RICO Act Claim Filed Against HRC


found these tonight here and here:


WSO Investigates…What is Causing the Magnetopause Anomalies?


editor’s note:  i am wondering if my mate and i have had our polarities shift. we see this video below….showing some really weird happenings in our magnetopause.  and then with the all day long experience yesterday of feeling so “not here” ~ more intense and longer in duration than ever before.  and then today we notice that with my mate’s compass, suddenly north is south and south is north.  i showed this to a friend to verify and she thought it odd as well. we played with it all day and continued to get the same read.  i took photos which i will post below.  we had our neighbor check his compasses – nope – his still showed north as north and south as south.  our neighbor is the one who said (jokingly), “your polarity has switched”.  so i googled it (thinking is this possible??) and found this:  “Your body is a brilliant, delicately balanced machine. Polarity reversal disrupts your finely choreographed energy system causing a short circuit type response to your life force or chi.

Tiny pathways, known as meridians, run throughout your body delivering electrical charges of energy to your organs, endocrine system and cells. When this becomes disrupted, polarity reversal happens.

Your energy system is often referred to as being like a car battery. If your car battery dies, in order to start the engine, you need to make the right connection with jumper cables. As you know, it’s critical to be sure and connect your cables properly. If you don’t, you blow out your engine.

You probably suffer from polarity reversal if you feel:

  1. stressed out
  2. fatigue
  3. brain fog
  4. clumsiness
  5. headaches
  6. overall feeling of malaise…”

of note:  i never get headaches.  N E V E R.  but yesterday i had this tightness (that was not sinus related) on the top of my forehead that felt like something was tightening my brain with a vice.  an absolute first for me ad i found it very odd.

after dinner, i also went outside again to see if the compass was still showing opposite polarity.  it was – until a neighbor rode up on a bike.  his energy felt really off and i mean really off.  he also just sat on his bike in the street, watching me, not saying a word. really strange behavior. i glanced at him, nodded and returned to the compass.  i noticed suddenly north was north, south was south. hmmm….i tuned in and something felt as though his energy was pulling me back into an old timeline/reality.  i know, weird right?  so i trusted this, said “no” to it – he rode off – and the compass began showing north as south, south as north again.

which says to me – as i have felt – and am indeed feeling it today and see others are having the same experience – which is this simulation is ending.  the creators of it are desperate, afraid – and are acting out through those of low vibe/unaware.  ground self in YOU and do not engage with ANY BEING who is exhibiting manipulative or any behavior that feels as though it is rubbing you the wrong way.  it it doesn’t resonate, do not engage.  my feeeeel.  

anyway, enjoy the video and pics.

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Published on Jun 20, 2018

i am looking south in this one.

and i am looking north in this one…


ScopEx May Soon Be Underway in Arizona — Unnamed Material Sprayed in AZ Stratosphere to “Unknown” Env., Effect, Raising Millions for Harvard


received via e-mail…


June 20, 2018   Dr Naomi Wolf

DailyClout has been reporting on the planned ScopEx experiment in Arizona, using a new geoengineering technology called “Solar Radiation Management” or SRM. The experiment is being run by a Harvard consortium, including Dr David Keith, Dr Gernot Wagner, and, in a stunning conflict of interest, Harvard’s Vice Provost, Dr Dustin Tingley.

ScopEx means that Dr David Keith and his team will release an unnamed particulate from a weather balloon or other form of aircraft, in the stratosphere over Tucson Arizona. The planned release is for 2017-1018, which means that it is either late, or already underway.

Community concerns in Arizona involve the fact that Harvard won’t confirm the nature of the particulate: Dr Keith has identified it at times as “sulphates”, meaning pollution; “alumina”, which has serious health hazards if inhaled and has been linked to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease and dementia; and chalk. Thought the experiment has been planned for 2017-2018, Dr Keith and Harvard won’t confirm when the flights will begin, or indeed if they are already underway. They won’t confirm how many flights are planned, or how much material wil be released over the people of Arizona. Some climate scientists fear that such a release, with many unknown outcomes, may further damage the ozone layer.

Another serious concern that DailyClout and many of its Arizona community members share, is that the larger  environmental effects of ScopEx are, according to geoengineering industry reports, “unknown.”  The health effects of the release of this particulate — in amounts that aren’t disclosed, just as the particulate itself is not being disclosed — are unknown.

The scientists leading the push to adopt SRM tech do confirm that once SRM has begun, it would have to be continued (by the way, generating massive profits for Harvard, Dr Keith, Bill Gates and the VCs and hedge funds that have invested in ScopEx) and that if it is ever stopped, “catastrophic warming” would result.

Continue reading here.

Biggest News On Earth!! Sudden Prime Minister Resignations Now Including Jordan, Georgia, Armenia, Slovakia, Madagascar, Spain, Italy And Egypt!!! Watch For Ukraine, Israel And Malaysia!!


Tuesday, June 19, 2018 16:52

Biggest News On Earth!! Sudden Prime Minister Resignations Now Including Jordan, Georgia, Armenia, Slovakia, Madagascar, Spain, Italy And Egypt!!! Watch For Ukraine, Israel And Malaysia!!

This is the best news!!!  Waves of new world order politicians resigning… can world peace be that far away now?  This article originall posted at http://www.ournewearthnews.com/

As the storm continues… Massive Intel!!! Q Fingers The Biggest Names In Fake News, Including George Stephanoplous ABC,  Diane Sawyer ABC, Mika Brzezinski MSNBC, Arianna Huffington HuffPo And Others For Colluding With Hillary Clinton’s Election Fixing!!!

… Secret War Against America Will End By November 11, 2018!!  “America will Be Unified Again -11-11-18″, And 11-11-18 A Parade That Will Never Be Forgotten”, Says Q!!

1  Regarding world leadership resignations… it started quietly… this list is not even a complete list… since there were previous resignations including Romania… and there are calls for more resignations to come!  Keep it up planet earth!!!

Waves Of Dark Politicans Leaving Office, All Over The World!! Light Is Victorious… This Is Why Q (Whitehouse Insider) Went Silent!!! Q Is Re-Activating!!

Kyron: Sudden Changes In World Leadership 105
To Alternative on Friday Jun 08 2018 15:11

2. and it continues!!



New York Times-Jun. 13, 2018

MOSCOW — The prime minister of Georgia resigned on Wednesday, citing disagreements with Bidzina Ivanishvili, the founder of the governing …

Georgian Prime Minister Resigns After Antigovernment Protests
RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty-Jun. 13, 2018

Georgia’s prime minister resigns after mass protests
Aljazeera.com-Jun. 13, 2018

Georgia’s Prime Minister Resigns
Voice of America-Jun. 13, 2018

Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili resigns
International-Agenda.ge-Jun. 13, 2018

Georgian Prime Minister Resigns
International-Georgia Today-Jun. 13, 2018




Continue reading here.

Follow up on “The end game” video. This reality is possibly shutting down in a month and we go home.


editor’s note:  thank you sister d for letting me know the latest with this situation.  seems this intel on when the construct shuts down came from lisa harrison’s people (of which linea says she was once a part of).  lisa went on the first video comment section and accused linea of having a spy in the group.  at this point, who cares, right?  if this is accurate intel it needs to be shared with everyone.  lisa and people are attempting to control the narrative by withholding this information and i applaud linea for her courage in bringing this forth, risking her reputation, channel, etc.  also of note i was told a guy out of australia, tim emslie, also received intel calling for the date of this end of construct to be on 8/1.  perhaps this thing we keep calling “the event” is the end of the simulation. certainly part of it.


Published on Jun 20, 2018

Q Anon ~ 6/20/18







They want you DIVIDED!
They call us names.
They make threats.
They censor.
They lie.
They project.
They cheat.
They steal.
They harm.
They are sick.
They are evil.
At some point the streets (for them) will not be safe.

Remarks by President Trump and Vice President Pence at Signing of Executive Order Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation


Oval Office

3:04 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you very much.  We’re signing an executive order I consider to be a very important executive order.  It’s about keeping families together while at the same time making sure that we have a very powerful, very strong border.  And border security will be equal, if not greater than previously.

So we’re going to have strong — very strong borders, but we’re going to keep the families together.  I didn’t like the sight or the feeling of families being separated.  It’s a problem that’s gone on for many years, as you know, through many administrations.  And we’re working very hard on immigration.  It’s been left out in the cold.  People haven’t dealt with it, and we are dealing with it.

So, step by step — just like we dealt with North Korea, we dealt with Iran, we dealt with an economy that was heading in the wrong direction.  We dealt with a lot of different problems.  This is one that has been going on for many decades.

So we’re keeping families together, and this will solve that problem.  At the same time, we are keeping a very powerful border and it continues to be a zero-tolerance.  We have zero tolerance for people that enter our country illegally.

With that, I’d ask Mike Pence, Vice President, if you’d like to say anything.

THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Well, thank you, Mr. President.  And I think what the President has made clear is we believe it’s a false choice between whether we are a country of law and order, a country with borders, and a country that demonstrates the compassion and the heart of the American people in this country, for families.

By taking this action, the President will make it possible for us to continue to engage in enforcing the law against individuals who violate our law, come into our country illegally.  But now we’ll be able, in the prosecution in the immediate days forward, to keep families together as that goes forward.

But we are calling on Congress to change the laws in this regard and in a broad range of areas that will secure our borders and give us strength and confidence that we are once again going to take the steps necessary to end the crisis of illegal immigration in America.

THE PRESIDENT:  I think the word “compassion” comes into it, but it’s still equally as tough, if not tougher.

Secretary Nielsen?

SECRETARY NIELSEN:  I just thank you for your leadership, sir.  We look forward and expect the House to act this week.  We ask them to do their job.  The laws need to be changed.  This is a problem that President after President has dealt with for decades.  This one is willing to stand up and fix it.  We ask Congress to do their part.

Thank you, sir, for your leadership.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much.  Great job.

(The executive order is signed.)

Okay.  You’re going to have a lot of happy people.

Q    Mr. President, why did you wait so long to sign, sir?  (Inaudible.)

THE PRESIDENT:  It’s been going on for 60 years.  Sixty years.  Nobody has taken care of it.  Nobody has had the political courage to take care of it.  But we’re going to take care of it.  But it’s been going on — it’s been going on for a long time.

Q    Do you think you’re backing down?  Critics are saying that maybe —

THE PRESIDENT:  No, no, the border is just as tough, but we do want to keep families together.  This is a problem.  If you look at some of those horrible scenes from a few years ago — to me, they were horrible scenes.  They were just terrible.  And that was during the Obama administration.  Other administrations have had the same thing.  We’re keeping the family together.  And so this is it.

And also, there may be some litigation.  We’re also wanting to go through Congress.  We will be going through Congress.  We’re working on a much more comprehensive bill.  A lot of good things are happening toward immigration, and proper immigration.  But we have to have strong borders.  And ultimately, we want to see it done right, and it will be done right.

But what we have done today is we are keeping families together.  The borders are just as tough, just as strong.  They can come in through ports of entry if they want.  That’s a whole different story.  And that’s coming in through a process, and the process is what we want.

So I want to thank you all very much.  I think this is something —

Q    Mr. President what is the level of frustration that you still don’t have money for that border wall with Mexico?

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much everybody.

We’ll get the wall — we’ll get the wall done.  We’ll get the wall done.


Q    Did Ivanka Trump show you photos of the children being separated from their parents?

THE PRESIDENT:  No, Ivanka feels very strongly.  My wife feels very strongly about it.  I feel very strongly about it.  I think anybody with a heart would feel very strongly about it.  We don’t like to see families separated.  At the same time, we don’t want people coming into our country illegally.  This takes care of the problem.

Thank you very much.

Q    Why did it take you a few days to sign it, Mr. President?  Mr. President, why did it take you a few days to sign it?

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, Caitlin.

She’s doing a great job.

Thank you.  Thank you very much.


3:09 P.M. EDT

POTUS Executive Order: Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation


editor’s note:  if such an order had been issued with the previous admins (republic and dem), i would have had a sick feeling.  not this time.  for the first time in almost 20 years (for me), i feel trust for our President.  he is doing the right thing here.


 Issued on: 

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq., it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1.  Policy.  It is the policy of this Administration to rigorously enforce our immigration laws.  Under our laws, the only legal way for an alien to enter this country is at a designated port of entry at an appropriate time.  When an alien enters or attempts to enter the country anywhere else, that alien has committed at least the crime of improper entry and is subject to a fine or imprisonment under section 1325(a) of title 8, United States Code.  This Administration will initiate proceedings to enforce this and other criminal provisions of the INA until and unless Congress directs otherwise.  It is also the policy of this Administration to maintain family unity, including by detaining alien families together where appropriate and consistent with law and available resources.  It is unfortunate that Congress’s failure to act and court orders have put the Administration in the position of separating alien families to effectively enforce the law.

Sec2.  Definitions.  For purposes of this order, the following definitions apply:

(a)  “Alien family” means

(i)  any person not a citizen or national of the United States who has not been admitted into, or is not authorized to enter or remain in, the United States, who entered this country with an alien child or alien children at or between designated ports of entry and who was detained; and

(ii)  that person’s alien child or alien children.

(b)  “Alien child” means any person not a citizen or national of the United States who

(i)    has not been admitted into, or is not authorized to enter or remain in, the United States;

(ii)   is under the age of 18; and

(iii)  has a legal parent-child relationship to an alien who entered the United States with the alien child at or between designated ports of entry and who was detained.

Sec3.  Temporary Detention Policy for Families Entering this Country Illegally.  (a)  The Secretary of Homeland Security (Secretary), shall, to the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability of appropriations, maintain custody of alien families during the pendency of any criminal improper entry or immigration proceedings involving their members.

(b)  The Secretary shall not, however, detain an alien family together when there is a concern that detention of an alien child with the child’s alien parent would pose a risk to the child’s welfare.

(c)  The Secretary of Defense shall take all legally available measures to provide to the Secretary, upon request, any existing facilities available for the housing and care of alien families, and shall construct such facilities if necessary and consistent with law.  The Secretary, to the extent permitted by law, shall be responsible for reimbursement for the use of these facilities.

(d)  Heads of executive departments and agencies shall, to the extent consistent with law, make available to the Secretary, for the housing and care of alien families pending court proceedings for improper entry, any facilities that are appropriate for such purposes.  The Secretary, to the extent permitted by law, shall be responsible for reimbursement for the use of these facilities.

(e)  The Attorney General shall promptly file a request with the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California to modify the Settlement Agreement in Flores v. Sessions, CV 85-4544 (“Flores settlement”), in a manner that would permit the Secretary, under present resource constraints, to detain alien families together throughout the pendency of criminal proceedings for improper entry or any removal or other immigration proceedings.

Sec4.  Prioritization of Immigration Proceedings Involving Alien Families.  The Attorney General shall, to the extent practicable, prioritize the adjudication of cases involving detained families.

Sec5.  General Provisions.  (a)  Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i)   the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii)  the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b)  This order shall be implemented in a manner consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c)  This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.



June 20, 2018.

Sourced from here.