Schrodinger’s Other Cat ~ Here Comes…Something


Sourced from here.

Here Comes… Something

One guess what this is. We’ll tell you at the end.

We’ve been waiting for something dramatic to happen before posting yet another “meters” post… and besides the graphic above (which we’ll tell you about shortly), here it is: Three big gamma ray bursts (GRBs) in the past two days alone. Lookie:

Boom… boom.
Neutron meter in THULE, Antarctica.

We’re unsure if these neutron events are related to the GRBs.

Continue reading here.

Reality is An Illusion, and the Truth is Beyond Your Wildest Dreams


A guest post by Ashmi Pathela.  One of my favorite things to do is share the writing’s of others.  Always happy to do it!


Posted by Ashmi Pathela | Mar 31, 2018 |


Reality is An Illusion, and the Truth is Beyond Your Wildest Dreams

What if life is not at all what we think it is?

We rely on our human senses to gauge reality, but they’re extremely limited.

Have you ever questioned your own awareness, senses, and beliefs that have formed your understanding of life?

“Quite literally, at least 96% of ‘reality’ its imply invisible to us. We perceive so little yet think this is all there is. So what does this mean exactly? It means that if we open our minds to what we can’t see, then we might need to rethink how much we know about reality.” – Ziad Masri, Reality Unveiled

Our everyday existence sure feels real. Our worries and problems feel heavy, and the days go by slowly.

But with death, in the blink of an eye – you remember who you are. As you leave your body, you remember yourself as an eternal soul.

All of those worries, fears, feelings of insignificance evaporate instantly in the light of your eternal soul. What felt like a long lifetime now feels like it was over in a blink of an eye. You’re overwhelmed by a sense of joy and freedom your human mind could never comprehend. You are home.

From this new perspective, you see how your reality was an illusion. You wore many masks, playing the game, creating your life. It was a beautiful game, another opportunity for growth and expansion. Another experience for you to bring back home.

But oh, how real this freedom and lightness feels compared to life on earth. The illusions and egos slip away, shed away in the bright light of knowing who you truly are.

You feel love surrounding you, expanding out from your heart. You are love. There’s no separation, because you’re part of it all. You can just BE here forever in pure bliss. You’ve been here many times before, in fact, since the beginning of creation.

With complete compassion, you look back at earth and see all the humans below. Many of their bodies are dense and heavy, eyes shadowed in sorrow, anxiety, worry. Most are blindfolded without their knowing. The light within them has dimmed.

You look back at your own life and see how you were so blinded.

You felt so separate and all alone. You thought you were so small, that you could barely make a difference.

What an illusion! How you had forgotten!

Even when you thought you were awakened on earth, you were still caught up in the illusion. Understandably. Now, it’s all so clear.

You are powerful beyond comprehension. You are one with Source. One with nature and all beings in the multiverse.

Our separation is an illusion! Your fear is an illusion! The higher self cannot feel afraid. It is whole and knows it. Anything lesser cannot exist in the face of that simple truth.

You remember the vivid dreams you had at night as a human. You thought those dreams were fantasy, but now you see how those dimensions you visited were much more real than your waking reality.

The soul never sleeps. While your body rests, your soul travels to other dimensions, planets, and realms. Of course, you don’t remember most of this upon waking, when you get pulled back to your body. You remember bits and pieces, and only the memories your human mind can handle.

You think you didn’t get too much done today, and that your impact is limited. If only you knew all the work your soul does for the planet, humanity, and our universe! You’re constantly creating, healing, balancing, activating. Your influence is enormous. Both in sleep and awake, you never stop spreading your light.

You walk through a crowd, and the vibration of your energy activates people. They’re not aware of it, and neither are you. 8000 people came together to meditate on world peace, and they measurably lowered the amount of crime, terrorism, and car accidents around the world.

You can heal yourself with your mind. You can age gracefully with a glow of youthfulness. You can even energize your food, water, and air so the chemicals and toxins flow out of your body.

You are beacons of light with ancient knowledge and supernatural powers buried within your subconscious and dormant DNA. And you still think you’re small, lazy, not doing enough? If only you knew.

You’ve touched thousands and thousands of lives in your lifetime. The ripple effect goes so much further than you can imagine. And if you could count your experiences over all lifetimes, all of your creations – it will shock and move you to tears.

It’s not imagination. Your magical existence is real, and it’s more delicious than you could ever dream.

You’re never separated from your loved ones, even in death. For there is no real death. You are eternal, and in the death of your physical body, you awaken to another world that feels more real than your human life. You will see your loved ones again.

As souls, you have agreed to come together in this lifetime and many others, time and time again. “What role do you want to play?” “How should we come together again?” These agreements are made with great joy and excitement. “See you down there,” you say with a laugh and wink.

Sometimes, you might ask a dear soul friend to help teach you a lesson on earth. “Hurt me, betray me, for I want to learn forgiveness.” They will do it for you out of love. Of course, at birth you both forget this agreement and carry out your reality-illusion.

You create your reality with your mind. The manifestation is slowed down on earth, but in higher dimensions where it’s less dense, you create instantly with your thoughts. It’s a delightful experience. You can create anything that you need and desire. Your greatest dreams are all within reach.

You are energy. Everything is energy, vibrating at its unique frequency. Manifestation is simply a matter of matching the vibration of where you want to go and removing any resistance that stands in the way. Of course, it’s easier done in the spirit realm than in the human world.

There, you can teleport to beautiful worlds by thought alone.

Look to the abundance in nature to understand that there’s plenty to go around for all. Scarcity and fear are human constructs.

Once you collectively agree, and once everyone can manifest everything they need, there will be no need for money. At least in the transition, you can create a more fair currency system. Start seeing money as simply another form of energy to exchange time or value. And give and receive it from a place of gratitude and love.

There are many systems and beliefs that restrict you today. Look at them closely. You have chosen this job, this way comparing yourself to others, these fears about the future, these milestones you need to feel fulfilled.

Imagine a world where we create new agreements based on the remembrance of who we truly are. We are abundant, and nothing can take away from our wholeness.

Is it too good to be true?

It takes a global awakening.

What if I tell you there’s a massive shift in consciousness taking place right now? Old paradigms are overturning, and systems that have been in place for hundreds of years are starting to collapse.

There’s no need for fear-based systems anymore. The illusions begin to crumble as we shine your light in truth.

Remove the doubt, remove the resistance and the fear. Start expecting that you can, and you will. It’s so hard, because you have been taught to doubt and focus on the lack in front of you. It takes a rewiring of the mind and heart.

But it’s getting easier. Something beautiful is happening. People are awakening rapidly. They are shifting their consciousness from separation and selfishness to love for others and unity.

“Humanity is on the verge of an incredible enlightenment, but first the corruption of humanity must be fully exposed. Conscious light from the center of the galaxy will be bathing the solar system with ever-increasing intensity. And with this light, corruption, greed, and selfishness will collapse upon themselves, consuming everything they touch.” – Richard Haight, The Unbound Soul

The earth’s vibration, measured by the Schumann Resonance, is increasing, accelerating the process. People are awakening rapidly. Our thoughts are becoming more positive, and it becomes harder to stay stuck in the fear-based reality.

The magical world of our wildest dreams is beginning to merge with our current ‘reality’. It’s time to anchor the new earth into the present and watch the world come alive.

Remember the limitlessness of who you are, and step into your power. Your heart will expand with more love than you’ve ever felt before. From that place of incredible self-love within, you create a world that reflects back your new reality.

Hold in your heart the highest vision for yourself and the world. It is coming faster than you can imagine.

Sourced from here.

Michelle Walling ~ New Earth News- Update On ‘The Wave’- April Fool’s Or A Starseed Call To Action?


Editor’s note:  Thank you Michelle Walling for this one.  I LOVE this piece and I am in FULL alignment with her!  I have been intending this energy, calling it forth, feeeeeeeeeling it, giving thanks for it, seeing it permeate and lovingly bless ALL life.  And I continue to do so until I no longer need to.  I had an experience last night or maybe it was the night before ~ where I was first intending this energy and then I was putting myself into my new home in the new realm I have been seeing, feeling and even smelling for years now – and as I did I felt that left side energy pull – and it continued – these waves pulling at me – and I let go and allowed the experience.  It is my feel this is both an “in here” and “out there” experience – all energy frequency based and so as such given ALL is connected, we CAN call this forth and make it create it on OUR own timeline. Let’s keep at this.  As I said last night, I will not use the phrase “be patient” and I feeeeel today what being told to “be patient” does – it lowers our beautiful internal vibe – so instead I feeeeeeeel it is more encouraging to say “we got this keep at it” and if you need to take a break do it then get back at it again.  With sooooo many of us KNOWING this and FEELING it and SEEING it – and knowing we are HERE NOW to be a part of this – a huge shift – a liberation – whatever you wish to define it as – there are FAR too many of us having this feel and far too many synchronicities for it to be a fantasy or just another matrix program.  It is too beautiful and amazing and just damn RIGHT to be false or created by some being with evil intentions.  THIS.  IS.  THE.  REAL.  DEAL.  Keep at it starseed warriors.  I know I am.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


by michelle on March 30, 2018

By Michelle Walling, CHLC
New Earth News Correspondent

Messages from the higher realms had indicated there was a very high probability that a huge wave of loving and transformational energy would sweep across the planet by the end of March of this year. The increasingly closer possibility was pushing the collective toward high hopes of change soon in our reality. Was it just another foolish prediction, or instead is it a measure of our manifestation capability as a collective?

Maybe this was a test run, a dress rehearsal. Never before since the end of 2012 has there been so much focus on the hope of a single event that would shift our reality in a palpable way. It is ingenious if you ask me, because we are all capable of creating such an event if we put our intentions and energies together. The real test is whether those who knew about such a wave would sit back and wait for it, or would they dedicate every moment they could to manifest it?

Allison Coe was one of the most recent people to report on “the wave” from a vast number of QHHT clients. If you have not heard of any of this before, you can read more about that HERE and in the New Earth News section of In5d. Many others including scientist Paul Laviolette have been talking about a “galactic superwave” for years, and it has been called by many other names. Many others have described a cosmic wildcard that will help those of us fighting for freedom from our oppressors a chance to bring as many people as possible out of their hypnotic trance. Many people have dreamed about waves and there have been countless channelings about the great change that we are going to experience. Scientists even predicted Intergalactic waves of energy back in 1953! This great change is already underway, but this is supposed to really give us a boost and we will actually witness and feel something like never before.

I think the biggest question to ask the readers of this article as we approached April 1 is this:

How many people reading this prayed to Source for divine intervention and meditated deeply and often for a wave of rainbow/divine love to swell from their hearts, sweeping the planet by the end of March?

As I was thinking about the way things have unfolded, I had some more questions that came to mind:

How many sat and waited or how many went about their 3d lives thinking they were so protected that their guides were taking care of them on this?

How many are gathering in groups in meditation to bring about this wave?

How many blatantly chalked it up to just another false light date that was being put out there? (I even had someone personally contact me to say that it wasn’t going to happen and that I was being misled!)

When will people understand that the wave is created by us, within us?

Manifesting this galactic wave of energy into our matrix it is what the rainbow warriors called Starseeds came here to do. The wave is a Universal rainbow frequency of all of the various sound resonances from each human holding the high vibration and harmony of love, compassion, and peace. When enough people emit the frequency from within, the various colors connect by magnetic resonance and form a rainbow. The frequencies may be divided by color but they are still connected as one great arc.

The dark forces will not know what will hit them when the loving people’s energies connect. Unity consciousness will be achieved by a critical mass. Divine intervention from within us will change this reality forever.

The Universe is within us! What we see with our eyes is a holographic projection. That projection is created with a template for a “planet”, run by an interactive artificial intelligence that works with our own experience, the co-experience of others with us from our local reality and “out there” in our worldly reality, and the illusions and distortions inserted by the dark forces. We have the ability to re-write the distortions with higher frequencies and alternate timelines and outcomes.

Here is the good news. Many of us did feel many waves of divine love frequencies washing over the planet over the last weeks and months. These waves are still reverberating and gaining momentum. Whether they are coming from the sun or the great central sun, or whether it is coming from within us is hard to ascertain. It’s both depending on what level you are looking at it from. What matters is that there are many of us holding our positions and doing the work necessary to create such a wave. However, this is a wake up call for us to try harder.

We already saw what an impact intention, guided imagery, and thought seeding can do to attract what we are all waiting for. There has been palpable evidence and even small rainbow clouds reported all over the world. Let’s strike while the iron is hot, while the smaller waves continue to gain strength to finalize this mission.

Here is what you can do to increase the momentum of the waves to create a tsunami of energy as prophesied by time travelers, dreams, QHHT clients, and scientists:

  • Pray every day to Source and the higher realms for this change.
  • Pray for the dark forces to remove themselves from your loved ones.
  • Pray for healing for yourself, your loved ones, and for everyone and everything on the planet.
  • Pray for a divine dispensation to stop the wheel of karma through forgiveness.
  • Pray for our planet to be cleansed- for our food, water, and air to be pristine.
  • In meditation, visualize a rainbow wave emitting from your heart space, growing in size, and connecting with all of the other starseeds that are doing the same. With each meditation, grow this beautiful light in intensity and strength.
  • Ask that all living beings receive only what is in their highest and best good according to their soul’s growth and goals of this lifetime, but ask that those who are ready to receive and shift out of this reality get the highest dose they are needing to boost their frequency.
  • Do whatever else your guidance suggests you do to bring this forth.
  • Share this call to action within your online spiritual & metaphysical family and make it a priority in your group meditations.

Do not work against the manifesters by falling into an “I told you so” stance. Do not fall into accepting that these waves of energy have been coming to the planet for a long time and will continue to come to the planet for many years to come, and that the big event is many decades in the future. Individually and collectively, some are ready may make a leap into a brighter future together to change their reality. There are many vampiric entities who do not want this to occur. Be grateful of the cleansing we have already received and accept the evidence before us that we are making a difference.

Like I have mentioned before, don’t shrug off your 3d lives waiting on a great miracle. We are changing the reality by anchoring high vibrations while being deep rooted into 3d. Continue to live responsibly! If you are having a hard time making ends meet, do what you need to do in your 3d world to keep afloat. Many people who thought 3d living would disappear in 2012 made drastic changes that put them into even more difficulty and depression. Although there was indeed a huge shift in our reality, we can look back on that to learn from the past. Be realistic in the sense that we still have to exist here until enough of us understand what needs to be done to cause a huge shift.

Common sense tells us that many people can’t continue living in this density. Something has to give and the dark’s vices continue to squeeze tighter. Whatever you do, never give up! It isn’t going to happen on its own, we are the ones we are waiting for to make it happen. Continue your efforts to create with an open heart and to join in the intention to free those who are ready.

About the author:

Michelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach specializing in starseed support. She is an international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started writing spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric articles for Michelle is the webmaster for, and Michelle is the host of the Cosmic Awakening Show and hosts conferences and workshops in the U.S. and Europe. Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here. To contact Michelle or to book a session, please visit Show your support by becoming a Patreon Member for only $8.88 per month and receive access to members only calls, videos, and articles! Click HERE for Michelle’s Patreon page.




Sophia Love ~ The Event ~ When?


editor’s note:  a little birdie told me earlier she would be posting.  as i read this, i sit with the words.  an issue has risen lately – today in particular – around self image.  and receiving love.  as i ask “what do i do with this?” my heart responds:  don’t wait to dance.   you are not your body.  see yourself through eyes that love.  trust how you feeeeeeeel – in all things.  and (big one) – all have his/her own unique perspective.  do not let a different thought put you into fear and doubt.  


A Vision for our Invulnerability


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Our Invulnerability

We see a world where each and every one of us has seen through our worldly illusions, has let go of our Earthly identities, and has begun to identify with our True Self, our Highest Self, our God Self. In doing so, we have integrated all the attributes of our Highest Self into our daily experience – and that includes the attribute of invulnerability.

We now know, beyond all doubt, that the Being who we truly are at our core is not human, but is God/Goddess incarnate – a Being who exists beyond the confines of this Earthly realm, who is untouchable, is never separated from, and can never be separated from our God Self. We have transcended our belief that we are our body and have stepped into our rightful place in Eternity – a place where our safety and serenity are assured forever and evermore.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Linea Faerylight Ginn ~ The event 2018. A ISS live steam of purple haze and omg, my dream about the raincloud.


Editor’s note:  Synchonicities on this one ~ for a few weeks now, two songs have been predominant in my mind as I awaken:  Purple Haze (for the lyrics “purple haze all in my brain”) and 1999 (for the lyrics “the skies were all purple there were people running everywhere”).  To hear her quote these two lines gave me huge chills.  Before I watched this video, this morning as I was still in bed, doing some quiet inner stuff, I thought of Prince (been thinking of/feeling him a lot lately).  I had this feeling he subconsciously knew of the event wave and put it into the song 1999 as a lyric.  He is observing all of this ~ indeed is a part of it. This is not just about us here in this realm.  This is truly a multi-dimensional experience.  And with these rainbow colors appearing at the ISS, I would say we are now home and are experiencing the beginning of these energies.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]  V.


Published on Mar 31, 2018


WSO ~ Amazing Sky Photos End of March, 2018 with RICK NORRIS


Editor’s note:  Love the images and the tune.  Such passionate, raw, truthful words.  Earlier today I played the piano and paused to watch the sun.  I had this sudden desire ~ a first ~ to help break down the matrix grid, given all is frequency.  All I got was note “A” (a tune in “A” – like minor) ~ so I will keep at it.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]


Published on Mar 30, 2018