An evening conversation


I went out to get some food tonight.  I was paused in front of the local sourdough bread rack.  I hesitated whether I should buy two loafs – the second being the chocolate sourdough.  (i know, right?!  YUM!)  Anyway, my budget only allowed for me to buy one so I opted for the regular sourdough.  As I contemplated my choice, out loud, an older gentleman overheard me and commented how that chocolate loaf would be nicely enhanced with a slab of butter.  “Real butter,” I added, smiling.  He nodded and began telling me a story about his mother, who lived well into her 90’s and attributed part of her long life to eating butter instead of margarines and other things filled with chemicals.

He had a twinkle in his eye and an obvious gift of gab, both which reminded me of Grandpa Don, who I have really been missing lately.  It was around this time 5 years ago we learned the cancer had spread and he had only a short time left.  That twinkle and love of a good conversation kept me at that bread rack longer than I intended.  But boy, did we have a very nice conversation – the best I’ve had around these parts in years.

As he spoke of the chemicals in our foods and in our environment, I used that as a chance to bring up RFK Jr and what he’s been saying lately about the toxins.  He smiled, looked up at the ceiling and reflected.

“I’m an old school democrat,” he said to which I quickly added “ah, a REAL democrat – back when the party was good”.  He nodded, smiled and continued.

“Robert has a very extensive background in environmental law so he knows his stuff.  But there’s something about him these days.  He’s….different.”

YES! I think, the thoughts beginning to really churn.  People are SEEING!  I wanted to say so much but instead chose to keep my deep woo woo stuff to myself.  I didn’t want to ruin the conversation I was already having, nor did I want to scare him away.  Instead I used it as a chance to ask him how he seemed different.

“He’s more radical these days,” he said.

“Almost unhinged?” I asked hesitantly.  He wasn’t quite certain.  “Well, the truth can be pretty radical,” I said.  He again nodded, smiling.

So, we began talking about things like the toxins in the environment, in our foods, The White Papers, UFOs and aliens and the government cover-up, the JFK Assassination, to which he said he had waited decades for the classified documents to be totally unsealed.

I smiled and said, “Well, I have a feeling those documents are going to be unsealed sooner than later.”  He was doubtful of that, but he still had that smile and twinkle in his eye as he expressed that doubt.

During this conversation, my daughter came and went.  He smiled at me and asked if I was teaching her these things, especially about the toxins.  “Absolutely,” I said, telling him we eat as clean as we can.  I also told him I teach her to think for herself and to question everything she is told, sees, reads, etc. – including what I teach her.

We parted shortly after that and as I told him how much I enjoyed our conversation and he said the same, he pointed at me, winked and said “You’re a good mom.  Keep it up.”

I touched my heart, thanked him.

I really needed to hear those words today.

I finished up my shopping and went to check out.  As I did, I noticed him stopped in another aisle, talking to another customer, same smile, same twinkle in his eye.

As I left, I felt a renewed sense of hope for humanity.

And all it took was one conversation in front of a rack of Sourdough bread one Friday evening.



(I will be sharing this on my buy me a coffee page for those who support me there.)


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “An evening conversation”

  1. I know the adage well… “A Kennedy Democrat”–is the political view most of my mom’s side of the family would resonate with. Twenty five years ago I realized that I was neither Democrat or Republican, nor was I Libertarian, or even Green Party aligned. I declared my Independence as an “Independent.” The trouble with compart-mentalization and labeling is how we end up pigeon-holed in a “category” that has many affiliations, inconsistencies, incongruities, and contradictions lurking in the dark shadows of an Elite cabal’s interference. What I will not support is: Central govt; Fascism, in all forms–aka Technocracy/’rules based order'(NGO’s that rule without the people’s consent); and fake education (run by the ‘Bored with Education’ stooges in DC.) I might get behind the creation of the “UNITY” Party, as long as we overturn the ‘Citizens United’ ruling. One of the most critical points of discernment has to do with Campaign financing, with all the dark money and criminal moolah laundering to boot. Campaign finance reform might involve passing legislation which would funnel all campaign contributions to a ‘pooled-account’ and then disperse the dollars in an equitable format for all candidates. I realize that this gets into the contentious waters of how “Mammon” should be used, and whether we trust the govt accountants to behave. Corruption and the cults that create suffering and chaos on the planet Earth are always lingering in the background. Will humanity survive the inadequacies and poisons that seem to arise within the realm of politics? Then there’s always the control of the Black Nobility to consider…Good vs Evil, is the nature of Duality and our spiritual challenge as we pursue our paths towards enlightened cooperative recalibration. pax

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