Anyone Experience A Moment of Extreme Vertigo Tonight?


Around 6:50pm, pacific time, I suddenly felt extreme dizziness, only the feeling was very unusual.  I almost felt as though I was lifted up, placed back down and could not find my equilibrium.  My mate felt it at the same time.  It took him longer to recover.  I’m feeling woozy contentment.

I remember looking at my mate and even though he was right there, he seemed very far away.

Quite the trip.  Anyone else notice this tonight (10/11)?


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Anyone Experience A Moment of Extreme Vertigo Tonight?”

  1. Uh,ya! Except that mine started at 7Am today. And yes tonight another round is hitting. The Cats explain it very well. Jim

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