Mama bears are out and we are roaring. I feel so deeply for this mama. I cried and felt the rage she feels watching this. I don’t expect evil to change much less understand but what I don’t fucking get is why so many other alleged humans are seemingly willing to either dismiss or allow these harmful consequences of this entire covid agenda. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? Take our families. My mate and I have shared the losses our child has had this year and the emotional struggles and NOT ONE OF THEM have shown any sort of emotional response (with one exception). I’ll tell you this – I am seeing the hypocrisy in our own families at a much deeper level. They care more for strangers and those they don’t know than they do this precious child of ours. She lost friends. Activities. Socialization. The birthday party she wanted (cake, slumber party but programmed parents were too damn afraid to participate). We adults – we can make up for this time taken from us. But our children? THEY CANNOT.
And there’s the mama in this video. Her child passed out while wearing a mask in PE because HE COULD NOT BREATHE. Are any of you mask-wearing covid agenda believers ok with that? Or would you just watch this and walk away – pretending you don’t see – because such reality is invisible to you?
What about the increase in suicides? The loss of businesses? The broken marriages? The stress, period? Any programmed bots reading this actually feel any concern for this or are you too damn programmed with your fear of the covid?
My anxiety has increased as has my mates. Again among those who support the covid agenda – are you concerned about our mental health too?
Or do you simply not care because your programming has removed any sense of heart-based feelings much less common sense and critical thought?
Outside today I had a neighbor start to talk about the recent actions of our governor to which I interrupted and said “I don’t care what she thinks or does”. Another neighbor who was gathered outside said “well WE care”. My response to that was “I care about people and I care about the truth. And this whole covid thing is a lie!”
It doesn’t matter what I would present to these people. Most of them know of my website (which is why most around here don’t talk to me much – and if they do they’re polite but that’s about it – lol). Doesn’t matter. They do what the systems tell them to. Period. I question things – yeah – I get the looks that say “huh” or “oh god she is one of those”.
And I’m still not convinced showing them on public airways via all outlets at this point would change their perspective.
So for now – their actions say they care more for those who may get covid and die – even though more die from the flu each year and I never saw them mask up and stay home during flu season – even when they have been sick – so their actions are ripe with hypocrisy. Anyone who supports this agenda without question and tells me they care about the well being of my child – of ALL children – is lying. Knock it off and wake up to the deception!
If you are afraid of the virus – stay home – but do not tell me my child has to put her life on hold to make YOU feel safe. No one has the right to dictate where I go, how close I can get to another (except for the person him/herself), where I can stand inside of a store, how many people I can have in MY PRIVATE HOME, and what medical choices I make for myself and my family. This agenda is violating all of this and your support of it is a support for tyranny.
P E R I O D.