Editor’s note: The idea of celebrating this holiday (or any holiday for that matter) is something that just doesn’t appeal to me. However, if the filth is really being removed and a return to how this country once was (minus the mentality that said white men were superior), then I could find some reason to celebrate. That being said, I’m ready to transition to New Earth reality where there is none of the federal governance concepts.
Sourced from here.
Al Hodges Intel Update – June 30, 2017
6/30/2017If you are new to this and do not know who Al Hodges is and his relevance to the Global Currency Reset, World Global Settlements, CMKX, and the new currencies backed by gold, well let me give you a short intro. Al is a White Hat attorney for Michael C. Cottrell whom is responsible for the US Dollar Refunding Project. Al is also an attorney for the largest fraud case in WORLD HISTORY! Al Hodges represents a group of shareholders (CMKX) who is suing the S.E.C. for $3.87 Trillion Dollars. What is the relationship between this CMKX case and the Global Currency Reset? It is said that both the CMKX shareholders and GCR currency holders are waiting for the new financial system to go public. Al Hodges gives much credibility to the entire process because it has been proven that he is an attorney for an actual lawsuit against the S.E.C. In fact the largest case in world history. Main stream media has swept this story under the rug and is a total media blackout. Except it did get public attention over 6 years ago on RT News and New York Times. Here is the broadcast for your reference.
Al Hodges says……
Gentle people –
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Al Hodges |
As we contemplate various chores and other anticipated activities over this Holiday weekend, I want to remind each of you to save some time to think about the significance of next Tuesday’s celebration, and all that means for us all.
I was ruminating somewhat last night as I half watched the LA Dodgers beating up on the LA Angels; the thought that kept running through my brain was something my paternal grandfather used to preach to me as a small boy – he always reminded me that ‘you can’t always control the situation you find yourself in, but you can control how you react to it.’ I understood then that it was his way of getting me to appreciate the need for me to take responsibility for my actions and behavior vis-a-vis whatever the circumstances were. I assure you that, although it sounds simple, it is just not that easy. Why, you immediately ask, is that the case; I believe it’s because our ego is culturally indoctrinated to instantly compete with all in our environment, to win at any cost, and to be in such fear at all times that our first reaction is to strike out in an attempt to ‘save’ ourselves.
This is probably where you consider not reading the balance of this message, wondering why I’m wasting your time with my ruminations. Please bear with me a few moments more. I thought for most of my life that my Grandfather, a not-well-educated working man was an unsophisticated boob – the opinion obviously of someone not as smart as he believed. It was not until I listened and analyzed some of JFK’s writings and speeches, and began to hear words that said “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” [Dietrich Bonhoeffer], “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”[Martin L. King], and “All that is required for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing” [E. Burke] that I truly began to understand how smart my Grandfather really was. What he was saying to a very young boy/man is YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR EXISTENCE.
How this relates to this weekend is obvious to all of you I certainly hope. Simply stated, I solicit you to join me in the celebration of our efforts to demonstrate to the universe our sense of responsibility. Many of us have been actively involved for 15+ years in seeking to right, first the small financial world of CMKX, and then the larger financial structure of the Earth. During this journey we have happily found allies and fellow travelers to join forces with and have now arrived at the culmination of our initial effort. Not only are we to receive our financial reward, but, much more importantly, we are to shortly witness return of this country to a Constitutional Republic for the first time since 1871; we are also to observe all of the ‘miscreants’ receive their just due.
The Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776 is truly one of the most important documents of the entirety of human-kind. Not only did it publicize to the universe the reasons for separation, but it itemized the most organic reasons why it had to be – that man was here in this world, and came into it, with certain ‘inalienable rights.’ This was a concept that had not truly ever before been publicly embraced as having any relevance to the foundational basis of “government.”
As this holiday weekend goes on, save a moment or two to consider that the men who signed that document were not only risking certain death, they were being RESPONSIBLE for their own existence and circumstance in which they lived; they, like many of you, were doing what needed to be done. They were willing to do what needed to be done, notwithstanding any danger real or imagined, present or future, BECAUSE IT WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!
I have appended a copy of the Declaration below. Please join with me Tuesday in reading it out loud and discussing it with your friends and loved ones; you may well be surprised by how many people are truly interested, and are willing to act after receiving a slight nudge – after all, it is their responsibility. This is truly a time of celebration and joy; we are returning to that which resonates within each of us – HALLELUJAH!
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Love and blessings,