So Nancy Pelosi is responsible


As noted above:  Saving Israel for last……..
Good news:

NY seems they Will NOT Vote on a Bill that would create CV-19 Concentration Camps, and the Bill has been Stricken. Small Victory in NY.


🔴Immune-mediated hepatitis with the Moderna vaccine, no longer a coincidence but confirmed

“Our case demonstrates conclusive evidence of vaccine-induced immune-mediated hepatitis with a rapid onset of liver injury after the first Moderna dose, which on re-exposure led to acute severe autoimmune hepatitis.”


One big club……
It’s going to be biblical……..
Megiddo is an archaeological site that was inhabited between roughly 7000 B.C. and 300 B.C. Numerous battles were fought near Megiddo during that time, and the Book of Revelation, which refers to the site as Armageddon, prophesied that a final battle at the end of time would take place there.
In the kitchen………..
355:  The Enemy’s Invisible

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.