A guest post by Ashmi Pathela. One of my favorite things to do is share the writing’s of others. Always happy to do it!
Posted by Ashmi Pathela | Mar 31, 2018 |

What if life is not at all what we think it is?
We rely on our human senses to gauge reality, but they’re extremely limited.
Have you ever questioned your own awareness, senses, and beliefs that have formed your understanding of life?
“Quite literally, at least 96% of ‘reality’ its imply invisible to us. We perceive so little yet think this is all there is. So what does this mean exactly? It means that if we open our minds to what we can’t see, then we might need to rethink how much we know about reality.” – Ziad Masri, Reality Unveiled
Our everyday existence sure feels real. Our worries and problems feel heavy, and the days go by slowly.
But with death, in the blink of an eye – you remember who you are. As you leave your body, you remember yourself as an eternal soul.
All of those worries, fears, feelings of insignificance evaporate instantly in the light of your eternal soul. What felt like a long lifetime now feels like it was over in a blink of an eye. You’re overwhelmed by a sense of joy and freedom your human mind could never comprehend. You are home.
From this new perspective, you see how your reality was an illusion. You wore many masks, playing the game, creating your life. It was a beautiful game, another opportunity for growth and expansion. Another experience for you to bring back home.
But oh, how real this freedom and lightness feels compared to life on earth. The illusions and egos slip away, shed away in the bright light of knowing who you truly are.
You feel love surrounding you, expanding out from your heart. You are love. There’s no separation, because you’re part of it all. You can just BE here forever in pure bliss. You’ve been here many times before, in fact, since the beginning of creation.
With complete compassion, you look back at earth and see all the humans below. Many of their bodies are dense and heavy, eyes shadowed in sorrow, anxiety, worry. Most are blindfolded without their knowing. The light within them has dimmed.
You look back at your own life and see how you were so blinded.
You felt so separate and all alone. You thought you were so small, that you could barely make a difference.
What an illusion! How you had forgotten!
Even when you thought you were awakened on earth, you were still caught up in the illusion. Understandably. Now, it’s all so clear.
You are powerful beyond comprehension. You are one with Source. One with nature and all beings in the multiverse.
Our separation is an illusion! Your fear is an illusion! The higher self cannot feel afraid. It is whole and knows it. Anything lesser cannot exist in the face of that simple truth.
You remember the vivid dreams you had at night as a human. You thought those dreams were fantasy, but now you see how those dimensions you visited were much more real than your waking reality.
The soul never sleeps. While your body rests, your soul travels to other dimensions, planets, and realms. Of course, you don’t remember most of this upon waking, when you get pulled back to your body. You remember bits and pieces, and only the memories your human mind can handle.
You think you didn’t get too much done today, and that your impact is limited. If only you knew all the work your soul does for the planet, humanity, and our universe! You’re constantly creating, healing, balancing, activating. Your influence is enormous. Both in sleep and awake, you never stop spreading your light.
You walk through a crowd, and the vibration of your energy activates people. They’re not aware of it, and neither are you. 8000 people came together to meditate on world peace, and they measurably lowered the amount of crime, terrorism, and car accidents around the world.
You can heal yourself with your mind. You can age gracefully with a glow of youthfulness. You can even energize your food, water, and air so the chemicals and toxins flow out of your body.
You are beacons of light with ancient knowledge and supernatural powers buried within your subconscious and dormant DNA. And you still think you’re small, lazy, not doing enough? If only you knew.
You’ve touched thousands and thousands of lives in your lifetime. The ripple effect goes so much further than you can imagine. And if you could count your experiences over all lifetimes, all of your creations – it will shock and move you to tears.
It’s not imagination. Your magical existence is real, and it’s more delicious than you could ever dream.
You’re never separated from your loved ones, even in death. For there is no real death. You are eternal, and in the death of your physical body, you awaken to another world that feels more real than your human life. You will see your loved ones again.
As souls, you have agreed to come together in this lifetime and many others, time and time again. “What role do you want to play?” “How should we come together again?” These agreements are made with great joy and excitement. “See you down there,” you say with a laugh and wink.
Sometimes, you might ask a dear soul friend to help teach you a lesson on earth. “Hurt me, betray me, for I want to learn forgiveness.” They will do it for you out of love. Of course, at birth you both forget this agreement and carry out your reality-illusion.
You create your reality with your mind. The manifestation is slowed down on earth, but in higher dimensions where it’s less dense, you create instantly with your thoughts. It’s a delightful experience. You can create anything that you need and desire. Your greatest dreams are all within reach.
You are energy. Everything is energy, vibrating at its unique frequency. Manifestation is simply a matter of matching the vibration of where you want to go and removing any resistance that stands in the way. Of course, it’s easier done in the spirit realm than in the human world.
There, you can teleport to beautiful worlds by thought alone.
Look to the abundance in nature to understand that there’s plenty to go around for all. Scarcity and fear are human constructs.
Once you collectively agree, and once everyone can manifest everything they need, there will be no need for money. At least in the transition, you can create a more fair currency system. Start seeing money as simply another form of energy to exchange time or value. And give and receive it from a place of gratitude and love.
There are many systems and beliefs that restrict you today. Look at them closely. You have chosen this job, this way comparing yourself to others, these fears about the future, these milestones you need to feel fulfilled.
Imagine a world where we create new agreements based on the remembrance of who we truly are. We are abundant, and nothing can take away from our wholeness.
Is it too good to be true?
It takes a global awakening.
What if I tell you there’s a massive shift in consciousness taking place right now? Old paradigms are overturning, and systems that have been in place for hundreds of years are starting to collapse.
There’s no need for fear-based systems anymore. The illusions begin to crumble as we shine your light in truth.
Remove the doubt, remove the resistance and the fear. Start expecting that you can, and you will. It’s so hard, because you have been taught to doubt and focus on the lack in front of you. It takes a rewiring of the mind and heart.
But it’s getting easier. Something beautiful is happening. People are awakening rapidly. They are shifting their consciousness from separation and selfishness to love for others and unity.
“Humanity is on the verge of an incredible enlightenment, but first the corruption of humanity must be fully exposed. Conscious light from the center of the galaxy will be bathing the solar system with ever-increasing intensity. And with this light, corruption, greed, and selfishness will collapse upon themselves, consuming everything they touch.” – Richard Haight, The Unbound Soul
The earth’s vibration, measured by the Schumann Resonance, is increasing, accelerating the process. People are awakening rapidly. Our thoughts are becoming more positive, and it becomes harder to stay stuck in the fear-based reality.
The magical world of our wildest dreams is beginning to merge with our current ‘reality’. It’s time to anchor the new earth into the present and watch the world come alive.
Remember the limitlessness of who you are, and step into your power. Your heart will expand with more love than you’ve ever felt before. From that place of incredible self-love within, you create a world that reflects back your new reality.
Hold in your heart the highest vision for yourself and the world. It is coming faster than you can imagine.
Sourced from here.