Another insight on the 9.3 feeeeeeeeeel…and a few other goodies I’m pondering


I didn’t know this…….still trying to vet………..

September 3 seems to be a rather noteworthy date for many scenarios.




I saw this next….

something to look out for

able to vet (at least the possibility of b.out):
The term “blackout” though – I feeeeeeeeeel – can hold another interpretation.  So I did some digging and found this:

2022 General Election: 11/08/2022

60-day Blackout: 09/09/2022

  • Sourced by Secretary of State websites and Federal Election Commission.
  • Dates listed are tentative and are subject to change.

A Member may not send any unsolicited mass mailing or mass communication less than 60 days immediately before the date of any primary or general election (whether regular, special or runoff) in which the Member is a candidate for public office.

9/9 is coming up next week.

Then JB said this today in PA (I shared earlier in my finds piece – but felt it was important to bring it up again – total admission that elections HAVE been stolen):

So lots of stuff going on and coming out.  I thought of what Lisa Harrison said she heard recently waking up – how she will “retire in October”.  The time frame aligned w/the dream I had around that time where I heard “give it about 6 weeks”.  I felt more into what Lisa heard and thought it is possible the “retire” part is she will no longer need to do videos or livestreams or even social media because there will be no need……  Why?

All will be over/revealed.

Let’s make it so.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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