Bevan Wright – Bobby Wright & Judy Jandora – April 21st 2018


as i have heard and felt so strongly the past week or so ~ love thyself.  every piece of us.  a very insightful listen.  and i LOVE the concept that we were created for Freedom.  YES WE WERE!!  although i hesitate on the “we created this realm to experience separation” and that we did this through contracts.  perhaps that is how it started eons ago by those of lower frequency seeking control and power-0ver and some of us were not of the original experience but have thus returned to see our brother’s and sister’s liberated.  


Published on Apr 21, 2018


Amanda Lorence ~ 4/20 Message for Wayshowers


Editor’s note:  Another beautiful share from Amanda.  I deeply appreciate how she has provided a missing piece for me.  The ability to make long range plans, goals, etc. has been a challenge for me for years.  Now I see where it is not only important to be in the state of allowing and in the Now moment, but also to speak/feel/know that in this Now moment the best possible outcome for me is always created.  Bingo!  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



For at least a month now, changes to sequence (energetic pattern) of incoming colour rays has been noted. For years, one or two specific colours would arrive daily for Gaia and humanity to absorb. Giving energy, light patterning and coding. This changed approx one month ago where sequences of rainbow colours enters daily. It is not a rainbow effect where all colours present simultaneously. There is specific sequence of one colour ray followed by another. They meld, where one coloured light ray flows into the next and so on.

As an example, today’s colour sequence entering Gaia was seen in this order:
Magenta pink followed by gold, followed by light green, then gold again. A short pause to the sequence, then, a prolific infusion of Colbalt blue ray filling all ‘space’, followed by indigo, then violet, then gold, darker green and finally platinum. So the rainbow spectrum of light continues to enter Gaia and humanity but not as one rainbow display, but light colour sequences daily. The sequences change daily yet there are certain patterns for example gold light will follow green ray. Violet light will follow blue ray light.

Today the Sun emitted (at higher frequency sight level) a RING of pink Magenta around its disk. Followed by a wider outer ring of blue ray.

Colbalt Blue coloured light ray is EXTREMELY prolific and increasing in strength and presence daily, for a couple of weeks now.

You may have noticed that solids are able to disappear more readily/easily. They disappear into white OR gold light, and reappear when our consciousness alters back to third dimensional frequency. The point is, the disappearance of solids is more frequent NOW, easier, as we become higher in our own energy, which then effects what we experience at higher planes of energy, consciousness fields.

The hexagonal grid is becoming more physically visible for the human. Meditating on this or visualising this aids the REAL physical site of this golden grid that encompasses all creation.

April brought an intensity to human. Like intense fire CLEANSE, it swept through us pushing us to see all that was not aligned to purity. It did the job, it cleared us by allowing us to see any remaining rabbit holes (distractions) we had travelled down. Rising out of said rabbit holes has not been easy for the ascending human, but the determination to do this intense work, has allowed us to climb out of the rabbit holes that harboured blindness, falsity and some ego. This human work has produced the final ALL ABIDING inner peace, purity, focus and direction. We only need to know the next step, then the next is revealed and so on. Humans at third dimensional consciousness living find false security (comfort) in having future goals, future plans and projections of their life path. It takes a bit of getting use to dismantling this false security as we go higher…where we live in present moment. Where we can then be extremely focused on the HIGHEST OUTCOME IN ALL PRESENT MOMENTS. This desire to always be in our purest possible state, doing from highest possible frequency means we live ONE STEP AT A TIME. Not having long distance plans. But observing higher SIGNS in the NOW moment. For residing in the present moment at highest human frequency opens the energetic Gateways automatically. It takes getting use to, but the more we let go and trust our higher Self, Source, our path, the easier it is to live this new higher and purer way. Just in the moment. Where focus is on purity. Where the light within us is seen by us, appreciated and acknowledged. This way holds the ever present magic for us to see. In all moments we feel the ever present LOVE.

All my love
AL 20 April 2018

Sourced from here.


A Vision for the Second Coming


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for the Second Coming

We see a world where we are all aware that the Second Coming has already come; where we know that the Christed and Enlightened Ones in all religions, in all lands, in all walks of life have already returned; that They reach out to us in the exact same measure that we reach out to them; and that They are constantly making their presences known to us in our hearts, in our minds, and in our souls – even now as we share this Vision.

Their messages are coming freely to us through the subtle, loving voices we hear within us; through the words of our caring friends; through the uplifting books we’re magically led to pick up; through the sights and sounds of Great Nature; through the smiles of the little children in our lives; and through the Love we feel when we breathe deeply into our heart of hearts.

Indeed, They are coming to us when we let go and allow ourselves to feel as good as we can possibly feel. For it is through our feelings that we access our spirituality. It is through our feelings that we discover that the Second Coming of the One we have been waiting for is the Second Coming of our own Higher Self, newly reawakened and lifted up to take Its place among all the angels in Heaven.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



The Peculiar Daughter ~ The Event = The Shift


editor’s note:  i as well felt a huge shift 2 nights ago ~ still processing it.  i can very much relate to the “odd” experiences and abilities going back to childhood.  i used to see things ~ a few times i called out to my parents who would say the usual “you were sleeping” or “just your imagination”.  my sensitivities.  my ability to feel other people’s moods.  i learned to shut them – me – down – which lead to panic attacks in adulthood.  awakening moments came though ~ and have continued.  it has been a very very difficult, lonely life for me. i know i don’t belong here simply because i do not align w/the system’s and the energies of this simulation.  today i can say that without shame guilt or embarrassment.  


Published on Apr 19, 2018


Diane Canfield ~ Energy Update: Huge Upgrade IN Process, Manifesting Through Accelerated Time


Editor’s note:  Very very interesting and in complete alignment with what I felt and heard happened last night ~ huge change in the magnetics ~ huge shift ~ causing this process to speed up drastically.  Today I again had the image (forgot to include this in my daily notes piece) of time being like a rubber band with a large rock at the end.  It is speeding up and will continue to do so until it completely stops, which is when we reach zero point, which is when we exit ~ certainly when we are given the “key” to then make the Fully Conscious Choice of where/how to live/be/do. 


Energy Update: Huge Upgrade IN Process, Manifesting Through Accelerated Time

By Diane Canfield 

Blessings Beloved Tribe,

As you may all remember, I talked about TIME speeding up and disappearing in my last video which you can find here on my you tube channel.  I explained how I was then having time lapses of no time, time speeding up and time anomalies. It had taken place over and over again in a 2 week period. I was experiencing missing time, because of the essence of time speeding up. This is one of the precursors that HAS to take place before the EVENT can happen. ! This makes it even more IMPORTANT to pay attention to.

As I  always experience upgrades from other dimensions before the masses, it is one of the gifts I was given when upgraded after visited by a huge Pleaidian Mother Ship in complete daylight in 2000 and then visited by many races of  ETS in all the years after this.

Time dissappearing  is now happening again only to a MUCH larger scale! We are experiencing HUGE changes in time. It is hard to remember what day it is, what week it is, or what time it is. Time seems to be completely missing and becoming irrelevant. This is a VERY huge upgrade we are in RIGHT NOW. How can you access this? By completely living in the moment of NOW which I talk about further down in the article and I have explained in many of my past articles on how to raise your consciousness in the moment of NO time.

Remember everything happens in sections in the Ascension process, similar to any growth that we see on the planet. One section grows a little, the other sections catch up and then the first section grows again. This is what the Ascension process is like. This is similar to how it is affecting groups of people also.

A few years ago we experienced time anomalies and these more intense time slips are building on the past growth. This growth is NOW completely overwhelming and it is really affecting me on a daily basis. I am having issues now ‘ keeping up with time’.

*Please note if you are not experiencing this yet, you will, you just need to continue to work on raising your vibration and coming fully out of the illusion of 3D and all that that entails. This will include ALL illusions where in 3D or not.

Now we are building on that Time Wave that has come in and we are experiencing time in such an extreme state, that we have never known before. Time is merging on itself and coming into the process of becoming ONE. Time becomes ONE when it enters Zero point, it no longer exists and becomes part of the ONE, Creator, Source Energy. But it does not disappear, it is always there just not in the 3D functional state.

This is how we jump into the 5D and above realms, by skipping time and becoming one with the movement of time into no time at all. Hang on, it’s going to be GOOD 🙂

As we accelerate in the Ascension process, Time itself has to keep up with us in the acceleration. Since there is no time in the higher realms of 5D and above. This may be difficult to comprehend but imagine everything being slowed down, so we as humans can experience cause and affect. There are many lessons to learn on Earth and time helps us with these lessons.

I experienced a state of complete higher frenquency TIME in 2013 for a 2 week period after I experienced my Near Ascension Experience. This can be found on my you tube channel where I documented it. I knew at the time it would be needed for later. When we do transition from this dimension, my experience will be  similar to what it is like. I was lucky to be given a preview of it. I felt like I was moving very fast compared to everyone around me, they were all  moving slowly. I kept wanting to tell them to speed up! This effect lasted about 2 weeks after my experience. Since I am a psychic clairvoyant, I will and have experienced many other dimensions in many different ways.

Time disappearing is all tied into the weakening magnetic shield, the exact anomaly that also causes are ears to ring. As the earths magnetic field weakens, our reality changes. Why is the magnetic field weakening? Because we are in the middle of a magnetic pole reversal. The pole reversal started many decades ago and some say about 160 years ago. As this pole reversal increases, we will experience more and more of other dimensions. We will merge into the high realms through the Ascension process. This is what we are in the middle of now.

Even though this is not widely known, it needs to be now known and accepted.  I remember in 2011  Tampa Airport had to renumber their runways due to movement of magnetic north.

These last few days along with the HUGE time anomalies taking place, the energy has been very high and focused. This is what happens when we get higher waves of energy coming in. Take this time to get things done that have been put off and take care of things that are not easy to take care of. The energy is now there for this to take place. There has also been an element of little patience I noticed, that has now returned to calm energy again today.

You also may notice things appearing and disappearing, I have had this happening off and on for a few months now with it accelerating now. When you look for something, its’s gone only to reappear in the last place you looked just minutes before.

As self mastery kicks in, one has higher access to time and its anomalies. Since everything is connected this is important because one upgrade builds on another. We want to be a part of this building process as then the building energy also merges with us.

We can move through ascension quicker by not resisting any aspect when it comes in. We become the observer instead of the victim. Victim mentality is out now. As we reach higher state of consciousness and self mastery, we realize we are helping to create our own experience and that of the collective. When these time upgrades occur, we must first notice they are occurring and adjust ourselves accordingly, along with everything else that happens in the ascension process.

What can you do to notice the speeding up of time and the time slips that are occurring and ride this wave ? Exist in the moment of NOW.  Get used to this slowly as it takes time to build up to it. Being in the moment of Now means paying full attention to one thing at a time and giving that things your full attention. 3D is made up of mutual tasking, the more you can get out of this unnatural way of living the more you can experience other dimensions!

The last HUGE upgrade we had was March 10th which is available to read on my website. This makes another huge upgrade a month later. Upgrades do not come everyday, there needs to be a rest , recovery and integration time between them.

Please subscribe to my you tube channel as I would love to discuss my ET experiences and show the pictures I had drawn of the REAL ETS soon, I need more subscribers in order to fully do this!

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In Service and Love

Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.

Copyright © 2018 by All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website

Sourced from here.

A Vision for Sanity


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Sanity

We see a world where mankind and womankind have learned, beyond all doubt and distraction, that we, both individually and as a whole, are best served by creating a peaceful, compassionate, clean environment for ourselves to live and love in. We see the wisdom in refraining from judging, competing, overpowering, harming and killing one another. We feel the serenity that comes from helping our fellow travelers to rise to their highest potential; to live healthful, creative lives; to hold their anger in check; to find their calling in life; and to care for each other as we would want ourself to be cared for.

In the same way, we envision a world where we have purified our waters, cleansed our air, cleaned up our trash, begun to love the Earth and all Her plant and animal creatures, brought forth healthy foods, and blessed every other human being who comes our way. As a result of these changes in our behavior, we have brought sanity back to the peoples of the Earth, always to honor and protect it – and never to leave it again.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.