President Trump directs Defense Department to ‘immediately begin the process’ of establishing ‘space force’ as sixth military branch


cue close encounter’s of the 3rd kind theme…i also ponder – what space? just inner space, right because if it is truly “outer” space we will need that good inner dimensional wormhole traveling kind to get outta this realm. maybe make enough for several billion good souls so we can get outta here and the sheeple along w/their slave master’s they continue to support can stay here……of course the obvious answer is they already have such a fleet and craft.  


  • President Trump is directing the Pentagon to create “a space force” as the sixth military branch.
  • The president first floated the idea in March as a part of his national security strategy.
  • The White House, the Air Force and Secretary of Defense James Mattis disapproved of creating a sixth branch of the military last year.

President Donald Trump displays his signature after signing a national space policy directive during a meeting of the National Space Council in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U.S., June 18, 2018.

Trump to DOD: ‘Immediately begin’ process of establishing ‘space force’ as sixth military branch  

President Donald Trump declared Monday he will move to make a new branch of the military focused solely on space.

“I am hereby directing the Department of Defense and Pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a space force as the sixth branch of the armed forces,” Trump said during a meeting of the National Space Council.

“Our destiny beyond the Earth is not only a matter of national identity but a matter of national security,” Trump said.

“Our Policy Board will begin working on this issue, which has implications for intelligence operations for the Air Force, Army, Marines and Navy,” Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said in a statement. “Working with Congress, this will be a deliberate process with a great deal of input from multiple stakeholders.”

Continue reading here.


Latest sky captures…


i am pretty miserable at the moment.  not just the matrix crap….grass allergies.  been doing well overall with that but had too much exposure plus last night of absolutely no sleep lead up to a full blown attack.  i don’t consent to this.  there is so much i do not consent to.  i am done with having it in my face.  yes i see you.  it’s like having a fist slap you and you confirm with it you do not consent.  you move.  it follows you.  giving it love doesn’t solve it.  ignoring it.  same thing.  with all of this alleged “shifting” and “upgrades” that have been going on for so very long, every one of us should be flying, teleporting, self healing, etc. by now.  love doesn’t load you up with symptoms only to leave you hanging with nothing to show for it.  i want this whole charade over with.  done.  end.  i.  am.  not.  enjoying.  this. ride.  today i reached one of those “DONE” spaces – to which i accept – and allow.  and then what??  who is in control here?  shouldn’t it be me?  each of us?  we keep on going hoping.  feels too passive to me.  you want something done you go get it done and if someone is stopping you from that freedom to fully freely choose, you remove the damn obstacle.  right??

sigh.  ok for now here are some sky captures of today/tonight.  the skies did an amazing change – from hot sun to thunderstorms.  it was beautiful and very welcoming.  btw, the 2nd to the last show below was coming SSE.  wasn’t the sun creating that glow…



The event will take place on June 21 or earlier ??



Sunday, June 17, 2018

The event will take place on June 21 or earlier

“Now we know” by (Anonymous) – 6.16.18
Entry presented anonymously at 9:37 PM EDT on June 16, 2018. The event will take place on or before June 21. The RV will happen directly afterwards. God has heard our supplications and He sees goodness in our souls. He sees that we not only speak from our egos minds. We speak from the heart. The heart is not capable of lying. When our hearts tell him that we are going to be good stewards of His abundance and do good things, He knows that it must be true. Humanity is going to receive a lot of help through this transition, but something tells me that we will not need it. We will know what needs to be done and what we will do. The health and prosperity of Heaven are ours. 

All the toxins of all will be eliminated. Nothing will ever hurt you again. Fear, anger, violence, tragedy of any kind will be something that we will see in movies and on television portrayed by actors and the digital improvement only for entertainment purposes. We will receive technological gifts from everywhere as we become part of the Galactic Family. This is the beginning of becoming what we really are, but it will be something that we, or anything else, have ever been. Benevolent physical gods.

Sourced from here.

Q Posts ~ 6/17 and 6/18





Public learned today.
What must be finished?
Why still employed?
LP released after…..
PS will be released after…..
Just because something isn’t public doesn’t mean…. [DOJ texts / emails]
C_A down [19] this year alone.
When will records be unsealed?
SHOCK AND AWE. Projection.
Attack POTUS Foundation (acting NY AG (told)).
CF Foundation [Nightmare Awake] [slush fund / children].
Claim: Politcal attack re: case against POTUS.
POTUS & Russia.
HRC Hussein etc & Russia.
Claim: Political attack re: case against POTUS.




>>1790208 Snopes is run by the left, anything but impartial fact checkers. The More they attack Q the stronger WE become….
Review lawsuit.
Review GoFundMe plea.
Review financial disclosure.
Review formation date.
Review initial investor(s).


NEWS UN knew years ago about refugee sex-for-food scandal, leaked report reveals


editor’s note:  the horrors of this realm are weighing very heavy at this moment. i consent to none of it.  i can say none of these victims consented either.  i feel myself tossing off in a fit of rage the energies of the programs of “consent” and “lessons” and “karma” and all of that other nonsensical bullshit that permeates this toxic realm of lies.  bring in the LOVE NOW.  jesus effing cheese wipes any being at this point on the “outside” looking “in” with the ability to HELP (via advanced tech, weaponry, etc.) who isn’t is as complicit as those doing the dark doing’s. what i am saying is i am long past DONE FINISHED in hearing these “some day” and “you must do x y z in order to” channeled messages from arcturians, sananda, ashtar, etc. etc. ad nauseam.  i am speaking on behalf of all when i say NO MORE SUFFERING. LOVE HELPS NOW.  LOVE FREES.  WITHOUT CONDITION.  PERIOD.  


Workers from more than 40 charity organizations exploited refugee children and women in West Africa by trading food for sex, according to a leaked report — that the United Nations has known about for 16 years.

The disturbing scandal is laid out in an 84-page report produced in 2001 by researchers for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Save the Children working at refugee camps in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

The report was handed over to the UNHCR in 2002 but only a summary of the allegations was published.

Identified in it are 40 organizations “whose workers are alleged to be in sexually exploitative relationships with refugee children,” according to The Times in the UK, which obtained a copy of the full report.

Aid workers were “among the prime sexual exploiters of refugee children, often using the very humanitarian assistance and services intended to benefit refugees as a tool of exploitation.”

They allegedly traded basic needs — like food, oil, access to education and plastic sheeting for shelters — for sex.

Women at a camp in Guinea told the researchers, “In this community, no one can get corn soya blend without having sex first. They say, ‘A kilo for sex,’” the Sun reported.

Continue reading here.


POTUS is a pragmatist


editor’s note:  please share pass one around.  a logical perspective of who DJT is…


POTUS is a pragmatist.

This is from Charles Krauthammer who did not go for Trump, read what he thinks of him now!

Charles Krauthammer’s interesting take on Mr. Trump:

To my friends “of a different persuasion” I’m not trying to sell anything or anyone but I do feel this is an interesting take on our very controversial president who I truly believe is not Republican or Democrat.

A different take on Donald Trump: (a non-political agenda)
Trump Is Not A Liberal or Conservative, He’s a “Pragmatist.” (Definition: A pragmatist is someone who is practical and focused on reaching a goal. A pragmatist usually has a straightforward, matter-of-fact approach and doesn’t let emotion distract him or her.)

We recently enjoyed a belated holiday dinner with friends at the home of other friends. The dinner conversation varied from discussions about antique glass and china to theology and politics.

At one point, reference was made to Donald Trump being a conservative, to which I responded that Trump is not a conservative. I said that I neither view nor do I believe Trump views himself as a conservative. I stated it was my opinion that Trump is a pragmatist.

He sees a problem and understands it must be fixed. He doesn’t see the problem as liberal or conservative, he sees it only as a problem. That is a quality
that should be admired and applauded, not condemned. But I get ahead of myself.

Viewing problems from a Liberal perspective has resulted in the creation of more problems, more entitlement programs, more victims, more government, more political correctness, and more attacks on the working class in all economic strata.

Viewing things according to the so-called Republican conservative perspective has brought continued spending and globalism to the detriment of American interests and well being, denial of what the real problems are, Weak, ineffective, milquetoast, leadership that amounts to Barney Fife Deputy Sheriff, appeasement oriented and afraid of its own shadow. In brief, it has brought liberal ideology with a pachyderm as a mascot juxtaposed to the ass of the Democrat Party.

Immigration isn’t a Republican problem, it isn’t a Liberal problem, it is a problem that threatens the very fabric and infrastructure of America. It demands a pragmatic approach not an approach that is intended to appease one group or another.

The impending collapse of the economy wasn’t a Liberal or Conservative problem, it is an American problem. That said, until it is viewed as a problem that demands a common sense approach to resolution, it will never be fixed because the Democrats and Republicans know only one way to fix things and the longevity of their impracticality has proven to have no lasting effect. Successful businessmen like Donald Trump find ways to make things work, they do not promise to accommodate.

Trump uniquely understands that China’s manipulation of currency is not a Republican problem or a Democrat problem. It is a problem that threatens our financial stability and he understands the proper balance needed to fix it.

Here again, successful businessmen, like Trump, who have weathered the changing tides of economic reality understand what is necessary to make business work, and they, unlike both sides of the political aisle, know that if something doesn’t work, you don’t continue trying to make it work hoping that at some point it will.

As a pragmatist, Donald Trump hasn’t made wild pie-in-the-sky promises of a cell phone in every pocket, free college tuition, and a $15 hour minimum wage for working the drive-through at Carl’s Hamburgers.

I argue that America needs pragmatists because pragmatists see a problem and find ways to fix them. They do not see a problem and compound it by creating more problems.

You may not like Donald Trump, but I suspect that the reason some people do not like him is because:

(1) he is antithetical to the “good old boy” method of brokering backroom deals that fatten the coffers of politicians;
(2) they are unaccustomed to hearing a president speak who is unencumbered by the financial shackles of those who he owes vis-a-vis donations;
(3) he is someone who is free of idiomatic political ideology;
(4) he says what he is thinking, is unapologetic for his outspoken thoughts, speaks very straightforward using everyday language that can be understood by all (and is offensive to some who dislike him anyway) making him a great communicator, for the most part, does what he says he will do and;
(5) he is someone who understands that it takes more than hollow promises and political correctness to make America great again.
Listening to Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders talk about fixing America is like listening to two lunatics trying to “out crazy” one another. Jeb Bush, John Kasich and Marco Rubio are owned lock, stock, and barrel by the bankers, corporations, and big dollar donors funding their campaigns. Bush can deny it, but common sense tells anyone willing to face facts is that people don’t give tens of millions without expecting something in return.

We have had Democrats and Republican ideologues and what has it brought us? Are we better off today or worse off? Has it happened overnight or has it been a steady decline brought on by both parties?

I submit that a pragmatist is just what America needs right now.

People are quick to confuse and despise confidence as arrogance, but that is common among those who have never accomplished anything in their lives (or politicians who never really solved a problem, because it’s better to still have an “issue(s) to be solved,” so re-elect me to solve it, (which never happens) and those who have always played it safe (again, all politicians) not willing to risk failure, to try and achieve success).

Donald Trump put his total financial empire at risk in running for president and certainly did not need or possibly even want the job; that says it all. He wants success for the U.S. and her citizens because he loves his country.”
God Bless America! 

Q Posts for 6/17/18


editor’s note:  gowdy is firing off some powerful words…full constitutional power ~ BRING IT!  an  obama’s words spoken in 2014 at the Bilderberg Group (which allegedly our current POTUS was not invited to this year’s event ~ or else he chose not to attend ~ either way very telling…) “ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs….that order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all powerful sovereign”… and who would that sovereign be?  Source?  or the State and satan?  small minded?  we need to be told what to do?  seriously SHIZBOT on that crap.  yeah we know what he meant don’t we….  all i can say and feeeeeeeeeeeeeel is thank ALL who voted in a NEW energy of freedom.  thank you to each of you who support this new change, new direction and for casting a vote for DJT.  

the reference to “listen carefully what will this week bring” leads us to this tweet:  Fox News

Fox News
.@DevinNunes: “Did somebody actually try to remove that text message from the FBI?… It’s hard for the American people not to believe that that was not removed on purpose.” #SundayFutures @MariaBartiromo”
i would say this indicates Rosenstein it will be revealed (this week??) altered the IG report.  obviously we know that.  now comes the proof…  and remember the IG report is not used to make arrests – but to add as evidence for such.




>>1785388 Batr Sartre Published on 31 Jul 2016 This Obama speech was given at the Bilderberg Group conference in Brussels , Belgium , on May 23, 2014 and Obama’s comments are chilling ! This was sent by a German friend after the YouTube version from the US was pulled. It’s unbelievable that Obama actually says this out loud!
Lead in was cover.
Exit out was missing what?





Q, Happy Father’s Day! You are furthering the Divine Stride of our Founding Fathers. May you feel their blessing and may they shower keen intelligence, power and safety upon you.


Thank you & God bless.




>>1784226 About time Congress acted like it still has some power. We’ll see. Intelligence branch has had it neutered w so-called nat sec
GOOG OP provided undeniable proof.
How do you share what you already know (legally)?
Those who don’t act now know they cannot hide the reasons why.
What a wonderful day.


>>1784226 Comments by Devin Nunes on Fox News this morning ~ Mr Rosenstein / Mr Wray have 2 decide ~ r they going 2 be “part of the clean-up crew” or “part of the cover-up crew?” ~ @DevinNunes @FoxNews ~ awaiting news TODAY regarding WHEN SPYING REALLY began? DOJ didn’t know a month ago? Why didn’t they reveal immediately? @POTUS Mr Rosenstein/Mr Wray ~ @DevinNunes on @FoxNews ~ Don’t get docs that have been asked 4? Monday docs should start flowing w/ plan by Wed morning or hell to pay (‘not going to be pretty’) ~ we can hold in contempt ~ we can impeach ~thinks we r getting close 2 there! @POTUS #Qanon We have an arsenal and sounds like he has been ready to go for some time now! DO NOT FEAR ~ STAND UNITED and STRONG! WWG1WGA Thank you Q and POTUS

Thank you for stopping in and visiting.  As always, you are free to share my personal writings as long as you do not alter and link back here.  If you wish to support the work I provide, for it is a job and my purpose for now, and I do have self and family to support, please click the button below.  Much gratitude! 

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Today and Tonight’s Sky Captures ~ Sky Ships??


i was just getting going snapping some cool pics, including one of the sun about an hour prior to sunset where i saw something w/my naked eye.  i go to take the picture and my battery dies.  damn!  lol  oh well – here is what i was able to capture.  the ones on top are of earlier today.  below, tonight about an hour before sunset.  the last one is my favorite.