Ben Carson Says President Trump Has ‘Short Term And Long Term” Solutions For Homeless Epidemic


we also need to discuss the entire pay to live system.  underneath that controversial topic, we need to address the cost of living – how housing, food, medical, and utility costs have been allowed to spiral out-of-control – forcing most people to struggle – some far more than others.  my area has an increase in jobs – but they simply don’t pay enough to rent a decent apartment or home here – at least not comfortably.  struggling day to day, month after month (whether it be financial or due to health) takes a tole on ones experience.  enough of this rugged individualism.  compassion first.  as i say – ASK what someone needs.  if you can help, then help.  if not – network to see if you CAN find someone able to help w/a particular problem/struggle.  this is what love does.

i indeed support the idea – and have been outspoken OF this here locally for some time – of utilizing vacant buildings and re-purposing them for housing those without a home.  (another idea of mine is to turn the space into a place where low income artists can display their goods for very low rent.)

all that said i know there are many here in my community who would resist help.  they prefer (in their current mindset) to use drugs and do/live as they please which currently for these folks includes committing crimes such as theft/burglary, assault, harassment.  i do feel whatever is coming in in terms of frequency/energies is having an impact on ALL – including those whacked out on their drug of choice.  i saw a post tonight by a local who said, and i quote, “what is up with the homeless the last 2 days?”  he said there’s been a change – they are more forceful and there seem to be more of them.  drop the curtain already before one more person has to suffer.  we have had enough!


Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson announced some of the steps that President Trump is taking to help cities that are struggling with an increase of homeless residents.

Carson stated in an interview on “The Story with Martha MacCallum” that President Trump is focused on “both short term and long term solutions”. The plans involve multiple steps and will be supplemental to the efforts of local government.

Fox News reported on the announcement.

“We have to actually get the people out of there. Put them in a clean place,” Carson said.

“Then the second step is, you know, we have to find a more permanent solution for them. There are some public buildings in the area that can be repurposed for housing. But in the process of doing that, we’re also looking at wraparound services so that we can get these people out of dependency.”

Carson said “compassion” is a motivating factor for this federal intervention.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Ben Carson Says President Trump Has ‘Short Term And Long Term” Solutions For Homeless Epidemic”

  1. I totally agree! The first thing they should do, is re-purpose larger older buildings, and make them into a) Senior facilities for homeless seniors, so they can be housed, fed and have medical and mental care
    b) Drug Rehab facilities with housing attached, with stout staff to oversee the housing, food, clothing, etc.
    c) House able bodied homeless couples (with and without kids) to get them on their feet, with free or very little rent at first, and help them out with finding jobs (and free day care), if necessary.
    d) Take mentally ill people off the street, to local hospitals to get treatment, so they can become half way normal again. Then have a facility that houses and takes care of them, to keep them safe!
    All of this could be done, with money from those who have too much money on their hands, that they don’t know what to do with. Plus, the regular community also. There needs to be a major and safe clean up of the mess all of these people have left, and reclaim the environment.
    In Germany, after the war, they had, what was called Poor Housing. Where widows, and people who had been affected by the war, and couldn’t work, could be safely housed. There are so many abandoned properties around. If the bankers weren’t so greedy, everyone could be safely housed, with some supervision, if necessary.

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