Q Anon Posts ~ 6/26/18


editor’s note:  JA – julian assange.  JC – james comey.  comey denied immunity to JA/wikileaks.  JA/wikileaks can provide the server that unlocks the SR (seth rich) murder which here Q says was MS-13 gang members (2 of them).   RR (rod rosenstein) has to comply or he will face impeachment.  if he complies he also outs himself.   lots of stuff going on – the SFO>JFK – following that link i find intel on officers going aboard a jet blue plane at JFK admit security concerns.  wonder who was on board?



JA in the news?
Think JC.
Server unlocks SR. MS_13 (2 187’d nearby) phones unlock command & control.
ETA (estimated).
It has begun.


>>1915774 Coincidence? Review image/location. Nothing provided is random. SFO>JFK A321 Direct Q
Signal sent.
Attempt still made.
Do you believe it’s a coincidence extreme rhetoric is being pushed while at the same time [RR] is on the brink of collapse?
[RR] must either comply with all document demands or face impeachment. 2-way failure.
If he complies, he fails (self-implication)(known conflict).
If he failes to comply, he gets impeached (removed).
Why no DOJ texts disclosed to the public?
RR to LL “……………”
LL to H “……………”
X to X “…………………..”
JC to LL 247x (relevant)
Where are the JC / AM text messages?
Gmail messages?
Burner phone messages?
Call pulls?
Coming soon to a theater near you.
PS/LP texts are only scratching the surface.
Threats of assassination?
They are preparing for this by activating progressive activists.
Once the documents are supplied and viewed by Senate and Congressional leaders (& the public), they LOSE.
Prevent AT ALL costs.
Traitors ALL.
MSM will portray progressive activists as a large part of the pop – this is FALSE.
No possibility of compromise.
Do not underestimate our resolve.
We stand at the ready.

Review image/location.
Nothing provided is random.

To You, Waking Up Soul


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By Jelelle Awen

You, waking up soul…..you can SEE your wings. They are still there, even if not visible to your everyday eyes. Unfurling now, when for so long they had been pressed down and resting.

You remember your Bigness, your purpose, your reason for BEing here. You connect to the energy of ALL the angels singing in all the dimensions, hear their chorus calling you to join in. You find these angels in THIS life, human form, soul family reuniting. You share the song to remind others of what IS and love’s tune.

You, healing precious heart….you FEEL how tender you actually are. Your Inner Child is peeking out, wanting to come out of shy, come out of hiding, come out of being protected. To dance again in JOY, to feel the magic of every moment that is just waiting to be experienced and shared.

You have the capacity to FEEL your vulnerability, your innocence, your goodness COME back to you again as you transform and transmute the emotional energies that are NOT these frequencies with LOVE.

You, arising sacred human…you ARE a wonder of Infinite Love Possibilities in human form. Your body is becoming MORE light, infused with health and vitality. Radiating OUT with physical juice that flows from your care, your reverence, your LOVE for your fleshy self and every living cell.

Your sacred human IS the best of your soul, the best of your heart, the best of your body COMING together, being revealed as the layers of the OLD drop away and you ARE newly born!

Jelelle Awen (with help from some Angelic aspects)

Reach out. Ask for what you need. Get ready to receive!
1:1 bridging session available this week w/me and other Facilitators! Powerful movements/realizations/emotional digestions happening in this sacred spaces! PM me if you are interested! More info here: soulfullheartwayoflife.com/bridging-session

Jelelle Awen is Co-creator/Facilitator/Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is a Soul Scribe and author of four books about Ascension, awakening, and emotional body healing. Jelelle offers a 90 minute one on one bridging session with her over zoom for $55 USD min. donation with women and with Raphael for men…more information here. Visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about our NEW SoulFullHeart process programs, group calls, videos, etc. Visit our donations page to offer a monthly or one time money donation to support our offerings.

A Plea to End the Violence and See the Truth Behind the Illegal Immigration Issue


editor’s note:  written/shared by a friend of mine.  please share.  thank you.


Karen Stensgard

4 hrs

A Statement Against Racism and Violence
Written by Karen Stensgard on 06/26/2018

I wish to address the issue at hand, and the accusations made against me by Cindy Azucena Gomez-Schempp, and the many others who have joined her.

I will start by saying that words are incredibly powerful. Emotions have been running very high over the Border issues that we are facing in the United States right now. This has been a problem for many years, and we all need to work together to come up with real solutions.

Let me be clear: The families coming over the Border illegally, but seeking asylum should not be separated from each other. I never stated that I supported that decision. It was wrong, and that has been determined by the Executive Order that Donald J. Trump signed last week. All currently separated children should be reunited with their families with compassion, and as quickly as possible. (Please see Executive Order – https://www.whitehouse.gov/…/affording-congress-opportunit…/)

Also, when someone is found with a child that isn’t their own with the intent to traffic them or harm them in any way – that child must be taken into protective custody in a safe and caring facility, and that person prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Laws are in place to protect us. The gangs and cartels are, in fact, trafficking women and children across the Border. This is part of the problem that people don’t like to talk about. (Please watch this video for insight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xbt0ACMbiA)

The waiting lines at the border port sites are incredibly long, making this a very complex issue that we need permanent solutions for. The 10 U.S. Consular Agencies inside the country of Mexico must be better utilized for those seeking asylum from crime and violence. We need Mexico’s help to direct victims seeking asylum to the closest Agency. The trafficking and abuse of women and children must end. (Please see the website for the U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Mexico – https://mx.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulates/)

People who are in support of our current President of the U.S. cannot be labeled as a Nazi, whom wishes to ethnically cleanse a race, simply because they support him. That is a violent accusation to make against someone, and it is dangerous. Inciting violence against someone who doesn’t share your opinion is illegal. It’s dangerous. And it’s wrong. We all have to work together to create solutions that work moving forward. We have to face this together.

So, please, let us not promote violence against one another, but instead work to create better solutions TOGETHER. This is a complex issue, there is no getting around that. Let’s put our brains and hearts together to make it better going forward. Let’s demand that both Congress and Donald J. Trump do the right thing for humanity and the children that are missing their parents. Let’s support his decision to sign an Executive Order that reunites families, and celebrate that he began taking immediate action to reunite them. Let’s pray for the children who are still waiting to be reunited with their families.

Karen Stensgard

Sourced from here.

POTUS Tweet on the Red Hen


message in there w/this one?  yeah, my feel as well…

Linea Faerylight Ginn ~ The event 2018. Narcissistic abusive reality ending. 827 views


editor’s note:  beautiful words ~ comforting ~ and i very much resonate.  i don’t speak much of it but there is a piece of me that has been grieving the concept of leaving this realm.


Published on Jun 25, 2018

North Korea cancels annual anti-US rally for first time in years


The annual rally inspired nationalist fervor while commemorating the start of the Korean War.


In a sign of improving relations with the United States, North Korea has decided to cancel an annual “anti-U.S. imperialism” rally this year.

The rally served as one of North Korea’s most symbolic and political events, held annually on July 27 in remembrance of the start of the Korean War. North Korea historically celebrated the day as a national holiday called “Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War.”

The rally included events focused on the Korean War, complete with nationalist fervor and anti-U.S. postage stamps.

Continue reading here.