Keeping it short and simple tonight as my body needs heat and massage. Bottoms of feet are needing some TLC and back needs stretching. About 2 hours ago, around 7:30pm, I was at the kitchen sink. Suddenly I felt vertigo, nauseous to the point where I felt I was going to throw up. I NEVER EVER do that last part. As I braced myself at the sink, the feeling continued and then I felt as though I was on carnival ride, or like trying to stand up on a rocking boat. Incoming energy was my first thought. Second thought was “this feels like i am being pulled out of the matrix” which was then followed by my inner skeptic that said “what? that’s nuts!” But it did feel as though I was being “moved”.
That is the best way I can share that.
The feeling passed and I reflected. I purged (will spare the details). I made an affirmation for myself about being in the flow from here on out. That came as a solid absolute knowing from the core. Universe knows Who I Am and what I need, want and desire. It WILL all come to me with ease at the right moments. I am rather done in pounding on doors, seeking (in a way that feels forced) and making plans. Ooooh, no more making plans.
I chatted with a friend next. We both have the same feeling that this “experience” has gone on longer than it was “supposed” to. The knowing and feeling that “this is no longer a consenting experience” – I just know this. But of course this is “it” now so breath and accept as much as I can. The chat also included the possibility that maybe this experience I had at the sink was an attack. I considered that. Perhaps it was. After the chat, I tuned in and said the Universe would show me.
Minutes later I get online and see a new post by a woman whose material on ascension I enjoy and share at times here. This was her only post:
Incoming Wave NOW
Extremely strong in the best way!
Cancel that: it’s off the charts!!! 💙
She had shared it an hour previously ~ at the time I had that experience.
And here is one of the comments from one of her readers about the experience that she as well felt: “I’m feeling like I’m wobbling from side to side in a storm”.
So there you go. I said “thank you Universal Divine” and went about doing this Soul-Divine-Super-Being in this tiny-little-suit thing.
Off to soothe the self….
Much love,
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Wowsers! I’ve had that happen a time or two with past energy waves, usually just get a bit nauseous, but last night my right neck and shoulder suddenly started to hurt and I could feel some energy, but not as strong as I’ve previously felt. Today I feel a lot of nervous energy and excessive sweating (it is 100 degrees F here though), but on other 100 degree days I’m not this nervous.
I feel the same way, that this has gone on longer than it should have, and we’re still here hanging on!!!!
Blessings to all,
me too brenda ~ MAJOR anxiety today. haven’t had that level in many years. t/y for sharing.