WSO ~ WHACKED Webcam Photos From Spain/Germany


editor’s note:  watching this, i think/feel/say aloud “what is THAT??!!”  fun stuff to watch (for me that is).  interesting steve says there continues to be an unknown energy field around our realm.  hmmm could it be the energy field of the event awaiting to flood this realm once the matrix net is removed?  could it be this is why so many of us are feeling (and some have seen it lately in visions/dreams) it is RIGHT HERE – because it is?  i keep hearing “bus driver MOVE THAT BUS” in my mind (only of course it is remove the net!).  the bible speaks of floods that wipe the earth.  this time it is energy that wipes away the memory blocks, the DNA blocks restoring us to who we REALLY are.


Published on Jun 18, 2018


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Personal Channeling: My Mission & The Event


editor’s note:  i align w/the last message in that we call forth this event.  this is our experience, our creation, what we came here to help co-create.  we are ready for the grand finale.  all will experience it differently based on choices, who they are and what they wish to create/be/do.  we have been working on bringing forth the energies of awakening.  i see it this way (and feel it this way) ~ we begin to awaken, we draw forth new energies to us.  this cumulates until the big finale which is also being created by other being’s (doing the logistics of grid/program removal).  a multi-faceted experience.  call it forth now in thanks.  i also like the part about all getting it – having a big a-ha moment (the biggest me thinks!).  i saw that in the event dream i had.  my neighbor up the street, the one who never smiles or displays any emotion, upon the event energy blast, came almost floating out of his house, smiling.  he got it big time – i could feel it from him.  like a cosmic universal memory blast – “oh YEAH THIS is who i really am.  DUH!  how could i have forgotten?”  


Personal Channeling June 18, 2018

I removed names for privacy reasons, so ***** is not me cursing, it’s names that have been removed.  lol

What is my mission – or what are my missions right now and have they changed at all from what I came here to do?

Your mission is to work with others to strengthen the grid of light – to hold the light. And therefore you must not think anything is required of you but live from your heart – focus on the heart. Rid yourself of programmings of anger and hostility and anxiousness. Trust. Focus on the heart.

What others am I supposed to work with?

All others are self. You work with those who come into your experience. For they are drawn to you for a common purpose. There is no need to worry that you will miss opportunities. You are on the track of what you are meant to be doing – you are doing what you planned to do without even trying. Trust the divine plan, for you helped create it. And you are living it. You cannot not live it. You can live it in different, alternate ways, but you will still live it no matter what.

Can you talk about Event portals and timelines and energies and gateways and bridges and – I don’t understand any of it? And what was the light bridge thing that I saw from the 21st/22nd through the 26th/27th? What is that about? Why was I seeing like a strip of light on the calendar days across those days?

It is your time to integrate the light on those particular days. It fluctuates, but that is the approximate timing. There are many lightbringer days for you. We do not always show you them. The significance of these days is to allow you to integrate more light, more purity of the heart, more understanding. A great deal of you will experience similar at this time. It is not important what sort of mechanism is behind this or what sort of mindset is behind this. As we said, people will resonate with what feels right for them. We might suggest that you just record for yourself when you have thoughts – without planning to share. Just pick up your phone and record your thoughts so that you can write things down later if you wish. This will help you integrate.

What are these light codes and translations people are doing? What is the significance of that? Is that important?

It is important to those who need them. It is like looking at art. When you see a piece of art you like, it is for subconscious reasons based on your experience in this life and other lives and it creates a feeling. And so just as you would look at a beautiful painting and have a feeling of appreciation or happiness, there are some who read light codes and have a subconscious triggering of a certain feeling or a certain state. Again, we would advise to not think too hard and have fun. Go with what you’re interested in. Everything in the divine plan has a purpose and an intertwining and the divine tapestry is already in place. You are just experiencing threads in different times. It is all good.

When I was doing ****s reading I saw this intersecting line on his timeline and then when I read the one from October last year I remember seeing a line that intersected where everything would change after it. Just like that, but this one is a lot closer and I couldn’t see anything after it. But I got the sense that it was a big change. How does that work? What is that?

It is for your education and your expansion.

Is it a personal event or is it a global event?

It is a personal global event. [laughing]  It is The Event – when everything shifts.

So, I have a question. If there are people like **** who don’t believe in any of this and don’t think about stuff like this and they’re into the present and preparing and making sure they’re safe – when this event happens, will they rationalize it away, or will they start waking up just like we did years ago and it’ll just be this long process of everybody else waking up? Or is it going to be more dramatic? Or something different?

Something different. It will be as if you are all different people. Different beings. Similar bodies, same memories, but with a completely different understanding of everything.

And that’s The Event I’m seeing crossing *****s timeline?


How will that effect *****?

He, along with everyone, will be, as you say, “blown away”.

What about my children?

They will feel relieved because there is a way they think the world was supposed to be, and when this blockage is removed, they will breathe a sigh of relief and say “oooooh, okay. Whew”. It will be as if there has been a vice around your brain – closing and tightening your whole life – and that vice will be removed. And you will feel mentally lighter. Even those who are not awake will understand. It will be an “ah ha” or “ahhhh, I get it now” moment for everyone. Everyone, everywhere. No matter what culture, country, language, economic situation. You will all just “get it”.

And that’s right here? Like really close?

At this time it seems likely. A few weeks to a few months.

No offence, but it’s been “a few weeks to a few months” for what seems like years now.

Yes, but your shift in your consciousness and your own perceptions and your own ability to live from the heart and expand your mind bring it closer. The more you do this, the closer it gets. There are some dates that are more optimal – more likely than others. It could be July/August, it could be October, could be December. It all depends on you which timeline comes into being.


[Okay, y’all! Let’s aim for the July/August one!!!!]

Sourced from here.  




Study Confirms Most Psychopaths Live in Washington D.C.


editor’s note:  i would think it has nothing to do with DC itself – just the convenient fact that this space houses our elected officials…


By Joe Jarvis – June 18, 2018
Murphy also included the District of Columbia in his research, and found it had a psychopathy level far higher than any other state. But this finding is an outlier, as Murphy notes, as it’s an entirely urban area and cannot be fairly compared with larger, more geographically diverse, US states. That said, as Murphy notes, “The presence of psychopaths in District of Columbia is consistent with the conjecture found in Murphy (2016) that psychopaths are likely to be effective in the political sphere.”

Surprised? I didn’t think so. But still, fun to get some scientific confirmation.

Psychos are drawn to power. It is not just that power corrupts, it is that already corrupt people seek power. Government is the best industry to be in for someone with no morals.

The study is called Psychopathy By State, conducted by Ryan Murphy. He surveyed samples from the lower 48 states and Washington D.C. to find the prevalence of personality traits which correspond to psychopathy.

The personality traits generally corresponding to psychopathy are low neuroticism, high extraversion, low agreeableness, and low conscientiousness.

Continue reading here.

More Q Posts for 6/18/18


editor’s note:  grand jury in place?  given Huber has been investigating for 7 months i would think so.  non-public i feel means some of this will be non-public – done like other criminal cases which most do not receive public attention.  however given the swamp creatures involved this will become public at some point.  huber is key in all of this.  the following drops outline the “stuff behind the scenes” happenings.  and the biggest news of this latest IG release is the crimes against children connection with HRC and CF.  down the rabbit holes we go…



No name absent.
End near?


“Attorney General Jeff Sessions has also said U.S. Attorney John Huber is investigating claims of FBI and DOJ misconduct related to these actions, noting that Huber would be “conducting his work from outside the Washington D.C. area and “in cooperation” with Horowitz.” “This is not the end of the process. United States Attorney John Huber continues his work in cooperation with the Inspector General to review certain prosecutorial and investigative determinations made by the Department in 2016 and 2017,” Sessions said. He has reviewed this report and, based on its findings and his own investigation, will provide recommendations as to whether any matter not currently under investigation should be opened, whether any matters currently under investigation require further resources, or whether any matters merit the appointment of Special Counsel.”
SC = restart w/ significantly less staff = stupid (Reddit Summary) -Professor Turley is a very respected liberal law professor and longtime civil libertarian. Has been critical of both parties over the years. -Turley says the use of John Huber gives the IG the prosecutor he needs to bring charges and seek indictments. (No need to go through RR which is critical) -Huber is conducting a full-fledged criminal investigation into all the matters Republicans are calling for a special counsel to investigate. -Huber has been investigating these possible crimes for five months (Now seven), since November 2017. -By giving the IG a prosecutor they can now go after the deep state without looking like a political witch hunt. This is critical. -Sessions informed Congress in his letter that all the matters recommended for investigation by Goodlatte, Gowdy, and Grassley are “fully within the scope of [Huber’s] existing mandate.” He also informed the chairmen that Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is working with Huber, has a staff of 470 investigators, giving Huber access to enormous investigative firepower that far exceeds the staff of any special counsel. (Who needs a SC with that type of manpower?) -The inspector general’s jurisdiction to conduct civil and criminal investigations includes “actions taken by former employees after they have left government service.” Then Huber can act on any of those matters. -This is HUGE A Grand Jury can be empaneled anywhere, in any deep red state, away from D.C. (This is very important and why Trump needed to appoint as many Judges as possible) -Huber and Horowitz can accomplish everything a SC can do. -If Sessions feels that charges should have been made that weren’t, he can still appoint a SC to make that happen. -Huber is a lawyer from deep red Utah, not the D.C. swamp. -“If a special counsel were appointed, there would be a great deal of delay,” Turley stated, versus the team of Huber and Horowitz, who are already five months into this investigation. (It’s too late to even appoint a SC. Charges can be filed before midterms.) -From /u/ClardicFug – Huber and Horowitz were both appointed to their positions by the Obama administration. This helps optics a lot. Pretty much decimates the “Trumped rigged the investigation” argument that’s sure to be made.

>>1803997 Will she be indicted? And will this lead to BHO being indicted?
IG email investigation (weakest of set).
Opened door to: Weiner HRC / Others – crimes against children.
Ref to Huber?
Non public.
CF investigation ongoing.
Ref to Huber? +FBI protection of HRC. +FBI criminal acts.
Ref to Huber?
What about DOJ texts/emails?
Why did the intel comm rate sections of the IG report @ highest level of NAT SEC?
What does it involve?
Ref to Huber?
[[RR]] IG report release does not coincide with true start date (info push to) of Huber re: above.
Scope & Size biggest in history.
Grand Jury in place?

FBI Agent, Who Exposed Hillary Clinton’s Cover-up, Found Dead


this has had me crying off and on all day.  NO MORE!!


FBI Special Agent David Raynor murdered with his own gun

By: Jay Greenberg  |@NeonNettle on 18th June 2018 @ 2.45p

special agent david raynor was due to testify against hillary clinton when he died

Special Agent David Raynor was due to testify against Hillary Clinton when he died

An FBI Special Agent, who was anticipated to expose the extent of Clinton and Obama malpractice and corruption in the “Operation Fast and Furious” cover-up before a US Federal Grand Jury, has been found dead at his home.

The FBI official’s wife was also found dead at the scene with the couple both being murdered using the 52-year-old agent’s own gun.

Special Agent David Raynor was “stabbed multiple times” and “shot twice with his own weapon,” according to local media reports.

Raynor’s tragic death comes just one day before he was due to testify before a US Federal Grand Jury.

He was widely expected to testify that Hillary Clinton acted illegally to protect Obama administration crimes while covering up the Fast and Furious scandal.

Continue reading here.

Senate: Two-Tiered Justice System in FBI Clinton/Trump Investigations


editor’s note:  the obvious question is:  now what?  aren’t we just done with this never-ending pulling off of a band-aid?  how much longer is this shit going to take?  criminals doing whatever they want, walking free while we have a former fbi agent set to testify found dead (will link next).  this is war and in war rules and laws go out the window.  too much suffering, harm and the like is going on.  bring on the big guns and get this shithole cleaned up already!  you will note the legend in the article detailing the fbi agents in contact w/reporters, which was also included in a recent Q drop.

i do appreciate the ending statement:  “Mr. Comey’s attorney tells us he is out of the country, although I saw he was in Iowa over the weekend,” Grassley stated in his opening statement. “According to his twitter feed, he seems to be having a wonderful time. This is the second time since he was fired that Mr. Comey refused an invitation to testify here voluntarily. He has time for book tours and television interviews, but apparently no time to assist this Committee, which has primary jurisdiction over the Justice Department.”

absolutely to that!


IG Horowitz, FBI Director Wray Grilled by Lawmakers


Chairman Charles Grassley (R-IA) of the Senate Judiciary Committee outlined the stark double standard at Monday’s much anticipated hearing on the FBI’s handling of its investigations into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server for government business and the bureau’s highly partisan investigation into alleged collusion between Russia and President Donald Trump’s campaign.

Grassley stated “justice should be blind” but contended that it was not in the case in the FBI’s handling of the Clinton and Trump investigations. He noted that based on the evidence collected in the 568-page report released by Inspector General Michael Horowitz last week, along with information and evidence collected by numerous Congressional committees, evidence of bias against Trump was insurmountable.

Grassley stressed, “most of the time, evidence of political bias is not so explicit. The details in this report confirm what the American people have suspected all along. Hillary Clinton got the kid-glove treatment.”

“I’m not buying that the Clinton email investigation is on the up and up…”

Grassley stressed, “most of the time, evidence of political bias is not so explicit. The details in this report confirm what the American people have suspected all along. Hillary Clinton got the kid-glove treatment.”

“The contrast to the Russia probe is stark,” Grassley stated. “The biggest difference, of course, is the appointment of a Special Counsel. Attorney General (Loretta) Lynch refused to appoint one. The appearance of political influence was inevitable.”

Horowitz and FBI Director Christopher Wray were grilled by lawmakers during the hours-long hearing, which consisted of questioning regarding the use of FBI informants in investigations, the handling of the Clinton investigation, and the extraordinary bias in the FBI by senior special agents in the field.

Continue reading here.

Sophia Love Update


editor’s note:  getting hesitant on sharing these.  the info on the georgia guidestones doesn’t set well w/me.  anyone who knows of these stones, in which i heard of and looked into them almost 15 years ago, knows what is written on them.  a population of no more than 500 million.  depopulation.  and what happened to her “the one” saying the event would definitely occur most certainly by the summer solstice here in the western hemisphere.  if i had received that info i would definitely be questioning this “being” about now.  but that’s just who i am ~ one who appreciates those who keep their word and at least if not able to keep, he/she/it owns it.


I hope you enjoy today’s edition!


June 14th, 2018

There are questions. Is there someone available to answer them now?

We are here, Sophia. We will respond as we are called to. Please go ahead.

Thank you for coming forward. Here is the first question. It is meant for anyone who feels that they can answer. 


By the way, I’ve got a question:

With all the talk about ships (us going, “them” visiting), no one ever mentions how we are able to breathe.  I imagine each species has their own requirements as to atmospheric pressure and oxygen (or whatever is used), etc., so how would this work?  Or is the idea of ships simply a metaphor for joining together in a way we can understand, but there are no actual physical vehicles transporting everyone around?  Like telepathy taking care of the language barrier, is our “meeting” also done without physicality?  How else could such diverse beings intermingle on Earth or elsewhere?

Hello and we appreciate the question. It demonstrates an introspection and depth of thought we don’t often get to engage with, not in real “time”. Your questions are indications of your awareness of the multiple possibilities. There are more (possibilities) than this message can hold. We will address specifically the physical ships. We are Andromedin, yet the process holds for all races about to embark on Earth’s rescue mission. Breathing is accounted for within the ship itself. It is not a metaphor in this case.

There are some of you who will be moving to and from the ships – at times perhaps returning to Earth or else another home. Each choice is individually made.

You need not concern yourself with the air or its chemical composition as all of that has been considered. We are not that much different – those of us who are prepared to assist physically I mean. Know that you, and all who accompany you, are to be gently accommodated for the maximum comfort.

Thank you.

Here’s the next question. It is for the formless being I’ve spoken to prior to this moment.  


Question for this being… In case one would like to experience the physical again. What exactly would that process be for someone like you? How do you and where do you go to start that?

What is the procedure like? Planning? etc. etc… Since our memories are erased of the in between stages….and speaking of… why is that? Brain can’t handle the download I’m assuming but
some recollection would be nice.

Also does one have to experience the physical as the Game that we play here on Earth with all the struggles? Or can you go elsewhere where it’s not so hard.

I mean it’s hard for some…so hard they take themselves out.  Just the daily keep of the body can be tough with lifetime gym workouts and maintenance and illness…. how many colds flu and viruses do
we go through here a lifetime?? a lot!  Does one take all this into account before they come? Thanks.

So many questions! All forms and aspects have rest periods, or the option of taking one. This is not quite the same as ascending into non-physicality, but instead rest and reflection and life without form. The choice to do so will be yours as well once you exit your current focus, or better said, the choice is yours right now.

Each life is experienced and felt. Right now, your focus draws you to this dense “3D” body with its colds and other ailments. Yet in your dreaming you move your focus elsewhere – once you exit you move your focus elsewhere.

Prep is not necessary, other than choosing what will most benefit your purpose and growth. Once that is decided, multiple experiences are available to you. This current one holds its shiniest gems without memory of others you’ve experienced.
You had to believe it or it never would have happened, not in the way that it has.

It comes always to what you felt would benefit you – the beneficial effect may not be obvious until after the current life has been completed, but it is there nonetheless. Every memory is becoming more accessible for you as the veil thins and Earth’s frequency is adjusted. It is your desire and belief that brings each into your reality now. I cannot stress (enough) the power of expectation and belief to you. It is the reason for all the fear control on your planet. You can use it to your own advantage right now. Choose to remember a life as a formless aspect – write down your dreams upon awakening. Soon you’ll remember without dreaming and you’ll experience true expansion.

Thank you.

Goodbye Sophia. You are welcome.

This next question is for the plant-like beings.



I felt these beings and their desire to be on the New Earth.  Can you verify this with them? 
Also, I’m wondering how they move. Do they have roots?  Is the soil disturbed when they move?
Ooohhh! You have sensed our wishes!

(With this came a visual – long, lanky, plant-like appendages. It feels Giant sized. Sophia)

Such an interesting question and telling of the human. No, there are no roots. We settle and suckle when necessary – these are parts of our form and never permanently “planted”. Such a marvelous question.

Thank you!

(I see 3, maybe 4 very large smiles with bright eyes gazing at me. Sophia)
You are welcome.

This next question is for One.  


My question for ‘The One’ or whoever wishes to answer the question:

Who constructed the Georgia Guide stones, to what purpose and is it relevant today.
Love and Thanks.

Note: The answer you’ll read here was brief and such a surprise to me. I will include a bit of research I did after I received it, after it is given here.

These stones were built by the Rosicrucian’s. The intent is clear. Magic must be stated/declared to work. What better or more permanent way to do so than to carve it in stone. The spell is ongoing. It was not known how long it would take.

Okay then. Thank you.

I had heard that name before but had associated it with early Christian roots and nothing sinister. I spoke to a fellow seeker who confirmed that, yet also that there were different factions, not all of them with positive intent. So, I researched and feel the results below will expound a bit on what was said here.

First, Rosicrucianism: A few words from that article are “The society wasvariously called Brothers of the Rosy Cross, Rosy-Cross Knights, and Rosy-Cross Philosophers; its adepts are called Illuminati. There was muchdiffusion of ideas between the Rosy Cross and Freemasonry in Englandduring the 18th cent.”

Second, The Georgia Guide stones: A few words from that article are In June 1979, a man using the pseudonym Robert C. Christian approached the Elberton Granite Finishing Company on behalf of “a small group of loyal Americans”, and commissioned the structure. Christian explained that the stones would function as a compass, calendar and clock, and should be capable of withstanding catastrophic events. Joe Fendley of Elberton Granite assumed that Christian was “a nut” and attempted to discourage him by giving a quote several times higher than any project the company had taken, explaining that the guidestones would require additional tools and consultants. Christian accepted the quote.[2] When arranging payment, Christian explained that he represented a group which had been planning the guidestones for 20 years, and which intended to remain anonymous.[2]

Notice the similarity of the pseudonym, Robert C Christian to “Rosy Cross”. Sophia

Here is the last question. This is for anyone, but perhaps One would respond?  


I got a feeling that they were made by giants for pets. Maybe human pets? Pets is the wrong word but it kind of conveys the relationship between the giants and the humans they were protecting from other cannibalistic giants who preyed on humans.

Of course, I could be crazy! Have a good life today.

Structures to hold life forms do not make sense when the life form is no longer present. This is the case with these homes. The body that entered… (I feel that you are attempting to send a visual, but I am not seeing anything specific. I sense something though and it makes no sense to me. I sense slimy, almost worm-like. I have to go, I will come back to this later. Sophia)
Could you address the question posed yesterday “What are the Russian Dolmans?”
The structure you have referenced…
Please send an image.
I do not see people going in and out of them. I am getting that the only way to insure a sturdy and long-lasting structure was by using the weight bearing possibility of each stone. Rather than leave an opening and hence one section of the roof unsupported, a hold was bore into one of the stones – it could then serve as a door and a support for the roof.

I’m seeing still some sort of reptilian-like being using these for shelter and filling up the structure on the inside.

I am getting that they are not burial chambers, not human inhabitants at all. Each is an impression and the only image is of a scaly-skinned being filling up the domicile with its body sort of curled around itself.

Yes, Sophia. The comprehension of these comes as you expand (empirical) beyond the current focused era. This becomes clearer as you move there and trust what you remember and subsequently see.
Okay then, is that all there is to say about these structures?

At this time, it is, yes.
Thank you.
That’s all for this month’s edition. Send all questions to See you in July!
This is a complimentary publication so please share!

Q Anon Posts for 6/18/18



Amanda Renteria.
Bridge between LL / HRC.



Autists catch the exchange re: POTUS private calls w/ Kim (new number) via iPhone?
How did that particular Senator know that kind of highly classified intel?

well it’s pretty cryptic so here is a wild guess… D → ??? the demiurge ??? just kidding, I don’t know. Someone involved in space programs and ‘majestic 12’ type of intel. Morning sun brings heat. → predetermined code / command for initiation of a plan, authenticity check. Likely, multiple governments are responding to this call for initiation, hence dropped here. Full moon coming. → proper revelation of nature of the moon and other bodies in our solar system Undiscovered stars learned. → this refers to gifted anons figuring something out, which was the condition upon which something about our solar system or moon would be revealed to public. Missions forward. → a particular plan for missions is being initiated, proceed (in part a message to anons) Q
Ability to share [open].
(Heat) on who?
(Full) transparency _ DECLAS?
(Undiscovered) facts emerge?
Ability to move forward?
Occam’s Razor.


Prolly going down the wrong road here, but … Q post about sun, moon, etc. Elon Musk. Heat = Tesla cars exploding Moon = Full moon 6/27 (or 6/28) Stars = Musk b-day 6/28 Missions = Space X launch 6/29 Don’t know if the dates mean anything, other than pointing to Musk (raw speculation at this point). Question: Anybody have info on Elon Musk? Seems to be Eric Schmidt vs. Elon Musk re: AI. Tesla cars exploding. Any info about who was killed in one or more of these? Links to anyone in cabal? Would Musk be someone who might testify about something? Fraud in the government handouts for alternate energy? Anyone? Bueller … Bueller?
Message not for Anons.


D Morning sun brings heat.
Full moon coming.
Undiscovered stars learned.
Missions forward.


President Trump directs Defense Department to ‘immediately begin the process’ of establishing ‘space force’ as sixth military branch


cue close encounter’s of the 3rd kind theme…i also ponder – what space? just inner space, right because if it is truly “outer” space we will need that good inner dimensional wormhole traveling kind to get outta this realm. maybe make enough for several billion good souls so we can get outta here and the sheeple along w/their slave master’s they continue to support can stay here……of course the obvious answer is they already have such a fleet and craft.  


  • President Trump is directing the Pentagon to create “a space force” as the sixth military branch.
  • The president first floated the idea in March as a part of his national security strategy.
  • The White House, the Air Force and Secretary of Defense James Mattis disapproved of creating a sixth branch of the military last year.

President Donald Trump displays his signature after signing a national space policy directive during a meeting of the National Space Council in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U.S., June 18, 2018.

Trump to DOD: ‘Immediately begin’ process of establishing ‘space force’ as sixth military branch  

President Donald Trump declared Monday he will move to make a new branch of the military focused solely on space.

“I am hereby directing the Department of Defense and Pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a space force as the sixth branch of the armed forces,” Trump said during a meeting of the National Space Council.

“Our destiny beyond the Earth is not only a matter of national identity but a matter of national security,” Trump said.

“Our Policy Board will begin working on this issue, which has implications for intelligence operations for the Air Force, Army, Marines and Navy,” Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said in a statement. “Working with Congress, this will be a deliberate process with a great deal of input from multiple stakeholders.”

Continue reading here.