THE EVENT – The Rainbow Light of Transformation – Shifting Timelines


Editor’s note:  Beautiful insights ~ very much resonating with this one…  His vision of The Event is so in alignment with what I have felt and seen….. The Event is the energy that is immediate and a one-time experience that wipes away the AI/Matrix Grid.  It is the catalyst that enables the full Ascension process.  I feel and know that as deep as I feel and know anything.  I am just very much ready to get it going.  I have a very difficult time seeing anyone struggle and suffer ~ I want to FIX it.  End it.  Heal it.  This has been a real challenge for me and continues to be.  I now know why ~ the real You and I are able to heal/mend/fix/create whatever we desire – without limits or rules or interference ~ easily.  We have cellular memory of this and thus we feel the frustration when things do not transpire alongside our effort and intention/attention.  We are getting this back.


Published on Apr 3, 2018


Are You Suffering from Ascension Weariness Syndrome?


Editor’s note:  Thank you Rick for sharing.  I appreciate the comforting words and know this is a collective experience.  And yet….lol……who I am says (and where I am from does) if someone is hungry you feed them.  Tired, offer them rest.  Sick, offer them healing (and/or the means to achieve).  Drowning?  Dive in and save. And in a prison, virtual or otherwise, let them out.  What I am saying is words can offer some comfort, but at some point they cease to offer what is truly needed:  ACTION.  While we are in this period of transition which involves waiting, commanding – demanding – the criminals who have withheld technology for our healing and turning this slave system into one of ease would go a GREAT LONG way into alleviating a lot of this unnecessary suffering.  If we are going to give advice, let’s pull back the curtain, call a spade and spade and admit much of the struggle is not due to our intentions or actions.  They can begin by dropping off a healing machine for my mate who is spending much of his time either in bed or in the bathroom or in his walker, unable to afford the clinics who treat his condition lest he start a campaign to raise funds so that may be our next step and the thought of that, given how long and traumatic and frustrating this particular journey has been, makes me scream inside, so you will have to excuse my issue with hearing “have fun” and “go out in nature” and “go within” well-meaning but still otherwise difficult to hear words.  Earlier today I heard advice for those of us on this awakening journey to “go rent a cabin the woods for a few days”.  I would love that and…..Who will pay for that???  I have networked with people asking if they know of someone who does have a cabin in the woods or at the beach they would let us stay in for little or no cost.  Last vacation we had was 10 years ago and we could only afford $50/night and let’s just say we got what we paid for.  

END THE SUFFERING NOW!!!  I have truly had enough of it.  


Vidya Frazier

If you’re feeling physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted these days, you may be suffering from what could be called Ascension Weariness Syndrome. Many of us seem to be passing in and out of a profound feeling of weariness as the ascension process continues over time.

It seems to include three kinds of exhaustion: physical/energetic fatigue, emotional exhaustion due to so much change and uncertainty occurring in our lives, and a profound weariness of waiting and waiting for something that doesn’t quite seem to be happening yet.

Physical/Energetic Fatigue

The galactic central sun is streaming positive energies toward earth.The physical fatigue many of us are experiencing on and off can be understood fairly easily if you understand that there are powerful emissions from the galactic central sun that are currently streaming toward Earth. They’re causing a number of different symptoms in people, but primarily fatigue—especially if we don’t pay attention to our bodies and give them the rest and sleep they seem to be demanding.

It can also help to understand that, although tiring and uncomfortable, these waves of energy hitting us are actually positive frequencies serving to begin lessening the density of our physical bodies. This will continue to happen for a while as we journey ever-more-rapidly toward the Fifth Dimension, where bodies eventually turn into light.

Mental and Emotional Exhaustion

A second reason for weariness can come from the amount of change that may be occurring in your life due to the loss of relationships, work, home, health, or finances. Letting go of old familiar situations and Loss can create an identity crisis.relationships can be both frightening and exhausting. And it can cause great uncertainty about your future—and even create a sense of identity crisis.

Add all this to the uncertainty that is present in our world today and you can experience even greater exhaustion—especially if you tend to be empathic and naturally absorb the fear and despair of other people around you. Ascension is often not an easy process to go through. Sometimes hard work and a great deal of awareness and vigilance are demanded if you wish to keep on an even keel.

Weariness from Waiting and Waiting

I’m finding there’s a third source of weariness many of us have been experiencing—especially in those of us who have been very aware of the larger picture of the Shift that is occurring. Many of us have been on a conscious spiritual path for a long time—and in some cases, for a number of decades.

We have conscientiously done our inner healing work and our spiritual practices for years, and have perhaps even been involved in assisting others along their path, as well. We have served in being optimistic and compassionate throughout the years, despite serious setbacks.

Many of us have done all this, while also realizing that a huge Shift is occurring on the planet and that humanity is, at long last, finding its way into the Fifth Dimension. And this keeps us going with great joy much of the time. It feels fantastic to be here to both witness this enormous Shift and to be a part of it, fulfilling a particular purpose.

And yet there are times when it just seems to be taking so very, very long for anything much to be changing on a large and visible scale—either within the world, or even within ourselves. Even though we do know a whole lot is happening, and actually quite quickly, doubt can still creep in and erode all intentions to stay positive and optimistic.

It can even cause us to grow disappointed and bitter at times. Indeed, self-doubt, especially when coupled with an exhausting sense of waiting, can be one of the most important ways weariness can develop.

Tips for Handling Ascension Weariness Syndrome

If you are relating to any of this, know you are not alone. And that weariness is a natural response to everything that both is and is not happening during these transitional times in the ascension process.

But, fortunately, there are some things you can do to combat the sense of weariness when it threatens to come over you.

Laughter and joy combats weariness well.1. Take Time for Fun: If you find yourself getting too serious in your life, focusing mainly on what’s not working and what needs healing, realize how depressing that can be. Remember fun? Remember doing things that bring you pleasure? Remember laughter and play?

It’s really important to balance yourself with activities that provide all these wonderful aspects to your experience in life. Having a physical body—even in the messed-up third dimension we’re still living in—can bring great joy and pleasure.

What did you used to do as a kid that was fun? What does your body enjoy doing? If you’re in an aging or fragile body, maybe you can’t do all those things very well anymore. But there may be other things like them that can still bring you pleasure and laughter.

2. Stop Waiting: If you realize that at least a part of you has been waiting for something big to happen, either within your own life or in the world at large (like the Event), it’s important to be aware of this. There’s no knowing how long the big shifts are going to take. Most of them currently involve only gradual movement in a positive direction and they are sometimes punctuated with frustrating setbacks and blocks.

It is true that things are definitely changing, and the Event will be happening at some point in the near future. And knowing this is great. But waiting for it or anything else to happen in order for you to feel better about your life is not helpful. Your life is happening NOW. More than ever, it’s important to fully live it as it’s happening.

Staying present—not only in the present moment, but in the immediate moment—is always a powerful way to lift your mood. If you have no other spiritual practice, this is the one to cultivate. Staying immediately present in every moment, no matter what you’re doing or what is happening, is one of the best antidotes to any kind of malaise you can experience.

If you’ve never tried this, it may sound boring. But once doing it, you’ll see it’s anything but. Something can come alive in your awareness…a portal opens into the eternal nature of existence. Incredible peace and upliftment can come with this.

3. Find Peace and Re-Calibration in Nature: These are times in which Nature can offer us solace and a sense of well-being more than ever. Nature doesn’t seem to be much bothered by what is happening in the world. It just goes on, doing its thing, producing miracles, season after season. There’s joy present in Nature, even when the winds are blowing relentlessly and rain is pounding down. It’s clear that the Elementals know how to have fun.

4. Stop Following the News: There are times when it’s wise to just not follow any news about what’s currently going on in the world—either through the mainstream news or the alternative news sources. For the most part, it can be so depressing—and often, you can’t even know for sure if anything being reported is even true. You can probably trust that if there’s anything you really, really need to know about, you will hear or read about it from other people you know.

Look inward for your answers about the fifth dimension.5. Stop looking Outward for Answers or Evidence of a Shift: There is a massive amount of information that points to the fact that a huge Shift is indeed occurring on the planet, and this can be helpful in keeping your spirits up. But relying solely on this outer evidence can only take you so far. These are times, more than ever, that we need to be going inward to seek answers and proof about the awakening that’s occurring on the planet and in ourselves.

You’ve probably heard this for years: go inside for your answers. And you’ve likely done that, at least to some extent. But it’s easy to forget. Especially if you’ve been disappointed, not feeling you’ve ever gotten really good answers by going inside. It can be frustrating.

But I’ve found that the answers are actually there, if you’re willing to be both patient and trusting. And if you’re willing to do more than just a quick attempt each time to find an answer.

Answers come in many different forms. Some people hear them; others see images, feel shifts in their bodies, or receive a download of information which turns into a certain knowing about something. Or something may occur in their life that brings the answer. It’s important to begin trusting whatever answers you seem to get. As you learn to trust your communication with your Higher Self and act on what you’re receiving, the communication gets stronger and stronger.

Waves of love are streaming in.6. Tune into the Waves of Love and Light already Flowing In: Even amidst the difficulty you may be experiencing in your ascension process, it’s helpful to know that it is now possible to tune into the powerful waves of Light that are currently streaming onto the planet. They bring an enormous energy of both all-encompassing Love and the light of awakening with them.

Many of us are now experiencing these frequencies and reporting how, at times, we’re simply overcome with the profound sensation of Love that we’re suddenly immersed in. These waves are the harbingers of the Event; they’re manifestations of the Divine Feminine streaming onto the planet. And they’re really rolling in now. If you can be aware of this and reach up in your awareness to tune into them, you’ll find you can actually ride them effortlessly—sometimes for an entire day at a time.

So, dear ones, these are some ideas to play with, should you find yourself being dragged down in profound weariness at this point on your path. Do know that, at some point, this sometimes arduous Flights of joy in the ascension process make the journey so much easier.upward climb in consciousness does become a lot easier—and, at times, surprisingly transforms into an ecstatic flight of joy.

Just keep moving forward, one step at a time. And know that, at some point, you will look back at your journey and feel such gratitude that you have been able to take it during these most exhilarating times in the history of Earth.

Sourced from here.


Amanda Lorence ~ Updated Message for the Wayshowers



Embodyers are currently IN a Devine energetic passageway. This energetic passage presented with the influx of energies of 31 March and 1st April 2018. It is easy to understand this passage when we rise above the Third Dimensional human lower mind programme and all the distortion the Lower Mind creates.

This passage is about YOU rising as the inner power you have known of all this life time. Those that have played small to others thus far, were always playing the longer game.

There is much distraction on the outside. It is a time where the wheat is sorted from the chaff. For many still fall prey to outer distractive and destructive energies that present to their experience in human form. Where being in your centre provides all the clarity one requires in all moments.

For those that embody first, whilst still retaining the human physical form, your passageway has presented to rise. A time of inner loving empowerment. Of quiet understandings and wisdom of the bigger picture. Of empowering resilience to your mission.

Let the loudness of the outside be as it is. Let others dance to their own tune. Each are facets of ONE. You’re to embody in physical this lifetime. Through inner work… you know how and what to do and why honouring your process will serve the whole to greater degree. For first we EMBODY…THEN, we can be the change. Then, our inner power realised will serve the WHOLE, as UNIFIED energy, as all knowing, as infinite Love.

Focus is key. Allowing others their own journey is key. Yet allowing YOU, YOUR inner empowerment (of the One) at this stage, is THIS current passageway. Allow thyself to rise.

One Love
AL 03 April 2018


Conscious Poetry ~ Easter Stillness ~ April 3, 2018


Editor’s note:  This poem so beautifully rocks!!


By galaxygirl

In the stillness of the void
I find relief from the swirling chaos around
That incessantly chatters, demands and wreaks havoc
In attempt to dissuade me from meditation…

For they say, that the inner self is our diamond, Our greatest treasure ~
And one only has to get reacquainted
With the patient god-self within
Who awaits our rediscovery;

And when we connect again, oh the joy, the inner relief at reunion! ~
Is tempered with sadness of the loss
Of time and inner struggle, spent on other less important things –
That consumed us.

But we are growing stronger now, brighter now, Shining like mini-fractal suns of love-light and belonging,
As we remember that we have never truly been separated
And all was a cosmic game to test our mettle.

I’m ready for a new game now –
Of ascending light waves and joy
That consume and caress my weary form and removes the PTSD of this “game”.
I’m ready for a galactic embrace from my ancient family who ever hangs on, in their love for me
~ something that I can’t understand fully yet.

But I know I’ve never felt at home here.
I’ve always heard ~ seen ~ felt ~ what the others could not
And been harshly reminded to silence my voice
For the world was not ready yet.

But now, things are changing;
Time is eroding into patterns of manipulative light waves
That we can form and manifest ~
And if you look closely you can see it ~
For the whole structure is morphing into newness, of bliss, of perfection!

May we morph alongside this crystalline newness,
Ever becoming more of who we are, but had forgotten ~
For we are the “system busters”, the “way showers”, “the-first-ones-to-this-ers”
And it elates me with excitement!

And we learn to flow in this newness of this Now,
For it is different than yesterday’s
As everything just keep getting better, lighter, brighter!
And this is the reality I choose.

And I call the wave,
The “breath of the Mother of all things” to me,
To comfort me, yes,
For I am exhausted from the relentlessness of predictions and time loops and lines ~
That twist, slip, knot, and shift ~

And so, I choose my own prediction and pathway,
My own reality of New Earth here, now!
For we are all creators are we not?
And it is time we remember our power
And treasure hunt for the clues we had left, to form our perfect reality.

And when we are brave enough to do this cosmic, intensely personal, spiritual “deep diving”,
We will find all the bread crumbs lead us back
To the stillness within, the shining brightness of our god-self, who never left, never faltered.

And I’m ready for enhanced spiritual practices and understandings ~
For I am tired of bunnies and eggs and the green plastic grass that sticks between my toes – Although there is joy in it, it is short lived.

For we human collective are ready for our own Easter, of collective ascension!
As we learn from the great master, who lead by perfect example of how is it done right,
We are ready to rise up and claim our own discovery
Of the diamond of Christ within.

~ galaxygirl

Sourced from here.

Sheldon Nidle ~ a portion of his latest read


Sent to me by my mate…


The cabal, arrogantly believing that no one could defeat them and unwilling or unable to change how they operate, has been hanging on to power with all their might. This is changing. Although they now realize that they are losing their stranglehold on Earth’s citizenry, they stubbornly choose to fight to the bitter end. While this is a position difficult for most Lightworkers to comprehend, remember that it is in the cabal’s epigenetic nature to rule at all costs. For generations their dominance has been undisputed. No one of significance challenged them: anyone who did was merely laughed at. The cabal, especially its western faction, wants this reality to remain firmly in place. Thankfully, your 3D reality is evolving and growing effectively energetic. Change is inevitable. As consciousness grows, it is becoming more and more dynamic.

This has opened portals by which our team’s strategy can infiltrate or fill in the holes created by Gaia’s increase in frequency and the decrease in her magnetic and gravitational fields. We have given you a model of how the earth is transforming from bi-polar to mono-polar environment. The bi-polar eco-system imprisons you in limited consciousness. The mono-polar system will hold your new Unity consciousness in place. This process is being quickened by events observed by climatologists and geologists alike. Your planet’s entire magnetic and gravitic fields are shifting. This means that the currents and the aurora borealis (Northern Lights) are migrating southward, covering the surface of Earth. Your geologists have measured the northern magnetic field’s migration all the way to the equator. The aurora australis (Southern Lights) are moving inward at the South Pole. Scientists don’t know what to make of these roaming magnetic fields because they persist in believing that the Earth is solid.

The change in magnetic fields is in turn affecting Earth’s ocean currents, which allow winter to move farther south. This is the prime reason for the many erratic weather conditions around the world. The North Atlantic Current is not acting in a normal manner, resulting in weather extremes – colder winters and hotter summers – across the globe. The Pacific currents, likewise, are exhibiting erratic weather cycles. The Japanese and the Humbolt currents no longer flow the way they have for centuries. This is proving most confusing to your scientists.

Change in density creates a new reality that, like a giant pin cushion, is producing holes in the space-time fabric of our 3D reality. As gravity becomes irregular, so, too, does our atmosphere. As space-time shifts, it creates new realities. They are the pin cushion effect to which we are referring and produce differences in what is occurring in gravity and magnetic fields. This strategy is further vetted by ascension symptoms that the head, heart and throat and many other parts of your physical body. In effect, lower chakras are beginning to interact with higher chakras. This is enhanced by changes in frequency developing within your current reality. We possess a dynamic that is changing every detail. As consciousness grows, the chakras are becoming more active and more of you are waking up. In the process, you begin to question the status quo and seek the greater meaning of life. As you change your minds about how you react to each other, a network is created of people yearning to find the Truth. You are evolving in a direction that the cabal has tried to avert but no longer can. The number of those awakened no longer holds in place the old reality, which was based on war, greed and competition. People’s hearts want peace, abundance for all and cooperation. Victory is assured.

The Event – April 2018 Ascension Energy Update


Some good insight in terms of enjoying the NOW ~ good reminders for those like me who bemoan having to pay more bills for another month because oh this was supposed to have been OVER by now and how DONE I am w/the babylon slave system.  I am spending more time watching the skies, intending to see purple rainbows…


Published on Apr 1, 2018