EXCLUSIVE: ‘They’re together and they’re safe.’ Father of Honduran two-year-old who became the face of the family separation crisis when she was photographed in tears as her mother was searched by U.S. border control speaks ou


  • Denis Javier Varela Hernandez spoke out about the status of his wife Sandra, 32, and daughter, Yanela, 2
  • Yanela became the face of the immigration crisis after a Getty photographer snapped a photo of her in tears
  • Speaking to DailyMail.com Hernandez said he has still not been in direct contact with his wife Sandra because he does not have a way of communicating 
  • He says all he can do now is wait, and says he is happy that ‘they are safer now than when they were making that journey to the border
  • Sandra was part of a group that were caught by Border Patrol agents after making their way across the Rio Grande river on a raft 
  • She set out on her journey from Puerto Cortes, Honduras to the U.S. at 6am on June 3 and allegedly paid $6,000 for a coyote
  • Hernandez  said he did not support his wife’s decision to make the journey with their young daughter in her arms and never got to properly say goodbye  

Trump: I’m Cutting All Aid to Countries Abusing America’s Immigration System


During an event for The National Federation of Independent Business, he announced a new plan to combat the huge illegal immigration problem our nation faces.

Trump said that the time of countries taking advantage of the United States by sending people to our borders is going to come to an end.

“We want to end the border crisis by finally giving us the legal authorities and the resources to detain and remove illegal immigrant families all together and bring them back to their country,” he told the crowd.

“Think of all that aid that we give some of these countries– hundreds of millions of dollars we give to some of these countries and they send them up. I’m going to go, very shortly, for authorization that when countries abuse us by sending their people up — not their best (people) — we’re not going to give any more aid to those countries,” he said.

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III. The event 2018. The source of info. And more.


editor’s note:  beautiful message.  pure character/soul.  imho darkness has outed itself in lisa m harrison.  well meaning, good intel – but lacking in the purity of heart.  this is not a competition.  we are ALL experiencing this. who cares who gets the date right or who has the best intel or who gets out info first.  let us work together in figuring it all out and celebrating the transition.


Published on Jun 21, 2018

Monsanto faces its first trial over allegations Roundup ingredient caused cancer


editor’s note:  soon to be called “bayer”….


In the first case of its kind to reach trial, a California man dying of cancer is suing Monsanto, the maker of popular weed killer Roundup. Dewayne Johnson used Roundup during his two years as a groundskeeper and blames his 2014 cancer diagnosis on its active ingredient, glyphosate.

The 46-year-old is just one of thousands of people nationwide reportedly accusing Monsanto of failing “to exercise reasonable care to warn of the dangerous risks associated with use and exposure” to glyphosate. Under California law, Johnson’s case was allowed to go first because he is dying.

Monsanto denies the allegations and in a statement to CBS News said, “We have empathy for anyone suffering from cancer, but the scientific evidence clearly shows that glyphosate was not the cause. We look forward to presenting this evidence to the court.”

CBS News legal analyst Rikki Klieman told “CBS This Morning” on Tuesday that the trial’s outcome will serve as a “bellwether” for the thousands that could follow.

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‘It’s a whole big con job’: Trump says that Democrats are responsible for a ‘massive child smuggling industry’ in the United States


  • President Trump is not backing down from his immigration battle with Democrats
  • Said today that Democrats are responsible for a ‘massive child smuggling industry’ in the United States that is making human traffickers a steep profit
  • ‘It’s a whole big con job,’ the president charged in a Cabinet meeting, saying of Democrats, ‘They’ve let it happen’ 
  • Trump has also taken aim this week and judges and lawyers he says are abusing the immigration system
  • ‘We shouldn’t be hiring judges by the thousands, as our ridiculous immigration laws demand, we should be changing our laws, building the Wall,’ he said. 
  • He says we should ‘not let people come into our country based on the legal phrase they are told to say as their password’
  • House was planning to vote on two immigration bills today that wouldn’t pass the Senate even if they clear the lower chamber 
  • They were unlikely to make it through the House, without support from moderate Democrats, and were delayed by leadership before coming to the floor

President Donald Trump says that Democrats are responsible for a ‘massive child smuggling industry’ in the United States that is making human traffickers a steep profit.

The president says that ‘traffickers are making a fortune’ and its all thanks to loopholes he says are the fault of Democrats that exist in the immigration system.

‘It’s a whole big con job,’ the president charged in a Cabinet meeting. ‘They’ve let it happen.’

Even before he took office, Trump noted that coyotes were helping floods of unaccompanied minors illegally cross the border.

Trump said that as a result of the United States’ backward immigration laws, ‘The whole world is laughing at the United States, and they have been for years.’

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Sara Netanyahu, wife of Israeli PM, charged with fraud


editor’s note:  i awoke this morning, thinking of Q’s posts – how iran is next in line to “fall” and after that, last, is israel.  i wonder when we’ll see the PM and his wife charged, i thought.  saw this a couple hours later.  


In February, police recommended Benjamin Netanyahu be indicted on charges of corruption and bribery.
by Francis Whittaker and Reuters /  / Updated 

Sara Netanyahu, wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was charged with fraud on Thursday for allegedly misusing over $100,000 in public funds to order lavish meals from some of the country’s most famous chefs, a court spokesperson said.

The indictment charged that Netanyahu, along with a government employee, fraudulently obtained more than $100,000 for hundreds of meals supplied by restaurants, bypassing regulations prohibiting the practice if a cook is employed at the home.

She was charged with aggravated fraud and breach of trust, according to the indictment released by the Justice Ministry.
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Medecins Sans Frontieres staff ‘used local prostitutes’


editor’s note:  my goodness….where hasn’t the dark energy manifested itself?  i am so relieved all is being revealed ~ individually and collective situations such as this.  it’s still a challenge to see this…


Aid workers at charity Medecins Sans Frontieres used local prostitutes while working in Africa, whistleblowers have told the Victoria Derbyshire programme.

Female former employees said the behaviour was widespread.

One said a senior colleague said it was possible to barter medication in exchange for sex.

The charity said it does not tolerate “abuse, harassment or exploitation”. The use of prostitutes is banned by MSF under its strict code of conduct.

The women spoke anonymously for fear of being blacklisted by foreign aid agencies, among which there can be a large crossover of staff.

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IT’S TIME! #NewQ #QAnon #GreatAwakening


editor’s note:  as i have said – i love this guy’s work!  please check him out if you haven’t done so here.


Rats fleeing a sinking ship, trying to save themselves, now that it’s clear their Obamessiah can do nothing for them! The writing is on the wall, and this is the smartest possible move they could make right now.

As for what we’re leading up to: we are leading up to the release of the full IG report, the end of the “muh Russian collusion” witch hunt, the dovetailing with Huber’s investigation, going after the “13 Angry Democrats,” and the unsealing of 30,000+ indictments before Military Tribunals and GITMO!

In short-

PAIN and Public disclosure.

YUUUUUUGE rally tonight. The Fox News stream can be found here:

But if you don’t want to watch the whole thing… at least watch the moment where he signed a letter Q to us.


I just love that the man is so #HighEnergy, he’s basically campaigning right now, like a 1/3rd of the way through his first term, and allowing so many to come along with him and share the platform, all around the nation. Great leadership!

Great moment – but I sell nicer shirts than that, right in the sidebar! LOL. (New one coming soon, too, I think!)



Three strikes, and you’re out!


“R” the Republicans serious?

I think so! After all – ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Tune in tomorrow morning to find out for sure!


Guys, I don’t have much to add to any of this.

No decodes really necessary.

I’m just loving the shift in #QAnon’s tone. He’s getting amped up! It’s like he’s giddy with excitement, and can’t wait for the other shoe to drop!

The tone has totally shifted – and it’s not just Q. It’s the entire Military:


Exciting times ahead!

But I’m not going to leave you without a potential timeline:


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W.Va. Supreme Court Justice Loughry arrested by FBI, faces 22 federal charges


editor’s note:  one of the sealed indictments is no longer sealed…


    CHARLESTON — Suspended West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Allen Loughry was arrested by the FBI Wednesday morning and will face 22 federal charges after a grand jury meeting in Charleston indicted him Monday.

Loughry will face charges including mail fraud, wire fraud, witness tampering and lying to federal agents. The indictments had been sealed and weren’t acted upon until Wednesday, when federal agents showed up at his house at about 7:30 a.m.

U.S. Attorney Mike Stuart announced the charges during a press conference at the Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse in Charleston.

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