After 28 hours ~ another “black gap” on the Schumann


This one goes on for almost 16 hours.  Whatever is happening – my body and mind are feeling it.  Off to do some mental escaping/soothing.  

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “After 28 hours ~ another “black gap” on the Schumann”

  1. That was definitely a timeline jump! I woke up and saw this and thought: WTF, no way! I have the Schumann Resonance live here on an extra monitor and it’s getting updated every ten minutes. This blackout was not there, when I went to bed, which was close to the end of that blackout! It’s 15 hours of no data and I definitely would have noticed it… 🤔

  2. Lots of talk about the Schumann now. Symptoms and all. Sounds like we’ve finally crossed over to the Golden Age?

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