Category: Ascension
Another wonderful read from Amanda. I deeply value her work and am grateful I found her. Very awesome suggestion in which I will be Doing.
Amanda Lorence shared her post.
Helpful repost for these ‘times’. Take back your inner power. Love to all 💙

Upon waking from slumber, sleep mode, dream mode each morning, the brain will automatically re-calibrate to WHAT IT THINKS IT KNOWS. To what it has repeated experience of. For the vast majority of humanity so far, this would be a consciousness set within a frequency range of the Third dimension. A limited consciousness.
In slumber, sleep or dreaming mode, our consciousness is generally raised to a higher frequency. When we wake each day, we can intentionally stay in that higher state of frequency, if we choose, if we intend to. And by repeatedly doing so, we can give the human brain (processor), a different Programme to adapt to. We can break through the conditioning.
Rather than wake and allow the BRAIN thoughts to kick in straight away, which automatically reduces the human frequency at the start of the day, we can take moments immediately upon waking up, JUST TO BE. In no thought zone, zero thought, just feeling the state we WERE in before waking up from sleep. The longer we stay in this intentional NO THOUGHT mode, the more we feel how it feels…and this NO THOUGHT takes us to the heart. Where pure love resides and is then automatically expressed out into the day. As soon as thought kicks in at the start of our day, this connection is temporarily lost, until we become aware of our thoughts and change the ingrained pattern.
Many are oblivious to how energy works, so do not know how to change their daily experience, from the start of the day. We can always change our thoughts, in any moment. Yet seizing the day, upon waking, placing awareness to WHAT IS, to love, to wonder, to joy, to harmony, to peace, to excitement, places those intention into your thought system that then as a consequence produces feelings/emotions, which changes your thoughts and emotions at the start of your day.
You become the master of your thoughts, thus feelings and emotions WITHIN that you then emit OUT. All power is WITHIN. We are not at the mercy of the outside projection. We can allow the brain to adapt to the power WITHIN every day upon waking. It will become accustomed to it the more we practice it.
Change worry into wonder and excitement. Change stress into harmony. Change apathy into loving wisdom. Change selfishness into selflessness. Change programmed mind into open mind that allows for all possibility to reside. Love resides within all things.
Intend your day. Feel the love you hold WITHIN.
AL 05/10/17
Solar flares and the Consciousness Connection
a very insightful, fascinating read!
Are you experiencing sleep disturbances, feeling irritable for no reason, anxious, jittery, having visual distortions or feel immensely drained? If so you may be experiencing the effect of Solar Flares.
(editor’s note: yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes…lol)
What are Solar Flares and Why are They So Important Towards Awakening?
The Earth is composed of a Magnetic field, also known as the geomagnetic field that encompasses the planet. The magnetic field extends from the Earth’s interior region to where it meets solar wind or a stream of charged particles emanating from the Sun. “The magnetosphere is the region above the ionosphere and extends several tens of thousands of kilometers into space, protecting the Earth from the charged particles of the solar wind and cosmic rays that would otherwise strip away the upper atmosphere, including the ozone layer that protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.” [ref]’s_magnetic_field[/ref] We can imagine the Magnetic field as if it is a spider web that surrounds the earth radiating webs of energy. This is also connected to ley lines on the energy grid of the collective consciousness.
Now the Sun hiccups from time to time or produces what are known as Coronal Mass Ejections(CME) produced from its own Magnetic field. CMEs are enormous bubbles of superheated gas called plasma that are ejected from the sun. Over the course of several hours, one billion tons of material are lifted off the sun’s surface and accelerated to speeds of one million miles per hour. “The plasma itself is a cloud of protons and electrons carried aloft by the solar wind. Traveling at a million miles per hour, the ejecta can cross the 93 million mile distance to Earth in just a few days. A jet moving that fast could get you from Los Angeles to New York in 18 seconds.” [ref][/ref]
These geomagnetic storms are often associated with Solar flares because they are powered by the sudden release of magnetic energy stored in the corona of the Sun. A Solar flare is a huge burst of magnetic energy that produces radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum at all wavelengths, from radio waves to gamma rays. However most of the energy is spread over frequencies outside the visual range and for this reason the majority of the flares are not visible to the naked eye and must be observed with special instruments. Although close to the magnetic poles many individuals are able to witness the Northern Lights or an Aurora which is where the Solar Storm interacts with the upper atmosphere creating beautiful light emissions. …
… Some of these effects include:
- Nervousness
- Anxiety or feeling anxious about something
- Jittery
- Dizzy
- Irritable
- Lethargic
- Exhausted and drained
- Have short-term memory problems
- Lack of Focus
- Heart palpitations
- Time Dilation or the feeling as if the day slips away very fast
- Power surges in the body followed by energy drops or abrupt crashes
- Overly Emotional
- Feeling nauseous or light-headed
- Insomnia
- Light Sensitivity
- Bizarre Dreams or very vivid dreams
- Buzzing/Ringing in ears
- Throat and thyroid issues
- Visual Disturbances
- Have prolonged head pressure, sinus disturbances and headaches
Click here to read the article in its entirety.
Current Photonic Energies Increase: Your Electromagnetic Field PULLS Realities to You – These are called “Experiences”
Lisa Transcendence Brown
Ultra-high photonic charging frequency winds super-charging/activating more Crystalline/Christed Consciousness DNA. Gamma in the mix to over-stimulate (there are many purposes for this that are necessary to “push” and clear). Cosmic HEART Rays blasting away and activating in every way.
Your body Acceleration has begun again… observe yourself, your reality, your body and honor what is appropriate for you. Let go of the old beliefs and open up to NEW “reasons” instead (alternate realities) for what/why/how all is occurring and see the PURPOSES instead.
Your body and consciousness ANCHOR YOU in whatever dimensions/realities you hold. If you hold your highest, most expanded one, then this anchors your consciousness in the reality you do desire. If you anchor your consciousness in a “lower vibrational one” then that is the one that plays out until all of that energy is gone, so that your heart can open more, for your body to unanchor from that physical dimension and re-anchor in a higher one. Your cells vibrate at a rate that dictate, your body is made up of cells. Your LightBody is ENERGY moving inside of your physical body and when this energy slows down or speeds up, then your physical body vibrates differently. The more plasma, the more crystalline your body is, the more you DIRECT ENERGY yourself. The more you FOCUS YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS, the more you can “pull” those alternate realities into this physical here. The more energy you PUT INTO that, the more you CREATE it to be. If unconsciousness is where you focus (duality) then this is what your ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD pulls to you…. these are called “EXPERIENCES”…
Anyone else feel this way at times?
Late last year I began having an image in my minds eye of what was happening with me. I didn’t ask for it ~ it just happened. I could see myself, arms and legs expanded, my head back, mouth open and all of this orange/yellow/gold light was coming from within me – surrounding me. It was quite visual and I am not much of a visual person (but when they come to me w/o effort they are powerful). I am more of a sensing/feeling type. I found this image tonight and was like “that’s it!” Anyone else having the same experience at times? Lately it feels like I want to pull apart my chest and just let go – expand in a huge way – to break free ~ free of my own limitations, free from all forms of control and attempt of control by others. Fully expand into ME. Full consciousness. As I do this the desire to scream is powerful. So at times, I do.
Fully “ONLINE” once again.
I know, may sound strange but it’s my experience.
Here is the pic. Below that, a great scene from the matrix ~ final battle scene. Both are very appropriate where we are “today”.
Unbiased and On The Fence ~ When Is “The Event” Happening???
Energy Update: Solar Wind is Rising Bringing in Geomagnetic Storms For 3 Days
Greetings Light Tribe,
We are experiencing Geomagnetic Storms for the past 3 days, today being the third day. You may be experiencing sleep issues and vivid dreams with these storms. This is what I am experiencing, as I always experience any, even slight energy changes. These storms as always, bring in Massive DNA changes so we can fully transform into the Light Body. There are many other factors at work as well as Solar Storms. Do not be in fear of any Solar Storms or anything else that comes our way. These storms may continue for a few days. These storms are bringing in massive insights along with the energy increases we have seen for the last few weeks.
I did read about the Russian predication of a massive Geomagnetic Storm on March 18th. Do not worry about this as many predictions of solar storms can not be counted on. The Universe is in charge, not the HUMAN.
As with any predication be aware, energy changes all the time and timelines are always changing. As a psychic, I am not feeling any danger coming our way, with anything happening in the near future and I am always tuned into any good things happening along with any lower level things taking place. As always Geomagnetic storms help with our evolution and this should always be welcomed.
Remember, stay in the neutral zone, in the moment of NOW not to miss anything. Any future date predictions take away from this.
Be aware of these dates coming up which I will be talking more about in my next article;
- New Moon March 17
- Equinox March 20th
- Full Moon March 31st
I will be writing a longer article this weekend outlining everything that is going on energy wise for us. I will include my last experience of the huge energy that engulfed me while I was writing my last article. I was so taken over by this I could not write about it at the time. I will also include how my experience ties into the increased energy we are feeling and what it all means.. Stay tuned 😉
Stay tuned for more information about Ascension and the Current Energies affecting all of us.
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In Service and Love
Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.
Copyright © 2018 by All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website
Sourced from here.
Discussion on The Event, Government & Trump with Agent Marcy (Abel Danger)
The Event in Waves
Sophia ~ A Message from One on the Event
Editor’s note: This is the most beautiful description of Love. I read it out loud for more impact. The tears flowed easily. We are finding our way Home. It is so validating to my own experiences. Being around anyone/anything that is not authentic ~ I cannot do for long (usually now it is seconds) ~ not without discomfort and at times instant, extreme irritability. It isn’t a judgment space ~ it is purely energy. Thank you Sophia for this beautiful message. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
March 11th, 2018 3:30 AM
Did someone just wake me?
Yes, Sophia. It is I. It is One.
Hello. You have something to say?
Yes, there are things to say.
I would now continue.
Okay. Thank you.
This time you are in right now is becoming catastrophic in its effects upon your daily life. The energy you enter, as wonderful and cleansing and powerful as it is, wreaks havoc on people, relationships and systems of control. You cannot continue to control these things in such a vibration.
I will describe for you why this is true. The frequency of love is the core element here. This is a freedom frequency. It is one of permission. It allows. It grants a sense of grandiose abandon to all beings, efforts, and systems of control.
It cannot be contained by any equally powerful effort, not in the current circulating vibe on earth. The tables have turned for everyone.
This means that everything camouflaged as beneficial, helpful or free, that is not, is being seen for what it is.
It is why, Sophia, you see people differently. You can no longer tolerate deception and falsity. These things are abhorrent to you. It is why you are having to face yourself and stop the control you’ve put on your heart.
You are facing the ultimate moment. Anything, everything, anyone, everyone, that or who functions within tightly controlled movements will be busted wide open in these frequencies.
Nothing that is not love will withstand the force heading for you now.
This force will break organizations, people and relationships that do not operate for the benefit, in transparency, of all involved.
These break-apart events may happen instantly or may begin now, but for sure, all that is not love will expose itself and be healed or in some way exit.
What is love?
Love allows. Love does not dominate or assume ownership or a “necessary” form or display of control. Love does not harm. Love exists as the beginning. It is being shown now as that initiatory force for all of life.
As such, it asks nothing. It is merely coming forward, being exposed, and being witnessed, as the force that it is.
Love cannot be stopped. It will no longer be hidden. Love erupts now and as it does, all that is not love moves to give it room.
Love does not conquer all, love is all.
There is nothing that is not love.
This truth has been hidden from humanity.
Humanity instead has been taught that obedience was love, and that love had requirements to be met before it was parceled out.
These things are not true and not in your best interest. They will be seen as the forms of manipulation that they are.
Love is the beginning and the end. It becomes the ground on which you stand and the heavens you reach for as you grow. It is not an option any longer. Love is the only choice. It is the thing you will all be doing.
It is the thing being figured out inside your hearts, your friendships, your marriages, your families. It is what is being figured out in all relationships you have – those to each other, to your god, your laws, your societal rules and behaviors.
Love becomes then, the constant.
Love is not always going to feel good for you. As the changes are made you will experience a sense of loss. People and things that you have counted on will be exiting your lives in a variety of ways. These exits will not be a bad thing. You will have to remain open, to allow the change and weather the storm, as its effects color your life.
What may feel like damage is a necessary ending so that the new can begin.
You are learning what love looks and feels like in a level of density that defined and used love as if it were a tool, a gateway to control.
You cannot control love.
It is a sense of limitless. Coming into a love state, from a slave state, will or could appear frightening. It will feel as if no one is at the wheel or holding the reins.
This would be true, yet there is no reason to fear. What is happening is that you must let go now.
You do not need to hang on so tightly to manage what love can do or how much love can enter – your life.
This frequency blasts through the gates around your hearts. Ready or not, here it comes.
You will discover a joyous, wondrous, light-filled world. It exists beyond the tightly controlled one you now occupy.
This energy volume will blow the speakers. Most of you have not allowed it turned up this high – ever. Not while human anyway.
See what happens next with a filter of light – your light. It will help you to remember and to feel the full import of this alteration.
Hold the light always. As you look at things break down, end, and emerge,remember it is the force of love that instigates all of it now.
Allow, allow, allow.
Trust. Follow your intuition.
Go at your personally determined pace.
What emerges and surrounds you now is love.
That is all.
Thank you.