Guys, I’m going to be honest.
I’m a bit overwhelmed by the amount of information I’m about to send your way.
What’s come of this research is so massive, so earth-shattering, the sheer scope of it all boggles the mind.
This could EASILY end up being the largest article I ever write on the site, and to truly understand all the implications of what I’m about to say, you’ll have to be one of my longer-term followers. Needless to say, I never, not in a million years, thought my research would lead me here.
What started out as a suspicion (followed by a lot of keen observation) has ballooned into something so much greater.
But before I get in to the details, I have to give MAJOR kudos to an individual who only wishes to be referred to as “Anon”for helping with the digs. I started the research, but this Legionary just took it and ran, and came back with some of the most mind-blowing leads I have ever seen in my history of the chans, doing research. Working with Anon on this has been a joy, and it’s the kind of thing I would be very glad to see more of from the community – not just people messaging me with a potential lead for me to investigate, but taking the initiative to really research and dig on their own. Anon took it to the next level here, put in a ton of work, and, in my opinion, struck solid gold.
What we’re about to see here started, initially, as a follow-up to my #BlackListAnonarticle.
It then spiraled out, onto the world stage, into international aid groups, celebrities, finance, and so much more.
Brace yourself, and get ready to cover a LOT of ground. To call it a “web” barely does it justice, and it goes so deep, I’m not sure we’ve hit the bottom just yet. I’m going to do my best to try and document all the manifold relationships here, so you’ll have to bear with me if things get a bit bumpy, but I want to get what’s been dug up out there already, so more eyes can start digging along the same lines, and in similar fashion.
Okay, to start:
If you’ve been following me for at least a month, you probably saw my #BlacklistAnon article, wherein I came out and announced that it was, in fact, I who was BlacklistAnon:
Soros’ Hollywood Rentboy – @FranklinLeonard – Exposed by #BlacklistAnon! #GreatAwakening #NEONREVOLT
In researching that story, I uncovered a web of of Soros-influence within the lower levels of Hollywood, designed to effectively choke out Conservative voices, and promote a “progressive” agenda. Through my research, I documented how the man above, Franklin Leonard, was connected to three different Soros-related orgs:
The Aspen Institute.
The reaction to the article was outstanding. People not only saw what I saw, but it clear that this was one great example of how Soros’ spread his influence by using strategically placed assets throughout, in this example, Hollywood.
His reaction was, perhaps, the most entertaining of all:
And then, he had to capitalize on the “antisemitic” angle that was going around the next week, to try and discredit my research:
Still, I began to look even more closely at Franklin in the wake of that article. I saw him openly supporting men like Tom Steyer (read: Billionaire who financed child trafficking out of Haiti), Andrew Gillum, and Stacey Abrams – all radical Bolshevik candidates for office, funded by Steyer.
And then I realized… Leonard actually had a history with Gillum, going back years:
Turns out there are a whole bunch of photos from this event up on Getty Images (but because it’s Getty Images, I can’t embed unless I buy the whole thing – so you’ll just have to click through the link to see the image in question):
Notice anything about this next photo from the same event?
Yeah, the red shoes.
Could be coincidence.
Might not be.
As researchers, we have to be open to avenues of inquiry like this. My long-term readers will understand the implication of red shoes, but some of my newer readers might not just yet. If that’s the case, well… you’ve got a LOT of catching up to do – and yes, it’s shocking. I know.
Here’s a good place to start with said catching-up:
Under budget! And Ahead of Schedule! – #NewQ #QAnon#GreatAwakening #HumanTrafficking #Soros
But then, the other day, Franklin tweeted out this link:
@FRESHSpeakers, huh?
Deciding to see if he had inadvertently given away a new lead (Franklin is either arrogant like that, or stupid like that – hard to say which) I went to the site, looked around, and said to myself, “This just reeks of #Soros.”
Within five minutes of searching I had a definitive link that, yes, this is just another Soros group:
Vanessa Valenti – a #Feminazi funded by Soros, who literally runs, and who is connected to both the Aspen Institute (both Franklin Leonard and John “#TheMolesta” Podesta have connections at the Aspen Institute) and the Open Society Foundation – by her own admission:
It’s probably worth it for #Anons to conduct a major dig into this gal and her connections at some point – but that’s beyond the scope of this particular article, for now.
The point I’m trying to get at with this is that we now have Franklin Leonard connected to FOUR Soros-funded organizations:
The Aspen Institute.