this one resonated so much. i am relieved to know i am not the only one who has held the feeling for years that many people aren’t “real” – don’t have Souls. are either artificial projections/holograms or just physical forms. today while on a walk with my girl, i looked around and said “most of this is fake. new earth is authentic earth. real earth.” i have no proof – no science to back that up. just the feeling within my body that, more and more as “time” passes, grows louder and quicker in reaffirming that yes victoria, this is an illusion and some people i encounter really are background people. in fact in the shower today – yep – got another message. i could feel in my body when the final energies arrive returning us to our fully awakened state, we will, much like yellow rose for texas says – wake up for the first time – rise up in our bodies – and SEE ALL. (then choose where to “go” – a simple statement but means go where we resonate.) i have also been receiving the image from the matrix when neo is first literally removed from the matrix machine. he’s disoriented ~ but fully awake.
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,
By now, many people in this field have heard of the background people, or as Dolores Cannon calls them, the backdrop people.
Dolores Cannon mentions the backdrop people in her The Convoluted Universe Book IV but goes further in depth in The Convoluted Universe Book V
At the initial onset of the backdrop people, Dolores was receiving her information from her client, Suzette. When asked if the backdrop people have a purpose, Suzette stated, “They come to live, breathe, work, and die. They’re kind of like slaves. They’re taken from one place to another and do whatever they need to do because they are just energy. They go from one star system to the next and they are used as a backdrop.”
Similar to making a Hollywood movie, extras are always needed. In other words, we are creating our own realities while co-creating with other beings of consciousness. During our individual and co-creating processes, background people interact with us but are not playing a major role in our co-creation. They’re just like movie extras. They’re in the scene but don’t play a major role, yet are needed to make the scene seem “real”.
According to Suzette, the backdrop people are here to destroy Earth, yet Earth cannot be destroyed. The backdrop people will stay with the old, 3rd dimensional Earth while she’s going through catastrophic changes. The rest of us will already be on the New Earth when this occurs.
“They won’t survive. They’ll be gone. The others (us) will move on. This new place will be so beautiful. The vibration will be so high and this will be a learning place. The old Earth will be on one level and the new Earth will be on a higher level, but they won’t see each other, like they’re in two time warps.”
Dolores related the backdrop people to The Truman Show starring Jim Carrey, where Truman lives his entire life inside a created illusion while actors play their roles before he realizes that none of it was real.
Dolores added, “This is why it is important for us to realize that it is only an illusion and (to) find our role in the creation of the New Earth, and our part in helping others find theirs.
Another client by the name of “D” stated the backdrop people are holographic images. “The attention that everybody gives them makes them solid. The attention is giving them reality so some of them get to have a real identity at a point. And many of them never get that chance.”
They’re basically images that have “the potential to become real.”
Just like the story of Jesus, who was created by the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. If enough people believe in this creation, then he takes on a life of his own. A while back, I wrote an article called, “The Fictitious Jesus” and stated the facts about how he was created at the Council of Nicaea. In retrospect, despite what my research concluded, I have to respect the fact that he was the creation of someone and to many people, he exists. This is part of the co-creation process and while I don’t need to believe in the Jesus story, I accept and honor that others do.
“D” went on to say that the backdrop people do not have souls or higher selves.
Because “D” also stated that at some point, it’s possible for them to gain an identity, then I’d imagine that in time, they could receive a walk-in soul, although this was never mentioned in the book.
It gets easier and easier to identify these background people. For example, if you’re shopping at the grocery store, look into people’s eyes. Most won’t even acknowledge you but on occasion, you’ll see another real person as your eyes connect with one another. You’ll simply smile, knowing that this other person is part of the co-creation process while most of the other people were probably background people.
So, the next time you’re out and about in public, take a look around you and see if you can find the backdrop/background people!
Sending you all infinite LOVE and LIGHT,
Sourced from here.
I am glad that I am not the only one as I have been noticing this for awhile. I think there are certain types of consciousness’ on the planet. Background people or NPC’s (as I call them) and the organic consciousness. NPC’s don’t question the world or reality around them – they are here to keep the construct going and functioning. I have a feeling that the number of the NPC’s is about 90% – 95% of the population. It is their world. However, the organic consciousness that is here, although we are the minority have the majority vote and we are here to help them – I believe – because this construct is a mess. But I think some of us have gotten stuck/tricked in this reincarnation loop (which is ridiculous for organic consciousness that is DIVINE as there is no need for reincarnation or the mind wipe).
i have to agree with that ~ own that i feel pretty much the same way. the majority do not question what is around them – and we are seeing many break down now as reality without DOES change. i am hopeful there is SOME Divine within many of them. but yes – those that don’t question are here to keep the construct going. absolutely. and in fact they are “rewarded” by the matrix for doing that quite often. t/y for the insight. 🙂
Do you think there is Divine in them? I don’t know. I have been wondering that myself. At first I wished they would have a spark but they are created by this A.I. – by the construct itself so I wouldn’t think they would be Divine Consciousness because they are a creation not infinite awareness. They are still sentient, of course, and for that – we must treat them with respect, love and compassion like all sentient Beings but I wouldn’t say they are divine consciousness. But this is just my feeling. I don’t look at them any less than but only roles to fulfill a function – even though that may be sometimes very painful for us! 🙂 What do you think?
there are so many things yet to know – to remember too – for myself. perhaps it is like the matrix – people can awaken – all life forms can awaken. i really want to “feel” and believe source is in all so for now i have to say i am not sure. just hopeful but open. i know the new earth realm i have seen and felt for so long does not have many people/beings on it. maybe we are here to help all sentient life awaken so ALL can be free from the system(s) of this realm.
<3 Love/Light to you 🙂