Time Is Speeding Up

Editor’s note:  I have indeed noticed this phenomenon.  I simply cannot accomplish all that I used to be able to – and recently this has increased.  I have read where we are headed for the “void” – where time ceases to exist.  

Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, WooWoo Media

Are you one of the people who feel like time is speeding up?  If so, you may be one of the people who are about to move into the next density.

Many people across the world are experiencing a feeling as if time is speeding up.  While a day is still constituted in 24 hour increments, time seems to be moving faster than ever for many people.

There are several explanations for the time speeding up phenomenon.  The most popular explanation is that time isn’t speeding up, but our consciousness is, which makes it seem like time is speeding up.

 Ian Lungold believed that time was speeding up because creation was speeding up. In other words, more was happening in less time. “When more is possible to happen in every moment,” stated Lungold, “there is more possible outcomes which opens the door to things called miracles.”

What many people aren’t taking into account is vibration.  Everything in existence revolves around vibration as atoms vibrate to create our 3rd dimensional reality.  As the atoms vibrate faster, the illusion of time speeding up is created because, physiologically, our bodies are sensing the speeding up of “something” but we cannot attribute it to anything familiar other than time.

The reason we cannot physically see higher dimensions is because they are vibrating at a higher rate.  As our bodies start to vibrate at a higher rate, we begin to feel as though time is also speeding up.

Look no further than the drastic changes within our solar system.  For many years in the past, our sun was a bright yellow in color but has since turned into a bright whitish yellow as it reflects the changes in vibration within our solar system.

In alchemy, the statement of “as above, so below” applies.  As our solar system is going through dramatic climate changes, so is our planet.  As our planet goes through dramatic climate changes, the inhabitants of this plant will experience drastic changes.  One of these changes is in the vibratory level of the spin in the atoms of our bodies.

Days, weeks and years seem to fly by quicker than ever. This isn’t just a physiological symptom of those who are progressing in age as every age genre from teens through the elderly is experiencing this phenomenon.

The easiest way to raise your body’s vibratory rate is through meditation. Other ways include showing kindness to all forms of life, radiating unconditional love and doing kind deeds for others.

A simple way to raise your vibration while helping to raise the vibrations of others is to mentally express love and appreciation to random people through positive thoughts and intentions.  For example, if you were to take a walk on the beach or even a stroll through the mall, try envisioning that everyone is part of your family.  As people walk by you, mentally tell them, “I love you.  You’re beautiful and perfect just the way you are.”

Related: Why Raising Your Energy Vibration Is So Important

The bottom line is that your 3rd dimensional body may be preparing you for the 5th dimension as your atoms continue to vibrate at a higher level.

Sourced from:  http://www.woowoomedia.com/time-is-speeding-up-phenomenon/

Love Is Who We Are

Editor’s note: Saw this on an article earlier today and it moved me to tears…

“It’s safe again to be meek.  It’s acceptable again to be innocent.  It’s wise now to trust again.  It’s clear that unconditionally love wins the day.  AS unconditional love is who and what we are.  Love is what it means to be human.   Love is meant to be generously shared and received.  Love is who and what we are made of.  Love is our genetic coding.  Love is the truth.  And God is love.  So must we be.”

Sourced from: http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2016/08/birth-announcement-sitrep-140000-est.html#more

UFO Seen Nightly In Late Night August Skies in Oregon

UPDATE: September 19 – still seeing it nightly.  At this point it is visible at 9pm.  Looks as though others are seeing similar craft given this video.  Of interest to me is how this object changes shape – exactly my experience.  I have seen it literally “morph” from a circular craft to a chevron.  

UPDATE: August 27 – still seeing it nightly although it is rising earlier each night.  Able to see it at 11pm now instead of 11:45pm.  

UPDATE:  This same object/craft was seen last night, August 11th, in SE Oregon – approximately 200-250 miles from my location – making this craft not local and up in the celestial world.  Will be viewing again tonight and making more video.  

Editors note:  This is our video taken last night, August 7, 2016.  As I previously mentioned in an earlier post, I have been seeing something rise in the northeastern horizon for the past few nights.  It follows the same trajectory and rises at or near the same time (from my vantage point):  11:45pm.  It rises slowly to the SSE.  As you can see from the first few moments of the video (which my mate took), it is indeed a craft of some sort for you can clearly see the lights.  Last night we watched it slowly rise until approximately 1:30am before going to bed.  We will continue to watch and document as necessary.  We have been watching the skies for approximately 20 years and have never seen anything like this – primarily due to the fact that it is now 3 nights in a row, same location, following the same path.  Our neighbor joined in with us for a few minutes given he was open but skeptical.  He is now a believer.  Being a former military man, he said it was definitely not a plane, planet, meteor or star and agreed is was very odd to see the same object 3 evenings in the same location at the same time.