Kp Message ~ 6-23-18… “What happened with me and my body”


editor’s note:  for those who have not yet heard.  grateful he is ok and still among us here for this transformation…  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


I’ll keep it simple.

On the 19th I went to Hapuna Beach. I got in the water, swam past a few local boys with bodyboards, and went out about 20 yards to start my swim. At one point, however, I believe my blood sugar dropped severely and I became extremely disoriented. I remember flailing around in the water, and even though I always wear my swim fins, I still could not get oriented, or figure out what was up or down. I kept getting knocked over by these (extremely small, but choppy) waves. The last thing I remember was seeing water above my head, and some bubbles going up. Apparently (well, “obviously”, since I’m still here) someone then pulled me out of the water (it was one or more of the boys), and then called 911.

Next thing I remember were the sounds of being in an EMT ambulance, with an oxygen mask on my face. Eventually we ended up at North Hawaii Community Hospital, emergency room. They worked on me and eventually I was transferred to an ICU room.

When I got there, I was told my oxygen level had dropped to 72% (normally mine is 98%) (and they call that “acute hypoxia”), so they wanted to keep me there in ICU for observation overnight, and keep me on the oxygen. Eventually, after about 18 hours in the ICU, I was able to keep my oxygen level at 95-97% without any added oxygen. So at that point, they released me to the loving hands (and car) of Tom and Gordana.

Since I had NO clothes (I only was wearing my surf shorts, which the EMT people had to cut off my body), T&G brought me temporary wear, and took me back to Hapuna parking lot to get my car (and my own clothes, which I always carry extra in my travel bags).

Bottom line, I was okay. Although very, very tired.

I was informed that I was found floating face down, and I believe they said the local boys pulled me out of the water. And although my oxygen level had dropped significantly, I never completely stopped breathing and my heart did not stop beating.

All I can say is, there are many things I’m grateful for about this, the boys in the water, the EMT people, the hospital staff, T&G, and Beverly, who was a communicator for me at one point.

I do not recall seeing any “white lights” or anything like that. But I do know that in some way, this was likely a major turning point in this journey here on planet Earth. Perhaps it was an upgrade… who knows.

And mahalo to all who sent their Light and Love and support during the past few days. I am very grateful to all of you.

Aloha, Kp

Sourced from here.

Crop Circle Prediction


editor’s note:  if you haven’t checked out this mutual awesome starseed incarnate’s website, please do so here.  a really good insight into these crop circle patterns.


Sunday, June 24, 2018

Crop circle prediction –

This got my attention, felt like I should try interpret them. Those are crop circles that pop recently.

My interpetation:
– Top one picture consist of 3 figures, I think those 2 bigger ring represent planets, or sun (any celestial body) thus its looks like eclipse or celestial bodies in line. There is upcoming astrological event on 9 july ( with planets being put in line. I think this represnt or Gaia receiving some energy.
– Middle picture represent uterus, perhaps a return of goddess to surface., maybe some upgrade on female side.
– Last picture show another star figure, now if we look at top picture the star figure have pentagon inside (a five arm star). This picture have 7 arms star and have heptagon inside, also there is hole inside heptagon that we dont have in pentagon but if we looks closer to heptgon center we can see lines that impose itself in similar way as this:
This can either symbolise activation a higher system from 5 to 7, maybe Gaia main chakra points being reactivated, maybe some upgrade but in my opinion this looks like in coming days we can receive planetary uplift of some sort
Sourced from here.

Gaia Portal Update ~ Sacred timings are essential


editor’s note:  “foundations are ready” says to me all is in alignment for the trip home.  inner readiness being essential, which is interesting considering what i am now feeling about this event ~ start prepping to go home.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


Sacred timings are essential.

Clarification nears completion.

Foundations are ready for the massive transmutation.

Inner readiness is essential.

Inner awareness is the key.

Ivanka Quietly Donated Thousands to TX Church Helping Immigrant Children in Midst of Border Policy Outcry


While the news cycle was churning and pundits on both sides of the aisle were blaring their opinions on the Trump administration’s controversial immigration policies, Ivanka Trump was quietly taking action.

Ivanka Trump, the eldest daughter of President Donald Trump and a senior White House adviser, reportedly donated $50,000 to Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas, after seeing a tweet from the congregation’s lead pastor, Jack Graham.

Jenna Browder


SCOOP: An evangelical leader tells me @IvankaTrump saw this tweet a couple of days before the executive order was issued, reached out to @jackngraham and donated $50k to his church, @Prestonwood. @CBNNews #FaithNation

Jack Graham


We @Prestonwood are currently working to provide solutions to care for children during this terrible immigration crisis. Our Espanol ministry let by Gilberto Corredera is stepping up to the challenge to express the love of Jesus. We are broken-hearted and determined to act

Continue reading here.

Sarah Sanders Trolling the Media?


editor’s note:  wow – good find via some research on twitter ~ it’s still not verified if accurate though ~ just sharing info i have found.  if you go to the link, you will see the mention that POTUS had a missing “S” in one tweet one day then an extra “S” in a tweet the day after.  i have not verified that one……

also found this one.  

and the address is 666 E Washington Street (confirmed that one)…


Stephanie Wilkinson of Lexington, VA contracted HIV after being a heroin addict back in 2010 – 2014. It is well-known that she became infected with HIV after sharing dirty needles with drug addicts in Lexington. She is currently the owner of The Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, which has been under constant investigation by the DEA and Virginia State Police for being a distribution point for heroin and oxycodone. Stephanie Wilkinson has also been under investigation for engaging in human trafficking…

Continue reading here.

Quantum Healing Session on The Event


Posted on 06/22/2018 in Session Stories

The Event

Article by Thia Rose

For those who have been keeping up to date with news and information regarding ‘The Event,’ this story might just be for you. In a recent Quantum Healing session there was interesting information that surfaced with some important dates that we will have to keep a close eye on to see how they might unfold.

This particular session was with a lady who I’ll call Angela, as her energy was truly angelic. She is an E.T experiencer but has no fear of them; the only clear information about them are dream-like impressions but she has seen light star-ships up close. She wanted to explore this and find out more about her Star family.

Quantum Healing session

The first past life we explored was that of a young ‘human’ male on Earth. He was dressed like Robin Hood and was standing on a bridge between two mountains in the forest waiting for something to occur. When I moved the client forward he described seeing a diamond-shaped star-ship made of light which took him on board. He got very emotional as he explained what he was seeing, “The interior of the ship appeared way bigger than the exterior. The beings were from the planet Lyra and they are my family.” They were taking him home because his mission on Earth was complete.

While on Earth he was working with “The Forest People” known as Sasquatch. He explained how they were very special and important to the Earth. “They hold high-frequency energies and they are helping the forests here on earth. They support all forest life, they are very powerful nature spirits, very angelic, and very highly evolved. They were my Earth family even though I was human. Their homes are hidden in plain sight and hidden beneath the earth.” The star-ship then went through a stargate and landed on Lyra. While enroute, “he” shifted into a female aspect he called, “The real me. I was male for that particular lifetime on Earth because I required a more masculine body.”

I continued my questioning and asked, “What did you experience on Lyra; can you give us more details?” “On Lyra the colors were very bright and vivid. Everything was translucent and the buildings were circular, iridescent, and reflective. The plant life and flowers were colorful, lush, and plentiful and the colors there were of a nature never seen before and everything was pristine. The energy feels 12th-dimensional,” he explained.

She returned to a life as a 12th-dimensional being and was given a name that was difficult to pronounce and the best Angela could do was She’ena l’au k’ua. It seemed to be a Light Language!

At that point She’ena l’au k’ua explained that she was a higher dimensional aspect of Angela and not her Higher Self. She had completed missions on multiple planets and Angela is currently on one of these missions. She’ena l’au k’ua was happy to answer all of Angela’s questions and many were personal in nature. She also explained that her soul was originally Lyran when she first came from Source, but she has also lived in the Pleiades Constellation. She does have a Pleiadian support team helping her while she is ‘living’ this lifetime on Earth in addition to  E.T.’s with whom she has had contact.

When asked, She’ena l’au k’ua answered questions about The Event.

“It is coming soon,” she said. “There are possible dates in June, August, September, and November of 2018. It all depends upon the energies of those residing on Earth. It will feel like a wave of pure love energy and will be felt differently by each person.”

There will be a separation point where eventually everyone who can ascend will, and everyone who can’t ascend will continue to live in dimensions that are appropriate for their soul group. The New Earth is here – we bridge in and out of it already without being aware. The Event will have a great impact on all aspects of society as it will speed up aspects which seem to be crumbling and everything will come to the surface.”

”Lightworkers and empaths need to pay attention to their vibration and keep them high. Knowing about all the darkness doesn’t serve you. The darkness will be coming to the surface even more so now than it has done before. The Earth was never meant to become as negative as it is now, which meant a rescue mission had to be sent to lift the vibration.”

She’ena l’au k’us said that YOU (meaning all of us) are the rescue mission.

After the Quantum Healing session was over, Angela talks about her experience and ‘Event’ observations:

  • “I was shown we are in the pilot wave energies of ‘The Event. I could feel the energy, but I didn’t know how to identify it as ‘Event’ energies until my session.
  • If you can feel the energy, put your focus on the heart and pull the energy into your body, as this will trigger a larger wave.
  • I was shown a calendar with the date of June 29; highlighted in bold black letters as the next date of a potential event. Next, August, September, and November (2018) were also highlighted the same way as my eyes moved along the calendar. Each date is a potential given the readiness of humanity being able to receive it.
  • Activations were received through this session. I am still integrating it and in fact, I feel very different now. I still feel ‘open’ to that portal of energy as if I could ask anything and get answers clearly.”

(Dolores Cannon always spoke about the portal staying open for a while after a Quantum healing session.)

This particular session was high in frequency and we were both moved emotionally. I feel privileged and honored to have facilitated this Quantum Healing session and to talk with such high-dimensional beings. The Event will be something we will hear more of in the future. Many of us have experienced the new incoming energies that will be assisting us with the transition to the New Earth.

Thia Rose is a practitioner who practices BQH and QHHT® in Delta, Colorado.

Quantum Healing

Sourced from here.

Atrocity Porn And Hitler Memes Target Trump For Regime Change


The reality behind the pictures doesn’t matter, though. More important are the images themselves and their power, along with dishonest media spin, to produce an emotional response that short-circuits critical thinking. Never mind what the facts are! Children are suffering! Trump is guilty! We need to “do something”!

American and global audiences have been bombarded with media images of wailing children in holding facilities, having been separated from adults (maybe their parents, maybe not) detained for illegal entry into the United States. The images have been accompanied by “gut-wrenching” audio of distraught toddlers screaming the Spanish equivalents of “Mommy!” and “Daddy!” – since, as any parent knows, small children never cry or call for their parents except in the most horrifying, life-threatening circumstances.

American and world media have provided helpful color commentary, condemning the caging of children as openly racist atrocities and state terrorism comparable to Nazi concentration camps and worse than FDR’s internment of Japanese and Japanese-Americans. Indeed, just having voted for Trump is now reason enough for Americans to be labeled as Nazis.

Finally, the presumptive Hitler himself, also known as President Donald Trump, citing the pleas of First Lady Melania and First Daughter Ivanka, signed an Executive Order to provide for adults and (their?) children to be detained together. However, the order is unlikely to hold up in court, with sanctuary-minded states aiming to obstruct border enforcement the way Trump’s earlier order on vetting arrivals from terrorism-prone countries has been crippled by the federal judiciary. His media and bipartisan political opposition will be happy only when all border violation detentions cease and America has gone full Merkel, starting with ending Trump’s declared zero tolerance for illegal crossings and restoration of Barack Obama’s catch-and-release policy.

Even then, Trump will be vilified for taking so long to do it. Whether or how Trump may yield further is not clear, but rather than slaking the hate campaign against him, his attempted effort at appeasement has put the smell of political blood in the water with the November 2018 Congressional midterm elections looming.

Some images of small children have become veritable icons of Trumpian brutality. One photo, reportedly of a two-year-old Honduran girl (who in fact had not been separated from her mother), graced the cover of Time magazine, confronting the black-hearted tyrant himself. Another, of a little boy in a cage, went viral before it was revealed that this kid had nothing to do with the border but rather was briefly inside a staged pen as part of a protest in Dallas.

Continue reading here.

White House deputy chief of staff resigning: White House officials


editor’s note:  he served in the same role under bush junior from 2001-2008.  


JUNE 19, 2018 / 1:50 PM / 4 DAYS AGO
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – White House deputy chief of staff Joe Hagin, who led the U.S. advance team for President Donald Trump’s summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore, is resigning, White House officials said on Tuesday.

Hagin, who plans to return to the private sector after entertaining jobs in other government agencies, will step down on July 6, the officials said.

“Joe Hagin has been a huge asset to my administration. He planned and executed the longest and one of the most historic foreign trips ever made by a president, and he did it all perfectly,” Trump said in a statement. “We will miss him in the office and even more on the road.”

Continue reading here.