Blood Moon and Full Moon Eclipse


editor’s note:  i’m not longer into things like the planetary alignments and full moons as, at least in this realm, it has all been projections….however this one is in alignment w/what i have been feeling ~ and it has grown the past few months.  yes letting it all come up – and yet – those obligations (familial) continue in this realm.  what other options are there?  and the sexual rage – yep – been feeling that as well.  i had some man at the store look at my chest over the weekend – and kept his gaze there.  “what the FUCK are you looking at?  STOP IT!” i said.  an unusual response for me (not an unusual thought though) – and it felt liberating.   how many of us women – in my age category especially – were taught to be polite….often in a way that was abusive…..that our bodies belonged to the men in our lives.  how many of us have ignored our inner voice because we had to (for whatever reason – safety, security, etc.).  i am so so so so so ready to be free of ALL who have violated my basic right to freedom.  i can command my freedom all i want – and i continue to do so – but until the OUTSIDE changes – we are still bound to horrid rules and laws and pay to live nonsense….. lest we wish to let it all go and live in a van down by the river (only to be subjected to the other rats who live down there, most of whom are on meth and who knows what else).  seriously – the options here SUCK and i want new.  deep breath…….letting it out……


The Blood Moon and Full Moon Eclipse (longest lasting in a century – 83 minutes) on July 27 will bring up everything that we haven’t released yet. Expect strong emotions to come up. Probably the majority of us who are working and have family obligations are going to really feel the anger that is repressed by being obliged to all that prevents us from feeling completely free. Most of us still have obligations that go against our free will, especially with work and family as we feel we have no way out. This event will likely bring up to the surface all that does not acknowledge our sovereignty.

Also for females, it is likely that we will feel anger from all the times we haven’t acknowledged repressed aggressive and subtle male sexual innuendos. They were such a part of our culture and even considered acceptable but really played havoc with our psyches because, for women especially over 45 or so, we had to suck it up and pretend it was just fine or risk losing a job or even a friendship. This is important to release as it will likely come up as part of the whole package.

You can see very clearly even on Facebook that the females are still being subjected to unhealed male energy regarding messaging.

Let everything up and out. Do not judge what comes up and you don’t need to figure out where it all came from. Some of it could be from past lives. The most important thing is to allow and be compassionate and nurturing to yourself as you are going through it. This energy has already started! This is a very good thing. Just be ready and understanding.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.