Our Right To Informed Consent Being Usurped – Will You Resist?

zika-resistBy Alex Pietrowski

Through case-law, as well as by the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, it is well established as a legal precedent in the United States that an individual has the right to informed consent of any invasive medical procedure.

No right is more sacred, or is more carefully guarded by the common law, than the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference of others, unless by clear and unquestionable authority of law…To compel any one, and especially a woman, to lay bare the body, or to submit it to the touch of a stranger, without lawful authority, is an indignity, an assault, and a trespass…  ~Union Pacific Railway Co. v. Botsford (1891)

Mandating an invasive procedure in order to give informed consent is not a proper role for the state. No person should be directed to undergo an invasive procedure by the state, without their consent, as a precondition to another medical procedure. ~Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell (2012)

This is quite common sensical, yet now we find a pressing need to extend this to include the right to not be poisoned without our consent, as state and corporate powers are granting themselves the authority to spray people with dangerous and toxic chemical insecticides… for public health, of course.

Fighting Aerial Spraying of Toxic Zika Insecticide Naled

Florida residents have begun to fight back against the aerial spraying of the insecticide Naled which is being used to control the spread of the Zika virus by killing adult and young mosquitoes in targeted areas. Organized and organic resistance is growing, as many people are voicing objections to having their persons, families, homes, pets, and surrounding areas sprayed without consent.

“If you’re going to spray, we should have a say,” chanted protesters during a heated meeting atMiami Beach City Hall recently. This is the information age, and as one protestor pointed out it doesn’t take a genius to look up the health risks of Naled.

Naled is moderately to highly toxic by ingestion, inhalation and dermal adsorption. Vapors or fumes of naled are corrosive to the mucous membranes lining the mouth, throat and lungs, and inhalation may cause severe irritation. A sensation of tightness in the chest and coughing are commonly experienced after inhalation. As with all organophosphates, naled is readily absorbed through the skin. Skin which has come in contact with this material should be washed immediately with soap and water and all contaminated clothing should be removed. Persons with respiratory ailments, recent exposure to cholinesterase inhibitors, impaired cholinesterase production, or with liver malfunction may be at increased risk from exposure to naled. High environmental temperatures or exposure of naled to visible or UV light may enhance its toxicity. [Source]

The EPA ad the CDC maintain that when used in proper dosages and applied at the proper times in the proper manner it does not pose a risk to humans or household pets, which is in itself debatable; however, residents are not only speaking on behalf of themselves, but also for other insects, plants, wildlife and waterways that are being treated as well.

Spraying Airline Passengers Without Consent or the Right to Decline

Another startling example of this is practice of spraying airline passengers with toxic pesticides during flight. A toxic insecticide, d-phenothrin is commonly used on airlines to prevent the spread of insects from one region to another, and is often directly sprayed on passengers. It is toxic, according to this fact sheet:

‘d-phenothrin is low in toxicity when eaten, breathed in, or applied to skin or eyes. When d-phenothrin gets on the skin, it can cause skin sensations like tingling, itching, burning, or numbness at that spot. These sensations usually go away within 48 hours. d-Phenothrin can also be mildly irritating to skin and eyes. Reported symptoms from eating or breathing in d-phenothrin are rare, but can include nausea, vomiting, throat irritation, headaches, and dizziness.’ [Source]


This practice is done ostensibly to protect public health, yet spraying people with a low-level toxic poison entirely contradicts this, and world bureaucrats see this as permissible.

This process is being referred to as “disinsection,” a word that seems to have been made up by the TSA or airline industry. Disinsection, or the spraying of an insecticide or pesticides on planes, is now permitted under international law. The Department of Transportation says that the supposed intent is to protect public health, crops and agriculture, and the environment. [Source]

The following video was posted on YouTube with a description of events:

This is on a China Eastern flight from Shanghai to Sydney. The hostesses sprayed this all through the cabins about 30 minutes before landing. I was told to stop filming.

I personally don’t think being subject to a pesticide spray while I am stuck in a pressurized cabin is protecting my health; it’s just the opposite—it’s an assault. What happens to people with asthma or someone like me who suffers from an auto immune condition and is uber sensitive to chemicals? [Source]

Surprisingly, very few people are willing to directly confront things like this as they’re happening; however, not everyone has become a sheeple. Here is a thought-provoking video from a woman who was on a flight to Australia when she vocally objected to the practice. She says she looked to other passengers for support, but not a single person would voice concern along with her. When the plane landed she was escorted off the plane by six police officers.

Final Thoughts – Playground Bully Logic

Americans, and people all over the world, are being pressed evermore by big government and corporate authoritarians to forfeit personal sovereignty under the weight of authoritarian decree and the guise of ‘public health.’

It’s playground bully logic, really. If you want something from someone and you’re bigger than them, just take it, as there’s a one in a thousand chance that the underdog will object, let alone fight back.The flip-side of this logic, however, is that when even the smallest and seemingly weakest stand up to bullying, bullies nearly always shirk away in defeat. Will you resist this latest assault on your rights?

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. ~Amendment IV to the U.S. Constitution

Read more articles from Alex Pietrowski.

Alex Pietrowski is an artist and writer concerned with preserving good health and the basic freedom to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. He is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com and Offgrid Outpost, a provider ofstorable food and emergency kits. Alex is an avid student of Yoga and life.

Sourced from: http://www.activistpost.com/2016/09/right-informed-consent-usurped-will-resist.html

School Replaces Detention With Meditation With Remarkable Results

Imagine you’re working at a school and one of the kids is starting to act up. What do you do?

Traditionally, the answer would be to give the unruly kid detention or suspension.

But in my memory, detention tended to involve staring at walls, bored out of my mind, trying to either surreptitiously talk to the kids around me without getting caught or trying to read a book. If it was designed to make me think about my actions, it didn’t really work. It just made everything feel stupid and unfair.

But Robert W. Coleman Elementary School has been doing something different when students act out: offering meditation.

Photo from Holistic Life Foundation, used with permission.

Instead of punishing disruptive kids or sending them to the principal’s office, the Baltimore school has something called the Mindful Moment Room instead.

The room looks nothing like your standard windowless detention room. Instead, it’s filled with lamps, decorations, and plush purple pillows. Misbehaving kids are encouraged to sit in the room and go through practices like breathing or meditation, helping them calm down and re-center. They are also asked to talk through what happened.

Meditation and mindfulness are pretty interesting, scientifically.

Photo from Holistic Life Foundation, used with permission.

Mindful meditation has been around in some form or another for thousands of years. Recently, though, science has started looking at its effects on our minds and bodies, and it’s finding some interesting effects.

One study, for example, suggested that mindful meditation could give practicing soldiers a kind of mental armor against disruptive emotions, and it can improve memory too. Another suggested mindful meditation could improve a person’s attention span and focus.

Individual studies should be taken with a grain of salt (results don’t always carry in every single situation), but overall, science is starting to build up a really interesting picture of how awesome meditation can be. Mindfulness in particular has even become part of certain fairly successful psychotherapies.

Back at the school, the Mindful Moment Room isn’t the only way Robert W. Coleman Elementary has been encouraging its kids.

After-school yoga. Photo from Holistic Life Foundation, used with permission.

The meditation room was created as a partnership with the Holistic Life Foundation, a local nonprofit that runs other programs as well. For more than 10 years the foundation has been offering the after-school program Holistic Me, where kids from pre-K through the fifth grade practice mindfulness exercises and yoga.

“It’s amazing,” said Kirk Philips, the Holistic Me coordinator at Robert W. Coleman. “You wouldn’t think that little kids would meditate in silence. And they do.”

I want to be as cool as this kid one day. Photo from Holistic Life Foundation, used with permission.

There was a Christmas party, for example, where the kids knew they were going to get presents but were still expected to do meditation first.

“As a little kid, that’s got to be hard to sit down and meditate when you know you’re about to get a bag of gifts, and they did it! It was beautiful, we were all smiling at each other watching them,” said Philips.

The program also helps mentor and tutor the kids, as well as teach them about the environment.

Building a vegetable garden. Photo from Holistic Life Foundation, used with permission.

They help clean up local parks, build gardens, and visit nearby farms. Philips said they even teach kids to be co-teachers, letting them run the yoga sessions.

This isn’t just happening at one school, either. Lots of schools are trying this kind of holistic thinking, and it’s producing incredible results.

In the U.K., for example, the Mindfulness in Schools Project is teaching adults how to set up programs. Mindful Schools, another nonprofit, is helping to set up similar programs in the United States.

Oh, and by the way, the schools are seeing a tangible benefit from this program, too.

Philips said that at Robert W. Coleman Elementary, there have been exactly zero suspensions last year and so far this year. Meanwhile, nearby Patterson Park High School, which also uses the mindfulness programs, said suspension rates dropped and attendance increased as well.

Is that wholly from the mindfulness practices? It’s impossible to say, but those are pretty remarkable numbers, all the same.

 Sourced from: http://www.upworthy.com/this-school-replaced-detention-with-meditation-the-results-are-stunning

Op-Ed On Current Geopolitical Landscape and RV/GCR


September 23, 2016

Seems to me the RV is a weapon. And the New Powers That Be (NPTB) are using the RV to inflict weaponized mercy upon all sovereign nation states to exterminate the cabal once and for all.

Let me explain.

Take the recent India / Pakistan false flag event for instance. When the cabal attacked India via a faux Pakistani military unit earlier this week, it was like they were openly attacking Russia through its mandatory BRICS alliance. The cabal, therefore, is now trying to drag Russia into a war on every possible front before the RV–to stop the RV–so they can remain in power. Not gonna happen, but lets explore the possibilities.

Their multi-pronged false flag lead up to war approach includes ginned up conflicts in Syria, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Iraq, Ukraine, even the Black Lives Matters campaign and related racial shootings in large urban cities… even the NFL’s Colin Kapernick national anthem resistance campaign 100% a cabal set up (athletes have long been used as crisis actors–see Muhammad Ali pivoting Muslim).

All of these false flags are highly inflammatory planned distractions that make every attempt to incite riots in very sensitive cultural and religious hot beds, in order to change geopolitical strategy or public opinion in their demented favor. It’s all coordinated propaganda and thus not real. All of it. That’s right, 99% of all the major news networks and beloved anchormen you watch are fake, intelligence agency operatives, trained to mislead you and eliminate critical thinking, with the remaining 1% helpless waiting like sheep for slaughter as only 6 corporations control all the world’s media and pounce on new content providers without buyout offers before they know what hit them.

Yo, that goes for 90% of alternative news, political commentary websites and social activist blogs. All coordinated by a central messaging center, with oversight out of Eastern Europe. I know, it totally sucks right, finding this out for the first time, but keep exploring, it gets so much better. Trust me.

Now if the cabal believes they can still create order through chaos–which as a strategy has worked very successfully for many centuries–they must be still doing. Yet this tactic is clearly backfiring, and the cabal octopus of control simply cannot adapt fast enough to change the course of history–which in turn only accelerates their public exposure and immanent demise. Seriously, what good is a grand invisible conspiracy if nobody gives a shit?

Besides, Russia and India are way too committed to their common end goal of peace and prosperity to allow any meaningful escalation to occur in the Kashmir region. Isn’t it all just so obvious now given the timing of the RV, Paris Agreement, G20 and UN meeting? Seems their own playbook is now openly working against them and they just can’t audible to the right play call. Honestly, the big charade is not only out in the open, it’s become embarrassing to watch (see Hillary Clinton’s body double).

So as the pre-RV situation resolves for both Russia and India, they will simply allow diplomatic restraint to control the hysterical child (Pakistan) until it calms down before bedtime (RV) or permanently isolate their nation, putting them in a proverbial endless timeout, until either they apologize for all their past and present bad behavior or ask to play nicely again in the sandbox with the other 209 treaties nations (a la Turkey). And you know what, the BRICS nations are already doing this with every country… including the great United States of America. Their letting the once proud self-perceived king of the jungle wither and die at their own pace, by their own terms, and by their own choice.

Why? Because the BRICS nations know that these bad actors will be back, maybe never as strong or as powerful, or as well funded, or as motivated, but when evil does lurk its ugly head again in the future, they’ve set precedent as to how they will handle their misbehavior. Like a temper-tantrum throwing child who stops crying when they realign no one is listening anymore.

And this UN/BRICS diplomatic threat is permanent and absolute in its commitment to a strategy of isolation, which is why RV has been held back so long as to be used as a benevolent weapon for positive and sustainable change. Non-compiling sovereign nation states have no chance to escape their grasp, as none can exist post RV without acceptable ratification and implementation of the Paris Agreement–which by its default implements the gold standard–and literally over night creates a series of cataclysmic military and economic sanctions that would turn any population against their governmental leadership, as well as activate a unified world peace keeping force who can and will demand regime change.

So the benefit of continuous rebellion is net nothing. While the benefits of compliance and unity with the rest of the world is everything. Assuming this is truly our new earth reality, there truly is no safe haven for the cabal to regroup as every nation in the free world needs this new money to operate its daily affairs, and grow: which therefore makes the new financial system an instrument of weaponized mercy to be followed or else.

Shut the front door! Hallelujah! And you were worried in Topeka!

Free citizens of the world, be reassured that checkmate in this global chess game has long been called. And control for the soul of the world has long been decided. Love has won victoriously over fear, truth has overcome illusion permanently and unity has gracefully allowed destruction to leave with amnesty. All due to the sacred mandate of Heaven in Chirst’s name. Yes, we are intact entering an era of 1,000 years of white light, agape love, infinite abundance and relentless blessings as one happy family.

Brothers and sisters, that’s just the way it went down in our lifetime.

And it’s also why you will not see any meaningful military issues arise between either India and Pakistan; Israel and Palestine; Syria, Iraq and Turkey; Iraq and the US, or the US and Russian/Iran; as no small matter will be allowed to escalate into anything major moving forward. It just won’t happen.

This is also why every nation-state and its leaders are secretly waiting like well behaved boys and girls at the golden Chinese money trough so as not miss it’s flowing gold backed accounts. And why no nation dares risk their nation’s sovereignty over a few small territorial or hard asset matters, as everyone is terrified of facing international political irrelevance and global fiscal isolation. This is the way it always “should have been,” and well, now it is.

So expect your RV release here well before the end of September if not this weekend, and sit back to enjoy all remaining non-complying bad actors humbly and rapidly fall into line, as if by magic or inspired vision, for all will suddenly be humming the international harmony song or else be permanently removed from relevance in modern culture.

No nation can resist (Israel), no grouping of private families can overcome human ascension (dark nobility) and no higher alien species can reverse the truth of Christ with intellectual superiority (Annunaki).

Surrender is the only way because surrender is the eternal spiritual bottom line.


Sourced from: http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2016/09/weaponized-mercy-op-ed-on-current.html#more

FBI Director Says To Cover Webcam

Editor’s note:  Got duct tape on mine.  

FBI Director Says He Covers His Webcam — And That You Should Too

webcamBy Josie Wales

FBI Director James Comey spoke at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington earlier this week to discuss the importance of cybersecurity. During the discussion, Assistant Attorney General John Carlin asked Comey if he still had his webcam covered with tape, a question referencing previous statements by the director. Comey replied, “Heck yeah, oh, heck yeah.” He continued to encourage the public to do the same thing:

I get mocked for a lot of things, and I am much mocked for that, but I hope people lock their cars. Lock your doors at night. I have an alarm system — if you have an alarm system, you should use it. I use mine. It’s not crazy that the FBI director cares about personal security as well, and so I think people ought to take responsibility for their own safety and security. There are some sensible things you ought to be doing, and that’s one of them. If you go into any government office, we all have our little camera things that sit on top of the screen, they all have a little lid that closes down on them. You do that so people who don’t have authority don’t look at you. I think that’s a good thing.

This isn’t the first time the FBI Director has mentioned his homemade security measures. During a Q&A after a speech on encryption and privacy at Kenyon College earlier this year, during which he claimed “absolute privacy hampers law enforcement,” he also admitted to wanting his own privacy.

I saw something in the news, so I copied it. I put a piece of tape — I have obviously a laptop, personal laptop — I put a piece of tape over the camera. Because I saw somebody smarter than I am had a piece of tape over their camera.

In the same breath, he also told the audience:

[The public should] demand to know how the government conducts surveillance. Demand to know how they’re overseen, how they’re constrained. Demand to know how these devices work.

While that may seem open and honest, the message being sent by the U.S. government completely contradicts such a sentiment.

Whistleblower Edward Snowden provided some insight when he revealed the expansive and unaccountable systems of modern global surveillance used by the NSA and its international intelligence partners to spy on American citizens and others. He is now hiding in Russia to avoid extradition to the U.S. after being charged under the 1917 Espionage Act.

So, according to FBI Director Comey, it’s okay to ask if the government is spying on you — but the answer is classified.

Sourced from: http://www.activistpost.com/2016/09/fbi-director-says-covers-webcam.html

Children Will Teach Themselves To Read When They’re Ready

Children Will Teach Themselves to Read When They’re Ready

Annie Holmquist

Annie Holmquist

Late last week, The Washington Post highlighted a bit of a rant titled “What the modern world has forgotten about children and learning,” by author Carol Black.

In essence, Black’s article takes issue with the modern education system’s insistence that every child fit into its timetable of learning. Nowhere is this seen more clearly than in the area of reading.

When people really want a skill, it goes viral. You couldn’t stop it if you tried.”

According to Black, Americans during the time of the Founding Fathers were regularly reading difficult material, and learned to do so from many sources, only one of which was the education system of the time. “They could read,” she notes, “because, in a literate population, it is really not that difficult to transmit literacy from one person to the next. When people really want a skill, it goes viral. You couldn’t stop it if you tried.”

Black goes on to note that this is the same motivation behind the way the current society has learned to operate computers: “We don’t know how to use computers because we learned it in school, but because we wanted to learn it and we were free to learn it in whatever way worked best for us.”

Yet despite seeing this natural learning take place with computer usage, we’re still reluctant to put it to practice in the realm of reading:

“In the modern world, unless you learn to read by age 4, you are no longer free to learn in this way. Now your learning process will be scientifically planned, controlled, monitored and measured by highly trained ‘experts’ operating according to the best available ‘data.’ If your learning style doesn’t fit this year’s theory, you will be humiliated, remediated, scrutinized, stigmatized, tested, and ultimately diagnosed and labelled as having a mild defect in your brain.”

Black’s comments remind me of a concept long promoted by Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Moore. As they explain in their book Better Late than Early, the Moores have “analyzed over 8000 studies of children’s senses, brain, cognition, socialization, etc., and are certain that no replicable evidence exists for rushing children into formal study at home or school before 8 to 10.

Such a suggestion is shocking, particularly in an age in which we’re trying to get students reading by the time they leave kindergarten. Won’t such a practice damage children and set them on a course of functional illiteracy for life?

Not necessarily. In fact, the Moores have found that giving children time and space to explore and learn to read on their own timetable may actually set them on a path to greater understanding and maturity:

“Read, sing and play with your children from birth. Read to them several times a day, and they will learn to read in their own time – as early as 3 or 4, but usually later, some as late as 14. Late readers are no more likely to be retarded or disabled than early ones. They often become the best readers of all – with undamaged vision and acute hearing, more adult-like reasoning (cognition) levels, mature brain structure[,] less blocking of creative interests.”

If what the Moore’s research says is true, then is it possible that the educational decline America is experiencing is partly due to the push to get students into formal education environments at earlier ages? Would we get better results if we relaxed compulsory education laws and let learning take a more natural course until children reach age 8 or so?

Sourced from: https://fee.org/articles/children-will-teach-themselves-to-read-when-theyre-ready/

Another Example Of The Mandela Effect

Or better known as – what the heaven is happening to reality?  Watching this video, at mark 1:34, this was NOT in this video a few month ago.  “Our spirits…… are alive and well in the 5th dimension….And we won’t have to die to join them.”  NEW WORDS.  Mate first experienced this phenomena then I did.  Check it out and comment.


Kids Vs. Feds: Climate Change Lawsuit

A critical hearing in the landmark climate lawsuit brought by 21 youth plaintiffs across the U.S. will take place in just four days at a federal courthouse in Eugene, Oregon.

On Sept. 13, U.S. District Court Judge Ann Aiken will hear oral arguments representing all of the parties on Juliana, et al. v. United States, et al, which was first filed in 2015 by the young plaintiffs, ages 8-19, and climate scientist Dr. James Hansen.

According to the nonprofit Our Children’s Trust, “the plaintiffs are suing the federal government for violating their constitutional rights to life, liberty and property and their right to essential public trust resources, by permitting, encouraging and otherwise enabling continued exploitation, production and combustion of fossil fuels.”

Judge Aiken will review an earlier decision from U.S. Magistrate Judge Thomas Coffin of the same federal court. In April, Judge Coffin surprisingly ruled in favor of the young plaintiffs despite motions from the government and the fossil fuel industry to dismiss the case. The fate of the historic lawsuit is now in Judge Aiken’s hands, who will determine whether the case will either proceed toward trial or to appeal.

Sourced from: http://www.ecowatch.com/climate-change-lawsuit-2000937126.html

The Mandela Effect

Editor’s note:  This will blow open some new brain cells and get those pathways wired in a different manner.  The jif peanut butter – I remember it being jiffy AND jif.  The ford emblem – definitely never had that omega-type symbol on it and I should know – I owned a Ford as a teen.  The Berenstein Bears – read those books countless times as a babysitter and pre-school teacher – and not once do I recall seeing it “Berenstain”.  Reality is not always what we think it to be.  While we are creator’s, there are other co-creator’s amongst us as well.  Truth?  You be the judge by watching the video below…