Category: Ascension
Interesting experience today ~ a mandela moment? And Another DJT Dream.
I forgot to share this one earlier.
Today I watched one of my child’s friends while her parents attended a meeting. We see them throughout the year. I spent part of an afternoon at their house a few weeks back.
Today the mama was different. She looked different. Bigger. Her face looked different too. Her energy/behavior/personality were still the same. But something about her was different and I kept trying not to give my quizzical look while I also tried to listen to her as I was also checking her out. lol
After she picked up her boy and left, my mate said “She’s different!”
I gave him the look and said “How so?”
He says “she looks bigger. Taller. And her forehead seems different too.”
So I told him of MY experience and we both laugh.
A mandela effect?
A merging of all of our “us’s” (yes that is a word at this moment)?
The amazing beautiful cool weirdness continues…
[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]
And now the dream. I believe that makes 13 now? Anyway, I was inside the White House, in a room off of the oval office. I remember the sunlight – the light – was amazing. The feel was like I was in a very sacred space. I sat on a white couch (many of my dreams of DJT are strongly white in color) and waited for him. He walked over, sat down on the couch and slumped down. His energy was solid and strong but his human energy was weary. He was still there to answer my questions though. I opened up an ancient astrological book and all I can remember (!!!DANG) is his referencing the Nibiru system. He said he knew about it and its purpose. I patted his hand and that’s all I remember.
As I just said – the cool weirdness continues…
Linea Faerylight Ginn ~ The event 2018. Entities are leaving, everybody’s on board.
I really [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”] her energy/approach/material/perceptions. I am in so much gratitude for her reassurance that NO ONE gets left behind. Release the fear that we haven’t done enough, haven’t done enough inner work. This is an experience, an energy of LOVE and love is inclusive. Love embraces ALL. I have a very strong inner knowing it is the Divine Feminine we need to be listening to right now for She knows about this energy event as well as She knows how to best prepare and be in receivership of it. I “see” things in this light ~ we have the Divine Masculine cleaning up the mess created by the systems of enslavement as well as exposing the systems for what they are and then we have the Divine Feminine cleaning up our emotional wounds resulting from these very system’s, welcoming in/allowing for the cleansing energies leading up to the event wave.
Published on Mar 29, 2018
Sandra Walter ~ Crossing the Crystalline Bridges: Part One
Editor’s note: The intensity of these energies is yesssssssss. The shaking, the anxiety, the shaking (did I mention the shaking??). Yes, yes and yes…
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
Obviously it has been an intense few weeks as this next light level flows in. This series of intel addresses the mulitidimensional levels of what is unfolding for the Ascension in this now. I AM about to travel to Sedona for High-Vibe gatherings, which feels well-timed as April provides unique interaction with the crystalline bridges to the New Earth experience. Kindwhile, this series of articles may provide clarity and support.
We are experiencing major releases of plasma light pulses. Ancient codes are stepping forth for higher timelines. Unlock what you planted here for Ascension, beloveds. The Crystalline Grid is adjusting the New Earth Grids for stability; Intend flow, ease and grace.
Meditate to feel the bliss, expansion and soothe the clearing activity. Focus on the heart as the energy field stimulation is very strong, especially for embodiers of the Christed frequency. The whole-body vibrations and surges will continue to amplify. Shake it til you make it!
Your lightbody is changing right now, don’t let the mind distract from this sacred transformation. Deep Soul group activity also present; we are migrating realities as a collective.
Note the activated heart torus expansion – like a big balloon of light. Spin crystalline-diamond-Christed light through these fields, it truly supports balance and integration. Extra water and oxygenation; we are purging the uncomplimentary DNA patterns and imprints from the cells. Release, weep, smile, we got this. It is safe to change.
This initial thrust of the Equinox wave lasts through April 7. Keep the focus on Highest Primary timelines for all. Join the SUNday Unity Meditations for collective amplification, balance and healing.
Crossing the Crystalline Bridges: Part One
Geomagentic storms were strong during the initial blows of these Cosmic Winds. Solar wind (plasma influxes) are consistent; a stream of higher vibrational Source-light-encoded light. Alignments during this passage assist the ever-increasing influx of these plasma delivery systems. This phase is different, however. Energies always rise, get stronger, that is the shift itself. This new frequency is revealing higher trajectories for many, which in turn levels up the collective Ascension.
As the planetary magnetics shift, it opens Gateways – ancient Gateways – for activation of Gaia’s crystalline core to radiate 5D activations. It also triggers awakened DNA and lightbodies to go into Ascension mode. This is why the body, mind, and emotions are so stimulated right now. This is the new light level consistently blooming, expanding us into the next creation which is already in place. New Earth Now.
This Divine Will influx is significantly altering the magnetics and grids of Gaia. Note the consistent solar wind and geomagnetic storms all throughout the Equinox influx from March 15. This is strong energy, powerful dimensional-shifting, consciousness-raising light. On the evening of March 16th I experienced six hours of watching the lightwave come nearer, activating extremely pure planetary and star toroidal fields in nearby systems. There were also vast fields of sparkling 5D-rainbow plasma flowing with this activity. More on that in the next article.
These pure phototonic deliveries are unlocking the magnetic stronghold which held old systems in place. As above, so below, Beloveds. Old game over, both externally and internally. This is why your lifestream is demanding change on a personal level. This is why you cannot create with the old energy, or why it feels uncomfortable to do so. Our higher trajectory, Primary Christed timelines, are doing what was intended; empowering the creators and active participants of this experience to raise all willing hearts into Unity consciousness.
Deconstructing the Old Architecture, the Old Storyline.
Think Universal, act local. The collective demands change on all levels. This is a reciprocal effect; the energies coming in create change, the Divine return of a pure experience of Source. Ascension is a command from Source; our entire Universe is shifting. The collective responds to the triggering light by seeking truth.
This has been going on for decades; the revelation of that which was hidden. The intensity increases; more light provides more exposure. As distortions, time-loops, uncomplimentary timelines and holographic inserts/imprints are removed, the collective consciousness catches up to the true level of light; the Divine Truth. Revelation begins to accelerate, the energies amplify, and our body-mind-spirit complex adjusts.
Part of the Gatekeeper credo is ensuring that everyone is provided with the opportunity to explore their Ascension without boundaries or control systems interfering with their path. This is what is occurring right now with Ascension. Everything is being cleared so that the collective experience of Ascension is wide open for exploration by all.
Anxieties and Insecurities
This current energy is aimed at global, palpable awakening and transparency. Insecurities, lack of confidence, emotional deep purging may get intense right now. Yes, it is part of the process and DNA/lightbody upgrades. However you may have noticed that it feels different, almost too intense in some moments. This is happening at the same time that many of us are experiencing intense bliss. Global magnetic shifts also alter your personal magnetics, however there is more going on.
As we move into unity consciousness, we can feel the collective field. Much of the insecurity, egoic clearing, and confidence challenges are a reflection of what is occurring behind the scenes. Those who believed that money and control were the most important thing, have no heart platform to stand on as the timelines shift. They feel they are losing everything by losing their material belongings, social status, financial status, or belief systems about how this was going to unfold. They are afraid of exposure and judgment. These HUmans have a deep ties energetically to nearly everyone on the planet. The core-shaking loss that they feel as the New Light takes over the plan is palpable.
We have experienced loss, reevaluation of all that we are, and the release of egoic-level attachments through our Ascension process. That same process is available to those who have chosen lower timelines. However, when it hits the powers-that-were in such a strong way, there are collective reverberations of those emotions and constructs being released. Those who are completely enamored and entangled with control-as-power, manipulation-as-power, are suffering. We must remember this is a collective release of what was created here, on overdrive.
There is much deep soul-searching as old structures collapse. However here is the point of mentioning behind the scenes in this article: Because we are all One, because the energy is doing the exact same thing to our personal lives that it is doing to the old structures, and because those systems had energetic ties to the entire collective, we feel it removing the old foundational platforms based on control, ego, and survival. This effects us on an individual case-by-case, person by person level. Clemency, forgiveness, emotional and psychological breakdowns from those transparency operations are palpable.
The energy does the same thing to our journeys as it does to larger operating systems. The questioning, the doubts, the fears, the insecurity, the lack of confidence … You see that this is all a reflection of what is happening on a mass scale. When folks at the top feel wounded and insecure, we feel it too. It teaches us empathy and compassion. In order to fully become a Christed being, we demonstrate non-judgment and forgiveness. False confidence or a false sense of power are falling away. This allows us to re-examine everything in this new light. Constructing new realities as we de-construct old ones is a mighty task for the lower Self. Have patience, follow the flow of this new light and let it change you.
Addiction to the old reality is breaking apart. Mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual distortion is surrendered so the palpable experience of a new path may be attained.
Spiritual Maturity, Spiritual Disclosure
The challenges to our spiritual maturity, our hearts, our relationships, releases the magnetics of the past. If you feel un-glued, that is exactly what is happening in your fields (and Gaia’s). Yes, the filters for our Ascension get finer and finer as we go through this process. That has been consistent. However this year, when we’re dealing with larger numbers in the awakened collective, the experience dissolves storylines and beliefs about who we were, and how we were going to walk through this.
This is a beautiful Mastery initiation to infinite possibility. We place our hearts on the feather scale. What has been learned and did we apply it properly? Is there anything that needs to shift to accommodate the higher trajectory?
We keep refining what we are in order to merge with our Higher True Self. Those of us feeling and creating this pull to the higher level, must respect and honor it. The High-Vibe Tribe reaches out multidimensionally to create highest outcomes for all.
Relationship with Source: Apply Multidimensional Awareness to Everything
Our relationship with Source is tested. Relationship issues are a reflection of the relationship with Self, which is a relationship with Source. The Divine searches for its own reflection, amplifies the Sacred mirrors and corrects distortion.
As this pure Source light returns, we deeply honor our relationship with Source. We feel and honor our relationship with creation, everything as God, as Self. Our relationship to Source is completing and aligning relationships in form because the Higher Self relationship is purifying with Source.
We are learning during this bifurcation process how realities are separated, and how they arise into something else. We remember our ancient creation, and how to create again in alignment with Source. We are reaching for the highest truth, the highest expression. Anything which limits the full expression of your highest trajectory is exposed.
Focus on multidimensional awareness and apply it to everything that is presenting in your lifestream. All situations, interactions, emotions, behaviors, words, projects, and creations. This is the emergence of our consistent presence as one unified consciousness. Everything traverses dimensions; apply this knowledge directly to what is presenting.
The new light level can be intense in some moments; both intense bliss and intense realignment with the Christed/Crystalline/Unity timelines. Our vibrancy is tested. Authenticity is tested. Spiritual maturity is tested. Oversoul groups are raising as many as possible into the higher experience with ease and grace. The brighter we glow, the easier it is for others to see the light.
Primary Christed timelines are very high vibrational creations, and by quantum effect they raise our experiences into zero point. Remember they are a part of bridging the worlds; we use them to Ascend to 5D. As always,the vibrational pass-key is the Christed/Crystalline HUman Heart.
In Love, Light and Service,
Sourced from here.
Denise Le Fay ~ March 2018 Embodiment Process Side Effects
Editor’s note: Oh wow! I have been dealing with the bladder issue for a couple of years now. It started rather suddenly and I just chalked it up to age, although I also wondered if it was something else. It just struck out at me at the time. Interesting…
March 2018 Embodiment Process Side Effects
by Denise Le Fay, published on High Heart Life, on March 25, 2018
These February and March 2018 energies are so much higher in frequency, amount, are now direct plus are more never encountered Photonic Light. Because of this, many Forerunners, Pathpavers, First Embodiers, First Everything-ers have experienced some extra unusual side effects they’ve never had before throughout the entire Ascension Process (AP) and Embodiment Process (EP) to date.
When we move, travel, ascend and evolve deeper into more NEW energetic Light territory, we’re naturally further activated by those energies and suddenly find ourselves having some very new-to-us side effects in just about every way imaginable; physical, emotional, mental, etheric, psychic, Higher Awareness and so on. These symptoms and side effects of the AP and EP are much more than only having certain physical body and/or head aches, pains, pressures and related anomalies. As many of you already know, this also includes profound and ongoing evolutionary changes to our DNA, our psyche, our current level of consciousness, our sense of ego self and ascending Self and Higher Selves, multidimensional experiences, our personal lives and realities, and our physical and energetic interactions with the external Earth world and far beyond.
Right before these February and March 2018 NEW energies arrived, I found myself doing something I rarely ever do which was reach out to a couple of people online. I’ve always been able to retain discernment and honestly question myself and my actions, even when eyeball-deep in some seriously strange, confusing and intense AP and EP stuff. While doing this I was simultaneously aware that some part of myself knew that some unusual big self evolving energies and experiences where coming soon and an aspect of the old human part of me wanted to maintain some lower level of familiarity with other humans. I cannot tell you how utterly unusual this was coming from me, and I’m being honest about it to show how we can consciously know we’re evolving quickly beyond what we’ve been our entire physical 3D incarnations in these lives yet at times within this EP just want to be “normal” and have a like-minded “buddy” in our lives again… after 27 years of not having any.
Because this was an old lower self want on my part, the reaching out failed as it should have because of those reasons. After all, I am not here on Earth now to have plenty of lower self-soothing “buddies” to chitchat with. I’m here now—as are every one of you reading this—to evolve, to ascend to a higher level of being and consciousness, to Pathpave The Way for the rest of humanity, and to build NEW worlds for all to further create within and on and on and on. At some point the chit-chatting may happen, but for now there’s so much more important things to get done by and through each of us. When you have a momentary longing for old “normalcy”, not that I know what that is, just remind yourself that you Volunteered to incarnate on Earth now to be a direct part of the AP and EP for All everywhere.
Short List of March Side Effects
Inner Body Vibrations — These have reached very NEW levels of intensity so far in early 2018, and we’re just getting started! Expect more, much more, and much higher in frequency and intensity. Don’t get rattled over being rattled internally to a degree you’ve not experienced before. All of March it often feels to me like I’m having violent inner earthquakes in my physical body. I’ve consciously monitored the Inner Body Vibrations within my physical body since I first felt them around 2001, and every time I’ve thought they wouldn’t get any larger or more intense they did and continue doing so. This month they’ve been record-breaking and I knowthere’s more coming. No fear, just us getting more up to even higher Light speed.
Seeing Light Flashing Inside Your Physical Body — I’ve seen the Sun flash repeatedly strobe-like in the sky a few times so far, and I’ve also seen it blast out huge pulses of Light with minutes in between each pulse. What I’ve seen so far in March 2018, is this same solar Light flashing repeatedly in that strobe-like fashion but from within my own physical and energetic bodies. I and the Sun are ONE; we are in sync and are living, circulating aspects of each other. What the Sun does and transmits energetically now is the same thing and process that’s taking place with many of us living the Embodiment Process. Don’t think it to death, just FEEL it and recognize the truth of it and make whatever adjustments you may need to with your priorities. There’s what’s important and then there’s what’s important.
Extra Busy & Unusual Dreams Again — We go through periods where we dream some rather strange dreams every night for weeks and this is another clue that you/me/we have ascended, traveled, evolved into yet another NEW-to-us energetic area. We Work on and with all these changes constantly while awake and asleep, while conscious in-body and while out of it. There is no down-time anymore with the AP and EP, there is just IT and us living and being IT in and through our evolving and merging, unifying many selves and Selves and Greater Selves. Dream away and don’t think this to death either as much of it is just passing old stuff that does NOT need your attention to fix or repair or integrate any of it.
Greatly Increased Inner Ear Ringing — This has been going on for a while now but those inner ear high-pitched constant ringing sounds have recently not only gotten MUCH louder but higher in frequency as well. Oftentimes from my perspective, this latest cacophony of inner noise has been too much. We’ve experienced these increases in inner ear sounds, ringing, buzzing racket over the ascension years, just like we’ve experienced different levels and layers of smelling nonphysical scents and/or hearing nonphysical sounds and seeing nonphysical lights and other such things, patterns, geometries in code form like this.
At times this latest NEW level of inner ear noise that’s so big it’s both inside and outside of your head by two or three feet, has been so loud and high-pitched that it’s causing me to also hear other strange nonphysical sounds, voices, noises and such in that typical clairaudient way. It’s like we’re hearing some of the sounds of the Universe moving and slowly grinding through cycles throughout the cosmos. It’s both interesting and annoying at times, but this is just another of many NEW situations and levels of our ongoing Embodying so again, no fear and don’t think things to death. Pay attention yes, but don’t linger too long on any one NEW side effect because so much more is happening, and coming.
Bones or Joints Suddenly Hurting — I’ve experienced this since the Total Solar eclipse of August 2017. Certain joints suddenly go from fine and have never hurt to hurt like all hell and can’t move them then suddenly back to feeling fine again. Last year this happened in my right elbow and shoulder joints; this year it’s one heel bone and now up into the arch of my foot to the point it’s hard to walk. When body parts suddenly hurt seriously for extended periods, one occasionally considers the unthinkable — actually going to a doctor! No, anything but that! When in doubt go within and discern for yourself. If you don’t trust yourself with this ability yet and believe that a doctor visit will solve the situation then go to a doctor. But know they most likely won’t find anything “wrong” or worse they’ll put you on some drug you don’t need. Discernment.
Saturn, which has to do with structures such as our physical skeletal structure, bones, joints etc., went into Capricorn, its ruler in December 2017, but it did so as a 5D free and clear entity no longer housing old Team Dark distortions forced upon it. Because of this and plenty of other related and ongoing AP and EP energies and changes, it doesn’t surprise me at all that our physical skeletal structures are going through more NEW-to-us DNA upgrades and other related improvements. Know that the pains in certain joints and vertebra etc. is hitting hard and highly focused now but will not last forever so self-care and don’t go into fear over these and other AP and EP related changes.
Difficulty Expelling Urine — This is another of those certain Ascension Process side effects that most of us aren’t in a big hurry to share with the world. I’ve had this one since about 2000 and at first thought it, along with sudden and repeated bladder spasms, were due to menopause until a young woman in her early 30’s with two young children mentioned that she and her kids (a boy and girl) were all having difficulty pushing all the urine out when they went to the bathroom. That’s when I knew this lovely symptom was ascension related and not strictly about changing hormones from menopause.
Typically this one is more pronounced throughout the night (but I have experienced it a few times during the daytime too) and one has to repeatedly push and push and push out the urine to empty ones bladder. This side effect has to do with many AP related things such as hormone changes, DNA changes, repeatedly purging old 3D patriarchal created toxins over the years, density changes both externally and internally and so on. But again, discern this and all other symptoms and side effects to decide what you feel is right at the time for you and your body or your children’s bodies.
This is Very Personal — No, not personal physically but personal psychologically, emotionally, psychically, spiritually and energetically. This side effect is from the ongoing Embodiment Process and has to do with one’s repeatedly changing sense of old self incrementally unifying with one’s Greater, Higher Selves. It also has to do with our also ongoing 5D unifying with the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine within ourselves and our bodies and consciousness. Didn’t that sentence sound so easy-breezy fluffy and nice? Well, if you’ve been and are living this down into every cell and fiber of your being and physical body, then you know it’s anything but easy-breezy fluffy and nice! It’s freaking hard Work that usually hurts a good bit physically, emotionally and psychologically. Little self, open up and make room for incoming Bigger Self, Higher Selves, Divine Mommy, Divine Daddy and much more, and stop freaking out and running around like your hair is on fire because it all! Again, it all looks so great and easy on paper but is a very different situation when happening to and in you! Breath, there’s more than enough stretchy pants room for in here for a great big God upgrade right inside you and your physical body.
I joke only because this is some serious shit taking place now for many of us. Glorious, divine, rare beyond belief, magical but so real physically it often hurts in multiple ways. Everyone desirous of and willing to do the Work to Embody 5D and higher Unity frequencies within themselves and their physical bodies knows how profound and how profoundly personal this phase and level of the Embodiment Process is to each of us. We’re all doing the same thing, Embodying, but it is a highly unique, sacred and individual process. You are changing; I am changing; we are and will continue to change dramatically and in ways so wonderful it’s hard for me to even think about without it causing me to tear up. Please, carry on. ❤
Time Is & Is Not — The linear time business and the quantum no time business and our getting re-familiarized with living in the eternal Now Moment business is both fun, entertaining, exciting, creative, confusing, exhausting, frustrating and weirdly wonderful. Over the past few years, learning how to work both within and outside of linear time has been interesting to say the least. But in 2017, and much more so in 2018, this has evolved into us being much more comfortable with our existence and lives lived in the Now Moment from moment to moment. This has become the NEW normal for many First Embodiers already and we’re getting more aware of how to bend, hold, push, stretch, compress or just float in the timeless quantum Now Moment. It’s easier than one would believe to live and move about your day or night and not have linear time eating you and your energies up minute by minute. This is not an intellectual thing, but an intentional and conscious creation thing that takes place in and from one’s HighHeart. If you want time to speed up then make it so. If you want it to slow or go away for you, then make it so. Some of the NEW crayon colors showing up in our NEW crayon boxes are really exciting First Everything-ers! Much more to come too.
Sleep When Needed & Forget About Time of Day or Night — For years I had to step out of body during the daytime via naps to assimilate the latest incoming NEW Light energies. This has never been something I’ve intentionally done but something that happens to me suddenly, informing me that I’m about to Embody some more NEW-to-me Light energies and it’s so much easier to do so when one is out of their physical body.
Another new side effect this year for me has been the sudden inability to sleep at night. There are nights now where I just don’t want to go to bed and sleep which is unheard of for me! Night and bed and sleep has always been a sacred space and time for me so to have this lifelong habit suddenly do a 180° turn has been strange. Nonetheless, this is just another NEW change that many are finding themselves dealing with, and it also shows us where we still have old familiar beliefs about certain things such as it’s nighttime so that means it’s bed time and sleep time. Not so anymore, just like eating and foods and other old 3D habits we all have. This sleep business is connected to the time and no time business so give yourself permission to sleep and catnap whenever you, your body and CNS (Central Nervous System) needs to because of the EP and ongoing Light energy increases. Release the old habits and beliefs and expand into the NEW in more and more ways. We’re great at adapting.
There’s more of these current NEW-to-us side effects from March but this these are some of the most pronounced ones I could think of now. As usual after I hit the publish button I’ll think of three more important ones I forgot but if so we’ll cover them in Comments under this article. Hang in there Trailblazers as all this won’t be ending in our lifetimes so deep breath, wide open HighHeart, smile at Source for everything and please, carry on. ❤ ❤ ❤
March 25, 2018
Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.
Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2018. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice are included.
Sourced from here.
Yellow Rose for Texas ~ Her Reply to my question on what are the “chompers”
The “chompers” showed up in both her video “a series of shorts” at around the 11 minute mark (surrounding Uranus back in 11/2017) as well as a recent WSO video “don’t eat orange snow” on 3/23/18 which you can see at the 8:40 minute mark. I was so blown away by this – no coincidence – so I asked her what the “chompers” represent/do. Below is my question and her reply:
Gaia Portal ~ 3/24/18 ~ Centers are stabilized for future developments.
Centers are stabilized for future developments.
Elterns have illuminated the Path.
Gaia novenas come to the fore.
Elements transmute.
Sourced from here.
Bizarre ‘sunset split’ over Kelowna leaves photographers spellbound
Editor’s note: Any of you see this yet? Amazing! And my feel is if this doesn’t prove we live in a construct (that is failing), I don’t know what does… Much better analysis than the meteorologist’s opinion… A “terrain” split would not create such a perfect divide.
People were treated to the bizarre sight of a split sunset as the sun ducked behind distant terrain in Kelowna on Monday night.
Pictures of the so-called “sunset split” were sent by a viewer to Global News Tuesday morning, and they show what almost looks like “before” and “after” pictures Photoshopped side-by-side.
The photographer, Terri Knox, insisted it wasn’t an edit, saying locals were “spellbound” by the sight.
Continue reading here.
Lisa Harrison ~ Deconstruction the Matrix ~ Ep 37 – March 25 2018
Signs you may be affected by solar flares