Amanda Lorence ~ 4/20 Message for Wayshowers


Editor’s note:  Another beautiful share from Amanda.  I deeply appreciate how she has provided a missing piece for me.  The ability to make long range plans, goals, etc. has been a challenge for me for years.  Now I see where it is not only important to be in the state of allowing and in the Now moment, but also to speak/feel/know that in this Now moment the best possible outcome for me is always created.  Bingo!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



For at least a month now, changes to sequence (energetic pattern) of incoming colour rays has been noted. For years, one or two specific colours would arrive daily for Gaia and humanity to absorb. Giving energy, light patterning and coding. This changed approx one month ago where sequences of rainbow colours enters daily. It is not a rainbow effect where all colours present simultaneously. There is specific sequence of one colour ray followed by another. They meld, where one coloured light ray flows into the next and so on.

As an example, today’s colour sequence entering Gaia was seen in this order:
Magenta pink followed by gold, followed by light green, then gold again. A short pause to the sequence, then, a prolific infusion of Colbalt blue ray filling all ‘space’, followed by indigo, then violet, then gold, darker green and finally platinum. So the rainbow spectrum of light continues to enter Gaia and humanity but not as one rainbow display, but light colour sequences daily. The sequences change daily yet there are certain patterns for example gold light will follow green ray. Violet light will follow blue ray light.

Today the Sun emitted (at higher frequency sight level) a RING of pink Magenta around its disk. Followed by a wider outer ring of blue ray.

Colbalt Blue coloured light ray is EXTREMELY prolific and increasing in strength and presence daily, for a couple of weeks now.

You may have noticed that solids are able to disappear more readily/easily. They disappear into white OR gold light, and reappear when our consciousness alters back to third dimensional frequency. The point is, the disappearance of solids is more frequent NOW, easier, as we become higher in our own energy, which then effects what we experience at higher planes of energy, consciousness fields.

The hexagonal grid is becoming more physically visible for the human. Meditating on this or visualising this aids the REAL physical site of this golden grid that encompasses all creation.

April brought an intensity to human. Like intense fire CLEANSE, it swept through us pushing us to see all that was not aligned to purity. It did the job, it cleared us by allowing us to see any remaining rabbit holes (distractions) we had travelled down. Rising out of said rabbit holes has not been easy for the ascending human, but the determination to do this intense work, has allowed us to climb out of the rabbit holes that harboured blindness, falsity and some ego. This human work has produced the final ALL ABIDING inner peace, purity, focus and direction. We only need to know the next step, then the next is revealed and so on. Humans at third dimensional consciousness living find false security (comfort) in having future goals, future plans and projections of their life path. It takes a bit of getting use to dismantling this false security as we go higher…where we live in present moment. Where we can then be extremely focused on the HIGHEST OUTCOME IN ALL PRESENT MOMENTS. This desire to always be in our purest possible state, doing from highest possible frequency means we live ONE STEP AT A TIME. Not having long distance plans. But observing higher SIGNS in the NOW moment. For residing in the present moment at highest human frequency opens the energetic Gateways automatically. It takes getting use to, but the more we let go and trust our higher Self, Source, our path, the easier it is to live this new higher and purer way. Just in the moment. Where focus is on purity. Where the light within us is seen by us, appreciated and acknowledged. This way holds the ever present magic for us to see. In all moments we feel the ever present LOVE.

All my love
AL 20 April 2018

Sourced from here.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.