An Interesting Tweet…and Twitter Account….POTUS to deliver SOTU Outside of D.C.?


I began following this person about a month ago.  They only follow one person:  Trump.  And they speak like Q does.  Some speculate it is the account for JFK Jr.  Would not surprise me.  Anyway here’s what they linked tonight….The 1959 puzzled me.  I searched and found nothing hugely significant.  However someone said Eisenhower re-organized the Dept. of Defense in 1959.

And I think I got the rest of the message.  Giving the State of the Union outside of D.C. would mean the Republic is back.  D.C. is a district – that’s where the “fake” corporate government resides…giving the State of the Union within the recognized USA could signify “real” government instead of “fake” government?  Although we also need to remove the Corporation and return to the Law of the Land.

Fake government.  Fake  news.  Fake realm.  These monsters deplore authenticity and the truth.  But it is here.  It has Risen.  And it is reclaiming and restoring all that was almost ruined.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.