An interesting Code Monkey drop and an interesting video/chat (and another find)


From his telegram account:

In just a few hours, everything changes.
You should get some good rest tonight.
They won’t rest well after tomorrow…


Apparently he has been saying PSBSR for awhile.  There are theories as to what it stands for.  Here are a couple of ideas:

Public Service Broadcasting System Report/Receiver

Please Stand By, Stand Ready


UPDATE:  Saw this (wonder if this may indicate why I had that JA dream a few weeks back where, if memory is correct, I saw an image of him and felt he was about to come front and center):

In response Photon 333 to her Publication

8:37 Timestamp! (above) 👆😎👍
Here’s the latest, I saw him post it as it went UP!
Last post 😎👍

And this:


Could be this as well.  I follow SK on telegram – he has been focused on the election fraud/audits…..


We’ll see…………..


An interesting Frog News Network dialogue:

Melissa Red Pill Mon. 3:00 pm est


Just saw this.  The “real” one would not extend this….


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.