9.25.24 ~ Finds, headlines and some humor


May be an image of waterfall and nature




“They fall with our fall” continues.




Is this really a surprise?  Part of the narc program that attacks back when you accuse it of something that they really did and know they did.

Pro-Haitian Group Takes Legal Action Against Trump and Vance for Spreading Pet-Eating ‘Misinformation’ (resistthemainstream.com)


Speaking of the narc program:

Narcissistic owl | Psychology humor, Haha funny, Funny cartoons

How many narcissists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

One to hold the bulb while the whole world revolves around them.  Or three – one to hold it while two ask how he feels.  Or you start to do it then the narc will grab the bulb and claim it was a perfectly good bulb and throw it at you and then blame you for having to throw it at you.  Or none because they will stand in place of the bulb and brag how they are the brightest light in the world.


Feels quite relevant………..Protect Your Space………watch the alcohol, where you give your energy and anger……..





I missed these comms………..Is he saying no votes will be necessary – no election – because this is a COG with him still as the CIC under military power?




Removing “the chemicals in chemtrails”………..I cannot express the feeling of vindication I feel in this one – 20 years of being laughed at – even yelled at – for talking about those lines in the sky.



Report: Ex-New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Accused of ‘Inappropriately Influencing’ Former Staffer as House Probes COVID Deaths


October 5th………


We know John wanted to take it down – esp. those involved with his father’s death………











As ya’ll know, I am not a fan of clickbait headlines – there are interesting goodies here though………

Creepy & Cool Tiktoks That Will Blow Your Mind




I read where it also went into Portland………..






Parsley too – My girl and I munch on 1-2 bunches each week.

Prebiotics: The 19 Best Prebiotic Foods You Should Eat (healthline.com)




Bonus for GenX:  Name that tune


Early Day Finds and Goodies ~ COMMS and Disclosure continue. 23&Me Board Members Resign. 😮 9.18.24



Every. board. member.  BOOM

Every board member just resigned from 23andMe | Fortune

Weren’t they looking for something?  A certain type of bloodline?






Long Island Trump rally: Bogus explosive report amid tight security (nydailynews.com)


Musk, Greene amplify Trump rally bomb threats that police call false (axios.com)


Link to rally (shared by T on truthsocial):

LIVE: President Trump in Uniondale, NY (rumble.com)




“they fall with our fall”……….



Aahh – so Trump was calling this out when he mentioned IVF………



Some tips on Vagal toning, reflecting and headlines/finds ~ 8.28.24



This month feels like a lot happened – in a small amount of allotted time – which has me feeling the time program was messed with – slowed down.  That is my sense I feel in my body.  During this month, the anxiety I felt was heightened more, exhaustion was at a new level, I had moments where I felt I was a teenager, undergoing massive growth/cellular change thus increasing my appetite and need to sleep.  Nature has continued to say it’s fall even though we’re still in summer.  And the need for NEW continues.

As does healing – which continues to be a focus – where I have a primary methodology, but I utilize other tools as well.  At the moment, I have returned to the vagus nerve and vagal toning.  Even if one doesn’t hold much if any trauma in the body, if you’re awake and have felt the energies of this transition and the war, your nervous system needs extra TLC.  Here are some things that can help.

YOGA.  David Emerson is really skilled in the area of trauma and yoga.  He has a book, Overcoming Trauma through Yoga you can check out at the library or get online around $10 or less.  I checked it out at the library and photocopied the poses.

STRETCHING.  Let the body tell me where and how.  Tune in with curiousity and find where your body is holding tension and move it, stretch it, rub it, etc.

EYE MOVEMENT.  Lie on your back in a comfortable place/space.  Do some mindful breathing – in through your nose, out through your mouth, until you are relaxed.  Then left your eyes drift to the right.  Hold until you feel your body relax then return your eyes to center.  Repeat looking to the left and again, hold until you feel your body relax.  You can also move your head to the right and then move your eyes to the right and again, hold until you feel your body relax.  Repeat for the left side.

Hold an object 4-6″ from your face.  Focus for 20 seconds then look off in the distance for another 20 seconds.  Repeat this 4x and when finished, relax your eyes.

Put a cool or cold washcloth or water on your neck and chest.  This is said to help reset your vagus nerve when done first thing in the morning.  Some people even put ice on the neck and/or chest.

EAR SELF MASSAGE:  Rub your ears gently, all around the inside, the crevices, now and then gently pulling on the lobe.

TUNING FORKS (and other frequency producing modalities – tuning bowls, crystal bowls).  Youtube has a lot of channels to pick from.

Here are today’s finds for the mind and heart/soul.  Please remember to share and donate what you can.


























8.13.24 ~ Headlines, Finds, Puzzle Piecing………..






Kind of feels rather “quiet” atm – schumann is pretty quiet, KP is down from yesterday’s 8’s, nothing really going down on downdetector.  Earthquakes, same, although I noticed a 4.4 quake in Pahrump, Nevada at 13km – they also had a 3.1 an hour ago, 11km and a 1.6 at 0km (surface?) aboutu 40 minutes ago (10:10pm PST – lol yeah that’s what time it is atm).  Pahrump is a straight shot south from Area 51, approx. 72 miles.  They do experience quakes pretty regularly – I just thought the depth was interesting given all that’s going on in this realm.

I wanted to ask the experts how you can record a quake at 0 KM.  Found this.  Noticed the word “blast”.

An earthquake cannot physically occur at a depth of 0 km or -1km (above the surface of the earth). In order for an earthquake to occur, two blocks of crust must slip past one another, and it is impossible for this to happen at or above the surface of the earth. So why do we report that the earthquake occurred at a depth of 0 km or event as a negative depth sometimes?

First of all, the depth of an earthquake is usually the most difficult part of its location to nail down with great accuracy. Since most earthquakes are deep within the crust, an error of +/- 1 or 2 km is irrelevant; in other words, it is a small error when the depth is something like 13 km. If the earthquake depth is relatively shallow, however, it becomes more of an issue. A negative depth can sometimes be an artifact of the poor resolution for a shallow event.

For quarry blasts that are recorded by the seismic network, the depth is fixed at 0 km since we can never determine a precise depth for these, but we know they are very close to the surface.







This has COMMS for me.  “Special”.  His voice sounding different and strange….




Chinese port rocked by massive explosion on container ship | Watch (msn.com)






SOO cool!











For The Children ~ For Us All


Now and then I have moments of surrender and humility.  I was playing the piano tonight to find my Center.  I get so lost in my own b.s. – in my own thoughts and fears – I forget what’s really at the heart of all of this awakening – the children – which in a way involves us all as we’ve all been children – used and indoctrinated to continue the deception.

The children.  Those who weren’t as “lucky” – who were taken and used for things I still cannot grasp.  How many of those precious Souls prayed and cried and screamed for help until some were killed or continued to be used – likely their minds having to go totally numb in order to survive.

How the hell does someone ever recover from that?  You know?

I also thought of the children who did get rescued (perhaps are still being rescued – I certainly hope all of that is done and over) – the men and women in the military taking on that role of pulling them out.  Imagine what those men and women represent to those children – angels.  In human form.

It’s a f’ing twisted exhausting journey to walk – this awakening – not to mention living in this reality day in and day out.  Obviously.  I hope each of you have been able to find some angel – in human form – to help you through the really difficult times.  I’ve had some show up – in some of you – and probably the best one is back in her room singing one of the songs she’s written lately.  💖🙏💖  These are the moments together with the heart knowing’s that give me pause and encourage me to keep. going.



3.11.23 ~ Just some releasing and words on grief


This is for RILEY



So……………after yesterday’s happenings – the excitement it brought was short-lived and has now disappeared and I am back to place of being so done with IT ALL.

First – we had someone walking the ‘hood asking people if they had received their latest booster.  I spoke with one of ya’s as it was happening and the appropriate term was used:  CULT.

SO DONE WITH IT ALL.  And since when is it OK much less LAWFUL to ask people for private personal medical information?  From my observing eyes – people were willingly spending time talking with him.


I had to order some new clothes to replace the ones I can no longer wear because graphene oxide has shrunk me some – my mate too (very much so).  His current doc said much of his weight loss is due to the g.o.  And it’s f’ing everywhere here.  I went to pick up food last night – outside – parking lot was very busy – Wi-fi environment – and as soon as I walked outside to open my trunk I felt that familiar jab/poke in my ovaries.


When do we get FREE from this hell?  Hmmm?  WHEN?!

Oh but according to some who claim to be “psychic” – we still have inner work to do.


Seriously – ANYONE who would dare even say something like that to me – yeah – FUCH OFF.

Same for the guru’s who wear long fancy names like swami wami whoopi scoopie doo – sitting on their f’ing little pedestals with their narc smiles and their twisted evil glint in their eyes – spouting all sorts of sheot including my favorite narrative:  SERVICE TO OTHERS.

Do ANY OF THESE PEOPLE – or whatever they are – EVER ask “HOW CAN I HELP YOU?  WHAT DO YOU NEED?”

Just like I DO HERE.  But people like myself – because I happen to be quiet f’ing pissed off at times – upset – angry – even scared now and then – due to suffering I AM NOT WANTING – we’re still in “hell” because I ain’t chilled enough??


FUCH OFF with that sheot.

Then I learn a beautiful child – Riley – whose mother I have been following for awhile on a patriot social media site – the child had been in the hospital – very ill – hooked up to tubes – it was horrifying to see….. the mama screaming for help from the big accounts – without a damn thing in return – someone who may have some connections to get her something that would WORK – something like a med bed or similar.  I reached out as well – asking her where she was – what else she may need – what we can do other than doing as she was – trying to get some attention.  I return from my hike with my girl and get told by my mate the little girl died.


That was just enough for me.

Mary Beth Miskell @Miskell2024

11 March, 07:51 (E)
I cannot and do not want to go there – what this poor woman – mama – is going through now.  The rage.  The distress.  NO ONE SHOULD EVER HAVE TO LOSE THEIR BABY.  This was one mama who screamed in recent weeks about how we are saving the children – but WHAT ABOUT HER CHILD?  
Her child MATTERED.  So let’s be LOUD about this.  Please share this image – and the mama’s words – everywhere.  SOMEONE has to be a voice for the children still being ignored and neglected and harmed here.  NO CHILD NEED TO SUFFER HERE.  P E R I O D.  NOT ONE SECOND MORE.
This reminds me of something I once was told about grief.  We suck at it in the “modern” world.  At the time I was relieved to hear this as I completely agreed – having been to far too many funerals already – and always so uncomfortable at the silence while I hid in the back and wept my eyes out – wanting to scream – wanting to see REAL emotion instead of the western world approach of “hold it all in”.  I always found it strange that we’re supposed to wear black and hide – keep the tears to ourselves.  Give thanks we knew the person – know “God” has this person and called them home.  When you’re in grief – esp. the early stages – NONE of those sentiments help.  AT ALL.
Grief is messy and intense and has no convenient time period – sometimes it sneaks up on you and consumes you unless you release.  I didn’t mourn my grandpy’s death until about 5 years later – and wow – did it hit me hard.
A late friend of mine once told me of a particular culture – where their grief was public and open and loud.  REAL.  Those who suffered such a loss would scream and thrash about – and would grieve in an environment of loving support of acceptance that didn’t attempt to silence or shush them but ALLOW THEM THE FREEDOM TO JUST BE.  And in that environment, the healing slowly came.  When we feel SAFE to BE – especially in our moments of fear and grief – feeling lost and confused and as though we cannot go on one more moment – THAT is when healing can transpire in a way that is real and authentic.  It’s kinda all we got here to go on – in this reality – and I’d love to see more of this kind of “allowance” and “acceptance”.
RILEY WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN or become just another “casualty” in this f’ing stinkin’ war.
Not on my watch.
With love,
p.s. ~ if i learn that there will be a memorial and/or help to pay for one, i will share this here.  for now you can follow riley’s mama here.
pps ~ jokes on me. here’s another little story.  those clothes i mentioned?  2 pair of jeans:  they smell like f’ing burning oil.  !!!  i got them at kohls – i can’t afford to spend $45 on a pair of jeans but i guess now that is my only option.  likely something no one else wanted so they got marked down at kohls – so stuffed into a box and back they go and i am right back to where i started.  i am SO DONE w/this toxic reality.


A couple of additional shares……….


Thank you so much to Sister Denise ~ for passing these along to me ~ for listening and seeing not just my heart, but my girls.  A lot of really good words in these pieces by Naomi.  Many of you will be able to relate.  Love, V.


This one is on forgiveness……….forgiving those who criticized us………attacked us……….questioned our medical choices………followed us in stores ~ all for not conforming to what the government dictated………..A lot of healing is upon us – every. one. of. us………..As the truth is coming out – quickly – persistently – have any of you received an apology yet?  I have yet to see one.

I forgive them, because my soul instructs me that I must.

But I cannot forget.

Are we supposed to just pick up again, as if emotional limbs were not crushed, as if emotional hearts and guts were not pierced, as if with sharp objects? And that, again and again?

As if there has been no savagery, no massacre here?

All those people — now that athletes are dropping dead, now that their own loved ones are sickening and hospitalized, now that the “transmission” is known to be a lie and the vaccines’ “efficacy” itself is known to be a lie – are they — sorry? Are they reflecting upon themselves, on their actions, on their consciences; on their immortal souls; on what they have done to others; on their part in this shameful melodrama in American and world history – a time that now can never be erased?

I don’t hear it. I don’t hear any apologies.



This is a very good share on what this lockdown did to us as women and our children ~ ESPECIALLY (for me) the children.  I have no problem roaring now – and I ask and continue to ask all women to ROAR – for the children.  What was done to them…………..ooooh the thoughts/emotions I have on this one ~ ya’ll know………..

I am not a partisan. I am not. I don’t care any more about labels. I don’t care about parties. They are all corrupt. No one will do right unless the people force them to do right.

I care about the Constitution and I care about personal liberty.

But I also care especially about the women and children of America.

I’ve tasked myself with the job of alerting women to systemic threats to their wellbeing, and I have done so faithfully for 35 years.

So there you are. I have done so now too.

Make what you will of this information.

But on Tuesday, for whomever you may vote — as Abigail Adams would have said — please, Remember the Ladies.


Why did Fort Myers take the brunt of the storm? Cape Coral, too. What was this storm really about?



Florida is the #1 state for trafficking.  CALI, TX and NY follow.

Florida. There has been a case of sex trafficking reported in every county in Florida. Of all the human trafficking in America, Florida is the only state that can say that. The biggest problem here is that one in five of those cases is a child.Aug 31, 2021


Fort Myers appears to be a focus on this issue.  Here are some things I have found so far:

Operation Underground Railroad ride set to begin Saturday for human trafficking awareness


Integration Challenges: All Hands on Deck to End Human Trafficking in Southwest Florida


Fort Myers….again………

Southwest Florida
Human Trafficking
Resource Guide


From 2015:



Fort Myers man sentenced to 20 years in prison for human trafficking, false imprisonment




Just click here for more articles……..


Cape Coral, also one of the hardest hit areas, also shows connections with trafficking:

Cape Coral man arrested in connection with Tampa-based operation vs. human trafficking


Couple sentenced to prison for sex trafficking in Cape Coral


Click here for more.


And then this.  Cutting or removing cables as well ~ perhaps to bring in the new (via starlink?) so that no one can stop the flow of info and new to occur?



9.23.22 ~ So much happening………………











Just gonna dive in and share.  Discernment – as always – because 2 timelines fighting to the finish line (and LOVE WINS)………


I got something on this one today in the water portal.  With VK’s shares, there are often hidden comms.  I sense Antarctica and rescue in this one – which aligns w/my own experiences and intel.  As always….We will know the full truth soon.

We Just Want The Truth Dont Lie GIF - We Just Want The Truth The Truth Dont Lie - Discover & Share GIFs

Vincent Kennedy⍟  @vincentkennedy


Human Saves!







T retruthed this on TS yesterday:



Xi Jinping sends message with sentencing of top security official – The Hindu

Sun Lijun, who was Vice Minister of Public Security, was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve.



Republicans say they will immediately ‘repeal 87,000 IRS agents’ if they retake Congress | Daily Mail Online

House Republicans vowed to immediately ‘repeal 87,000 IRS agents’ and launch a series of investigations, including into the ‘weaponization of the DOJ,’ if they retake the House come November.



Saturday in South Africa, blackouts will be really bad. Mostly 4 hours off 2 hours on then again 4 off and 2 on….. the whole evening and night. In our area anyway. Can’t help but wondering, what are they hiding from us Saturday evening? mmmmm



An interesting and logical analogy:


Look what I found just for you, Pepe! 😉💪💥





T rally from earlier today:




He has completely shown full public support now for 17……..


DJT ReTruthed everyone one of these posts….











I actually have been……….




Missing an “E”………sharing for just one statement only (when speaking of Pence):

“It would be totally inappropriate. Mike committed political suicide,” Trump said.



DEFINITELY – the sun was stronger – even though we are in fall….


Animal intermission:












Dow below 30k…….






Rats scattering………..?


















Ok warriors ~ you know what to do about this one:


🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Tropical Storm Ian formed in the Caribbean Friday evening with a path that could bring it to Florida next week as a major Category 3 hurricane prompting Gov. Ron DeSantis to declare a state of emergency in 24 counties.





I had a nudge to gematria IAN:  (144 in English Gematria)….


HHH (new CEO of WWE)





Only 22 episodes………

Season 34 is an upcoming season of The Simpsons. It will start in September 25, 2022 and will end in Spring 2023.
Some interesting titles/plots too……….


John F Kennedy – Looking back on the day that changed the world – witnesses Interviewed
