1/22/18 IG Report ~ An Analysis in a Video


Sourced from here.

Sky Splitting in Kansas City…..


Image may contain: sky, cloud, twilight, grass, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: sky, cloud, twilight, outdoor and nature

Posted by Gav'riel Yisrael on Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Sourced from here.

Q Anon for 6/16/18


editor’s note:  looks like we have a big dump showing, according to wikileaks, all of those alleged to have colluded w/the HRC and DNC 2016 campaign.  i would venture all names have an indictment upon their heads. the podesta group closed its doors in november of 2017.  indictments made on 11/6 and 11/3 according to the drop below by HUBER, w/the anon’s alleging huma and podesta were those two indictments.  the HUBER = DOJ (no DC) is in reference to the hiring of HUBER by Sessions gives clearance for HUBER (US Attorney from Utah) to act outside of DC (without the DC swamp/congress).  



Q, thank you for your service to our great country. You have restored true hope in the hearts of many patriots. God is with you and all of us.
No one person is above another.
We are in this together.

11.3 = when HUBER made a SEALED indictment
11.6 = when HUBER made a SEALED indictment
Well done, Anon.
Shows commitment.

11.3 – Podesta indicted
11.6 – Huma indicted
IG started long before Huber setting stage.
Important note.
Think: IG = FBI
Huber = DOJ (no DC)
Why are we emphasizing this given the world is watching?
Or, they already know hence CEO/political mass resignations.
Adding up?
Careful of clickbait.


These reporters and networks have been named in the WikiLeaks to have colluded with the DNC or Hillary campaign during the 2016 election cycle: ABC – Cecilia Vega
ABC – David Muir
ABC – Diane Sawyer
ABC – George Stephanoplous
ABC – Jon Karl
ABC – Liz Kreutz AP – Julie Pace
AP – Ken Thomas
AP – Lisa Lerer
AURN – April Ryan Bloomberg – Jennifer Epstein Bloomberg – John Heillman
Bloomberg/MSNBC – Jonathan Alter
Bloomberg – Mark Halperin
Buzzfeed – Ben Smith
Buzzfeed – Ruby Cramer
CBS – Gayle King
CBS – John Dickerson
CBS – Norah O’Donnell
CBS – Steve Chagaris
CBS – Vicki Gordon
CNBC – John Harwood
CNN – Brianna Keilar
CNN – Dan Merica
CNN – David Chailan
CNN – Erin Burnett
CNN – Gloria Borger
CNN – Jake Tapper
CNN – Jeff Zeleny
CNN – Jeff Zucker
CNN – John Berman
CNN – Kate Bouldan
CNN – Maria Cardona
CNN – Mark Preston
CNN – Sam Feist
Daily Beast – Jackie Kucinich
GPG – Mike Feldman
HuffPo – Amanda Terkel
HuffPo – Arianna Huffington
HuffPo – Sam Stein
HuffPo – Whitney Snyder
LAT – Evan Handler
LAT – Mike Memoli McClatchy – Anita Kumar
MORE – Betsy Fisher Martin
MSNBC – Alex Seitz-Wald
MSNBC – Alex Wagner
MSNBC – Andrea Mitchell
MSNBC – Beth Fouhy
MSNBC – Ed Schultz
MSNBC – Joe Scarborough
MSNBC – Mika Brzezinski
MSNBC – Phil Griffin
MSNBC – Rachel Maddow
MSNBC – Rachel Racusen
MSNBC – Thomas Roberts
National Journal – Emily Schultheis
NBC – Chuck Todd
NBC – Mark Murray
NBC – Savannah Gutherie
New Yorker – David Remnick
New Yorker – Ryan Liza
NPR – Mike Oreskes
NPR – Tamara Keith
NY Post – Geofe Earl
NYT – Amy Chozik
NYT – Carolyn Ryan
NYT – Gail Collins
NYT – John Harwoodje
NYT – Jonathan Martin
NYT – Maggie Haberman
NYT – Pat Healey
PBS – Charlie Rose People – Sandra Sobieraj Westfall
Politico – Annie Karni
Politico – Gabe Debenedetti
Politico – Glenn Thrush Politico – Kenneth Vogel
Politico – Mike Allen Reuters – Amanda Becker Tina Brown – Tina Brown The Hill – Amie Parnes
Univision – Maria-Elena Salinas
Vice – Alyssa Mastramonoco
Vox – Jon Allen
WaPo – Anne Gearan
WaPo – Greg Sargent
WSJ – Laura Meckler
WSJ – Peter Nicholas
WSJ – Colleen McCain Nelson
Yahoo – Matt Bai
Bridge between media, FBI/DOJ, HRC+
Why did the Podesta Group close?
Public charges?
Why close?
When did Huber start?
JP/ Huma NOV.
Do they know?
Why did the Podesta group close?
Why no leaks?
Who else knows?
HRC deal request?
Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports?
Why not?
Grand jury TAINT/BIAS?
Everyone has an opinion.
JP / Huma NOV.
Huber recent reveal by Sessions (Nov start).
HRC panic / deal req DEC (think Huber).
You have more than you know.
News unlocks past.


Thank you for stopping in and visiting.  As always, you are free to share my personal writings as long as you do not alter and link back here.  If you wish to support the work I provide, for it is a job and my purpose for now, and I do have self and family to support, please click the button below.  Much gratitude! 
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War Erupts Between Italy’s Government And Soros: “You Profited From The Death Of Hundreds Of People”


editor’s note:  aaaaaand once again we have an enraged (deranged?) leftist pushing the russian narrative (on italy).  their go-to narrative.  oh well they had to change focus since it didn’t work here in the states for them.  as my mate says “how’s that workin’ for ya?”  (i am ok with that as long as it is not aimed at ME)


A feud has broken out between liberal billionaire activist and fervent Clinton supporter, George Soros, and Italy’s anti-immigrant League party, which on Friday formed a  populist movement in coalition with the 5-Star party, and whose leader Matteo Salvini stepped into his new job as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior on Friday, pledging to deport hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants.

Salvini’s League and the 5-Star Movement struck a deal Thursday on a coalition government which will work towards “putting Italians first” (and potentially making life for Europe a living hell with the ongoing threat of Quitaly, which according to JPMorgan may be Rome’s best outcome), ending five days of market volatility and political chaos.

In response, George Soros flipped out, openly suggesting that Salvini might be financed by Vladimir Putin, saying he is “very worried about Russia’s influence on Europe in general and on the new Italian government.”

Continue reading here.

Kp Message 6-15-18… “About that ‘Kilauea Erupting’ thing… Energetically speaking”


editor’s note:  i can certainly align w/kp’s message.  all of this purging ALL life is going through.  to resist will only create an energetic backflow.  i know – i have experienced it.  deep breath.  let it go.  allow.  go with the flow.  be with and in the flow.  release what is called to release.  notice the body – notice where there is tightness.  strain.  for myself i am tuning in when i feel rushed.  ungrounded.  bz.  i am practicing intentionally sloooooooooowing down – including walking around the house.  flow doesn’t feel like it operates at a fast speed.  it doesn’t rush to its destination.  it enjoys the scenery.  i recall once an intuitive told me i was taking the “scenic route”.  at the time i was offended.  now i see it was meant as a message for me today.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


I’m using a new “selfie” photo, one taken on Mauna Loa (on 5-23-18), with Mauna Kea in the background. I suppose these will always change, as the flow of energies change here on the Big Island.

Now that being said, I want to say this about that “erupting thing” going on over at Kilauea.

I was speaking to someone a few days ago and it kind of flowed out from my consciousness that the Kilauea flow was a much larger energetic event that many might have “sensed”. I’ve really not read anyone else’s “ideas” or “channelings” about it, if there are any. This is just what I have “got” about it.

I personally don’t care what physically, in a 3D way, “triggered” this event. That has nothing to do with what I’m communicating. As an energetic “Light worker” type, I felt we (many of us on the islands, and elsewhere) were involved in opening pathways for the flow of energies around the planet. Hawaii, and Kilauea in particular, is a key point for planetary energetic flows, and there have been numerous missions to Kilauea to assist in closing off certain “old paradigm” energy pathways, and later, opening up new energetic pathways. In my view, this was completed on 4-26-18, via this mission. And although it was called “New Foundations” mission, I know at that point that a foundation had been laid to allow the new pathways to open.

On May 3rd, the lava lake dropped and a fissuring on the east rift zone started. The new lava flow, and new energetic flow, had begun. On 5-11-18, another Kilauea mission was carried out, called “Pathway Mission”. That seemed to do even more to open things up… and the flows and fissures continued to grow… big time.

Now all this might sound ridiculous to many. But that is not important. This new flow, this quite large and impressive flow, had started, and reflects what is occurring all around the planet, particularly around the Pacific rim. It reflects what is occurring all around the planet, geologically, politically, spiritually. The new flow of lava (energies) consumes the old, burns it up, and all who care to try to resist it. The planet is opening up energetically, just like the new lava flows. Those who choose to resist, are being consumed. And it is their choice to either join the new flow, or be consumed by it.

We have been working for this for many many years. And now that new players have come in to play their roles in caretaking this new lava flow, bringing planetary change (let’s see, for example, Trump, Putin, et al.), some are resisting, or bitching and moaning about those new players.


It’s tough, baby… but all are capable of doing this.

The Kilauea lava flows are showing the planet what the current incoming energies are all about… Elimination of the old and outdated… Laying of new foundations… And even bringing in the new “green energies” (remember the olivine in the lava?) all at the same time.

So I suggest we continue to align with these new energies, align with the new “planetary lava flow”, and assist them in whatever ways our Higher Guidance guides us.

Aloha, KP

Sourced from here.


Thank you for stopping in and visiting.  As always, you are free to share my personal writings as long as you do not alter and link back here.  If you wish to support the work I provide, for it is a job and my purpose for now, and I do have self and family to support, please click the button below.  Much gratitude! 

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Energy Update: Fatigue Wave Arriving / Massive Insights / Psychic Skills Enhanced


editor’s note:  exhausted.  very hungry (after a “time” of little appetite). lots of synchronicities.  interesting dreams.  check check check check…. riding the wave….


By Diane Canfield

Blessing Beloveds,

Suddenly today we have had an extreme fatigue energy WAVE arriving. I have not slept so long at night in a very long time as last night. When I was doing client sessions today, after my last healing session, I spontaneously feel asleep and I was not even tired! I suddenly woke myself up wondering what was going on, then realized it’s the wave we have coming in.

This morning while in the shower, I received information about my ex husband ( not my current husband )  I was told exactly why he is the way he is and why he is doing what he is doing now. I will not get into the details here but this affects many as we have a daughter together. I was the one who ended the relationship so it is not based on this. I was told why he made the decisions he did years ago when we were married and why he is making the decisions he is today. In other words his complete belief system was shown to me all at once ! All the pieces then fell into place and I was able to connect all the dots together.

This is big because this is not someone who has been in my life for a very long time, yet psychically the connections are making their way into any unsolved issues we have had with others. Now this is even when the issues are theirs and not ours, this is the case with us. Yes I said that, so if someone has unsolved issues with you, you can be affected by this now. I say now meaning the level we are in, in the Ascension Process. All things are connected and this is becoming more clear day by day.

Psychic phenomenon is again advancing. You may see things now that you could not before. You could know things now that you could not before. Do not doubt yourself when this occurs. One way to make psychic advancements is to believe everything you feel from other realms is real until proven otherwise, especially important in the beginning phase of advancing psychically. This of course means with a stability that any REAL psychic has.

Long time Experienced Psychics are not unstable and all over the place, willy nilly. We know how to balance ourselves and live a stable life. So anyone just coming into psychic skills, as the Ascension Process increases, will need to work on this aspect at the same time as the psychic enhancements come in. I know this is a big subject and I will tackle this at another time and go into more detail. Since I came into this reality already with psychic enhancements, I will be able to help the many that are just coming into these gifts.

Even though I have been psychic for a very long time, I have never been unbalanced. I have always known instinctually how to balance myself and how important this is to my work.

Massive Insights have been arriving. Be sure you pay attention to all thoughts that come into your consciousness and do not turn them away. Follow them where ever they lead you as they may lead you to exactly the information you need to know right now.

Hunger and thirst have been on the rise with this along with extreme blurry vision. The Universe is again working on our Light Bodies, and changing them to be able to fully traverse in other dimensions.

Dreams have been strange recently. But be aware of your dreams and keep track of them as they can tell so many things that the subconscious mind has hidden. Dreams are a way of releasing subconscious fears and thoughts. They also are highly connected to the upper realms and can provide us with so much psychic information.





I will have more updates if the energy changes or increases !


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In Service and Love

Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Medium, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET In PERSON Contactee having had many in person visitations from many different races of ET races. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood She had out of body experiences, knew things she had no way of knowing and channeled as a child. She was visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Copyright © 2018 by www.dianecanfield.com All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website www.DianeCanfield.com.

Sourced from here.


International scientists have found autism’s cause. What will Americans do?


BY J.B. HANDLEY April 2, 2018

Five clear, replicable, and related discoveries explaining how autism is triggered have formed an undeniably clear picture of autism’s causation, and possibly ways to alleviate the symptoms, too. Most of the research that has created this understanding has been published in the last 36 months, and largely from international scientists in the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Israel, and China. The American media, public health authorities, and Autism Speaks? Silent.

STAFFORDSHIRE, England —In early December 2017, Dr. Chris Exley of Keele University in England and his colleagues published a paper that for the first time looked at the brain tissue of subjects with autism to determine the level of aluminum (note: they spell “aluminum” as “aluminium” in the United Kingdom) found within their brain tissue. For anyone trying to convince the world that “the science is settled and vaccines don’t cause autism,” the study’s findings are deeply contradictory to that statement. In a blog post written by Professor Exley on the day his study was published, he explained the groundbreaking results:

“…while the aluminium content of each of the 5 brains [of people with autism] was shockingly high it was the location of the aluminium in the brain tissue which served as the standout observation…The new evidence strongly suggests that aluminium is entering the brain in ASD [autism spectrum disorders] via pro-inflammatory cells which have become loaded up with aluminium in the blood and/or lymph, much as has been demonstrated for monocytes at injection sites for vaccines including aluminium adjuvants.

Dr. Exley’s study — “Aluminium in brain tissue and autism” — is the final piece of a puzzle that first started to come together in 2004, and picked up steam since 2010, that has dramatically furthered the scientific understanding of exactly how a vaccine can trigger autism. This timeline is critical to recognize, because the Vaccine Court in the United States dismissed the vaccine-autism hypothesis in 2009, long before most of what I’m about to explain even existed. Science is a continuum, an emergence of truth through many different studies that often have to be pieced together before the picture becomes clear. And, scientific progress can sometimes move slowly until that moment when an emerging truth presents itself in such a way that it can no longer be denied. In my opinion, Dr. Exley’s study provided the only data missing from an airtight explanation of what happened to my son and so many other children.

Continue reading here.

Q Posts For 6/15 and 6/16/18


editor’s note:  word of note ~ there is some possibly offensive material in this one…i would analyze but it is late and i am too tired to do so….





Why are Hussein records sealed?
Why did 42 Hussein admin staff obtain FBI bypass (no background check)? IT scandal Awan.
Access to classified emails / summary sec meeting notes/briefings etc with NO FBI background check or clearance.
Paki leak?
MB infiltration?
IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE.
Keep your eyes on the ball.
POTUS is not going through this for nothing.
Watch the vid again if you need clarity (‘speech that will get POTUS elected’).
There is so much evil and corruption it’s horrifying.
We owe it to our children!
Note CF children drop in IG report.
Official doc statement.
‘The Beginning’
Not all are awake.

Barack Obama – Administration
First Lady Michelle Obama
Vice President Joseph Biden
Secretary of State John F. Kerry (2013-2017)
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (2009-2013)
Secretary of Defense Ashton B. Carter (2015-2017)
Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta (2011-2013)
Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates (2009-2011)
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel (2013-2015)
Secretary of the Interior Ken L. Salazar (2009-2013)
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell (2013-2017)
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch (2015-2017)
Attorney General Eric H. Holder (2009-2015)
Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew (2013-2017)
Secretary of the Treasury Timothy F. Geithner (2009-2013)
Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius (2009-2014) Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell (2014-2017)
Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez (2013-2017)
Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis (2009-2013)
Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker (2013-2017)
Secretary of Commerce John Bryson (2011-2012)
Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke (2009-2011)
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack (2009-2017)
Secretary of Education John King Jr. (2016-2017)
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (2009-2016)
Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz (2013-2017)
Secretary of Energy Steven Chu (2009-2013)
Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson (2013-2017)
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano (2009-2013)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan (2009-2014) Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro (2014-2017) Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx (2013-2017)
Secretary of Transportion Ray LaHood (2009-2013)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert A. McDonald (2014-2017)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki (2009-2014)
Search foreign posts (State).
Face important.

Have you IDEN other person?
Search Hussein admin.
No facial hair.
Obtain name.
Cross FBI sec clearance?
>>1764595 Why are Hussein records sealed? Unusual? Why did 42 Hussein admin staff obtain FBI bypass (no background check)? IT scandal Awan. Access to classified emails / summary sec meeting notes/briefings etc with NO FBI background check or clearance. Purpose? Paki leak? MB infiltration? IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE. Keep your eyes on the ball. POTUS is not going through this for nothing. Watch the vid again if you need clarity (‘speech that will get POTUS elected’). There is so much evil and corruption it’s horrifying. We owe it to our children! Q



>>1763131 Q, I know confirming the Qproofs is going to be tough.. and will also flood the bread. We need some type of guidance. WHAT SHOULD WE HAVE READY? I know YOU work or US.. (USA) but WE (anons) work for you… TELL US WHAT NEEDS TO BE READY! _ff
Will inspect/review.
Marine One proofs forthcoming.
AF1 (inside) thereafter.
More & More.

>>1763295 q’s post about a morning stroll came out after the president’s tweet… how is it a ‘proof’??
Check timestamp.
:18 Stroll :32 POTUS 5:5?


What came out in IG report?
JC gmail.
They all had them. Re_read drops re: private emails re: convicting HRC = convicting themselves.
Why did the entire Hussein admin use private emails?
ES is KEY.
What a wonderful day.