Battle Hymn Of The Republic


I had to share this ~ so appropriate for our current times.  I began diving into the political realm in the days following 9/11 and went down many rabbit holes, learning about the deep state/shadow government/cabal and their agenda(s) to strip us of our freedoms, dumb us down with their eugenics programs, take away our inherent rights to liberty and justice and the FREE pursuit of happiness ~ unhindered.  I learned of the lies and the deceptions, the false wars, the trafficking.  I stopped supporting the two-party system of lies after that and have since waited for SOME political leader (who interestingly enough I long felt needed to be a businessman) to rise up and put an end to the filth that had found its way into not only this chunk of land mass we call America but also the rest of the world.  Expose the hidden.

We are seeing this ~ I feel it.

Much gratitude ~ words cannot express…

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.