Brief early day reflection ~ WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT??!!


certainly we were not the only ones absolutely WIRED all night – tossing and turning – even though the human brain was exhausted.  today?

non-functioning day!

below is a capture of the schumann – never seen these signatures before. from the wavy-gravy lines (got turkey and gravy on the mind) to the black lines – as in multiple.  something came through last night.  something on the outside of ME was doing something that felt like a party but the me in this warm cozy bed was trying to sleep.  there better not be any further alleged “timeline” crappola going on.  i did see there is yet another impeachment inquiry set for 12/4 (senate judiciary committee).  NO!  NO NO NO NO NO!  ENOUGH!


anyone else???



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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