Some extra finds (including a really good one) and things that make me wonder……….


Stepping down by the end of the month it sounds like……..(or as we say in these parts: exiting the stage)…….

Milley’s retirement ratchets up pressure for all sides on Tuberville hold | Washington Examiner


This has to have “them” in a mental bind……..depending on how many of “them” are still actually here that is – thinking not many – if any……

Putin has ‘accepted’ Kim Jong Un’s invite to visit North Korea, state media says (


116 up atm – midnight EST…….


And now – this one.  Plot twist?  Uh….hmmm…  Was all of that “movement” many of us have been feeling off and on for 5 years – is that where they really put us?  Anyone else have absolutely no feeeeeeeeeeeel of connection for/to Mars?



Song synchs today – Africa, Jump and You Can’t Always GEt What You Want – which I realized today isn’t about you and me but about “them” – “they” won’t be getting their agendas in full but they will be receiving what they need:  Justice.

Interesting – I decide to get cash app – it goes to sheot.  lol  No biggie – I just have the app.  Starlink’s still have issues as well.

The US Debt Clock is showing the number of millionaires in the US is at 23,075,001.  I wanted to know – is this a new thing given how it’s been a focal point amongst some lately.  According to a 2016 article from Bloomberg, 1700 millionaires are added to the pool every day.  Hmmm….The clock I’m watching is showing about 1 every minute.  There is 1440 minutes per day (interesting number) which means what we are seeing is nothing new.  The US population is growing but slowly – 0.4% from what I saw.  Between 2010 and 2019 the growth was 0.66%.  Anyway, I’m not going to get into the math of it – my brain is saying “no”.  So – I’ll just focus on the debt clock given what VK and Trump have both said about reaching 33.

(well shoot – maybe it is something new):

Speaking of money and how it, along with love and truth, would solve every problem “they” created – I saw someone tonight at the store.  The dude was lit – on something – walking around with a big smile on his face talking to no one in particular.  He was in back of me at the check out and I heard him mention he didn’t have enough – he was $2 short.  I reached into my purse announcing out loud that I could pay it – but no one heard me – and I mean no. one.  Not the dude, not the two clerks, not the people in back of me (who suddenly were like right on top of me talking to the clerk seemingly absolutely unaware I was there putting my stuff away).  It was strange – and subtle – but noticeable.

How many of us have had that experience here?  Raise your hands – I absolutely know I am not alone when I say the feeling invisible piece is part of the “game” here.  We simply are not seen by certain others – whatever they are – inside this place.  It’s designed that way and it’s also a frequency.

I reflected on all of this – realized I need to be more grounded and aware of my surroundings.  Put on the armor.  Stores are a challenge at times aren’t they – with their unnecessary bright lights, tiny aisles, tons of stuff everywhere, loud music, and crowds.  Sensory overwhelm for anyone sensitive.  Throw in someone whacked out on something – well let’s just say I was happy to see my car in the quiet parking lot – leaning against it and taking in the warm night air.  Shaking my head, I got inside, fired up the time machine, turned on some suitable music and drove home.

That’s all for now.





And…..Please find and follow me on the following platforms. 💜💥💖













Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Some extra finds (including a really good one) and things that make me wonder……….”

  1. re the $2 store tale–Yes…there are ghostwalkers among us awakened souls. It’s just bot behavior. Amazing. I’ll call them ‘Sleepers’ from now on. [Woody Allen made a hilarious sci-fi film of same name]

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