Red Hen Restaurant Owner Stalked Sarah Sanders’ Family – FOLLOWED THEM to Next Restaurant To Continue Harassment


editor’s note:  kinda mutes the “right to refuse service” argument.  this is harassment, plain and simple.



White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were kicked out of a rural Virginia restaurant Friday night.

Sanders and her family were booted out of the little liberal Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia because they are Trump supporters.

Sarah Sanders tweeted about the intolerant establishment. ……

It wasn’t enough for restaurateur of The Red Hen, Stephanie Wilkinson to humiliate and kick Sarah Sanders and her family out of the establishment.

Governor Mike Huckabee told Laura Ingraham on her radio show Monday, Stephanie Wilkinson followed Sarah Sanders and her family across the street to harass them at the other restaurant they went to!

Laura Ingraham tweeted: This restaurateur of The Red Hen Stephanie Wilkinson not only told @PressSec Sanders to leave–acc to @GovMikeHuckabee on my radio show today, she FOLLOWED Sanders’ family across the street to harass them at the other restaurant they went to!

Continue reading here.

SPACE “Object” Like “Nothing Seen Before”


editor’s note:  an object never seen before.  it appeared just like “that”.  traveling at 12,000 miles per second.  at first it appeared to happen in our galaxy.  now? outside.  “more powerful than all of the stars in our galaxy.”  the obvious question:  the Solar Flash?


Published on Jun 25, 2018


19 flights into Gitmo scheduled over next week from around the US


editor’s note:  we have seen such postulating before and then we see no results (behind the scenes perhaps??)…  perhaps this has significance? perhaps this is why Q said the Q and A is having to be rescheduled?  




This could possibly be the most active flight chart into Gitmo as of yet under President Trump, and it really makes you wonder if this is related to those 35,000 plus sealed indictments around the nation. Could this mean the storm is possibly finally arriving, as this is the most active Gitmo activity in recent months. We already know President Trump has approved about half a billion dollars in new construction on Gitmo and also confirmation from a NAVY admiral that Gitmo is being prepped. This might be it folks, it might just be the calm before the storm. Maybe this is why the latest immigration narrative by the Deep State and the American Left has played out, to keep our attention not only away from the IG report but this major Gitmo activity as well?

Continue reading here.

Source is going to “Blink” soon


editor’s note:  hmmm….interesting….definitely resonate w/after this shift/transition/escape we all will “go” to where we resonate/vibe with.


Source Is Going To “Blink” Soon

Operation Terra – Now that all but one of your “lives” are being reunified, the Oversoul is “harvesting” its accumulated experience and preparing to make a quantum leap into another reality. Even Oversouls “graduate” and move up the evolutionary ladder, back to Source. In reality, Source IS everything all at once, but from the subjective perspective of any individuated portion of the Absolute, it has its awareness placed somewhere along the evolutionary flow that proceeds forth from Source (the Absolute) and back into Source, continuously, like an unending river or stream of consciousness that has no beginning or end. However, sometimes – across very long periods of time as you know it – Source “blinks” or “swallows.” You are approaching one such event.

The Oversouls are individuated portions of Source, and they are all in direct communication with Source. You might liken them to the “fingers” of Source. They are an intermediate step between “All There Is” and the individual “lives” being lived. As we have said, there is only ONE LIFE being lived, through all its many expressions. That is why we have been placing quotation marks around the word “life” or “lives.” They are relative and subjective. Only the Absolute Source is absolute and objective.

Source is going to “blink” soon, and on the other side of the blink it will “see” a very different Creation. This is not provided for in any of the cosmologies you have available…There is no one that is or was in a physical body that can accurately predict what is about to happen or what one will experience after that “blink” has occurred. Each and every Oversoul will be affected in ways that even the Oversouls cannot anticipate. Their only task is to prepare themselves for the event by completing all of their “lives,” harvesting all but one of the souls back into the Oversoul, and retaining one portion of exteriorized consciousness with which to “seed” the new Creation.

There will be many fewer players on the “stage” when the new drama unfolds. You who are reading this message will be among those who are there to experience it, but you will be much changed from your present form and identity. You are being prepared by your Oversoul and overseen by your soul for this event. We are doing our best to prepare you so that you will not be overwhelmed by the magnitude of what is happening and by the new sensations and awareness that have begun to enter your consciousness.

Many of you naturally have come to revere the great beings who have appeared on the world stage – the Christ, the Buddha, and others. Now YOU will become as they were. You have another job ahead, and in order to step into those “shoes” and fill them, you must step out of the ones you are wearing now.

This is the time of the harvest of the souls. Everyone who is in a body has a soul. This is the time of the great “summing up” of all of the “lives” lived. Depending on the “total,” each Oversoul will come to its own conclusions about what it wishes to create next. There is no damnation, no “judgment” by a wrathful God. It should really be spelled with a little “g” for the Absolute is the absolute, and “wrath” is a human projection onto the Absolute that is entirely misplaced.

There HAVE been entities that have appeared as “gods” in their interaction with humankind on Earth, but that is another story for another time. But here is where it gets interesting for you: you are the one “life” that will be retained to seed the new Creation. You have great adventures ahead of you, and you have begun your transformation into that being that you will experience yourself as being on the other side of the “blink.”

All is in hand. All is being prepared. You have suffered enough, beloveds. Soon you will be at the banquet, with all of your fellow Wanderers. You will have much fun in creating something entirely new.

Enjoy yourselves in these remaining days. Do not worry about the scare tactics of the various entities who have a different idea of how it will go. They will not be around in your reality on the other side of the “blink.”

Everything has its place in the Creation. You have yours; they have theirs. We are assisting in these matters to make sure that everyone gets to their own “right place.” No longer will it be necessary for Earth to host such contention and division. She will be able to pursue her theme of “seeking harmony in diversity,” but now it will be as it was originally intended – a diversity of forms and cultures, all of whom will be resonant with the new vibratory frequency that will characterize the New Earth – Terra.

These contentious ones will have their own world in which to continue their battles with each other. They will not bother you anymore, and they will finally be free of you and your reminders of what they are not. Everyone will end up at home in the vibratory band that is most akin to his or her nature.

You – because you have read this far – are destined for Terra. If you were not, you would have left off reading these messages awhile back. They are coded transmissions, and you will only respond favorably to them if you carry the matching coding within you. You are small in number relative to the total population of Earth, less than 1/10 of 1%. But you are the seeds for the new garden, the new birth of Earth in her glorious time as Terra. Happy journey!

SF Source How To Exit The Matrix Jun 2018…/

Sourced from here.



Supreme Court Hands Trump The Power To Fire Thousands Of Judges


editor’s note:  thank you robin for sharing this little gem.  this is huge, imho.  it clears the road for removing the filth in our courtrooms, allowing for the next big move ~ the trials awaiting behind those thousands of sealed indictments.


Perhaps the biggest roadblock to Trump’s MAGA agenda has been radical, liberal judges. These men and women, appointed by previous presidents and other powers, have interfered with President Trump’s lawful authority.

But that’s all about to change.

Judges are supposed to be impartial. They have a solemn duty to uphold our laws. Decisions made by judges can decide the fate of not just one person, but millions. Judges that preside over federal issues can very well affect the lives of every last American.

We’ve seen how radical judges can harm our country. Obama-appointed judges have overstepped their bounds by attacking Trump’s lawful executive orders. They have allowed their personal, political views to violate their responsibilities.

Not only that, but certain groups within our government have been appointing judges—without the approval of the president. This is clearly a violation of the Constitution. Thankfully, the Supreme Court felt so too. Now many questionable judges are about to get their walking papers.

From Reuters:

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday expanded presidential control over pivotal jobs in federal agencies, ruling that the way the Securities and Exchange Commission selected its in-house judges to enforce investor-protection laws was improper.

In a 7-2 ruling, the justices overturned a lower court ruling that had endorsed the SEC’s in-house judge hiring practice that operated autonomously from the president.

The ruling could reverberate through the federal government, which has nearly 2,000 administrative law judges deciding matters as varied as unfair trade practices, veterans benefits and patent infringement. Such a ruling could also make it easier for some of these judges to be fired by political appointees.

Continue reading here.