Heather-Ann Tucci-Jarraf: Transcript Proceedings Before Judge Clifford Shirley


Very interesting read.  I found it – questionable – that the Judge stated, in the official court record, that “court stands in recess till the trial resumes this afternoon.”  That did not happen.  He later stated he would issue a ruling within 30 days.  



A Vision for Fulfillment


Life-long desires in this one.  I can fill the energy permeate throughout my being, most definitely in my Center.  For children to thrive they need parents who are thriving themselves.  It’s all connected…WE are all connected.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Fulfillment

We envision a world where the needs of all people everywhere are fulfilled; where our children have all the food, friends, shelter, comforts, caring and loving guidance they need in order to thrive and reach their highest calling in life; where the adults have everything they need, as well, in each and every moment, so that we are able to do what we came here to this Earth to do; and where our society – humanity, as a whole – is being given everything it needs in order to achieve its highest and greatest destiny.

All peoples everywhere have gleaned the wisdom in sharing what they have with others so that everyone can keep moving forward on their chosen path in life. In a world such as this, none are left by the wayside, all are seen as equal regardless of their differences, and a Spirit has come forth across the land that is reflected in the smiles on the faces of both the children and adults, as we are all sharing our Earthly resources freely with one another.

Indeed, we see a world where we are all being given everything we need. There is no shortage. There is only abundance in a world where we are all are fulfilled in our hearts, in our minds, in our bodies, and in our souls.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.




Animal Communicator ‘Talks’ to Aggressive Black Leopard, Watch What Happens


Thank you Laura for sending such a beautiful beautiful piece.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Anna heard him request his name to be changed from Diablo, which means devil, and connotation he did not appreciate. They renamed him Spirit. He's now seen relaxing out in nature, rather than reclusively hiding in his night shelter all the time, like he used to. ( Screenshot/YouTube)

This excellent story is how angry leopard Diabolo became peaceful after communicating his concerns to a human telepathically.

Sure, we all communicate with our pets. Our cats understand “Here kitty kitty, dinner,” and our dogs know what we mean when we command “Sit Booboo sit,” and we learn to understand their body language, meows, and barks to a certain degree. This is way beyond that. We’re talking interspecies communication—telepathically sharing thoughts and ideas back and forth.

“Anna Breytenbach has dedicated her life to what she calls interspecies communication. She sends detailed messages to animals through pictures and thoughts. She then receives messages of remarkable clarity back from the animals,” explains the intro of the documentary.

Read the entire piece here (plus watch the very moving video).

A Vision For Healing Ourselves And Our Planet


A Vision for Healing Ourselves and Our Planet

The following Vision comes to us from Vicki Brunton of Palestine, Texas. Vicki says, “I would like to share a vision with you…this is a bit rough, but the essence is that as we consciously heal ourselves, everything around us will be healed as well.”

Thank you, Vicki. Your Vision is beautiful, and here it is!

We see a vision of our children as they arrive on planet earth never losing their connection to their higher self, knowing who they are and why they are here. They are continuously and lovingly supported by parents, angels, guides and others in ways that nourish, inspire and uplift them. They are a source of pure light and love, here to assist the planet in healing.

We see a vision of ourselves as whole and fully integrated, having forgiven ourselves and others and loving all aspects of who we are. We see ourselves living freely, compassionately, and in gratitude for all that has past which has brought us to where we are now. We see ourselves carrying out our higher purpose work in service to our fellow man and our planet. We see ourselves as healed, filled with light and love which, in turn, heals others by our very presence. As we raise our vibration, we assist in raising the vibration of those around us.

We see a vision of ourselves, our children, all people and our planet as healed and vibrating pure love and light.  

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.

INSANE Reality ~ Mutton Bustin’


Does this picture look odd?  Upset you?  Horrify you even?

It’s real, as I found out today.

Our local county fair is coming up soon.  I inquired to see whether they were having their pony rides for the children.  There are a few ponies that ride in a small circle, slowly, while young children ride them.

I was told this event will not be put on but instead the fair will offer “Mutton Bustin” ~ which instead of riding a bucking bronco, young children, up to 55 lbs. are placed on the backs of sheep and hold on until they are kicked off.

W T F??!!

I had never heard of this practice.  Isn’t this child abuse?  AND animal abuse?  (I deplore most rodeo events for the animal abuse.  But now we have child abuse thrown in the mix??)

I found this article that shares some more details.  I have contacted our fair requesting they cease this activity for the reasons stated in this piece.

For awhile our fair did have what they called an exotic animal exhibit.  Beautiful animals such as lions and bears and panthers, locked in small cages, approximately 2/3 of a football field away of the main stage which blasted thumping music 12 hours a day (when musicians weren’t performing equally as loud).  They paced in their cages or hid, obviously stressed out.  We were horrified and complained.  Enough of us did so that the fair no longer has this exhibit.  But the people who run this charade still take their animals to fairs, expose them to traumatizing, unnatural settings while the programmed populace ooh’s and aah’s and takes pictures.  Some, we saw, even walked up to the cages to attempt to pet them in spite of the yellow tape.

Just one more reminder how this family does not do this reality.  Where are the higher conscious activities?  Educational models?

Here is the article so you can read and ensure your local county or city fair does not engage in this horrid practice.