An interesting tweet with Gematria


So – Elon has changed his name to Elona:

profile pic change late last night
name change today???????

Interesting, eh?  The left hand too……….Elon is the first to say for humanity to survive we have to leave this place – VK confirmed.  We know Musks handler (Grimes) is no longer in his life – and at the time he said “take the red pill”.  We also know we’ve seen proofs that at least one of the Musk characters is an android/bot.  I continue to feel he’s being used for the winning side – and his sats are playing a part in this war/cleanup and exit….I haven’t taken time to feel into this name change above – so instead I’m doing a gematria on ELONA MUSK (Simple Gematria: 111, Jewish Gematris: 666)……….
Wake Up Neo
Solar Flash
May First (I know – no dates – just found the month interesting – May 10, 2018 17 post referenced SKY EVENT)
No Mask Needed The End
Orions Belt
Black Eye (when I saw the “left handed” phrase I also thought of the black left eye club)
The Final Chapter
Myk Ø Hyn  (sharing because 1: I see the Myk Hyn reference every time I do a gematria and 2: never seen that symbol before)
Nicola Tesla
Heaven and Hell
Heaven Light
Original God
Time To Shine

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

5 thoughts on “An interesting tweet with Gematria”

  1. Starship Earth is full of doozies….
    Putin declares Nesara in Ukraine? Wow, if this can be confirmed!
    I noticed that there are less and less Uke flags being displayed. Is it possible that the Ukrainients in the
    U.S have finally caught on to what’s really going on? One can only hope!
    On the “lighter side”, Nancy “Pants” Pellosi seems to have looked a little too deep into the vodka bottle,
    and her delivery is cringeworthy and hilarious at the same time!

    ❗️EVERGREEN on Repeat: Vessel runs aground in US

    Almost exactly a year after one of its ships famously blocked the Suez Canal for six days – costing billions to global trade – another Evergreen vessel has run aground outside Baltimore.

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