Anyone see the new Atlantic Monthly cover? So many drops/comms……….



At the core – you bet it is.




The ringmaster bringing the caged rhino’s (is there also a donkey in there too?) to the WH.  Looks like someone’s taking a ride to drain the swamp.  The Raven, perched on its branch – alone.  The weather?  Looks like a late fall stormy day.  Kinda getting the “they fall with our fall” vibe (for those of us in the northern hemisphere).



The mouth – absolutely……..


“Political Theatre.”  “Christmas”.  Calling out both sides.  “Ground hog day.”  Great writers – need a new plot.


Only the US INC………



I still feel it was the best, safest anti-parasitic treatment.  The only one T really pushed/presented.


Raise your hand if you had a sense all along the parents were in on it?  😩😭



Mirror mirror……….BOOM!






Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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