As We Prepare To Enter Our 12/12 Gateway

By Lisa Brown

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Aloha beautiful love family,

We are nearing the activation of our 12/12 Stargate/Gateway… and a powerful one it shall be!

I was surprised last night that I “forgot” about it. lol… because normally it/they would have activated by now….

As we near, usually it opens about 3 days early, so we shall see. I will post, of course…

Each December Gateway has been substantially more powerful than the one before. Starting with 2012, and this one is surmountable (not one of my words and had to look it up).

When it begins, there will be cycles, initiations and phases to complete. This completion year is in a completion too! Huge.

Each human year, we cannot go into the next one and carry anything with us. All unconscious programs and realities that surface or play out…. all have to be resolved from within.

The period up through and the couple of weeks after the SOLstice take us DEEPER into our/the Galactic Core…. to the depths of our BEing and return us to an existence that is PURE.

Hidden deep beneath all human’ness is profound sacred love, deep sacred respect, integrity, compassion and kindness…

Last year, Earth completed it’s Ascension into the 5th+ Dimension, and since then every physical thing, every inhabitant has cleansed anything that is not in alignment with these higher frequency bandwidths of higher dimensions and atmospheres merging in this physical one here.

Continue reading here.  

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.