

Ok this one went out – accidentally – wrong title – and unfinished.  Mama brain.  Ascension brain.  Menopausal brain.  3D brain.  etc. etc…….

I had a sudden, strange experience about 30 minutes after I showered:  I could suddenly smell things in an intense manner.  Normally I have sinuses that don’t allow me to smell things normally (deviated septum).  And who knows what else is behind this issue.  Grief.  Trauma.  etc.  Anyway, its essentially been life long and I am used to it.  Today though suddenly what I could smell was so powerful – it was like smelling in a new way.  I thought perhaps it was just me but my child had the same experience.  It was weird and I wasn’t sure I liked it – it was as though I was pulled out and something else inserted.  Perhaps one of those “I am here then I’m not now I am returned again.”

The merge.  The purge.  I engaged in both today.

I have read and heard from several who are also talking about this neck issue I began working with about 2-3 weeks ago.  I’m pretty sure I mentioned it here.  I began feeling the need to “unplug” that piece of me – that reptilian brain stem.  As I have mentioned, for over 20 years, when I have been in the presence of a counselor/healer I have consistently said whatever it causing trauma-like symptoms comes from the back of my neck.  And regardless of the methods I have tried:  EMDR, RET, Holographic Repatterning, Tapping, Hypnosis, cognitive behavioral, exposure therapy – nothing has removed that core trauma/feeling of being trapped nor have these methods removed that tension in the brain stem.  Now that I see people are now talking about having issues with their neck, I am seeing something collective is happening.  There are a variety of opinions – my feel is this has to do with that brainstem.  Getting unplugged.  Getting that coding removed (as I type those words that area of my neck is buzzing). Yellow Rose mentioned once we’re out, that part of us doesn’t go with us.

I do THIS gesture upon reading, feeling and knowing those words:

I am “seeing” – sensing- knowing – more and more what is not natural about this experience.  I had moments today where I could feel the matrix dying – whatever it is that created this realm/experience.  I am also seeing that when I try to figure things out mentally – my brain does not provide me any answers.  Going within takes on a new purpose now – for me.

Here are some finds:


LOVE this:


we were talking about this last night – how the elite and rich haven’t been impacted by these lockdowns the way the poor and middle class have.  their money can buy them all they need – private flights, food delivery galore, likely even the best defense and protection if they violated a mask order or social gathering (they can fly in the entire family to some exotic island).  the rest have lost income.  businesses.  children have had activities cancelled.  the rise in stress and anxiety have been met by counseling clinics and healing clinics who have had to close down thus services – those much needed services – just aren’t there for all who need – certainly not in the manner we are accustomed.  enough of this b.s.  regardless of what people think about the mask crap and the forced separation and the “doing it for the common good” – most everyone i speak to is DONE with this agenda.  DONE with the trauma of this year and want healing and lives returned.


Simple words – but I’ve been feeeeeeeeling “early christmas” for a few weeks now.


And interesting – this is said to have come from a Team Trump text/message:



Much more UGH than I thought….


Developing: Ukrainian Lawmaker Says Government Has Seized Second Laptop Belonging to Hunter Biden’s Business Contacts

Facebook’s Lead Executive on Election Policy Is Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine — This Helps Explain Their Censorship of Hunter’s Emails …Update: Makanju Pictured with Biden and Ciaramella!

Bags Full Of Stolen Ballots Found In Seattle Suburb


“The Gateway Pundit could not independently verify the claims, as that would be voter fraud. We have reached out to the Oregon State Elections Office for more information and will update this story if a response is provided.

Obviously, if someone can in fact cancel out ballots that have already been sent in, the potential for voter fraud with the vulnerability 4chan users may have exposed is jaw-droppingly massive. 

We will be continuing to provide updates as the story unfolds.”

4Chan Users Claim to Have Found Way to Easily Change People’s Voter Registration and Cancel Ballots Online in Oregon and Washington

I gotta tell ya – this would not surprise me.  I can see the truth in this:


here’s the Q drop:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0a3163 No.11130733 📁
How do you inform your target(s) [‘business partners’] what you have?
Why would H. Biden have such material on his laptop?
How was the content *originally* received?
Why would H. Biden risk turning over such material to a computer repair shop? [contents unrestricted?]
On purpose [years of being treated poorly by ‘Pop’] or simple negligence?
If such information existed on laptop why wouldn’t contents be claimed?
Several attempts made to contact to claim?
Messages left?
Why wouldn’t H. Biden want to reclaim *knowing* the contents on the drive could bury *Pops* & family.
A troubled life?
A troubled family?
Looks can be deceiving.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Reflections….Finds….”

  1. Ok, wow, that info about the neck and the reptilian brain was very revealing! Have had disabling migraines for almost half my life and no treatment has worked (meds, shots, different types of chiropractic, massage tools, EFT, reiki, etc). They almost always start in the neck or bottom back of the head, and have been worse and more frequent lately, which explains a lot. I’m glad Rose says we’ll be rid of it, that has literally caused me nothing but pain.

    I’m wondering now if a dream I had relates… A few nights ago I dreamed this little alligator was following me around all the time like a weird puppy, and I couldn’t get it to leave. It acted like it was afraid to leave my side or something would kill it. A momma cat and her kittens went after it and injured it, but the alligator split like a cell (at its head/neck,huh) into two smaller alligators and scurried off. Could be the last of the reptilian junk being taken out by mammals (cats) and dying off.

    1. oh wow – that is an amazing dream and yes – i feel very metaphoric! if the “invisible enemy” really is getting removed – it had its coding/energy hooked into every one of us.

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