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Even though my sleep has been interesting lately, where I seem to vacillate between near coma-like states of sleep to being wide awake wishing I could sleep, my dreams are still vivid and new (new spaces, new people). Last night I had two such dreams.
The first one I had entered the home of a woman who has a youtube channel. I was in search of her, only she was not home. So as I turn to leave, I walked out the wrong door, instead walking into another room when I had originally intended on the door being the front door. I turned around and headed out another door. Same experience. Strange room with people I did not know – and also having no desire to stay. So I tried one more door only this one lead me to a closet. A long closet made up of smaller closets. The space was so tight I could hardly move. I tried to turn around then felt fear ~ the fear of being trapped.
Core fear alert.
I have been told everyone experiences a certain level of claustrophobia, the fear of being trapped. For me, it is intense and it isn’t just about confined physical spaces. It’s being in a situation I do not consent to, which means having to pay to live, pay a bill or being told I cannot do or have something because of someone else’s rule. I even feel it if I am in need of rest or sleep and outside responsibility prevents me from doing just that ~ in the way I need (although most of these experiences manifest as a simple feeling of strong disdain).
Power over is not Who I Am. It has been the most challenging experience to me to just “do it” and go along to get along. Keep going.
Freedom and liberation is welcomed now.
While in this closet space, I heard my higher voice speak. “Slow down, breath, do not look at this space as your enemy. While you are here, remember to Breath, bless your space and slow down so you CAN get out of those situations you feel you have no control.”
So I stayed in this tight, confined space, slowed down my thoughts, did some deep breaths.
Then I said “ok, i came into this house and now am in search of the door out. I can find it when I slow down, center and focus.”
I exited the closet, walked back into the house and remembered where the front door was. I found it and as I did, the people in the room where the people I had wanted to see all along.
As that experience faded, I was then back at our house. My mate and I were hauling some stuff and placing it on the side of the house. We were leaving it there. I knew we were getting ready to leave. One of the items was the mailbox. He had taken it down because it was something we no longer needed. That system was gone. Everything had changed. I could feel it. As someone for whom late evening and early a.m. hours are my favorite because the energies of the systems and the masses are subdued, I could feel that same sense of calm ~ only it was daytime and it was much stronger and had a sense of permanence. I knew I was seeing and feeling a post-event scenario.
I took his hand and said “it took us about 20 years, but we made it.” What I meant by that statement was we have been together 20 years – precisely later this year – and it has been a long long journey. We have both felt for many of those years we were brought together to not only bring our child into this realm, but to be here for this very purpose of liberation and new earth. There have been moments when we have just wanted to give up. But we never have. That isn’t who we are.
I shared the dream experience with my mate later after we awoke. He and I spoke of the event energy. We both feel it is an inside and outside experience. Inside in that we call it forth through our individual awakening/remembering and outside in that it is indeed a new energy space we are being “moved” towards. We are passing though bands of energies as we are being returned to that in which we once resided. We both feel (for both of us have had the memories and just the cellular knowing) we have been moved from “the pit”, back to where we once lived when we first decided to come to this space where we were Beings in Physical Form, the energies in which we lived in allowing us to have the full use of our abilities.
“We’re going home to where we once experienced,” I said. As I said that I got chills and tears. And at that my mate said, “I just got chills when you said that.”
I went on to say I was getting a “feel” that these barriers of new energies we are traveling through is cleaning up layers of “dirt” – psychic debris – we have accumulated while living in this realm.
That’s what Love does.
Love doesn’t demand lessons.
Or unnecessary suffering.
Or bind another with rules of “karma”.
Source is US. Why would Source ever desire to power over Itself?
Humanity has needed a ride home (and a newly restored “vehicle” too) and that is how I see this experience.
It is different for each of us, but overall this is an experience of Love.
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Editor’s note: It’s always interesting to me when I read updates like this ~ how there are things that seem Universal for (most) if not all and how there are still those wildly varying perceptions on New Earth and the Event. Is new earth where we are now just transformed? Is it a whole different realm (my take all along)? Are things already in place in the new earth realm (what I feel)? Are things still being put into place? I can only shrug and remind myself we are all going to experience this ~ based on our own perception and the Will of our Multi-D Selves. Definitely resonate with the term “speedtrain” and the corresponding picture below.
by Mar 21, 2018 |
|The frequencies are reaching new heights. We are dealing with geostorms, and earthquakes, that actually reflect our state of being within. We are sitting in a speedtrain to New Earth manifestation and Sacred Union. We are in the middle of a huge resurrection gateway.
This gateway has been beyond challenging for many as frequencies rise higher and higher. The new divine masculine energy is merciless and strips away everything that is not in line with our truth and which we do not need anymore. We are pushed into taking responsibility now for our own energy and owning our stuff. Judgment and blame becomes unbearable as it hits back very hard. The triggers are huge. And they need to be, because it is a big final cleansing to prepare us for a new cycle of co-creation. So take the trigger and leave the rest. They are really serving us to move through the shifts as quickly as possible. And that needs our acceptance instead of going into another round of fighting, ignoring, or freezing. Although very uncomfortable, the shifts are also happening much quicker than before.
The world is waking up and in complete chaos. And as soon as the dust settles, a lot of people will reach out for support to find answers and a way how to deal with what is going on. It has already started, and we can notice that people are a lot more open and receptive to the information we are transmitting and the lifestyle we are living, fully anchored into the now moment, based on oneness and unconditional love. People are sick of the old way and yet they don’t know yet, how the new way looks like. At the same time they suffer from all the physical symptoms that these waves are causing, mistaking them for diseases such as the flu, migraines, panic attacks and emotional breakouts etc. They are desperate, as no medicine or pill is making the pain go away.
“Many of the wave awakening now are just angry, confused, shocked and automatically go into their ego patterns of blame and judgment.”
Many of them are just angry, confused, shocked at the moment and automatically go into their ego patterns of blame and judgment. Yet, as the old 3D/4D timeline was deleted, the resonance field for these patterns is gone, too. And that means that everyone has to look at and deal with their stuff, because it is no longer possible to project it onto others. The first big wave of awakening has started. Their process is different as they had no access to unity consciousness and the life force, so any spiritual methods that sound too woowoo and are not down to earth enough will not work as they cannot relate to any of it. Also – the time of disempowerment and dependency is over. We are all asked to help people into their own power, by being spaceholders and available to them when they are reaching out for help to find their truth. By asking the right questions and giving right impulses instead of giving them the answers, we help them the quickest way.
“This wave will have to work bottom up, through real life, embodied experiences that touch them deeply in their human body.”
This wave will have to work bottom up, through real life, embodied experiences that touch them deeply in their human body. This way, they can find access to their emotions to clear the way to access their spiritual part and to reconnect with their higher self. Their process will be a lot quicker, as they will automatically adopt learnings from the first mover/early adopters experiences through the unified field that connects us all.
At the same time for those that have been on the path for a while amazing shifts are happening. Round and round upwards we go, higher and higher we rise. Wow, what transformative energy waves we are hit with now. Our DNA is upgrading fast, new gifts and abilities evolve, we are crystalizing as our body shifts from a carbon based structure into a crystalline structure. The physical structure is broken down to restructure in a new way. Amazing work that our bodies do while we are being alive and still functioning. Very carefully, part for part is rebuilt. It has to be that way to make sure that our bodies are not imploding because of a structure that becomes too instable. And with each restructuring, cellular memory of old patterns is released and that plays out like an old movie again. It is absolutely important to not overstress the body as it needs a lot of rest. There is a reason why we are feeling exhausted and tired and why we are craving lots of sugar and protein. The rebuilding process requires the production of lots of amino acids as building blocks. And that needs fast energy and protein.
“The whole brain is being restructured. We are upgrading our processors to be able to read the new energetic templates.”
At the moment, the whole brain is being restructured. We are upgrading our processors to be able to read the new energetic templates. That does not only cause headaches and blurry eyes, but also a mind being in overdrive, jumping from thought to thought very fast, throwing out old information that is not necessary anymore and starting to read new information without being able to fully process it yet. It is like a big messy thought pudding for many. There is no need to pay any specific attention to it but just to let it fly by like clouds. The mind is shifting and giving up the need to lead and the need to control. It has already or is about to surrender.
It is resurrection time. Extreme plasma and gamma waves are coming in. They are like a high voltage that our body is not able to process in a good way yet. So we are going into states of energetic paralysis, where we cannot really do anything but sit and let it pass.
Today, the equinox will further push us into the final phase of this part of the process until Easter. In an 11 year this energy is very powerful and we are completely reborn as our old memory and way of linear thinking and acting is dissolved. We are reborn as the clean, authentic true selfs we are. Anything that does not align with that is falling away. We have no choice but to surrender and let go, as holding on becomes too uncomfortable, whether jobs, relationships, our living situation etc. This causes doubts and self-conscious behaviour for many, as well as impatience.
“We are coming into sacred union within, and first 5D relationships go into full embodiment of two individuals having found their balance and power within.”
We are coming into sacred union within, and first 5D relationships go into full embodiment of two individuals having found their balance and power within (mentally, emotionally and physically). Other relationships are falling apart as they are not able to sustain in these new frequencies. From that moment, life is fully based on trust, mistrust simply cannot be experienced any longer. Feelings of longing or needing are not possible anymore. Instead, freedom and creative force is shared through commitment – amplifying each others powers instead of draining them.
Our mind is shifting into parallel operational mode. As we now access unity consciousness, we do not need experience as an ingredient for creation any longer. Intuitively, we just know what to do. We are creating out of the NOW-moment, not based on experiences of the past.
“Right now, it feels like sitting in the waiting room, knowing we’ll be called to action soon, but at the moment we can just sit and be patient to let things grow and come together.”
Right now, it feels like sitting in the waiting room, knowing we’ll be called to action soon, but at the moment we can just sit and be patient to let things grow and come together. That can cause the feeling of being bored. We are actually sitting on a speed train, and we know it takes us exactly where we need to be, and we can just sit back in our chair, relax, watch the landscape, a movie, read a book, talk to friends, sleep, eat… We don’t have to run with the train.
No matter where people are on their journey, all of us have to deal with physical symptoms that are very tiring and require to listen very closely to what our body and system needs in every given moment. We are letting go of rules and dogmas with regards to food, exercise, meditation routines and such, and shift into intuitive knowing what is needed. Instead of listening to others what they think is good for us, we are following our own impulses and truth more and more. We are becoming our own spaceholders.
“Instead of listening to others what they think is good for us, we are following our own impulses and truth more and more. We are becoming our own spaceholders.”
The most common body symptoms are intense migraine, blurry eyes, the feeling of being dehydrated, dry skin that is itching and breaking out, back pain, digestion issues, flu-like symptoms including fever, sore throat, ringing ears, running noses, tooth pain, short breath, heart palpitations, hot and cold flashes, amplified hair growth.
Our physical body is working on adapting to the new frequency and rhythm, everything is recalibrating, including the new heart-beat, breath rhythms and neuropathways. At the same time, it pushes out old information that is no longer necessary to come back into balance. This plays out in mental spirals and being overemotional. Patience is key and accepting all of it as a necessary part of the process. We can neither speed up the flow nor can swim against it or try to change it. All we can do is swim along and give impulses at the right time to stay focused on a direction.
So here we go. New earth is here and we are about to build a new world from scratch. We will co-create in a whole different way, where money no longer is a survival but a creation tool as our old patterns attached to money are being deleted now. All of this is necessary, as embodiment of the new higher dimensional frequencies is only possible through this alignment and with a crystalline body structure.
“We will co-create in a whole different way, money no longer is a survival but a creation tool as our old patterns attached to money are being deleted now.”
And always remember: No matter what you do… it is a trial and error game. None of us knows how this dimension works yet. And…You can’t fuck it up as energy always finds back into balance. As long as you come from your heart with pure intentions based on unconditional love.
The texts I share are always based on my intuition (“downloads”) and/or on experiences of clients and my own. I do not claim what I share to be the ultimate truth. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. As this is universal wisdom, I do not claim any copyright. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of love, Vera Ingeborg
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You want a true change in your life and reality? Although expansion of consciousness can become quite challenging, there are many simple ways to navigate it as smooth and effective as possible. The key: Learning the language of energy. Check out the wake up program that I have created, to make this journey an exciting life changer for you!
I am very grateful that you can find most of my blogs as an audio version on the youtube channel Higher Self.
Sourced from here.
Glasses come to the fullness with Light.
Dark remainders are handled.
Channels for the new Gaia bearers are opened.
Masters they are.
Editor’s note: The energy does feel a little lighter today, although Gaia is taking a bit of a breather herself according to the Schumann. The new grid pattern that showed up a few days ago continues.
By Diane Canfield
Greetings Beloveds,
Today is the Spring Equinox which many times marks high energy surges, although they can come in 10 days before to 10 days after the Equinox. So even afterwards we will still be in the Energy zone.
As far as energy symptoms go, yesterday I was so tired, I took a 3 hour nap for no good reason. The odd thing about this nap is I felt almost completely comatose and even when getting up, felt like I could sleep some more. I had pain in my legs when walking, they felt like lead weights. I don’t remember ever feeling like this when sleeping so this is definitely something new for me and ascension related. This was specifically from the Equinox energies coming in. I will keep everyone updated as the energy continues.
The energy has cleared and today’s energy is light and airy again. I went to the bank today and went through the drive up teller, I talked to the teller made my deposit and left. When I got out of the bank parking lot and across the street I could still hear the tellers voice. This was an odd psychic occurrence that I can say has never happened before and I have experienced just about everything someone can experience psychically and paranormally. 🙂 This caught me off guard as I was hearing the teller again when I was far from the bank.
Taken on March 20th by Wendi Pahl Fuller
The solar wind is now decreasing.The geomagnetic storms are almost gone. I said in my latest video, the Russian Scientist prediction report was wrong about the big solar storm hitting. There is another report circulating about intense storms coming over a 10 day or so period and this is the thing about geomagnetic storms, even the space weather site can not predict them with accuracy, so it’s best to leave these predictions alone.
Speaking of predictions, any one with psychic abilities knows that energy is always changing and for this purpose, we have to be VERY careful about predictions. I have made predictions but this is based on a lot more information from the higher realms than what many have access to. We have to look at where predictions are coming from and see what the background of the predictor is, we don’t want to be willy nilly at the mercy of false predictions.
This ( predictions) also contrast with living in the moment of NOW. When we are waiting for predictions to happen, we are not focused on the moment of NOW when everything is actually taking place. I have talked before about how to stay in the moment of NOW and why it is so important. If you are not in the moment of NOW at all times, you will miss the energy surges that come through and this is VERY important for everyone to FEEL these surges. Feelings are connected to Ascension. They are the HEART and Soul of it. So we want to do everything we can to be on top of all of OUR FEELINGS ALL the time.
Saucer clouds seen over Brazil photo and credit given to Leo Caldas
Look for rainbow looking clouds now, I posted this on my facebook page a few days ago. These clouds may have always existed but the colors are now changing. They are becoming deeper and more multi hued. These are just some of the signs of the NEW EARTH.
Also as I said in my video, the Divine blissful feelings many are now getting, are the feelings of the NEW EARTH. If you have not had them yet, stay in the moment of NOW and release all predictions of the future, this will help you to tune into the Universal 5D consciousness.
Now remember because of the Mandela effect ( which is more than real and relevant right now) many people might say, ‘”things have always been this way” Yet this is because they do not remember how things really were. This is something we are all going to have to be aware of going forward as so much is changing all the time. This is a trap you don’t want to fall into.
As I talk in my video below, the Event is ongoing and there are signs of this all around us everyday. As we move higher in dimensions through our consciousness, we have more access to the higher realms. This gives us access to the Event and all that it will entail. I will talk in more depth soon in an upcoming video or article. Please subscribe to my you tube channel where I will be sharing many more videos 🙂
This is my video from a few days ago , I talk about the event and my recent other psychic experiences not mentioned here. 🙂
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In Service and Love
Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.
Copyright © 2018 by All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website
Sourced from here.
Editor’s note: I like this guy and his energy. I also resonate w/his perspective on the event wave. (I know I said – no more Event shares – but I suddenly had the desire again to “see” – and what do u know – videos began showing up for both mate and myself. Likely as a loving nudge from Self Source saying “keep going” because of today’s challenges.) We are co-creating this experience. It isn’t just happening TO us – it is also happening WITH us, THROUGH us, FROM us. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart” wrap=”i”]
Editor’s note: I think we can all relate to this one…
March 6, 2018 Amy Jones
If I let someone get to know the real me, what would they think?
I learned to hide the real me.
I believed no one would like the real me.
I felt unlovable because the real me did not deserve to be loved.
I began experiencing fear, shame, self-judgment and trust issues through the belief pattern that I could never be the real me.
I allowed these problems to be a controlling factor in the way I lived my life because what I cared about most of all were my family’s acceptance and approval. I continually sought their advice and opinion while sacrificing my own feelings, thoughts, experiences and choices in pursuit of illusive unconditional love. I wore the mask of someone who I thought would make them happy. I hid behind shyness trying to figure out who I needed to be to please them. Over time, I learned to be someone else.
After many years of therapy, I recognized this was a pattern in my family. This deep-rooted need for approval, acceptance and love from a parent, a spouse, a friend or an authority figure. I watched it destroy self-respect, taint relationships, and cause self-sabotage. There were countless examples of the belief that everyone you love will eventually leave you or disappoint you so “better to treat people poorly now to force them to leave sooner rather than later”.
And yet, the devil we know is much more powerful than the devil we don’t know. So, year after year, I continued this pattern of needing approval and acceptance from everyone around me. I allowed myself to be treated poorly, looked the other way and made excuses so that I could receive the love I always wanted. I deferred to the needs of others for so long that I forgot I had needs of my own.
The longer I wore this mask, the more faded I became.
I lost who I was.
I believed my opinions didn’t matter.
I sacrificed my needs for the needs of others.
I judged myself.
I lived in fear, self-loathing and pain.
Many of us are broken. Experiences change our perspective and transform us: birth, death, divorce, disease, suicide, marriage, weight loss, weight gain, change in financial status, disappointment and fear as well as a host of other situations and circumstances.
These heart shattering situations are so impactful, they can affect us for the rest of our lives; leaving a deep and sometimes lasting scar.
In the aftermath of heartbreak, I am on a journey to heal my heart. Follow me as I create my NEW LOVE story on Facebook & Instagram.
©Amy Jones, 2017 – All Rights Reserved
Do Not Reproduce Without Express Written Consent
Sourced from here.
Editor’s note: I awoke this morning, briefly wondering when I would see another update from her (YRFT). For a few days now I have had the thought. This usually means she will be releasing a video. I am happy to see and listen to this one. She shares a beautiful message on who we are/where we are. I also really appreciated the synchronicity where she speaks of us being in a movie, the movie is almost over. While in the shower (my magical space), I suddenly felt in my body the anger I hold over the truth of how we really have been in a movie (a simulation you can also say). I thought of The Truman Show and began going around in my mind’s eye, stating out loud what I am done with. All of the false experiences. The fake surroundings, above and below. I could really feel that in my body and was a bit surprised as to why I was suddenly feeling this now.
There is a reason. To let go of an experience, sometimes we have to process it out first.
That is what I did this morning.
Enjoy this piece. I hope it provides you with the reassurance it provided me.[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
A resonating piece. I appreciate how she states those of us with blogs who write of The Event are finding it difficult to write about it at this point. I feel the same. As Michelle shares, we are feeling a sense of completion at this stage of our journey. I can only speak for myself, but I hold the same inner experience.
by Michelle Walling,
New Earth News Correspondent
In5d has been sharing information through New Earth News on the waves of energy sweeping the planet and “The Event”. The time is getting closer for something to happen that will change everything, and those who wish to move forward into a New Earth reality will have a chance to remember and to finalize what they came here to do. Today we will address how will the physical body handle “the wave” as it washes over the planet.
You may recall Allison Coe sharing that there will be a rainbow cloud or wave of iridescent light come over the planet. Her clients stated that they will feel it tingling as it gets closer, like electrical, and they will actually see it as it comes in the sky. It may look similar to the shimmering wall in the movie Annihilation.
A few nights ago I had a dream about that wave of energy. In my dream it looked similar to this but there was an underlying (kind of dark) grayness to the clouds. When I told Gregg about this, I described it as if it were the darkest thunderstorm coupled with the most beautiful colors like the pic above.
Then Gregg posted about FleurBrun’s experience here, where she was trying to explain that she had just experienced the wave. At the time she didn’t realize that very few had experienced it and I think what happened is that a few people were shown what it would be like so that they could help prepare people. She posted a follow up video explaining that it is coming and she feels like she needed to get out the information so that people could be prepared.
Reducing fear is the main goal and a part of allowing the physical body to withstand the energy. She also said something very profound that went along with my dream.
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