The Greatest Discovery Never Seen: Crypto-Water and the Secrets of Harmony

THE GREATEST DISCOVERY NEVER SEEN: Part 3 … Crypto-Water & the Secrets of Harmony
by GW Hardin
Since the dawn of time, those who controlled water controlled civilizations. Whether early cavemen viciously guarding watering holes or desert people concealing locations of oases, water determines whether humans live or die. Even to this day in modern-day Colorado, where I live, the adage goes, “Whiskey is for drinkin’; water is for fightin’.”
However, only the most advanced civilizations have known that deeply encrypted in water lie secrets that govern the fabric of the universe. Is it not time for all of humanity to know these secrets that once served the great Egyptian dynasties?
 As simple as water is, it actually is among the most difficult of substances to understand. Scientists today still don’t understand how it does some of the things it does. In order to tackle the encrypted wonders of this miraculous molecule, we will venture into its labyrinth of mystery in four stages:
1. Harmony and Water — Secret to the Anti-Matrix … Death to the Borg
2. Microtubule Rabbit Holes — The Hidden Patterns to the Fabric of the Universe
3. The Divine Cleansing — Harmonetic®Water, H3O2 and Other Structured Crypto-Water (stop the poisoning of our aquifers)
4. Conclusion — Stepping into Eden
In Parts 1& 2 we looked at the importance of the latest discoveries in physics ( that have vaulted the importance of recognizing consciousness as the essential component not only of physics but also of science in general. We also examined the critical danger of giving up our humanity by becoming technological cyborgs. Along with that we entered the debate of AI (artificial intelligence) conquering or eliminating humans ( Now it’s time to clearly galvanize humanity into remembering our humanity and also awakening us to the miracle that we clearly were created to be.
Harmony and Water — Secret to the Anti-Matrix … Death to the Borg
In Part 2, we saw that MIT’s James Gates, Jr., and Tesla Motor’s Elon Musk have found evidence that we actually may be living in a Grand Simulation, the “Matrix.” Rather than asking how we get out of this Matrix, these enquiring minds instead are asking who created this Grand Simulation? And why? When the Titanic is going down, one does not ask who left that iceberg in the ocean. One asks how the hell do we find a lifeboat? Oddly enough, the lifeboat in our case may actually be the ocean. Or at least the oceans of water that surround us.
A growing number of scientists are discovering that water can no longer be taken for granted. We drink it, we wash with it, and we poop into it to such a degree that we really have never taken the time to find out why our lives simply can’t exist without water. Bluntly put, we take water for granted. And we shouldn’t. We idly chat over chips and margaritas citing factoids that tell us that our bodies are about 60-75% water by weight. Kinda like our planet itself. But what is being ignored is that water molecules are teeny tiny compared to other molecules. And if you actually count the number of molecules in our bodies, 99% of molecules in our bodies are water! Yep. We are literally walking bags of water governed by consciousness. We are the Water People.
To mathematicians like me, water is a geometric wonder. The hydrogen atoms in water are unique with their ability to change their atomic shape if scalars or other energy sources are added. When hydrogen does this the angle of hydrogen atoms to the oxygen atoms changes. We see this when water is steam or ice. When these hydrogen atoms go into a high spin state, veritable miracles seem to take place. Here’s how we’ve been taught to look at water molecules as H2O:
Pretty simple. But boring. Water doesn’t really exist like this. It does amazing things when it clusters together. Tremendous variations in patterns move around doing unheard of magic as it constantly morphs from one state to another, while we go about our day thinking we live in a “real” world that is most likely a Grand Simulation.
Here are only a few other paths that water takes in a given instant:
But water is capable of so much more. Here are modest mathematical models it is capable of:
Even more strange is that water does not limit itself to clustering of molecular patterns. It also has the capacity to take up scalar patterns that can turn a calm sea into a giant tidal wave that crushes whole towns. It is the only substance that can take on all the geometric shapes:

Those of you in the know can spot this as cymatics, or the interaction of sound and water. This capability is at the heart of how we can can co-create the Anti-Matrix … removing ourselves from the Grand Simulation. How is that possible? Let’s take a look.
What James Gates, Jr., discovered is that the Grand Simulation looks like computer code, actual formulae that take on structure that we end up calling “reality.” However, what Roger Penrose has discovered is that AI cannot simulate consciousness. In my last article, I label AI as “No-Consciousness.” Penrose seems to back this up with his statement that the “quality of understanding and feeling, possessed by human beings, is not something that can be simulated computationally.”
Writing about Penrose, David Freeman of Discover magazine (June 1994) says:
Mathematicians have proved that it’s impossible to devise a computer program — a general set of rules — that can predict whether tiles of any given shape can completely cover a plane. If the question of whether certain tiles can cover a floor is noncomputable, then might not the task of evaluating an object’s beauty as well as any other chore of consciousness be the same? Penrose was sure they were. But if consciousness is noncomputable, then whatever process in the brain that gives rise to consciousness must also be noncomputable.
In other words, even though it may walk like a duck and quack like a duck, AI is no duck.
The bottom line here is that consciousness reigns supreme — that is, if we are aware enough to realize that. And what I have discovered is a mathematical construct that will allow us to move into that awareness via HARMONY.
Emoto and others have shown us what happens to water when it is subjected to negative intent, negative thoughts, even negative words. Bruce Lipton has similarly shown that DNA is subject to its environment (epigenetics). And what is the single most abundant molecule surrounding DNA? Water. Keeping in mind that 99 percent of the molecules in our body are water, you don’t have to scratch your head too long before you realize that water is the primary factor in determining the quality of our lives.
In three different pilot studies we sponsored, one involving water, the other two involving plasma fields and scalar patterns (created by Xynchro™ devices) aimed at the water in our bodies, we discovered high levels of significance where lives improved when in the environment of harmony-based fields. Improvements were seen in the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of the tested participants. Harmony-based patterns assist us in altering reality for the better.
The James Gates, Jr., adinkra patterns are AI-based (binary code …, or what I call the AI Matrix. The simulation constructs Elon Musk is talking about are AI-based. The implication is that these AI-based systems are controlling our lives. More accurately put, we are allowing them to control our lives. What we are seeing in our pilot studies is that this control abates when we become more aware. And what we are seeing in two year’s worth of experimenting is that this increased awareness pulls back the cloud of distractions, opening us once again to our greatness through self-identification, self-empowerment, self-realization, and recognition of the Self in Oneness.
From the information given in the angelic appearances to Joseph Crane and Dr. Joseph Poleo, I ultimately discovered a mathematical pattern that Pythagoras himself used, called the Pythagorean skein, or base-9 mathematics. From these numbers I saw an inherent Fibonacci numbering system. At the time I did not know that the Fibonacci sequences worked NOT only in base-10 (our everyday mathematics), they also worked in numbering systems from 2 to 9. Out of that I discovered in base-9 that there are four sequences that govern all of life. In anything living, you will see these sequences:
These four strings of sequences weave in wondrous combinations to create what the angels call the “Fabric of the Universe.” They just so happen to also make up the entire Solfeggio Matrix (, when turned into a helix like DNA. Once more, all these numbers in the Solfeggio Matrix are harmony-based. Adding any two or more solfeggio numbers creates another solfeggio number that is a Pythagorean harmonic of the original. The entire Solfeggio Matrix is a complete torus of never-ending harmony.
Where humans get sidetracked is when anything that is not in harmony infects us. Any harmonic system is death to the AI Matrix. Whenever two systems interact, one of them being harmonious, the disharmonious will always end up entraining to the harmonious. That’s because the Fabric of Life was originally created out of complete harmony.
Whenever you subject water to solfeggio patterns, that water becomes structured. And when water is harmonically structured it becomes a ringing bell of sacred sound that calls us back to our original sacred state of being. Perfect. Whole. Complete. As we were originally. As we are now, if we so choose.
Microtubule Rabbit Holes — The Hidden Patterns to the Fabric of the Universe
When Hameroff and Penrose discovered that highly structured water was on the inside of all microtubules (, they also discovered that the tubulin, which make up the microtubules, interact in a Fibonacci sequence of 3-5-8-13 (there are 13 molecules that make up each ring of the microtubule). What they did not realize is that this sequence is not in base-10 as they wrote. It’s actually in base-9, which is toroidal in nature. That means the microtubule sequence is actually 3-5-8-4-3-7-1 etc. And if you look at the four sequences I gave above, this sequence is number 1 on the list. Microtubules are round with the tubulin arranged in a kind of helix pattern. So when they interact, that interaction occurs in a  constant swirling torus-like pattern around the tube.
Now keep in mind that microtubules are directly connected to consciousness. So much so that Hameroff originally thought (incorrectly) that they were the source of consciousness. What is also essential to keep in mind is that all microtubules are filled with highly structured water. And at the center of each microtubule there appears to be a black-hole-like feature that some call dark matter, while others call it a miniature black hole. The truth is that scientists don’t fully understand what this feature is. However, it doesn’t take much imagination to figure out that it is quantum related, not unlike a similar phenomenon created by DNA, called biophotons — that appear out of nowhere (or what scientists call the quantum vacuum, while others call it zero point or the quantum plenum).
What Hameroff also discovered is that these microtubules are covered in miniature hairlike antennae made of protein that clearly send and receive frequencies. Most of the frequencies are in the megahertz range. However, Hameroff discovered that somehow they are also able to receive/send harmonics in the Solfeggio Matrix range. Hameroff also discovered that the frequencies sent out by microtubules are “anharmonic,” or without harmonics. Why would a completely harmonic-based system send out only anharmonic frequencies? One guess is this is how the AI Matrix or AI Simulation is supported. Think what would happen if the microtubules were allowed to transmit and receive harmonic-based frequencies? We think this is what is happening when we create certain versions of solfeggio-tone harmonics with scalars and introduce them to the mind/body. In other words, we hypothesize that this is the Anti-Matrix.
The Divine Cleansing — Harmonetic®Water, H3O2 and Other Structured Crypto-Water
It appears, in the work done by Dr. Gerald Pollack, professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington, that water has buried within it a secret that can be easily unlocked. I call this “Crypto-Water.” Pollack calls this version of water H3O2, or EZ water, which stands for “Elimination Zone” water. In his book, The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, Vapor (Ebner & Sons, 2013), Pollack shows how this particular form of structured water (H3O2) naturally excludes all pollutants from the water ( Think what this means to our own human bodies. Remember, we are essentially walking bags of water.
The work done by physicist Dan Nelson, PhD, with his Wayback Water (, adds even more ammunition to the capabilities of Crypto-Water to bring an end to the disharmony that plagues us. Nelson goes into great depth how and why structured water has exceptional influence in our bodies.
Water has secretly built within it the capacity to eliminate the toxins that it so readily absorbs, if we know how to take advantage of this secret. What we’ve discovered is that water can be structured simply by playing certain scalar solfeggio strings of sound. So not only can pollutants be eliminated, the water will also harmonize. This can be a boon to our cells which constantly have to eliminate wastes and toxins. We call this solfeggio-based form of structured water Harmonetic®Water.
Harmony-based structured water also is a boon to our entire system, especially when the structured water around DNA and inside microtubules affect more than waste and toxins but also eliminate the fog of negative-based reality. It is what I like to call the “Divine Cleansing.”
Conclusion — Stepping into Eden
The ultimate question lingers: What happens when we emerge from the Matrix? Do we trigger what Gary Renard describes in his fascinating book, The Disappearance of the Universe (Hay House, 2004)? Do we bring an end to the Grand Simulation and the illusion of duality? Does the Matrix come crashing down in the same fashion as the movie series of the same name? Perhaps.
However, if one pays attention to the mathematics of the Solfeggio Matrix, the harmony never ends. In truth, it weaves into other dimensions using fractals as if they were gateways. There is evidence from the angelic realm that these solfeggio frequencies can be arranged in certain ways to create these gateways in the third dimension not unlike the gateways in the movie Stargate. And like that same movie, we have the ability to move across time-space to other worlds.
What this implies is that our planet is one of many that will need these harmonizing effects to extricate themselves from the Grand Simulation. But first, we must open our eyes to the grandness of ourselves, by moving into self-awareness and Oneness.
Yes, we are indeed a paradox that is both. Like the whales and the dolphins, we have the capacity to move our brains from individual-based thinking and operating to group-mind. When in group-mind we become unlimited in our abilities as we no longer operate solely in service to ourselves but in service to others in the group. It is as if we have the ability to walk in two worlds at the same time. Which makes us a metaphor of being living gateways ourselves. In the upcoming Part 4, I will give technical detail as to how we clean out the “pollution” in our lives by showing how we can surround ourselves with harmony, whether that’s with Harmonetic®Water or harmonious scalar environments.
In an article written by Dr. Michael Salla, he provides an interesting sidelight to what “harmony” can mean ( He says, “Seth provides clarity on how one can achieve a service-to-other polarity, and feel connected to the needs of others. It does not come from sacrificing one’s own joy or needs to make others happy, but by following one’s own life path:
When you follow your own nature, you automatically and naturally feel for the needs of others … When you are joyful and free, and when you are having fun, you automatically feel … your oneness with all other creatures of the universe, and you know your place in All That Is. 
(Susan M. Watkins, Conversations with Seth, p. 179)
The angelic realm tells us that humanity has awakened enough that Eden stands before us once again. They tell us the gate is open. All we have to do is walk in. So what is it going to take for us to collectively open our eyes and take this first step?
The answer is simple, as it has always been. We simply choose to. We collectively hold one another’s hands. The first to open their eyes gets to take the next step. And in so doing, we drag the rest with us, never letting go of one another. We are collective Oneness. We are One.
GW Hardin is a New York Times bestselling author and mathematician. He specializes in bringing the scientific and etheric worlds together in his writings. He has two websites …
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This Is Why Finland Has The Best Schools

This Is Why Finland Has The Best Schools

William Doyle

The Harvard education professor Howard Gardner once advised Americans, “Learn from Finland, which has the most effective schools and which does just about the opposite of what we are doing in the United States.”

Following his recommendation, I enrolled my seven-year-old son in a primary school in Joensuu. Finland, which is about as far east as you can go in the European Union before you hit the guard towers of the Russian border.

Children in Finland.
Children in Finland. Photo: Heikki Saukkomaa

OK, I wasn’t just blindly following Gardner – I had a position as a lecturer at the University of Eastern Finland for a semester. But the point is that, for five months, my wife, my son and I experienced a stunningly stress-free, and stunningly good, school system. Finland has a history of producing the highest global test scores in the Western world, as well as a trophy case full of other recent No. 1 global rankings, including most literate nation.

In Finland, children don’t receive formal academic training until the age of seven. Until then, many are in day care and learn through play, songs, games and conversation. Most children walk or bike to school, even the youngest. School hours are short and homework is generally light.

Unlike in the United States, where many schools are slashing recess, schoolchildren in Finland have a mandatory 15-minute outdoor free-play break every hour of every day. Fresh air, nature and regular physical activity breaks are considered engines of learning. According to one Finnish maxim, “There is no bad weather. Only inadequate clothing.”

One evening, I asked my son what he did for gym that day. “They sent us into the woods with a map and compass and we had to find our way out,” he said.

Finland doesn’t waste time or money on low-quality mass standardized testing. Instead, children are assessed every day, through direct observation, check-ins and quizzes by the highest-quality “personalized learning device” ever created – flesh-and-blood teachers.

In class, children are allowed to have fun, giggle and daydream from time to time. Finns put into practice the cultural mantras I heard over and over: “Let children be children,” “The work of a child is to play,” and “Children learn best through play.”

The emotional climate of the typical classroom is warm, safe, respectful and highly supportive. There are no scripted lessons and no quasi-martial requirements to walk in straight lines or sit up straight. As one Chinese student-teacher studying in Finland marveled to me, “In Chinese schools, you feel like you’re in the military. Here, you feel like you’re part of a really nice family.” She is trying to figure out how she can stay in Finland permanently.

In Finland teachers are the most trusted and admired professionals next to doctors, in part because they are required to have a master’s degree in education with specialization in research and classroom practice.

“Our mission as adults is to protect our children from politicians,” one Finnish childhood education professor told me. “We also have an ethical and moral responsibility to tell business people to stay out of our building.” In fact, any Finnish citizen is free to visit any school whenever they like, but her message was clear: Educators are the ultimate authorities on education, not bureaucrats, and not technology vendors.

Finland delivers on a national public scale highly qualified, highly respected and highly professionalized teachers who conduct personalized one-on-one instruction; manageable class sizes; a rich, developmentally correct curriculum; regular physical activity; little or no low-quality standardized tests and the toxic stress and wasted time and energy that accompanies them; daily assessments by teachers; and a classroom atmosphere of safety, collaboration, warmth and respect for children as cherished individuals.

One day last November, when the first snow came to my part of Finland, I heard a commotion outside my university faculty office window, which is close to the teacher training school’s outdoor play area. I walked over to investigate.

The field was filled with children savoring the first taste of winter amid the pine trees.

“Do you hear that?” asked the recess monitor, a special education teacher wearing a yellow safety smock.

“That,” she said proudly, “is the voice of happiness.”

William Doyle is a 2015-2016 Fulbright scholar and a lecturer on media and education at the University of Eastern Finland.

Los Angeles Times

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Preparing For The Third Energy Wave of September 2016

Editor’s note:  As I have mentioned before, I am not one to post channeled messages, but I will if the message resonates with me.  I have seen a variety of messages speaking of the 3rd energy wave coming in next month (September) with the same dates mentioned:  9-11th (when the wave first begins to hit) and the 26th (when it arrives fully).  The people who speak of this have a variety of backgrounds from writers to intuitives to phd’s in the sciences.  Before I read this article, I awoke in the morning only to to hear my Higher Self tell me “it is time to prepare yourself for this next wave of energy”.  I asked myself what I needed to do and was guided to get extra rest, meditate, gentle exercise, drink a lot of water and eat good food (high vibrational foods can also be as simple as blessing your food – something I do).  Upon reading this piece, I knew it was Truth for me and thus, am sharing with you.  


“We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future to assist you on your path.

You have experienced the first and second Wave of intense energy in the last 12 months.

Now you are getting ready for the third wave of energy that will give you profound support for your Ascension journey.

 Each of these waves are clearing old vibrational patterns in your cellular structure, DNA, emotional body and spiritual body.

Then, new light codes are being disbursed on your planet to lift you up into a higher dimensional reality.

At the same time, these powerful energies and shifts might cause some of you to get thrown off balance emotionally, spiritually and physically.

As you are preparing for this upcoming wave, it is of utmost importance that you tend to your vibrational frequencies, emotional and physical state on a daily bases.

Most importantly, the amount of light codes you will receive, depends on your permission and choice to receive the highest, yet appropriate amount for your individual journey.  

Are you ready to accelerate your ascension and with it a higher dimensional experience?

We recommend that, each morning, you take time to meditate, to set your intent for what you wish to experience and create, that you nurture your physical body with high vibrational foods and clean water, plenty of rest as well as exercise.

You can imagine this time period like a training ground, before the initial wave comes to your planet. (September 9th – 11th)

During the initial wave you will already experience the energies and the more you can tend to your physical, emotional and spiritual body, the better.

Starting on September 26th, the third wave will arrive at your planet and will continue for several weeks. 

The duration of this wave depends on the level of integration of the collective mass-consciousness of humanity.

Remain in your emotional, spiritual and physical center as much as you can.

Together with Adama of Telos and Archangel Michael we will keep you updated during this profound and important time.

We are with you… always.

We love you.

We are you.



Thank you, Galactic Council of Light!

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The Biggest Shift Is Happening Now

The Biggest Shift Ever On The Planet Is Happening NOW: Be In The Mission

Time Is Speeding Up

Editor’s note:  I have indeed noticed this phenomenon.  I simply cannot accomplish all that I used to be able to – and recently this has increased.  I have read where we are headed for the “void” – where time ceases to exist.  

Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, WooWoo Media

Are you one of the people who feel like time is speeding up?  If so, you may be one of the people who are about to move into the next density.

Many people across the world are experiencing a feeling as if time is speeding up.  While a day is still constituted in 24 hour increments, time seems to be moving faster than ever for many people.

There are several explanations for the time speeding up phenomenon.  The most popular explanation is that time isn’t speeding up, but our consciousness is, which makes it seem like time is speeding up.

 Ian Lungold believed that time was speeding up because creation was speeding up. In other words, more was happening in less time. “When more is possible to happen in every moment,” stated Lungold, “there is more possible outcomes which opens the door to things called miracles.”

What many people aren’t taking into account is vibration.  Everything in existence revolves around vibration as atoms vibrate to create our 3rd dimensional reality.  As the atoms vibrate faster, the illusion of time speeding up is created because, physiologically, our bodies are sensing the speeding up of “something” but we cannot attribute it to anything familiar other than time.

The reason we cannot physically see higher dimensions is because they are vibrating at a higher rate.  As our bodies start to vibrate at a higher rate, we begin to feel as though time is also speeding up.

Look no further than the drastic changes within our solar system.  For many years in the past, our sun was a bright yellow in color but has since turned into a bright whitish yellow as it reflects the changes in vibration within our solar system.

In alchemy, the statement of “as above, so below” applies.  As our solar system is going through dramatic climate changes, so is our planet.  As our planet goes through dramatic climate changes, the inhabitants of this plant will experience drastic changes.  One of these changes is in the vibratory level of the spin in the atoms of our bodies.

Days, weeks and years seem to fly by quicker than ever. This isn’t just a physiological symptom of those who are progressing in age as every age genre from teens through the elderly is experiencing this phenomenon.

The easiest way to raise your body’s vibratory rate is through meditation. Other ways include showing kindness to all forms of life, radiating unconditional love and doing kind deeds for others.

A simple way to raise your vibration while helping to raise the vibrations of others is to mentally express love and appreciation to random people through positive thoughts and intentions.  For example, if you were to take a walk on the beach or even a stroll through the mall, try envisioning that everyone is part of your family.  As people walk by you, mentally tell them, “I love you.  You’re beautiful and perfect just the way you are.”

Related: Why Raising Your Energy Vibration Is So Important

The bottom line is that your 3rd dimensional body may be preparing you for the 5th dimension as your atoms continue to vibrate at a higher level.

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