POTUS Executive Order: Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation


editor’s note:  if such an order had been issued with the previous admins (republic and dem), i would have had a sick feeling.  not this time.  for the first time in almost 20 years (for me), i feel trust for our President.  he is doing the right thing here.


 Issued on: 

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq., it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1.  Policy.  It is the policy of this Administration to rigorously enforce our immigration laws.  Under our laws, the only legal way for an alien to enter this country is at a designated port of entry at an appropriate time.  When an alien enters or attempts to enter the country anywhere else, that alien has committed at least the crime of improper entry and is subject to a fine or imprisonment under section 1325(a) of title 8, United States Code.  This Administration will initiate proceedings to enforce this and other criminal provisions of the INA until and unless Congress directs otherwise.  It is also the policy of this Administration to maintain family unity, including by detaining alien families together where appropriate and consistent with law and available resources.  It is unfortunate that Congress’s failure to act and court orders have put the Administration in the position of separating alien families to effectively enforce the law.

Sec2.  Definitions.  For purposes of this order, the following definitions apply:

(a)  “Alien family” means

(i)  any person not a citizen or national of the United States who has not been admitted into, or is not authorized to enter or remain in, the United States, who entered this country with an alien child or alien children at or between designated ports of entry and who was detained; and

(ii)  that person’s alien child or alien children.

(b)  “Alien child” means any person not a citizen or national of the United States who

(i)    has not been admitted into, or is not authorized to enter or remain in, the United States;

(ii)   is under the age of 18; and

(iii)  has a legal parent-child relationship to an alien who entered the United States with the alien child at or between designated ports of entry and who was detained.

Sec3.  Temporary Detention Policy for Families Entering this Country Illegally.  (a)  The Secretary of Homeland Security (Secretary), shall, to the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability of appropriations, maintain custody of alien families during the pendency of any criminal improper entry or immigration proceedings involving their members.

(b)  The Secretary shall not, however, detain an alien family together when there is a concern that detention of an alien child with the child’s alien parent would pose a risk to the child’s welfare.

(c)  The Secretary of Defense shall take all legally available measures to provide to the Secretary, upon request, any existing facilities available for the housing and care of alien families, and shall construct such facilities if necessary and consistent with law.  The Secretary, to the extent permitted by law, shall be responsible for reimbursement for the use of these facilities.

(d)  Heads of executive departments and agencies shall, to the extent consistent with law, make available to the Secretary, for the housing and care of alien families pending court proceedings for improper entry, any facilities that are appropriate for such purposes.  The Secretary, to the extent permitted by law, shall be responsible for reimbursement for the use of these facilities.

(e)  The Attorney General shall promptly file a request with the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California to modify the Settlement Agreement in Flores v. Sessions, CV 85-4544 (“Flores settlement”), in a manner that would permit the Secretary, under present resource constraints, to detain alien families together throughout the pendency of criminal proceedings for improper entry or any removal or other immigration proceedings.

Sec4.  Prioritization of Immigration Proceedings Involving Alien Families.  The Attorney General shall, to the extent practicable, prioritize the adjudication of cases involving detained families.

Sec5.  General Provisions.  (a)  Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i)   the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii)  the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b)  This order shall be implemented in a manner consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c)  This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.



June 20, 2018.

Sourced from here.

Human Trafficking? Sessions Proposes DNA Tests For Border Migrants


editor’s note:  BOOM!  after listening to our POTUS speak this morning on the illegal immigration (trafficking ~ which is at the heart of this illegal entry issue) issue, i had the following thought. want to ensure the adults entering this country are bringing children that are truly theirs?  DNA test ’em at the border.  let them prove it.  i shared it with my mate who said he too was having the same thought at that moment.  i said “well then let’s intend the Trump Admin issue the same policy.”  Saw this later in the day.  BAM BOOM!  in tune with the All……


Profile picture for user Tyler Durden

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has been talking to members of Congress about using DNA testing to verify whether children crossing the southern U.S. border are biologically related to adults they arrive with, or if they are being smuggled into the country by human traffickers, Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council.

“Sessions is talking to congressional members and is hoping for a legislative fix,” Perkins said, adding that the DOJ would like to see “just, fair and enforceable” immigration policies. To that end, “They are looking at how to use DNA tests in the field to verify they are parents and not traffickers,” according to Perkins.

Continue reading here.





editor’s note:  have a peter fonda movie.  i think i may just smash it to pieces today….  what a lowball move.  threaten the safety of a child?  what does he have to hide, i wonder……protection for barron and all children.  NO MORE USING OUR CHILDREN.  


Spokesperson for the First Lady, Stephanie Grisham, has informed the Daily Caller that the Secret Service has been “notified” of the threat. “The tweet is sick and irresponsible and USSS has been notified,” Grisham said. – READ MORE
Actor Peter Fonda took to Twitter Wednesday to ask a mob of people to “rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles.” He also called for violence against Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen and called White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders a “c—.”
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Q Anon for 6/20/18


editor’s note:  a first i noticed today visiting the site (qanonposts.com) ~ rockin’ guitar music.  normally i like but when it’s first thing in the morning, you are not expecting it and your volume is turned way up, it can be a HUH?! experience.  good music though.  anyway – below we have rep. sheila jackson lee wearing the classic pizzagate/boy lover sickness symbol on her ring.  as q says “part of the club”.  she’s been quite vocal which as we know – those screaming the loudest have the most to hide at times.  sounds like we have a FF (false flag) prevented.  much gratitude for that!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]  iran is still on the table for regime change. and coming up today (waiting for the E/O on it to drop within the hour according to news conference i watched a little bit ago – will try and find a link for it online and share) – targeting immigration (illegal) and children and the children/family separation issue.  ******




FF prevented.
Immigration / chikd separation.
Narrative change critical.
IDEN talking points.
Distract IG report / hearings / Korea.
Iran next.
Regime in trouble.
People awake.
These people are sick.
Spelling error due to mobile.

Trump Tweets on Immigration and the Children


editor’s note:  those “nasty laws” as created under the Obama (and previous) administrations……  children have been used.  period.  NO MORE.


Report: Obama Administration Handed Child Migrants Over to Human Traffickers


editor’s note:  this is from 2016.  interesting it wasn’t blasted on every media outlet back then isn’t it?  all this attention on the Trump Admin. engaging in this horror when the real responsibility rests on the previous admin(s)…  the T admin is simply trying to clean up/end this horror.  why do you think (one of the main reasons) he wanted the wall so desperately?  


10:25 am


The United States government placed an unknown number of Central American migrant children into the custody of human traffickers after neglecting to run the most basic checks on these so-called “caregivers,” according to a Senate report released on Thursday.

In the fall of 2013, tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors traveled to the U.S.southern border, in flight from poverty and gang violence in Central America. At least six of those children were eventually resettled on an egg farm in Marion, Ohio, where their sponsors forced them to work 12 hours a day under threats of death. Local law enforcement uncovered the operation last year, prompting the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations to open an inquiry into the federal government’s handling of migrants.

It is intolerable that human trafficking — modern-day slavery — could occur in our own backyard,” Senator Rob Portman, Republican of Ohio and the chairman of the subcommittee, told the New York Times. “But what makes the Marion cases even more alarming is that a U.S. government agency was responsible for delivering some of the victims into the hands of their abusers.”

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NEWS UN knew years ago about refugee sex-for-food scandal, leaked report reveals


editor’s note:  the horrors of this realm are weighing very heavy at this moment. i consent to none of it.  i can say none of these victims consented either.  i feel myself tossing off in a fit of rage the energies of the programs of “consent” and “lessons” and “karma” and all of that other nonsensical bullshit that permeates this toxic realm of lies.  bring in the LOVE NOW.  jesus effing cheese wipes any being at this point on the “outside” looking “in” with the ability to HELP (via advanced tech, weaponry, etc.) who isn’t is as complicit as those doing the dark doing’s. what i am saying is i am long past DONE FINISHED in hearing these “some day” and “you must do x y z in order to” channeled messages from arcturians, sananda, ashtar, etc. etc. ad nauseam.  i am speaking on behalf of all when i say NO MORE SUFFERING. LOVE HELPS NOW.  LOVE FREES.  WITHOUT CONDITION.  PERIOD.  


Workers from more than 40 charity organizations exploited refugee children and women in West Africa by trading food for sex, according to a leaked report — that the United Nations has known about for 16 years.

The disturbing scandal is laid out in an 84-page report produced in 2001 by researchers for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Save the Children working at refugee camps in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.

The report was handed over to the UNHCR in 2002 but only a summary of the allegations was published.

Identified in it are 40 organizations “whose workers are alleged to be in sexually exploitative relationships with refugee children,” according to The Times in the UK, which obtained a copy of the full report.

Aid workers were “among the prime sexual exploiters of refugee children, often using the very humanitarian assistance and services intended to benefit refugees as a tool of exploitation.”

They allegedly traded basic needs — like food, oil, access to education and plastic sheeting for shelters — for sex.

Women at a camp in Guinea told the researchers, “In this community, no one can get corn soya blend without having sex first. They say, ‘A kilo for sex,’” the Sun reported.

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International scientists have found autism’s cause. What will Americans do?


BY J.B. HANDLEY April 2, 2018

Five clear, replicable, and related discoveries explaining how autism is triggered have formed an undeniably clear picture of autism’s causation, and possibly ways to alleviate the symptoms, too. Most of the research that has created this understanding has been published in the last 36 months, and largely from international scientists in the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Israel, and China. The American media, public health authorities, and Autism Speaks? Silent.

STAFFORDSHIRE, England —In early December 2017, Dr. Chris Exley of Keele University in England and his colleagues published a paper that for the first time looked at the brain tissue of subjects with autism to determine the level of aluminum (note: they spell “aluminum” as “aluminium” in the United Kingdom) found within their brain tissue. For anyone trying to convince the world that “the science is settled and vaccines don’t cause autism,” the study’s findings are deeply contradictory to that statement. In a blog post written by Professor Exley on the day his study was published, he explained the groundbreaking results:

“…while the aluminium content of each of the 5 brains [of people with autism] was shockingly high it was the location of the aluminium in the brain tissue which served as the standout observation…The new evidence strongly suggests that aluminium is entering the brain in ASD [autism spectrum disorders] via pro-inflammatory cells which have become loaded up with aluminium in the blood and/or lymph, much as has been demonstrated for monocytes at injection sites for vaccines including aluminium adjuvants.

Dr. Exley’s study — “Aluminium in brain tissue and autism” — is the final piece of a puzzle that first started to come together in 2004, and picked up steam since 2010, that has dramatically furthered the scientific understanding of exactly how a vaccine can trigger autism. This timeline is critical to recognize, because the Vaccine Court in the United States dismissed the vaccine-autism hypothesis in 2009, long before most of what I’m about to explain even existed. Science is a continuum, an emergence of truth through many different studies that often have to be pieced together before the picture becomes clear. And, scientific progress can sometimes move slowly until that moment when an emerging truth presents itself in such a way that it can no longer be denied. In my opinion, Dr. Exley’s study provided the only data missing from an airtight explanation of what happened to my son and so many other children.

Continue reading here.

Treasury Sanctions Two Individuals and Five Entities Under Global Magnitsky


Designations Represent Latest Efforts to Isolate Serious Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors from the US. Financial System

WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned Dominican Republic Senator Felix Ramon Bautista Rosario (Bautista) for engaging in corrupt acts, including in relation to reconstruction efforts in Haiti, and Cambodian General Hing Bun Hieng (Bun Hieng) for being the leader of an entity involved in serious human rights abuse, pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13818, which targets perpetrators of corruption and serious human rights abuse and corruption. OFAC also designated five entities owned or controlled by Bautista.

“These actions are part of our continuing campaign to hold accountable government officials and other actors involved in human rights abuse and corrupt activities.  Senator Bautista used his position to engage in corruption, including profiting off of humanitarian efforts related to rebuilding Haiti.  General Bun Hieng commanded a Cambodian unit that engaged in a series of human rights abuses, and was personally implicated in attacks against a number of individuals, including a U.S. citizen,” said Sigal Mandelker, Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. “The United States will continue to use Global Magnitsky and our other authorities to ensure that corrupt actors and human rights violators cannot use our financial system to enable and support their abhorrent activities and exploit the innocent.”


Building upon the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act of 2016, on December 20, 2017, the President signed E.O. 13818 “Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption,” in which the President found that the prevalence of human rights abuse and corruption that have their source, in whole or in part, outside the United States, had reached such scope and gravity that it threatens the stability of international political and economic systems. Human rights abuse and corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degrade the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets. The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons.

To date, 59 individuals and entities have been sanctioned under E.O. 13818. This is in addition to the numerous human rights and/or corruption related designations Treasury has issued under a number of sanctions programs, including actions taken yesterday in connection with migrant smuggling in Libya, and designations over the last month against Evin Prison, Ansar-e Hizballah and other human rights violators in Iran, officials in the IRGC-Qods Force disrupting humanitarian efforts in Yemen, Diosdado Cabello Rondon from Venezuela and members of his corruption network, and many others. Including today’s actions, OFAC has designated 33 individuals and entities related to human rights and corruption in just the last month. In total, since January of 2017, Treasury has taken action against over 460 individuals and entities engaged in activities related to, or directly involving, human rights abuse and/or corruption, including actions in connection with Syria, South Sudan, Democractic Republic of the Congo, Burma, Venezuela, North Korea, Russia, Iran, and other programs.

This Administration will continue to take action against human rights and corruption related targets around the globe, including implementing sanctions under Global Magnitsky and other authorities, throughout the year.

This week Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issued an advisory on human rights abuses enabled by corrupt senior foreign political figures and their financial facilitators to warn financial institutions about the tactics and typologies they are using across the globe.


Bautista is a Senator from the Dominican Republic who has engaged in significant acts of corruption in both the Dominican Republic and Haiti, and who has been publicly accused of money laundering and embezzlement. Bautista has reportedly engaged in bribery in relation to his position as a Senator, and is alleged to have engaged in corruption in Haiti, where he used his connections to win public works contracts to help rebuild Haiti following several natural disasters, including one case where his company was paid over $10 million for work it had not completed.

In a related action, OFAC designated five entities in the Dominican Republic that are owned or controlled by Bautista: Constructora Hadom SA, Soluciones Electricas Y Mecanicas Hadom S.R.L., Seymeh Ingenieria SRL, Inmobiliaria Rofi SA, and Constructora Rofi SA.


Bun Hieng is the commander of Cambodia’s Prime Minister Bodyguard Unit (PMBU), a unit in the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces that has engaged in serious acts of human rights abuse against the people of Cambodia. The PMBU has been implicated in multiple attacks on unarmed Cambodians over the span of many years, including in 2013 at Wat Phnom and in 2015 in front of the National Assembly.  In the 2015 incident, only three members of the PMBU were sent to jail after they confessed to participating in an attack on opposition lawmakers, and were promoted upon their release.  Bun Hieng and the PMBU have been connected to incidents where military force was used to menace gatherings of protesters and the political opposition going back at least to 1997, including an incident where a U.S. citizen received shrapnel wounds.

As a result of these actions, any property, or interest in property, of those designated today within U.S. jurisdiction is blocked. Additionally, U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with blocked persons, including entities 50 percent or more owned by designated persons.

For identifying information on the individuals designated today.


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