Mass Consciousness – Your Energy And Intention Are Needed NOW

Hello beautiful people of Mother Earth~

We are in unprecedented times.  It is so important that we as a collective whole make the conscious effort to Remember Who We Are.  Turn off the outside world and go within to find again that powerful, still quiet voice that leads us Home to Self.  Let me help you by reminding you of some things you may have forgotten.  Say each one slowly and repeatedly. Let yourself FEEL the energy of the words in your body.

I Am a Powerful, Master Creator.

I Am God/Goddess/Source Energy.

I Am Whole, Beautiful and Worthy as I Am NOW.

I have the ability to totally change my reality and make it into the reality I want. Continue reading “Mass Consciousness – Your Energy And Intention Are Needed NOW”

UFO’s, The Paranormal and Conspiracy Theories: What Are We So Afraid Of?

I have been having paranormal experiences since I was a child.  I define paranormal as anything outside of our known scientific, human understanding.  One of the first experiences happened when I was 9 when I awoke to find an Angel standing at the foot of my bed.  She was beautiful and looked like my mom only I knew it was not my mom (I believe this Being chose to do this as to not frighten me).  She had a Light and a presence about her I had never seen nor felt from another human, my mom included.  She glided beside my bed, looked down at me and gave me such a look of Love and tenderness, it nearly took my breath away.  Then she looked out my window, back down at me again, walked to the end of my bed again and disappeared.  Since then, I have seen “ghosts”, UFO’s, aura’s and have communicated with those who have passed on.  I have had also premonitions of events, including The Challenger crash and 9/11.

Given we’re still watching the UFO in the sky each night, it’s a topic of conversation with neighbors now and then.  Tonight I spoke with one such neighbor who said they had to stop watching as they couldn’t wrap their mind around it, and so chalked it up to a Star.  When I said we and a neighbor had watched it continuously on several occasions and each time, it came to a standstill where it ceased to move any further – at least for 45 minutes to an hour (which is when my mate and I would go to sleep),   “Hmm,” was the response.

Thinking outside of the box of our little realities we create is a challenge.  Some are more comfortable exploring than others.  I happen to be the type of person who wants to KNOW.  I want to know the TRUTH.  I have a near-obsessive curious nature.  I can recall in my 20’s having my first conversation on UFO’s.  I was so excited, thinking that finally I had met someone willing to discuss the topic and held the belief that we aren’t alone in the Universe.  Interestingly enough, that is a belief most humanity believes in, yet paradoxically many of those same people do not believe in UFO’s – at least those visible in our little neck of the woods.  Why is that?

Fear.  Plain and simple, fear.  I am observing that with this UFO I am seeing in the sky.  People want to explain it away as a star or a planet, which of course given it’s trajectory and behavior it is neither.  This object is obviously in it’s own orbit, doing it’s own thing.  Stars and planets don’t do that.  Only consciously/intentionally controlled objects do that.  And yet when I have pointed that out, numerous times, I receive the blank stare and the “hmm” only to hear “it’s a planet” or “it’s a star” the next time the conversation arises.

We want to think we’re in control of our realities, something I can laugh at today. Well, for the most part.  Life continuously proves otherwise.  I can either go along with it and open my mind to something new or I can refuse to acknowledge whatever it is I am running from.  However, once the seed of “hey what’s that” has been planted, there really is no turning back.  You can run but you can’t hide.

Take, for instance, the belief I hold which has so much information to back it up, it’s really a Truth: the political system is rigged, the MSM cannot be trusted and the entire system itself is controlled by a very small number of people (if I can even call them that).  I’m sure you can imagine I have been questioned, even grilled on that one.  When I am eventually asked, “How can all of this be true?  How can we be so controlled and lied to by so few?”

“Your disbelief and refusal to believe such,” I say.

Slowly, as more people awaken, things such as UFO’s, the paranormal and conspiracy theories are becoming more acceptable and thus mainstream.  I imagine a day where I turn on the news (only because it’s actually based on Truth) and can take my pick on such topics being presented in a fashion that isn’t insulting or obviously biased and thus dismissive.  Until then, as I continue expanding my own awareness and mind, as I continue to share my experiences and Truth with others, I will do my best to remain grounded and thoughtful when I encounter those still stuck in their own illusion and fear, for I was once there myself.

Searching For My Tribe

I subscribed to an e-mail newsletter awhile back on finding your tribe. The guy claims to have found his on some ranch in the southwest.  Although reading further into his newsletters, he claims you can find your tribe anywhere you are.  Sort of like the “bloom where you are planted”.

I disagree.

While I have been able to find connection pretty much wherever I have lived, I have continued to have this longing for my tribe for as long as I can remember.  For those people who are not only like-minded but who totally and completely just “get” you.  You know what I’m talking about. You can talk about a subject or topic or feeling no matter how out there and you get the nod of the head.  The “me too!”.  The hug or pat on the hand.  And all of that just feels like HOME.  Nothing pretend about it.  You have made complete authentic 110% connection with someone.  You have found a part of YOU. Continue reading “Searching For My Tribe”

As We Shift – A Disclosure Manifesto

Editor’s note: TOTALLY spot on agree with this.  This resonates 100% with me and I have had such thoughts for a long while now.  Love HELPS. Love NEVER watches suffering and claims “sorry you aren’t ready yet for help”. How in the hell are we, as a species, supposed to stop the insanity of the psychopaths who are hell bent on destroying us?  They have technology that we don’t stand a chance against on our own without outside helpers who have the means to at the very list, ASSIST us.  Work with us.  So yes star beings – Disclosure NOW.  Show yourselves NOW.  Humanity demands it.  


The response to this edition of the newsletter was off the charts.  What you are about to read is a nice summary of most of them.  It was penned by a reader and edited by me.  It is meant to be shared, so please post freely.  The people are speaking.  Now let’s see what kind of answer we get…

Hi Sophia,
I’ve just finished reading your newsletter of 9/2/2016 that describes your conversations (in late February 2016) with an off planet being named “Ra” regarding the extension of Disclosure for another 100 years.
I am appalled and very upset (as I know you are also) at the possibility of such matters being discussed without any representation by Humanity.  I would like to respond to some of the issues you raise Sophia and to Ra and all other beings that are responsible for FULL DISCLOSURE:

“We, the collective of planet earth, are approaching 8 billion in number.  Imagine, 8 billion strong, what a group we are, what a force of sheer power, & I love them all.  How could I, I’ve never met them you say, and I say because I’m connected to them. I’m connected to 8 billion people, yep, that is the lifesaving part of this human construct we enjoy.  You see, the conscious & unconscious part of ourselves connects us to other people whether we know it or not.

The connection is always there; like picking up the phone and talking.   When we focus a great deal of our energy within our own inner world in order to solve a problem, another parallel energy arises (at the same time) in the people & the situations around us.  This parallel energy is our communication line.  In this way, we can amplify our powers of creation.

This is perhaps the most powerful force individuals have at their disposal. It assists them with all parts of their lives. Further, even when we are not around each other physically, what we do in fantasy and imagination goes out through the collective unconscious and is felt by everyone.

Anyone can communicate with 8 billion brothers and sisters – what a family, not counting our Star Brothers and Sisters (who at the moment we cannot see).  The nice thing about all this is we don’t need smart phones!

I am going to estimate there are 500 people that run the planet (a quick number to keep it simple).  What’s most important to understand is the proportions, for therein lies the rub – 500 people vs 8 billion people?  Scales are really tilted aren’t they?

Keep this in mind as you read through this missive.   There is a game going on here, a very hurtful game that has been going on for centuries.  It’s time to stop!  Demand that it stop! Send a message throughout our planet.

This group of individuals (known as the Cabal) & their ancestors has controlled earth for a very long time.  For example:

“The Draco made an agreement 16,500 years ago with the indigenous people of Earth and we have been under the Draco’s global martial law ever since. Believe it or not, the Galactic Council and Universal Protection Unit felt they had to honor that agreement and so the predation and persecution that was going on before the agreement was allowed to continue.”

That is a great deal of CRAP that we carry.  In addition:

(2) “The Draco came into Atlantis covertly and collapsed that society causing a global catastrophe and ice age.  Humanity barely pulled thru that.” The Draco’s are not nice neighbors!                                                  (1)(2)

Sophia has documented a conversation with Ra in February 2016.

Ra said: “The holdup is deemed necessary in order to preserve order.  We are not following the Will of One; order must be maintained to prevent destruction of too much life…”  Order maintained to prevent destruction of life, you’ve got to be kidding me, you’ve really got to be kidding me?   That’s all we have here is planned destruction of life!

What are you saying “Ra” that you know better than the Will of One?   Is chaos and poor judgement entering the higher realms too?  Why aren’t you following the Will of ONE?

(I’ve always complained about this, that the some of the higher beings were out of touch with us, and that can be very deadly for us as a whole).

What the heck is going on now, we have murder, famine, starvation, poison water, poison air, poison food, totally corrupt government, worthless money, a complete breakdown of the feminine principle, (chips are implanted in our bodies, our DNA is taken without our permission, machines are made that generate an electromagnetic field  that keep us at lowered vibrational frequencies that promulgate states of depression, anger, tension, hopelessness, aggression, division, separation, and the list is endless), programs developed to pit male and female genders against one another,   racism,  ethnic cleansing,  wars all over the planet, millions of people displaced, millions of homeless , the sale and kidnapping of children, giant pedophile rings, entire nations turned upside down, towns fighting against towns, cities against cites, false histories being published, lies laid upon us year after year to hide our origins and our power, every imaginable darkness has been put on us …and you “Ra” call this maintaining order.  You are hysterical, don’t make me laugh!

Because the 9-9-9 Portal Gateway is the completion of the 3rd Dimension, this planet will never be the same again after this month.  That means all vibrations that allow for separation will no longer be perpetuated or tolerated.  I fully realize my words & thought forms promote separation and division,  but I’m not a “Galactic correct” person yet, and I find your “utterances” very stressful, so there is no time for decorum.

It’s total chaos here, and with another 100 yrs. extension it will get worse, humanity would not survive and I am sure Gaia would not approve.   She is our beautiful Mother, Protector, and Sustainer …She has “felt” all that we have gone through so it would be a transgression of Her Will also.  We, the 8 Billion of the planet  Earth will not stand for another extension, not even one second beyond the time planned by the Will of ONE.

We demand Disclosure, many of us know of it already, what’s the point. Oh! You’re afraid…… “A few of us would be frightened and panic” …when we see our Star Brothers and Sisters?  I politely disagree.  Bringing access to technology that affords healing, food, free energy and sustenance on all levels will be supported by all humanity.   Our Star Brothers and Sisters can handle any eventuality that arises, I’m sure of it.

“Ra”, it is not necessary to project yourself as the protector of human life, while at the same time directly sanctioning chaos, suffering, pain and agony. You and the committee are no better than are earth’s current controllers.  This is not living in the Truth. It is deceitful, criminal and in complete violation of natural law, divine law, and the Will of One.  This is not a personal judgement, these are facts that are in plain view and can be viewed by anyone.  There are 8 billion of us looking at you…you are in opposition to US!  I have communicated this information today to my Brothers and Sisters here and they have awakened.

As Sophia has said, “What gives any race the power or right to withhold what would only promote life and expand the possibilities for the human?”  The order that you are proud of maintaining keeps mankind subservient and enslaved, and is against the Will of One.

We the collective of planet earth, all 8 billion people, united as ONE,  in ONE voice and as Co-Creators with the Will of ONE  not only request but DEMAND our release from the predation, persecution, and enslavement by the forces that have ruled this planet for thousands of years.  We DEMAND the reunion with our star brothers and sisters. They are our beloved family that we have been separated from for centuries.  We further demand the release of all technologies that afford us healing, food, free energy and sustenance on all levels. This is the Will of ONE.  What we demand is rightfully ours, all 8 billion of us. So be it!”

Jack Sturgeon ~ edited by Sophia Love
Sourced from:

Return Of The Divine Feminine – Honoring Women And The Roles We Serve

For far too long, the masculine energy has dominated this reality, creating imbalance in all lifeforms.  Masculine energy, when balanced, is protective.  It gets things done.  What we see today is the disease of imbalance – control, competition, greed, abuse and a blatant disregard for the well-being of others and all forms of life.

The feminine energy is nurturing and caring.  It is soft.  Supportive.  Feminine energy has been suppressed, largely because of how we value women and the roles we play.  This suppression comes into play as well when we look at those words – nurturing, caring, soft.  Those words are seen as “weak” and therefore of lesser value than the masculine roles of “get ‘er done” and “protection”. Continue reading “Return Of The Divine Feminine – Honoring Women And The Roles We Serve”

Another Example Of The Mandela Effect

Or better known as – what the heaven is happening to reality?  Watching this video, at mark 1:34, this was NOT in this video a few month ago.  “Our spirits…… are alive and well in the 5th dimension….And we won’t have to die to join them.”  NEW WORDS.  Mate first experienced this phenomena then I did.  Check it out and comment.


Kids Vs. Feds: Climate Change Lawsuit

A critical hearing in the landmark climate lawsuit brought by 21 youth plaintiffs across the U.S. will take place in just four days at a federal courthouse in Eugene, Oregon.

On Sept. 13, U.S. District Court Judge Ann Aiken will hear oral arguments representing all of the parties on Juliana, et al. v. United States, et al, which was first filed in 2015 by the young plaintiffs, ages 8-19, and climate scientist Dr. James Hansen.

According to the nonprofit Our Children’s Trust, “the plaintiffs are suing the federal government for violating their constitutional rights to life, liberty and property and their right to essential public trust resources, by permitting, encouraging and otherwise enabling continued exploitation, production and combustion of fossil fuels.”

Judge Aiken will review an earlier decision from U.S. Magistrate Judge Thomas Coffin of the same federal court. In April, Judge Coffin surprisingly ruled in favor of the young plaintiffs despite motions from the government and the fossil fuel industry to dismiss the case. The fate of the historic lawsuit is now in Judge Aiken’s hands, who will determine whether the case will either proceed toward trial or to appeal.

Sourced from:

The Mandela Effect

Editor’s note:  This will blow open some new brain cells and get those pathways wired in a different manner.  The jif peanut butter – I remember it being jiffy AND jif.  The ford emblem – definitely never had that omega-type symbol on it and I should know – I owned a Ford as a teen.  The Berenstein Bears – read those books countless times as a babysitter and pre-school teacher – and not once do I recall seeing it “Berenstain”.  Reality is not always what we think it to be.  While we are creator’s, there are other co-creator’s amongst us as well.  Truth?  You be the judge by watching the video below…


Are You Experiencing Advanced Energy Shift Symptoms?

Editor’s note: I am experiencing these symptoms.  This past Sunday was the most intense so far with my fatigue being almost crippling along with strange body aches and pains.  I literally felt as though someone had drugged me.  I was able to manage by going to the park and walking barefoot, journaling, crying/purging and doing a lot of stretching.  Today was a new symptom – I awoke from a nap to the feeling of electrical “drumming” going through my brain.  It didn’t hurt and it didn’t frighten me but it did leave me feeling perplexed.

By Michelle Walling, CHLC

Energy shift symptoms have changed since last year for many people. As we undergo the beginning phase of a wave of energy like we have never felt before, the body has to adjust itself to be able to resonate with the frequency that Earth is receiving. Those who have been on the awakening path for a while are experiencing new symptoms with this new wave of energy.

Basic energy shift (ascension) symptoms included things like ringing in the ears, intense sweating, dizziness, forgetfulness, ascension flu, depression, and waves of nausea. It seems that most people who begin the shift into a higher frequency experience these same symptoms physically while their “team” helps them to begin to turn the dial up a little at a time in frequency.

Lately, many people are reporting a batch of similar advanced symptoms, meaning those that have already served their time with the basic symptoms they never thought would end are now experiencing a whole new phase.

Some symptoms in this new batch are:

-extreme lethargy (feeling like you are drugged)

-gut pain and bowel “explosions”

-bad moods, when you are supposed to be “happy”

-ravenous eating or no appetite at all (no normalcy with appetite)

-no motivation to do anything but lie around

-either sleeplessness or sleeping all of the time (not your average eight hours), off and on. Sometimes 3-4 hours of sleep is enough however the next week feeling like you need 12 hours.

-sore throat

-itchy skin or even breaking out in hives

See related article: Ascension Symptoms: DNA Upgrade

Can you see how this ascension needed to evolve over what we know as linear time? When we agreed to this mission we knew that we wouldn’t be able to handle the energetic shifts all at once. It would have killed the physical body. If you’re like me, you have felt like you have died many times over in this lifetime already. It seems like it is taking forever, but as we look back at out own progress we can see just how far we have come.

Now that my basic energy shift symptoms have subsided after four solid years,  I’m not feeling the severity of the advanced symptoms. In other words, I chose to have four years of off and on adjustment vs. some people that get hit within a few months, every day. I have rarely ever had headaches in my life, but in the last month or two I have had very mild headaches. Some people are experiencing migraines.  These can be debilitating, and I suggest asking your guidance team to help adjust the severity so that you can at least function. Most of the time there is certain vitamin or mineral that your body is lacking that would help lessen the severity of this symptom.

I used to have horrible night sweats and hot flashes. These are not the menopause type, many men also experience this phase. Mine lasted for a few years off and on. my body was detoxing through increased body temperature and sweating, and I had to have the temperature colder to feel more comfortable. Now I actually feel cooler and rarely have one of these episodes.

I have had the extreme lethargy for a couple of months now, and can go up to two weeks with feeling like I have no motivation to do anything. It is very noticeable when this breaks, as all of the sudden I will have more ideas for articles than I can keep up with and more energy to do things.

The bowel explosions that some are experiencing start with severe abdominal cramps and then move to a big release in the bathroom. While this may be triggered by a certain food that you ate, it still is releasing stuck energy in more ways that one. Toxins accumulate in the bowel walls and these aren’t compatible in the new energies. Anger and negative emotions are also stored here. This area is also tied to the solar plexus which is really being affected at this time. So although you may chalk it up to something that you ate, somewhere subconsciously you were probably drawn to put that thing in your mouth so that you could move a lot of stuff out.

I have also experienced the ravenous eating. I’ve been craving certain foods and have been drawn towards grounding foods like organic potatoes. I have had to throw out the information I have learned about how starches turn directly to sugar in the body, which causes weight gain. I trust that my body knows what it needs in order to move through this phase. Organic eggs have also been a good source of protein for several months now, I don’t grow tired of them. I went through a period of having hash browned potatoes fried in avocado oil, scrambled eggs, and 1/2 of an avocado for breakfast for a couple of weeks. Some people would scream about the amount of fat in that meal, but overall, I have felt very satisfied by eating the weird combinations of foods that have popped into my mind lately.

If we really studied all of the various vitamins that the foods have that we are craving, we would realize why we get latched on to one thing and then move along to another obsession. It is important to break the programming about what diets are good for you  when your body directly tells you to eat this or that. I have experienced how I actually feel worse on a strict diet when moving through energy shift symptoms. I have noticed that if you give your body what it needs, the ascension symptoms can lessen over time. You still may experience some of them, but they could have been much worse.

All people will have different symptoms. You may or may not have these combinations of symptoms right now. If you do, then know that others are going through them too. If you aren’t experiencing symptoms of this caliber, don’t think that you aren’t on schedule! You may have even moved past the need for any of them. Or maybe you took such good care of your body that you aren’t going to need to experience many of these symptoms at all.

I have noticed that many people who grew up eating fast food like I did are having more trouble than others as the body detoxes from years of bad stuff. It’s important to know that everything is happening just the way it should. If you aren’t treating your body with respect and listening to what it would like, free from judgment, then some of your symptoms might be a bit extreme as it yells out to you to listen.

In the end, it’s all about vibration. We are now in a month where the waves of energy are stronger than we ever have felt before. All of the symptoms that you have felt in the past have prepared you for this time. We have literally done something that has never been done before in an ascension as we move through physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental detox all at the same time while staying in the body. Our consciousness level is increasing and our DNA is rearranging itself thanks to the source field waves we are receiving. When you look at what is happening right under our noses, energy shift symptoms seem to be well worth the discomfort.

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