Mother Gaia via Galaxygirl, April 23d, 2018

Per Staffan April 26, 2018

Mother Gaia (channeled messages)


Message from Mother Gaia 4/23/18

Hello dear children, it is your Mother Gaia. I am here with you now in this breathless moment of heightened anticipation, of joy and of the generalized impatience that surrounds your planet in this moment of expansion.

Oh children, I love you so much. We have journeyed together for so long and for so far, together, you and I. And the time of redemption, of hope, of renewal is here now. Embrace it.

I am your Mother Gaia. I am here for you, children. I have offered my body for yours for so long; cannot you’re feel my loving embrace? For it is truly all around you, surrounding you in strength and my protection.

The crystals are singing now – can you hear / feel them? They are coming on line and doing their work. For those of you who work with my Crystal Kingdom you will feel they are much more responsive and active now for they have been divinely activated and are eager to share and to assist you, awakened humanity, with your own journeys of ascension and expansion. They long to comfort you. When you ground to me, you ground to them as well, for of course we are united in my inner depths of my body. They are the gate and record keepers, the harmonizers of my form. That is why so many of you risked everything including your lives to save them during the great fall of Atlantis. The stories are true. Lumeria and Atlantis sank and much was swallowed up by my deep waters and waves, for as the dimensions fell, so did part of my form. This was to be expected for as within so without.

Be assured that I am very excited and pleased to inform you my topography is going to change for that which has fallen will rise again, an apt analogy for the ascension process, is it not? For just as your bodies are becoming crystalline so is mine, and renewed and restored we shall be. Cling to this hope, this truth. And be glad! Be excited! For all will be made new again. The broken will be restored, the lost, found, and your memories, restored. Be at peace. I am your Mother Gaia. Relax with me as we make this final push of the birthing process together.

~ galaxygirl






Blessings Beloveds,

We have a HUGE INCOMING WAVE of energy coming in right now! It started about 15 minutes ago. I felt it start to come on and felt some of the familiar feelings of all of the past waves. Since I feel every wave that comes into Mother Earth, I know when one has arrived. With this one the feeling is:

  • Foggy Brain
  • Intense Ear Ringing
  • Nausea
  • Feeling Like Walking IN Two Worlds At Once
  • Blurry Eyes
  • Intense Ice Pick Feelings Around the Crown Chakra/Brain
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Increased Heart Rate
  • Note: one size does not fit all for energy waves, each one is different

As I have said in many of my past articles, these waves love to come in at night after 9pm. I have been tracking these since 2010, the beginning phase of the ramping up of the Ascension Process.

It is not easy for me to write these articles as the waves are coming in but I feel this helps everyone to raise their consciousness and have a chance to FEEL the waves as I do. I feel if I continue to post these articles in the moment of NOW, when the wave is actually hitting, more humans have a chance to raise their consciousness from the wave activations that come in with it. More will have a chance to experience, integrate and transform themselves knowing they too are feeling the energy waves of ascension.

I will update later or tomorrow !

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In Service and Love

Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Copyright © 2018 by All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website

Sourced from here.


Lisa Transcendence Brown ~ Learning How To Function Foggy-Groggy: Anchoring the Higher Dimensional Realms & Heaven on Earth Here: LightBody, Gravity Shifts, Dizziness, Energy Bursts, Sleep… Learning all NEW Ways…


There are many things we have to learn to do from scratch, in all new ways and all over again, because everything is different than it once was….

Your human body sleeps to wake up, your LightBody (Soul Body) never sleeps… so sleep will be all over the place for awhile and all along the way. Every massive blast/activation of high frequency light, will interrupt your regular “human” sleep patterns, and often knock you completely out… for hours… days… however long (even on & off for years, depending on how veiled a human experience you chose on a Soul Level).

We function at a Gamma Frequency Brainwave State… our whole body, everything we do… we constantly have to integrate and acclimate to being able to HOLD the immensity of UNIVERSAL/COSMIC Light within our physical body form. As a human, we started at a totally different brainwave state and as we sleep to wake up, as we walk around foggy groggy, our bodies are changing frequency bandwidth. Just one small part of “leaving the matrix program” and awakening within a dream. Foggy Groggy, Dizzy, Sleepy for Some, Super Energized for others, sometimes both and all at the same time… and learning how to function from that “space in-between” for awhile (both sleep & wake or open/closed eyed states that become inner-changeable) as you/we/all go…

This dream state takes awhile to get used to, takes every ounce of our body to function, because it’s heavy photonic light that is recalibrating our human bodies with all new en-code-ments, with Quantum Sacred Geometrics replacing old linear ones. Walking around in “Heaven” means no attachment to anything physical at all. It means floating, learning to walk again and our eyes, hearing, tastes…. everything.

Foggy groggy becomes the new norm, as multi-dimensionality does too. It will come and go, as the previous blast/barrage is acclimated and integrated into the/our physical body/reality and new Cosmic/Universal ways applied to how we live our “new lives” here. WE have to learn to maneuver, learn to maintain flow, learn to Move Energy, learn to stay in a constant allowing/surrendered mode, learn to speak all over again (all along the way), learn new words, learn new ways as our bodies acclimate to functioning at all new frequencies.

Everything in our realities becomes energetic as our bodies run on ENERGY, Light Energy, which is completely different than before. When our light depletes, we are done, right then. Not one ounce of energy for anything and we have to be INSPIRED to create, we have to have a lot of nature, silence and alone time, and everything has to support our NEW EARTH REALITIES, or there’s no purpose… it’s just wasted ENERGY.

Human aspects do not appreciate ENERGY, their energy or others. They do not value yet, so this is something each has to GO THROUGH in order to actually UNDERSTAND. Until there’s not enough energy to breathe, move or do anything at all… ENERGY is taken for-granted, so a huge part of this process is the DEPLETION OF ENERGY, as the LightBody Builds….

We have to regenerate and generate a ridiculous amount of Light, just to be able to function and accomplish all that we came here to BE and DO. This is done in a multitude of ways. Our bodies start to STORE LIGHT in our cells for us to be able to sustain. We have to build our energy, like in reserves, so we can go for long periods. Suncharging, Vitamin D, nature and anything that allows us to STAY CONNECTED INSIDE… for this is where our LIGHT COMES FROM… and is replenished in many ways… sleep is one of these, JOY is another, Happy is another, Sharing is another.

What drives us is different than when we were sleeping/unconscious humans in carbon-based dense bodies. A Deep Love and Connection drives us, our higher purposes/missions drive us, gratitude and appreciation drive us, our inner/higher visions drive us, inspiration, support and reciprocation drive us…. nothing like before. Our focus very different, it takes alot to maintain and sustain the amount of ENERGY it takes to accomplish and produce a ridiculous amount of LIGHT (through our work and exchanges) and Master a gazillion simultaneous physical (and virtual) realities and keep all going with great ease.

Our Plasma Crystalline LightBodies PROCESS Light Information, Light Codes, Light Data and Energy on a Quantum Level, so it takes every bit of FULL CONSCIOUSNESS to accomplish JUST EXISTING… and everything else takes even more. Every ounce of Energy we have matters. Our focus matters. Every word, every ACTion, every tiny thing matters, must be fully conscious….. which is why we have to take great care in what we participate, contribute to, support and allow….

Everything CONTRIBUTES to a REALity….. what we allow in our field, what goes on within us, what/who we surround ourselves with, what we engage in… everything must be observed and then Quantum Equations are applied, with Geometrics being how we see the bigger pictures and all of the pieces of the map/puzzle/equation…. Virtual/Holographic access to “future” (much higher dimensional timelines/realities, then it’s up to each one of us to create/anchor THOSE realities into this physical here.

NEW Earth is very different than Old Earth, because how we function is very different. Our brainwave state becomes a BODY-WAVE State…. our whole body has to function at that much higher frequency, so our bodies are mega important to support. THEY must be happy, they must be allowed what they NEED to process easily, which means continual detox/clean systems, without the debris/clutter/blockages that “got in the way” and DISRUPTED SIGNALS and the flow of Immense Bio-Electrical Energy that creates an intricate gridding system within our physical body, with all new pathways opened up, with all new re-mapping that takes place as LIGHT works through our bodies DOING many things, not understandable by our/any human aspects. As you TUNE INTO your own Light Body, you will understand. How LIGHT WORKS through your bodies, seeking lower frequencies to purify/clear/recode/tune/cleanse, how it communicates, how flow is disrupted or opened up, how electrical impulses and SHOCKS…. are all WAKING YOUR HUMAN BODIES UP and how your own body is EVOLVING as a Quantum Body that works non-linearly, vibrationally, energetically…. nothing like your human body did.

When your body needs to tune/upgrade, you will know, as it will need to pull away, rest, be out in nature and sleep. Human limits and resistance goes out the window or all is much harder than it has to be. Surrendering to this PROCESS of your Body Evolving as Light… will challenge every aspect of your human’ness…. until YOU CHOOSE to listen, honor, surrender and allow.

Your schedules all get re-worked, what you are capable of doing does too. YOU have to LEARN HOW to walk in Heaven with your bodies, what HEAVEN looks like and how to create/anchor your own Heaven into the/your physical reality here. It’s not an overnight process. It’s taken our whole existence thus far and this process continually accelerates, because you can handle it, because you agreed to all of this, BEFORE choosing that body/vessel that you now awaken/exist/live in. Your body is your LIGHTbody, as you integrate the PURE LIGHT OF YOUR SOUL (Pure Source Light) into it, weaving, infusing and constantly acclimating to new altitudes…. literally. Gravity will constantly shift, in every way. In the beginning, when your consciousness is awakening INSIDE of your body, you’ll get dizzy, which will throw your balance off… this is a very important part of the process for you to honor, so let completely go. Go slow. Sit down. Lay down. Be present with your whole body, your feet, your hands. Your human aspect has to surrender for your Light Body/Higher Selves/Soul to emerge from within you… instead of “just floating around” “out there”.

This is an immense process where you EVOLVE AS LIGHT…. every moment a part of this intricate process that can be SIMPLE if you open up and ACCEPT your NEW REALITIES/WAYS OF BEING and that all is going to change…. and your human aspect does not get to control any aspect of this process that IS GOING TO HAPPEN…. and the more resistance you have, the more you fight, the more you refuse to open up to listen… you are the one that has to “deal” with what that calls forth to dissolve your ego/resistance to a process that is NECESSARY AND IMPORTANT for Physical Body Ascension to occur.

NEW EARTH is a whole new EXISTENCE… with all new ways that don’t conform to anything anyone once “thought”. Throw all that out the window and open up to what is weird, bizarre and makes no logical/linear since, as Quantum is not linear… in any way…. and Quantum is how we exist here.

I love you and I’ll write/share more as we flow. It’s taken years to acclimate and learn how to function all over again, becoming adaptable in every nano-second to what the ENERGY PRESENTS, every Cosmic Frequency (yes we can hear/see every one of them) and these TUNE our bodies instantly, dictating our realities until we LEARN how to restructure realities fully aligned with Pure Divine Source Light and the Frequencies of Pure Love.

Happy magical everything. Keep anchoring those higher dimensional timelines and holding all in place. It takes a lot of Energy, yet the physical becomes simple, easy and all comes forth (materializes) for you as you vibrate into all new realities simultaneously….. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

p.s. Your body will have to process all unconscious EMOTIONS out. All lower-vibrational ones, discordant ones, out of tune with your higher dimensional body/LightBody and these Cosmic Frequencies RULE EMOTIONS and accelerate beyond anything we’ve experienced here before. Where purity, love and connection on a DEEP SOUL Level is where you function from, this part is a breeze. Anything not vibrationally aligned, inside and out, will come up/emerge/become visible for you to work through/resolve/dissolve/process out, so that all can align easier/instantly… which is where you come in. Your choices/decisions/focus and where you come from, all dictate how you experience these transitions, integrations and evolutionary processes here.

Photo credit currently unknown. I will happily update with full credit, if anyone knows and posts/emails me. We are very appreciative and respectful of each’s contribution/work here. ♥ This photo depicts what the whole body looks like inside. It starts with the heart and head and moves to every cell of the body, as the whole body goes offline from Old Earth and comes online with NEW Earth here. ♥

Sourced from here.

Federation of Light Update ~ After THE EVENT, Life Will Not Be The Same


By Blossom Goodchild

Hi, once again. Returning to the subject of The Event (Should I be so bold!) Folk are asking how long the ‘feeling’ of this WAVE OF LOVE will stay with us? Seconds? Hours? Days? Months? You get the picture.

Welcome to you. This is a question that cannot be answered in terms of time. For it shall be different for each one. Firstly, we would comment that THE WAVE OF LOVE IS PART OF YOU. The Energy that The Event shall bring forth is one of such magnitude … this is agreed throughout … and yet, it is coming to awaken ALL THAT IS LOVE … WITHIN YOU. All that … IS … WITHIN YOU … IS LOVE.

At the moment the ‘wave’ presents itself … absolute Bliss shall be felt. Again, we say … different levels of it … depending on each one’s present state of Being. This applies also, to the length of time that the very HIGH VIBRATION shall remain within. Depending on the capabilities of the individual soul, that enables one to remain within a certain state, for a certain length of time. It shall affect souls differently. So, it is not easy for us to give a stated ‘time frame’. What we will say … is that … WHEN it approaches … you will KNOW and you will ‘automatically’ begin to ‘Prepare your Being’. It will be something you simply know what to do. 

The ‘preperational systems’ shall be put into place in advance and activated at the correct level when all is in alignment to do so.

What would these preperational systems entail?

There shall be tell-tale signs, as we have already explained. I.E. Much more notable phenomena that has everyone buzzing, as opposed to just those who are seeking it out. Yet, as the dawning of this new era draws ever closer, there shall be much greater activity in your skies and from all around.

It shall not be JUST an external preparation. Let us make that quite clear. For internally, within those who are ready to accept … there shall be presented to the soul-self, visuals of expectations and possibilities.

What about those who are not ready to accept?

There shall be those who are not ready … yet, shall become aware and therefore, accept … an awakening … due to the Energy build up that will be taking place. This Energy shall be almost tangible. Far greater, would we say, than the turmoil within self, one is experiencing in these present days. We are not saying ‘far greater turmoil’! No! No! We are saying that the Energies shall be greater by far, and yet, turmoil will have left and comfort shall be discovered within the self. As it flows in, many souls will feel the newness and allow themselves to become themselves.

Those who do not choose to ‘accept’ what is taking place … shall still feel differently, one cannot not. Yet, they will deny that which is presented.

Why on Earth would someone do that? Surely,  we are all ‘veritably dribbling’ to live in a world that is of a Higher Energy than this current state of affairs!

We understand your confusion, Blossom. And yet, each aspect of a soul’s journey upon your Earth plane has choice. Some are not ready to take steps to further their education! They choose to remain ‘stuck’ for a while longer to experience their choices within certain Energies.

This doesn’t sound a very wise move.

Blossom … within every breath you intake there lies wisdom. Remember, this is a never ending journey of the soul. It matters not, that which another chooses and should it completely go against the grain of YOUR choices … then simply allow that to Be.

When your soul is in a place of recognition of ALL … then such choices of another’s journey will seem so suitable to them.

So, back to the matter in hand. How long will the ‘wave’ last?

Initially, we would say two or three days. Yet, that confuses you, as we are not ‘in time’ and therefore, your TRUSTING on our time scale does not exist!

Laugh! How can you put it in a different way then? Not really possible without involving time!

All things are possible. Let us remove time from the equation and say this …

When IT arrives … there shall be an initial ‘wash over.’ It shall remain within each one, on different levels, of different degrees of frequency according to each one’s position of self. This we have also mentioned before. However, once this has taken place … each soul shall ‘come back round’ in their own time. So, we cannot give you hours, days etc. Yet, we choose to say … anything up to a week of your time before one feels the need to even think about normality.

And normality will not be normal ever again!

Our point to you is this.


It is part of the Divine plan and destined to move your Planet  into the positioning, for it to continue on its guided path of Light, back into her Higher Vibration of self. WITH YOUR HELP.

After THE EVENT … life will not be the same. For one’s perspective … of/upon … LIFE … will have changed.

You know now … that you are pure LOVE. Yet, within the density of your Planet’s Energies, it appears to be very difficult to keep on top of this knowledge. Yet,  AFTER THE EVENT the Energies ‘en masse’ will have changed and transformed to such a degree, that much of that which one once knew, will indeed be of the past … in the ‘old world’ … would we say.

Everything will be the same and yet, nothing will be the same. For YOU … will have changed … INSIDE OF YOU will have risen to such a level, that YOU will experience everything differently. For you will be coming from a different perspective.

This indeed, Dearest Souls … is when so many of you will feel comfortable in your skin. Comfortable with residing upon the Planet … knowing what it is that you are to do. Knowing why you are here and finding synchronicities coming to you that will astound.

Those who are already on track and yet, have felt so alone … shall no longer do so. For soul, after soul, after soul shall seek you out and ask for your assistance.

Those of you who are already aware and ready to ‘teach’ and ‘remind’, shall be sought out by those who once thought of you, as you would say … a bit ‘cuckoo’!

Laugh again! How your humour has developed.

Or maybe, we are using yours?


The Awakened ones shall be as magnets … beacons … yet, we are aware of repeating ourselves.

That’s ok. I have had many a knock at you for doing so in the past. Yet, realising now, that many more souls are discovering your wisdom as we continue on and for those of us who have heard it all before … repetition is the mother of all learning, is it not?

We are in the knowing that this is so.

Dearest souls, in moments of silence within … breathe deeply and FEEL the difference within you. FEEL the KNOWING that you are so close.


Out of interest … how do you know?

Due to the strengthening of the ENERGY upon Earth. The Heightened level of it … coming from souls … emanating from within to without … and yet, there is also, on a completely different level … the ‘Home visits’ that you make during times of sleep or meditation, that see you return there on a much more recognisable level.

Okeydokey!  Let’s get into that, shall we? Surely, when we do have these visits, which we are mostly, if not altogether unaware of in our human form … we ‘arrive there’ in our LIGHT form. So, how would we be more recognisable now, in comparison to before?

Because your LOVE LIGHT ‘returns’ NOW, in a more KNOWLEDGEABLE APPRECIATION OF SELF. Whereas perhaps, ‘before’, one may arrive a little … depleted /dishevelled … and in definite need of a ‘top up’.

White Cloud has spoken before of needing to return to Higher realms now and then, in order to FEEL his TRUE BEING in the Vibration that it belongs. For Being in lesser Light than the Truth of the self can indeed, like a battery running low on a torch … deplete the strength in which it shines.

Yet, now … as each one is remembering their TRUE LIGHT … the Light that they are in the Highest aspect  of themselves … they are able to bring into their Being a Higher level of self … when BEING and residing in the Energies of the Earth plane.

This is a great accomplishment. For it shows that the anchoring of Light that so many of you are assisting in … just by being there … is taking hold and this is very encouraging indeed.

Do you see brothers and sisters … of/in Light … the difference? Can you grasp that which you are accomplishing? Can you accept NOW that YOU … YOU … are making this change occur?

Within every moment of your time upon Mother Earth, you are changing it. Because, you are in acceptance NOW, of what is taking place and recognising that YOU are a vast part of this that is taking place.

May we remind you, the ocean would not be the ocean if there were not every single drop of water to make it so.

The excitement builds and we ask you to do your utmost to keep that level of KNOWING at its Highest point.

For you DO KNOW that this EVENT shall take place and as for its ‘timing’ … it really … with the greatest of understanding and respect … is not the point!

The making it happen … the bringing it to you … is what it is all about.

THE ABSOLUTE KNOWING THAT YOU ARE HERE TO DO THAT shall allow you to continue forth. Bringing in the Higher levels of Energy Light-Love and in doing so, allowing yourselves to be the perfect examples OF this Love.

As more and more souls take note of the ways of Joyful hearts that shine from within you … that KNOW … then, more and more desire to become the same. More and more are looking for souls like YOU, to be shown the right path … to be guided in the ways of LOVE and through this … due to this … because of this … because of YOU … KNOWING THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE …

THIS EVENT shall be drawn towards you … as the Lights on your Planet shine ever Brighter … calling its name … letting it know …


Thanks chaps! Always a pleasure.


Please revisit The Invocation ‘We are the Game Changers’ whenever the mood takes you … to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY

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Website: Blossom Goodchild

Sourced from here.