A few finds ~ 12.5.24


May be an image of christmas tree, twilight and text


Tired of hearing rich white billionaires – males – putting out the message on social media to women to start having kids.ย  Same money-privileged patriarch – clueless as to the real challenge for many many many families with the cost of living when food costs are around $1,000 or more for a family.ย  Average home price to buy is around half a million.ย  Two bedroom rentals start at $1800 and up.

Sometimes those on the left speak truth.ย  The idea that only those on the right side of the political spectrum somehow hold the entire truth bowl is nonsense.

I’m tired.ย  Weary.ย  I tell myself otherwise all the time but my body screams at me to stfu.ย  lol

Tired of forgetting what happened the day before.ย  Tired of applying here and there, sharing ME, reaching out for help and just like I would feel if I were to cook a 6 course meal to a room full of people and maybe get a couple of “thank you’s” – I ask “why am I doing this?”.ย  Tired of waking up angry and frustrated feeling overwhelmingly trapped.ย  I go to bed every night thinking and listening to those new thoughts and making sure I feel them only to wake up hours later frustrated and questioning what the fuch is wrong with everything when I struggle to bring to fruition what I want need and deserve.ย  It has worn on me.ย  I can’t ignore it – can’t ignore how unbelievably tired my brain is now.ย  Advice ain’t working for I am DOING it.ย  Resting (see previous).ย  Tell yourself a new thought and keep at it (DOING).

Whatever happened to people just reaching out and asking what can I do for you?ย  (thank you to those who do, btw!)ย  No wonder there’s so much unnecessary suffering.ย  Today I feel like that character in Gilmore Girls – Michel – who some days just can’t people for he feels they are just stewpid.ย  For me it isn’t stewpid behavior – it’s behavior lacking in love and heart.

Aye.ย  Whatcha gonna do but keep going.ย  Right?

I thought about Jesus tonight on a drive.ย  Jesus would come here and say “why you have so many without homes?ย  give them homes!”ย  Until some NPC evil bureaucrat with ridiculous rules that BLOCKS ANYTHING OF LOVE steps in and says, “nope we have to follow codes and regulations”.ย  I mean in my town it’s illegal to have tiny homes – that would be too easy to create to house the thousands of homeless.ย  I’m with Jesus – in that speak.ย  Always have been.ย  Always will be.ย  Someone without a home?ย  Give them a home.ย  Someone need food to eat?ย  Give them food.ย  Someone needing a car or needing to get out of a bad situation?ย  Give them a damn car and a place to live.

SO EASY.ย  Evil complicates things and demands proof of worth.ย  Love is simple.

P E R I O D.

Here are a few finds.ย  First one is the best – for me – for it is one of the other things I woke up thinking about.ย  Which btw – is anyone interested in my dreams anymore?ย  I put that one everywhere on social media – and other than 2-3 likes – you know?ย  Am I making a difference?ย  Why do I have these visions and dreams if 99.99999999% of humanity sees – even more likely uninterested?ย  People kept pushing the earthquake theory – it was a dark hat weather modification and I’m over here saying PAY ATTENTION I HAD THIS DREAM I SEE THINGS.

Is it because I’m female?ย  Females are the seers and the intuitors and we have been, as at least you women know, been ignored dismissed attacked discounted hung up in town squares throughout humanity’s history for having these gifts, which are just as important as a man who goes out and builds a home or fixes a car.ย  And then when we feel we aren’t getting the respect we deserve, we get a little emotional, which we then get called, what I got called tonight, “childless cat lady”.ย  ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ย  Which as anyone who knows me at any level knows that entire sentence contains zero truth.

O M G when will we learn to LISTEN and truly communicate?ย  Social media makes us lazy – drop a comment then move on – as though that ends the conversation.ย  I need a new form of living being doing.ย  And some kindness and understanding and TLC.

That sort of thing.

Ok – as I started above but got sidetracked which is part of being female – here are today’s finds.ย  First one is the best.




I had to share it this way because the original account who posted the image below doesn’t allow those without a blue checkmark to respond OR share their posts via embedding.ย  I have always been thoughtful on giving credit where credit is due – but people are playing this ridiculous divisive game now – “i don’t play with you unless you are verified” – so fuch it – I’m taking the credit for it.















Please find and follow me on the following platforms. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’–










D5 ~ Today’s CALI Earthquake and my dream I was having at the time – Elon and Vivek go to Congress – Putting things together


Getting right to this as there’s a lot.

In this movie, some things have to be timed just right to garner as much attention as possible – at least from the Seers/Truthers.

D5 has been around me recently as ya’ll know.

I had a dream this morning where I was out on this country road, pulled over because I saw a large hole in the middle of the road.ย  I got out of my car, looked down and saw John Kennedy Jr – surrounded by canna bis plants.ย  31 of them.ย  A few other things happened, not important.ย  When I woke up I was told of the quake, which apparently was felt even here as there were some items that had fallen down on tables.

So I decided to look more into the quake.ย  Tsunami warning was issued then quickly removed, which as the news reporter said “that never happens”.ย  When I saw the location – Humboldt county – and the depth – .6km – I knew my dream was pointing out to me what had happened.ย  Underground move by WH to take out that operation, which given what I was told by a former friend who used to live in the area, is a giant criminal cartel.ย  You did not step foot on their property, he said.

D5.ย  Which is also a chess move in which means.

“The d5 stands for โ€œ5 second delayโ€. This means that you when your opponent makes their move and presses their clock, your clock will tick for 5 seconds before it starts counting down. That way, if you have 1 second left, you still will have 6 seconds to make a move before your time runs out and you โ€œflagโ€.

“In chess, the move d5 is a Black response to White’s opening move 1. e4 in the Scandinavian Defense.ย The move d5 is when Black immediately attacks the white pawn.ย 

The Scandinavian Defense is also known as the Center Counter Defense or Center Counter Game. It’s considered one of Black’s more unusual responses to White’s opening move. White’s most popular response is to capture with 2. exd5.ย 
The position after the pawn capture is the starting point for the opening. The Scandinavian Defense is the oldest opening by Black recorded in modern chess.”

Is this one of those things that Bill Wood referred to as “forcing their move”?


C u e post – 10:44 – time of quake:


31 (John dream referenced above):



And Vivek and Elon meeting with Congress and “other lawmakers” today as well:

Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy meet with lawmakers on DOGE plans – CBS News



Then this is going on.ย  CASTLE FELL/CASTLE LOCK.

Disney World’s Haunted Mansion shut down after human remains spotted


This as well:

Beloved Disney World Attraction Will Shut Down, Another Is Getting A Total Makeover

Today’s News………Finds……….Headlines………Puppies & Reflecting on things like AI and the Matrix



so, there’s more talk about breaking the matrix program…………how exactly does that look for each of us………..when we have people still plugged in how does that allow for those of us ready and calling in our freedom OF the stuff to actually BE in that space?ย  like LITERALLY – in full – 100%?ย  can we create ourselves out of this physical frequency space and literally be in a totally DIFFERENT space – not just in our minds or in our energy bodies but LITERALLY BE in a totally different space and thus never SEE/EXPERIENCE “this” place?ย  how come no one figure that one out yet but like to say you create your reality.ย  100% or just a little bit or 50% because this place was created TO enslave and thus has programmers/controllers we don’t see or know about – OR if it’s US doing all of it then there are still others separate from me/us who continue to keep the programs going.ย  how does all of this work exactly?ย  curious minds – like mine – want to know.

i don’t know.ย  let’s ask GROK.

oh wait i can’t use that program because i don’t have a blue checkmark.ย  but grok does think this is what i look like based on my posts because i have friends in high places w/blue checkmarks and one dear friend asked for me:


maybe when i was 22.ย  with a nose job.ย  hair dye.ย  and a botox treatment or two. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Just. N O!!!ย  including the clothing choice (anyone who knows me IRL for more than 10 minutes knows i do not “do” turtlenecks).ย  perhaps that’s a sign that my mojo magic i do keeps me hidden from certain elements of this game.

here’s what i’m seeing.ย  please remember to donate, share and let me know how you’re doing/what thoughts you have on the finds.























is this why Elon is still at Mar-a-Lago?ย  (still don’t trust KP)







I knew someone who was diagnosed w/schizophrenia.ย  They used to make drawings of these demonic creatures.ย  I knew he was drawing the very entities attached to him, controlling him.ย  His family was not open to the idea (even though I found a psychiatrist who felt the same and used non-traditional shamanic type therapy to remove the attachments thus curing people):






Went looking for Antarctica news – found these:

Furious passengers go on hunger strike after luxury Antarctica cruise trip is abandoned

Antarctic researchers warn of possible ‘catastrophic’ sea level rise within our lifetime – The Mirror US


11.27.24 ~ Finds and Headlines






Puppies.ย  Pie.ย  Flannel sheets.ย  Necessary items for a long winter’s nap.












This is bizarre……..

Man Witnesses a ‘Mandela Effect’ as it HAPPENED! – YouTube






And we question – if he really is, would he broadcast it to the world?



masked up:


Sounds pretty “Presidency” to me:




Another state joins in:

Florida Republican Lawmaker Introduces Legislation to BAN Weather Engineering Amid Rising Concerns Over Climate Manipulation


11 State Attorneys General, Led by Ken Paxton, Take on BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street in Groundbreaking Anti-Trust Lawsuit Over Coal Market Manipulation




(btw – i have not been able to verify his lawyer said those words)

Included in 11 drops, including 3354 which contains this image:








11.20.24 ~ Checking in and Finds…..




Joy is when your favorite holiday song comes on the radio and you are able to go back to your digital piano and play along – AND the best part is the song on the radio and the notes on the piano are perfectly in key.ย  Interestingly enough, the song came on right after I had one of those moments of “i am getting something” – which was remembering T’s inauguration in 2017 – when the military all stepped up behind him and stood there for a time – an absolute first – before retreating – which was clearly an indication of “military is in charge” behind the scenes.ย  So my thought was what we will see next is the public doing’s of the military for things they have already done.

We shall see.

As you shall see my finds for today below.ย  Thank you for supporting my work by donating and sharing.







Speaking of Military Occupation……..









i know some theorize he’s the bio son of Diana – even though there are many photos of Melania pregnant.ย  so it may seem wild out there.ย  and yet with time travel and all of the psyops you never know who belongs to who….and i will say – cover up his face from nose up and that smile – the jawline too – is a identical match to Diana………



Common sense trumps blatant fraud every time………



Saw this coming….



Elon Musk on X: “@John_M_Q Not sure what Q drop means, but the other stuff is pretty accurate” / X



FEMA Head Admits Agency Skipped 20 Homes with Trump Signs That Needed Hurricane Relief (VIDEO)




Russia-Ukraine war: Frontline update as of November 20


Ukraine Strikes Inside Russia With U.S. Missiles – The New York Times


Regenerate your Telomeres: Stem Cell Production, Anti-Aging Binaural Beats | Stay Young Forever – YouTube


Bill Oโ€™Reilly Drops โ€˜Meteor Story,โ€™ Leaving NewsNation Panel Speechless


The. Best. Words. E v e r.ย  Show up.ย  Hold Space.ย  Often that is the only thing needed for one to heal – to be seen – to be heard which equates to feeling SAFE.




My friend – in need.ย  Husband’s health still not up to par yet.ย  Please help if you can – and/or share her fundraiser.ย  TY.




i’ve learned sparkle can sometimes cause smiles or frowns…………


Please find and follow me on the following platforms. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’–












11.15.24 ~ Finds………..Brief check-in


May be an image of text that says 'Take mental breaks as often as possible. Instead of reacting to every thought, try letting it go. Your reaction is what keeps negative thoughts alive. Think positive. Make peace with it and release it. Be conscious and active in your mental sapce so you gon't get overwhelmed.'


Numbers.ย  I see numbers.ย  88.ย  77.ย  22.ย  333.ย  And padiddles.ย  I see them frequently.

There was some boxing match that is receiving a lot of attention here in the states.ย  Which I don’t get.ย  The only boxing I ever got into was Rocky – esp. Rocky III – and I saw that as good putting the smack down on smug evil.ย  Other than that, seeing people – men – intentionally hitting one another -is just not my thing – especially with all of the pretentious pomp and circumstance.ย  Give ’em bread and circuses and they won’t revolt.

Unless this was a test for something – it was on Netflix – and Netflix was in the red for most of the event.

Here’s what I am seeing/sensing.






Housecleaning incoming…….





BREAKING: President Trump Selects Karoline Leavitt to Serve as White House Press Secretary


MASSIVE BOMBSHELL: Illegal Sale of InfoWars Now Under Criminal Investigation | Elijah Schafferโ€™s Top 5 | VIDEO









This image/post has been popping into my mind this past week:



A sweet dog video:



I apologize – but this is how I have to share some of the X finds tonight……….

(1) Luciana Nina Leone ~ Z (aka VICTORIA irl) on X: “Trump telling us 129 years (most important election): 1896: The Last President 1895: HG Wells Time Machine Remember he told his base this would be the last time they would have to vote.” / X


more 129 comms:



(1) Elaine Shtein on X: “129 again https://t.co/PGG79zlcdA” / X


(1) The Stoic Plumber on X: “@ShteinMichael I like where the drops line up, but I asked grok Let’s take a look at some of the notable events that happened in 1895: number 9 is interesting 1. **Discovery of X-rays** – Wilhelm Rรถntgen discovered X-rays on November 8, 1895. This was a monumental event in the field of” / X


(1) MTKate2.0 on X: “The hearings on UAP’s coming from the oceans, non human biologics & Operation Immaculate Constellation may prove to be a game changer for humanity. Could this drop be significant? ๐Ÿ‘ฝ ๐Ÿ›ธ Anyone have the video of Kash Patel talking about this topic? Watch the water Q https://t.co/umszTEUI5U” / X


(1) Fletch17 on X: “Ummmmmmmm Pete Strzok has wiped his X accountโ€ฆโ€ฆ.. https://t.co/pXtAYkgWbF” / X


Daughters of Malcolm X sue CIA, FBI and NYPD over his assassination | AP News


Speaker Johnson says Matt Gaetz ethics report should not be released | AP News


Trump says he will nominate Gov. Doug Burgum to lead Department of the Interior | AP News





XRP News Today: XRP Surges 15% Amid Legal Battles as BTC Holds $90k | FXEmpire


XRP Price Rallies To 2-Year High, What Next?


‘Another piece of the puzzle’: Antarctica’s 1st-ever amber fossil sheds light on dinosaur-era rainforest that covered South Pole 90 million years ago


Checking in ~ Finds – Muzic: 11.9.24



Sing and hum.ย  Dance.ย  Purifies your body and space.


Thank you those of you who donated to help with the water incident.ย  It was an interesting way to start the day – walk down the hall – suddenly you’re walking in water – your mind still not awake going “WTF?!”ย  It was a leaking hose from the water heating tank – and I mean it was dripping and spraying – so when I called, I asked if we could get someone out ASAP.ย  It has a fix atm – may be permanent or temporary (new hose – a bit smaller than the original).ย  Still waiting to hear back from the heating folks.ย  Had to toss a bunch of kleenex, dry the drawer of blankets that got wet, dry the floor runner, run a heater on the closet floor and underneath the drawer.ย  I had already cleaned out the closets this fall – all but this one.ย  So there you go – it’s now clean.ย  ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜‚

Listening to some music, doing a little movement and dancing, ongoing focus of getting back into my body – in full – for probably the first time in my life.

Energy still feels oddly calm – today even more so.ย  Wondering if it’s possible the worst is over.ย  As I think I already shared here (I shared it somewhere), we’re so used to disappointment.ย  Still – eyes open – well when you can.ย  Who else wants to sleep a lot now?

Here’s what I’m seeing.





17 second intervals……..






Vetted (article link in my tweet):


















This was affirming to see:




SEND IN THE US MARSHALS: Arizona Officials Caught Changing the Ballot Totals as Counting for US Senate Seat Continues





Trump to Meet with Biden at the White House Next Week | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald


TREASON: Military Brass Holding ‘Informal Discussions’ on How to Override Trump 47’s Orders | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft


Russian Forces Storm Major Donetsk Town Kurakhovo, as MSM Breaks With the Narrative and Starts Using Reporting by Military Bloggers To Try To Get Stories Right | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran


It is true.ย  Yay!!

Rejoice! Bells Ring Again at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, in the Run-up to December Reopening



Sean ‘Diddy’ Combโ€™s Attorneys Seek $50M Bail Package, as Judge Rejects Gag Order Request to Silence ALL Alleged Victims









Barry Stepp:

For me – 19 minute mark, 23 minute mark

Most Disturbing Videos On the Internet Today! (Part 287) – YouTube


20 min. mark,

Most Disturbing Videos On the Internet Today! (Part 286) – YouTube

Weird Vibes ~ 11.8.24


What a strange day.ย  Vibes out there are weird – very quiet – even with all of the crazy we see on the ‘net – I am not feeling that.ย  At least not here.ย  The feel, for me, is self-reflecting, self-love, self-comfort and self-care.ย  Like rocking an infant in great need of soothing.ย  I’m feeling so much in my heart in that regard.

Just a few finds – I’m more focused on self-care atm.ย  Quite exhausted.ย  And could be a wee bit of post-election withdrawal.ย  ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜‚






This is bizarre – hard to know what is real……….


Yes……….this is THE NCSWIC……….I know it.ย  Major feeeeeeeeeeels.




BREAKING: Texas SoS Jane Nelson Announces Post-Election Audit of 2024 Election – Any Fraud Identified Will Be Prosecuted


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: House Judiciary Committee May Publicly Out Jack Smith’s Entire Team of Democrat Prosecutors, “Everything is On the Table”









“Avoid Homes Advertising Trump” – BREAKING: Whistleblower Says FEMA Ordered Workers to Purposely Skip Houses Displaying Pro-Trump Signs in Aftermath of Hurricane Milton


47 Practices to Heal a Dysregulated Nervous System

Chanting, singing.ย  Breathing practices.ย  Meditation.ย  Dance.ย  Yoga.ย  Exercise.ย  Play music.ย  Listen to music.ย  Pushups, pulling, pushing, lifting.ย  EMDR.ย  Brainspotting.ย  Certain foods, vitamins, adaptogens.ย  The co-regulation seems to be a fairly new practice, where you work with someone you trust who is grounded/regulated and using mirroring, breathing, and touch, we can regulate our nervous systems.ย  Kind of like working with a child who is upset.ย  It’s a beautiful practice and I am seeing a growing number of people talking about it.ย  As my healer says, spend as much time as you can in the parasympathetic nervous system.


On the heirarchy of the feeeels – it’s higher than being numb/frozen/detached.


11.6.24 ~ Trump Won. K to Concede This Afternoon.


Even though he won, and K is said to be conceding, I still feel this pause within me – this hesitancy to not quite celebrate yet.ย  Could be due to the trauma and the disappointments over the last several years.ย  How are you all feeling (at least those in the states)?ย  I’m ready for the financial abundance/liberation part.ย  My income is still down and I’m absolutely done losing sleep over it.ย  My girl needs a mom who is well supported and rested.

Here’s the world stage happenings.ย  Please leave whatever donation you can afford below.ย  ๐Ÿ™






The Victory speech:


DEVELOPING: Kamala Harris Admits Defeat, Calls President Trump to Congratulate Him on Landslide Victory


DOJ and Special Counsel Jack Smith Reportedly Evaluating Full Dismissal of Federal Cases Against President-Elect Trump Ahead of Inauguration



Go ahead – investigate the numbers……..

So far, Democrats Are Down 14 Million Votes from 2020 Biden ‘Miracle’ – What Happened?


















10.29.24 ~ Anticipation grows – Finds, etc




I watch and observe.ย  Intend.ย  The collective feel – certainly here in the states – in my area – is palpable.ย  It’s like no one knows what’s going to happen but each side is DESPERATELY focused on who they want to see elected.ย  Many however are probably not participating – however – even if now – the sense of anticipation is present.ย  However, in the middle of that I am feeling very calm.

Here’s what I’m seeing.




Dark to Light – Dome – Sky Event feeeeeeeeeeels:



Theory (I voted early – did find it interesting T has been saying for weeks to vote early)………..









States are gonna have to have this as well:



Very weird – Is ra el for last vibes:






JUST-IN: Suspect in Phoenix, Arizona Ballot Drop Box Fire Thursday Identified โ€” More on Oregon and Washington Dropbox Fires


SCOTUS Will Address the Collision of Two Federal Election Laws


Joe Rogan Announces Date When JD Vance Will Appear on His #1 Podcast, While Kamala’s Chances of An Interview With Rogan Are Not Looking Good


Some are saying Mel Gibson……..he’s thinner and tan………they got the same height thing going on………..

“I Came Out of Jail Mentally and Physically Sharper” Steve Bannon Tells The Gateway Pundit. HE’S BACK AND READY TO FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!


JUST IN: Supreme Court Rejects RFK Jr.’s Request to be Removed From Ballots in Crucial Battleground States Even Though He Suspended His Campaign


WOAH! Republicans Take Early Voting Lead in Deep Blue New Jersey


WATCH LIVE: President Trump Holds Rally in Allentown, Pennsylvania



this is really going on – very interesting (timing) – that plus 2 drills the past week or so – one during the day, one at night……….



Current feels (aligning):






Stefan Burns: