An Open Letter to Cobra ~ 11/13/18


Dear Cobra ~

I have read your material off and on the past 2-3 years.  Like most other material I read, there have been occasions where I resonate and occasions in which I don’t.  I offer up my appreciation for the work you do and your search for Truth – and sharing thereof.

Today is the first time I feel the need to address something you said in your recent post.

You state that we (humanity) have to do 80% of the work in order for the Light Alliance to help us.

I have had to take numerous deep breaths to deal with the triggers that set off.  I am as centered as I can be right now and as such, wish to address this statement.

You know (and you have stated repeatedly) this realm we call earth has been under quarantine.  We have been a slave race.  We have had our minds wiped.  We have had our DNA altered.  In a nutshell – the Source Original of ALL that We Are has been seriously compromised.  I feel confident you would more or less align with these statements.

That being said ~ how is it Source Love (that the Alliance is allegedly in alignment with) to tell one who has been put into the conditions outlined above that he/she must do the majority of the work and then Love steps in and assists with the “rest”?

Nowhere within me does this resonate.  I go within my heart, not aligning.

I go within to that small quiet voice within my tummy area – not aligning.

I go to my All Knowing space (as much as I can access that, for after all, it has been compromised) – and again, not aligning.

Love helps.

Love assists.


And what you are sharing is assistance with conditions.

This feels like more of the matrix programming.  More of the archon/parasitic program.

I know this much to be absolutely true for me:  I WOULD  NOT TRUST ANY BEING WHO HAD THE ABILITY TO ASSIST ME AND YET TOLD ME I MUST DO ALL OF THIS WORK BEFORE HELP ARRIVED.  Especially when I wasn’t clear on what this “work” entailed.

#1) It’s part of the power over program that has infected this realm.  “You do as I say/request before I assist…”

#2) What work?  And how on EARTH can I do that LEVEL of inner work (80%) when WHO I AM has been so compromised?

Cobra, I have been intending for my Source Original Coding to come back online.

I have been intending my Healing.

I have been intending that I remember.

I have been on this journey of awakening for over 25 years.

Hundreds of thousands – millions of us- have been doing this.

If we had the full ability to DO THIS HERE while still in these frequencies – WE WOULD ALL BE HEALING AND FLYING by now.  We would ALL have our FULL coding turned back on.

And need I add the entire pay to live system keeps us in a state of constant stress of varying levels.

I will tell you what I KNOW Love does.  And this is me from my still limited perspective of ALL:

It sees suffering and asks if it can assist and how.  It provides that assistance if it can. If it cannot, it seeks out other avenues in which to GET said assistance to the person in need.  And it does not say you have to do the majority of the work to get yourself out of the trap…. even though you have limited awareness and I, full awareness.  That says “you have to figure out the puzzle with limited awareness”.

This is not Love.

it certainly doesn’t make me feel good inside.  It brings up thoughts of “am I doing enough?”  It brings up feelings of inferiority.

This is not Love.



Without condition.

Let’s listen ONLY to guidance and words that contain these concepts.

Kindly submitted, with passion ~





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

5 thoughts on “An Open Letter to Cobra ~ 11/13/18”

  1. Well expressed, Victoria! I used to eagerly read Cobra’s rapports every time they showed up. Even if there were some details that really made me wonder (I especially remember some older one in stile with COLONIZATION of other planets if Gaia gets destroyed). But he still had my respect. Then after couple of years I started to feel that his messages were all about the same – giving a little hint about some info that unfortunately is still classified, giving a little hope about this and giving a little blame about that. All over again. Participate in some important mass meditation now, and you’ll see things will be able to go faster. Then sorry – the critical point was not reached since you were not enough who participated, blame yourselves that there’s still no change in sight, next time try harder. And then again. I wonder – have we ever heard about the yaldabaoth entity , toplet bombs etc from some other source than Cobra? I very much resonate with everything you have written in your Open letter, and with your definition of what help coming from a loving source should be.

  2. Thank you Victoria for this post and thank you to the other commenters. I have read this 2012 portal for over five years and I have listened to the computer voice with all its underlying accents and for a long time I “bought it” and looked forward to further postings. Until the mass meditation promotional propaganda. I often wondered why he was pushing Rosicrucian rituals and I don’t participate any longer and don’t recommend it. To much weirdness can happen in a quantum environment. Also, I had an incident this last summer where I was contacted telepathically through a machine voice that sounded like and called itself cobra. This contact hurt, physically. Then I was told I was getting a download. I rebelled and demanded it stop but I’m not sure it did. I had head pain following this episode. Since then I have not received any explanation. Typical.

    As a group, we should demand that this entity come clean and report who and what he is. Truth not crappy terms that push buttons and mean nothing like “toplet”. Who is this resistance? What are they resisting? Who funds this? What is the real agenda?

    The real issue here is it’s not just cobra. There are many paid disinfo agents and it’s up to us to start weeding them out and calling them out for the myths they spread so freely.

    Peace to all.

    1. thank you for sharing your thoughts stuart. totally align w/you. i too stopped participating in these mass global meditations. IF they were pure and effective we would have seen the changes we have desired to see long ago. not that focused intent doesn’t work – it does – IF it isn’t allowed to be co-opted which i feel many of these have been.

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