Single Mama In Need Of Help


editor’s note:  hello everyone.  i have been divinely guided you could say to come across this beautiful soul who is in need of help.  she is getting out of an abusive environment, has a child and has her own health issue to deal with.  as such, she is seeking assistance.  i told her i would share her story here and if anyone feels drawn to help her, please do so~ either by sharing this with your friends/family/social media peeps and/or by helping out financially.  she has a very similar dream as mine:  to see shelters to help those in need for as long as they need the help all over this realm.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]

if you wish to connect with her directly, here is her e-mail address:

thanks everyone!  


Hello, my name is Jennifer Snow-Barker and I am leaving a domestic violence/adulterous situation after 16 years of marriage with 2 children, one with special needs, Elijah, who battles autism and ADHD and is non-verbal. I also am disabled with a spinal condition. We were homeless for 2 months and I finally saved up enough to get into a small house, but we literally have nothing right now. I have always tried to be as good to people as I possibly can and I believe you get back what you put out. I promise to pay it back and forward just as soon as I can! There is a couple from my old church in Missouri who set up a PayPal account for me to help me get on my feet. Here’s my PayPal info: Http://

Thank you all so incredibly much and bless your socks off!

Catholic Journalists Blow Sex Scandal Open, Print Letter Confirming Vatican Knew


SEPTEMBER 9, 2018 AT 6:12PM

The Catholic Church is in trouble … and a scandal that has been brewing for years may have just gotten significantly worse.

Former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has been accused of sexually abusing teenage altar boys in the United States, with some allegations going back almost fifty years.

The church recently asked him to step down from his religious leadership role after the Archdiocese of New York called the claims “credible and substantiated,” according to CNN.

“(S)everal former seminarians have claimed that the then-cardinal would invite groups of them to a beach house and insist individual members of the group share a bed with him,” explained the Catholic News Service.

That scenario is troubling enough, but now it looks like top officials within the church may have known about the allegations for nearly two decades, but either covered them up or did not take them seriously.

“A 2006 letter from a top Vatican official to a New York priest reveals that the Vatican had knowledge of allegations of sexual misconduct,” reported The Hill.

On Friday, the Catholic News Service published that very letter, and it may be the proverbial “smoking gun” in the scandal.

Twitter user visits ICE Detention Center in Broward County, FL


editor’s note:  can’t wait to see the video documentary when she’s done with putting it together.  but no surprise she claims the narrative of the left about this ICE detention center is utterly false.  what she witnessed inside – with her camera crew – is completely different than what the dems claim.  


No L.A. sex charges for Spacey, Seagal, Anthony Anderson


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – The Los Angeles District Attorney’s office said on Tuesday it would not prosecute actor Kevin Spacey on a 1992 sexual assault accusation because it fell outside the California statute of limitations.

The District Attorney’s office also said it would not charge actor Steven Seagal and television comedy star Anthony Anderson over two other sexual assault accusations.

The 1993 accusations against action star Seagal fell outside the statute of limitations, while Anderson’s accuser declined to be interviewed and prosecution was declined due to lack of evidence, the office said.

Continue here.



editor’s note  i’ve been hearing of this for some time and decided to share a piece here.


29th March, 2018

Anarcho-Greens Godfather Richard di Natali has revealed his racism against Whites this month.  The Greens Supremacist is not just against White Australians which he despises as having ‘white privilege’.  He’s hatefully against any more Whites being invited into Australia.

Why?  There not Third World, they don’t breed like African fire ants and they don’t suck White welfare.  It’s contrary to da Greens globalist anarcho-revolution.

Da Sicilian import believes he was born in the wrong skin.  He slams all White Australians as “racist” except himself because only Whites can be racist.  Ask the leftard Human Rights Commission – not one case yet against a non-White.

Australians are reaching out to persecuted White South Africans systematically subject to genocide by a hateful negro government.   Australian Immigration has begun assessing thousands of persecuted white farmers in South Africa for asylum status who are living in abject poverty and subject to mass slaughter by raiding negro gangs.

The farmers are targeted and being tortured and brutally murdered. Violent crime is rampant in South Africa and affects all of its communities, but the attacks on White farmers are particularly brutal.

Continue reading here.

Why You Should Forget School and Let Kids Play


editor’s note:  i resonate fully with this piece.  i have noticed with my own daughter when she is ready to learn AND when she has an incentive, she grasps quickly.  anything forced does not work.  she may pretend to pay attention, but she isn’t retaining anything.  and that is the disastrous result for most children who are “trained” in the public educational system.  they force feed children facts and tidbits of information not concerned if they retain the information. children learn through hands on playing.  children learn when they are given the freedom to figure out what they wish to learn and when.  another program to unplug from ~ the public education model.

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Why You Should Forget School and Let Kids Play
By Joe Jarvis – August 22, 2018

Breaking news: kids need to play, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Seriously, it took the American Academy of Pediatrics to let us know that?

Better yet, the doctors now recommend that parents even get involved in playing with their children, especially before they turn two.

“This may seem old-fashioned, but there are skills to be learned when kids aren’t         told what to do,” said Dr. Michael Yogman, a Harvard Medical School pediatrician       who led the drafting of the call to arms. Whether it’s rough-and-tumble physical             play, outdoor play or social or pretend play, kids derive important lessons from the       chance to make things up as they go, he said.

It is great that they are getting this right, but it really shouldn’t take an Academy of doctors to know this. It should be pretty intuitive. Kids automatically run around, play, and make up games when left alone. So I suppose the only surprising part to some people should be that sometimes, you should leave your kid alone.

In The Future of the Mind, Michio Kaku says that the main function of the brain is running simulations of possible outcomes. That is what makes humans intelligent. We have the ability to forecast what might happen if we take certain actions.

So it only makes sense that play is integral for learning and exercising this mental process.

Some kids play “house” and act out what they think it means to be a family, a mother, and a father. Other kids wrestle and learn the consequences of slamming their heads into the wall, versus the couch, versus the window.

The recommendation from the AAP hardly scratches the surface of just how important it is for kids to play.

Indeed, new research demonstrates why playing with blocks might have been             time better spent, Yogman said. The trial assessed the effectiveness of an early           mathematics intervention aimed at preschoolers. The results showed almost no           gains in math achievement.

I remember typing classes starting in fifth grade. The typing lessons escalated in sixth grade. You know when I finally became proficient in typing? in seventh grade when I needed to type in order to communicate with my friends on AOL Instant Messenger (my screen name started as CheeseMonkey3q3 and later changed to TheNameIsBond3. Cool, right?).

I didn’t read much until I found a book that I enjoyed reading, Harry Potter.

It wasn’t until I was a teenager that I found the “incentive” to learn how many grams are in an ounce…

These are just small examples. But the point is that people learn things when they have an incentive to learn them.

Do you really think a kid is going to neglect to learn how to do math when it comes time to make sure he and his siblings all got the same number of gifts on Christmas? Or the same portion of pizza?

It is just a matter of allowing kids to learn what they want to learn. If children reclaimed all the hours wasted at school, they would have plenty of time to learn the true necessities. Especially when there is an incentive to learn. Something pressing they want to do or achieve.

And learning the same skill takes a fraction of the time when it is not a purely theoretical lesson. Learning math on paper is not efficient. It doesn’t apply to the real world, however hard educators try to make the problems seem real.

But when those same “failures” go to the gym, you can bet they know the proper ratio of carbs to protein. I bet they know how many calories they need, and how to calculate their body mass index and body fat percentage.

So it is great to hear the Academy of Pediatrics coming out with the right idea. But they need to take it leaps and bounds further. It isn’t enough to say schools should keep 15 minutes of recess.

I’d rather them say, let that 14-year-old work on his dirtbike all day if that’s what he likes doing. Let the 9-year-old bookworm read. Let the kids build tree forts, shoot water guns, and cook dinner.

And seriously, forget school.

All Mother Teresa homes inspected amid baby-selling scandal


editor’s note:  for many years i have felt there was something twisted behind this woman’s public image.


India orders examination of all institutions run by her charity after claims against two staff.

India has ordered the immediate inspection of all childcare homes run by the Missionaries of Charity, the Catholic congregation established by Mother Teresa, after employees at one shelter were accused of selling babies for adoption.

The inspections were announced by the ministry for women and childhood development after a Missionaries of Charity home in Jharkhand state was shut this month following the arrest of a nun and a social worker employed there.

Sister Konsalia Balsa and social worker Anima Indwar were accused of having already sold three babies from the home, which provides shelter for pregnant, unmarried women.

Continue here.