Brain Imaging Shows Autistic Brains Contain HIGH Amounts of Aluminum


editor victoria’s comment ~ hmmm… what has aluminum as an adjuvant? vaccines?  yes, that is correct.  and what builds up in the body?  heavy metal exposure.  and what is the best way to keep heavy metals in the body?  inject into the soft tissue.  and yet, vaccines don’t cause autism…. Eyeball clipart rolling eyes - Pencil and in color eyeball clipart rolling eyes as i recently heard – brilliantly by the way – the only way to make sense of this shit is to not think about it.  this mass vaccination (and chemtrail) poisoning is a horror show that MUST end.  those who created it must be held accountable for this serious human right’s violation.  as someone who was told once by a psychologist that i had “autistic tendencies”, this hits close to home.  detoxing off and on becomes a way of life….and w/the chemtrail program it can be a huge challenge to keep up…and some are far more sensitive to such metals than others….



on October 15, 2018

By Arjun Walia


  • The Facts:A study published early in 2018 identified very high amounts of aluminum lodged in the brains of multiple people with autism.
  • Reflect On:We know little about where the heavy metals used as adjuvants in vaccines end up in the body. We now know that injected aluminum doesn’t exit the body like aluminum intake from other sources. When injected, it ends up in the brain.

    study published earlier in 2018 should have made headlines everywhere, as it discovered historically high amounts of aluminum in autistic brains. The study was conducted by some of the worlds leading scientists in the field.

Five people were used in the study, four males and one female, all between the ages of 14-50. Each of their brains contained unsafe and high amounts of aluminum compared to patients with other diseases where high brain aluminum content is common, like Alzheimer’s disease, for example.

Of course, this caused people to downplay the study, citing a low sample group, but that’s not entirely a valid argument given the reason why this study was conducted. As cited in the study above, recent studies on animals, published within the past few years, have supported a strong connection between aluminum, and aluminum adjuvants used in human vaccinations, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD.)



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.