Another “EVENT” Message – Sophia Love
Sophia Love’s Newsletter
March 6th, 2018
Your Official Go-To Blog on Ascension, New Earth, Spirituality, UFO's, Real History, New Technologies and All Things Alternative
Sophia Love’s Newsletter
March 6th, 2018
By Diane Canfield
Greetings Beloveds,
Update: about 30 minutes after I wrote this I had a HUGE HUGE HUGE crown chakra activation take place that covered the entire side of my head. I am still feeling all the effects of this upgrade and energy surge.
I have had many ask me in the last few days what is going on with the energy. On my last report of March 8th I reported intense DIVINE Bliss coming in. Today we are experiencing high solar winds along with geomagnetic storms. Even though these storms are mild right now, we are still experiencing symptoms from the high solar wind. I started feeling many of these last night. Many may be feeling other symptoms as well. This morning felt off balance and right now the energies are increasing as I am writing this.
You may be feeling:
These storms have been brewing for a while now, with the solar wind going up and down each day. The solar wind has been high preparing for days for the geo storms to arrive. The solar wind in itself can give us all kinds of ascension symptoms, not to mention the geo storms.
If you are now feeling Divine Blissful feelings, this can be from the energy surge of March 8th as we all don’t receive these upgrades at the same time. This is why many do not experience the same symptoms at the same time. Many upgrades are days or even weeks or months later. When I was tracking ascension symptoms back in 2010, I tracked a HUGE upgrade I felt and then tracked it to a group that felt it exactly a month later. Back then waves were easier to track as they were not almost constant like they are in 2018. This happened many times after that and continues to happen as everyone is in their own frequency and awareness. This explains why everyone does not feel everything at the same time.
Every year they have increased since 2010, and they will keep increasing. Many people ask me, when will it end? it will not end, until our ascension is final. The best thing to do is not resist these symptoms when they come in. Resisting only makes them worse and last longer.
No one in the ascension process will ever grow out of these symptoms, If you are an ascension participant you will feel them and you will experience them. Self mastery is being able to maneuver around them and learning how to handle them when they come in.
One of the best things to do with ascension symptoms is to ground and to do it correctly. Check my video on you tube, grounding for ascension symptoms. You do not ever want to put your hands on the ground while actively grounding, as then the energy can go from the hands, up the arms and get trapped in the head, causing issues. The goal is to take the energy from the head and move it down into Mother Earth in a straight line. I explain all of this in my video.
I will be writing a longer article on the overall energies that are taking place soon, so stay tuned.
Stay tuned for more information about Ascension and the Current Energies affecting all of us.
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In Service and Love
Diane Canfield is a Gifted Psychic, Ascension Expert, Energy Expert and ET Contactee, having had many in person visitations from many different races of our Star Family. She works to elevate the consciousness of the Human Race to evolve into the Galactic Race. Her psychic gifts started in childhood and were reactivated in 2000 when visited by a Pleiadian Mother Ship which encoded her for her role as a Galactic Ascension Teacher. Since this time she has been in constant contact with the Galactics and the Interplanetary Advanced Council Of Light.
Copyright © 2018 by All Rights Reserved. You may share and redistribute this material as long the full article, all links are included, authors name included and website
Sourced from here.
Linda Good McGillis is with Paula Fontannaz Nota Nebbagui.
Welcome to the New Jerusalem sweethearts. Last night we finished the completion of disconnecting the last and final quadrant from the 3d star grid and fully connected to the 5th dimensional star grid. This was originally scheduled to take place tonight. Advanced intervention was made and we strategically completed our mission task early. You all literally went to bed in one harmonic reality and have NOW woken up into a new harmonic reality. The inversion programming humanity has been under has now been fully dissolved. The remnants of the distortional 3d energetic memories held within each of you will now arise full throttle to be released from. May peace be your action when these present themselves for each.
We have made it. We have done it. The outside reality as you know it to be Now will begin fully in full effect to Morph Celebrate, rejoice, dance be humbled in gratitude
I love you
Editor’s note: Ok, so I had to share this one. I was resistant to listen – then hesitant – then while in the shower my Higher Self Soul say to listen – not to change my perspective/end desire – but to broaden and expand to allow more of this experience in. I watched and I have expanded. Let it go to let It flow. And I have to laugh as this is another Soul who receives the message in the shower. A beautiful message/experience. And as I have come to feel now ~ this experience is coming and it will be an individual experience based on Who We Are and who we are. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”] I will note – along w/the message in this video – I am feeling less of a need to engage in the tech realm and if I could – right now – I would telepathically send these posts out.
Another deeply resonating piece… I am enjoying her writings.
Everyone has shifted up an energetic ‘gear’ due to last night’s incoming energy during sleeping mode. Generally speaking this will mean certain human role changes begin to take effect. Role change can only be truly known by the individual them self, for each human comes to Earth with THEIR unique template, path and outcome. Not all roles change. For there are Starseeds who have chosen to come in, embody higher frequency and STAY to assist the collective after the Shift point.
However, there are Starseeds who have come in to perform SPECIFIC work, and then ascend. So I speak more especially to those Starseeds that: Come in, Awaken and embody high frequency, Work divine mission for Collective Mass Ascension, Leave third dimension construct. These beings have KNOWN a specific mission would begin at divine point that relates entirely to the collective MASS ASCENSION. They have therefore spent their awakening process serving in other ways whilst growing within, whilst embodying, whilst clearing the human template, whilst rising their energetic frequency.
These people NOW experience IN EARNEST, an EXTREME focus of their inner energy. Last night’s upgrade gifts this NATURAL focus and development. They have a specific task/mission that will unfold NOW, a stage at a time, as divine timing. They receive from within, they work ONLY based on an individualised guidance system they have intuitively developed whilst awakening. Missions vary, and could be: Galactic, cosmic, planetary, inner earth, elemental, Mother Earth, animal or plant kingdoms, environmental. Current connectiveness and current SENSITIVE abilities PLUS other gifts (not typical to a human life) ONLY enhance and increase NOW that this Mission Start Point is enabled and now running.
This is EXTREME focus, EXTREME knowing in the moment, a fine and focused detachment from third dimensional human behaviourism on the outside of us. Interaction with lower vibratory energies will be indicated as an emotion of “frustration”. Simply a sign that the sharing of ‘space’ is misaligned to your NEWLY STARTED NOW(!) Mission and therefore misaligned to what can be achieved as the Highest Good and most divine Outcome you are capable of performing for the Whole.
Discernment is NOW key at all times. Dark energies will use OUTSIDE HUMAN ENERGIES in an attempt to side track and distract from this NOW activated Mission. The dark will attempt to stop or delay your Mission, change your focus and infiltrate via any means. Vigilance is key to see the many disguises presented. Your ability to READ ALL energies allows you to take action accordingly in the Highest Alignment to Love.
The known and long awaited start of our Missions has begun. We are Love, the Highest Vibration. We shall not falter. We are focused. It shall be done.
With Love, always,
I am…22
AL 07/03/18
Editor’s note: I will tell you how I resonate with this. Earlier in the shower I tuned in and asked to receive from my Highest Self. In time I heard/felt this realm really is a dream in that we aren’t fully Conscious. We’re getting there (hence the term “awakening”) and we are indeed on the cusp that large energy pulse so many of us – more and more – continue to feel. Early last year I began to “feel” the closer this large pulse gets here not only will the Schumann levels increase but my need to sleep will as too. I have found even though who aren’t into all of this have told me they have this inner feeling that something big is about to take place. YES! [wp-svg-icons icon=”smiley” wrap=”i”] That puts a smile in my heart when I hear this.
Next, I felt the experience of knowing all that I have experienced here has been an illusion. It clicked – what was a feeling/thought became a Knowing. I could see and feel I have been living a dream-like state, which is why all of it has been and is becoming a distant memory, with much of it disappearing altogether. I continue to feel the very powerful need to go within ~ completely ~ and just Be with Myself. Oh, and sleep ~ a lot!
Last night my mate and I spoke of all of the other “forms” we have worn over our incarnations. We were feeling drawn to all of these ancestor’s (the term I now use) ~ feeling those connections. All that was separate really is Uniting within.
Much love. V.
Mission accomplished!
It is imperative Now to rest and go within for the next few days. You must go into Your Heart space and build that Love Energy within Your Being. Do not expend any of Your Energy outside of Your aura/energetic field for the next two days, UNLESS, this does NOT resonate with You.
Many are going Higher, a Huge Shift is occurring, it is the Time to power Yourself up, WITHIN. Pay NO heed to any outside drama, maximize internal vibration, let everything just bounce off You if it comes close. We want You powered up for what happens next, in good ways, of course. There are two Timelines playing out at once for You, the LOWER Timeline does NOT matter, stay on the Higher Timeline.
The completion of the 5D Grid overlay and the anchoring process will be completed very soon. Part of Your current mission was to clear certain areas, so that vibration would raise enough to secure the anchors, this HAS BEEN ACHIEVED.
There is a Huge Wave ready to Awaken, this is nigh at hand.
You are the One’s You were waiting for. More memory is being delivered to You of other Times, while memories of this lifetime, trickle away.
Connect with Your Ships/Fleets across All Time. Connect with Your Dragons from days of Ole. Bring into this Now, Your Highest aspects of You, Your Higher and Futuristic Selves as well. Connect once again with the Mystical Eras that some of You have, Reunite with All that You Have Been and All that You Shall Be. Connect Your Heart space DIRECTLY back to God.
With the Strongest of Love.
Thank You
Love and Light
Heirarchies of development are dissolved.
Activations of all Light Bodies enables the New Development Paradigms.
Structures of elders dissolves.
Novel frameworks uplift Humanity.
Happy to share another piece of theirs. (And grateful for the permission to share their material with you all.) That karmic stuff has ended (I canceled over a year ago any and all contracts I made without FULL Awareness and Freedom to be all that I am.) Contracts are for any Being who seeks to power over another ~ not for the Divine Pure Being’s that we are. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
March 3, 2018
The Energy Therapists
Energy Being, Enlightened Being,
You have traveled through many lifetimes until your Karmic contract has brought you here and now onto planet Earth.
You may feel excessively tired.
You may feel fatigued.
You may be feeling things in your body that you’ve never felt before.
You may feel low energy.
You may be experiencing the affects on your adrenals.
You may be experiencing disruptive sleep.
You may just have a feeling of lethargy.
It is time to release the travel dust that you have brought with you over all of these lifetimes, through all of these galaxies, through all of the solar systems.
When you arrived into this lifetime, you brought all of this travel dust with you and it has become excessively heavy.
You may feel at times when you are walking that your feet have concrete boots on.
You may feel when you are around other people that you are drained of your energy and that your light is dimmed.
You may feel when you are driving you are in a celluloid bubble of protection.
You may notice things that you didn’t notice before.
You may notice that when driving, people cut in front of you.
You may notice when out shopping, people may bump into you or they may cut you off.
You may notice that people don’t pay attention to you in your human form as they did before.
This is because the energies of the Universe are protecting you at this time. They are asking you to release all of the travel dust that you have on your body. All of the lint you have collected time after time and life after life.
You may feel odd pains in your body.
You may be experiencing indigestion or release of gasses.
Have no worry. This is all completely normal and expected at this time. You are going through a transition. You are going through a transition in your physical and human form.
By releasing all of these things, you are getting ready to receive the messages, the guidance, the information that will help you level up and move forward.
At this time, there will be a big shift coming in March (2018). This shift will happen concurrently worldwide. The big shift will help beings open their eyes, open their minds, open their hearts and open their souls.
Now is the time to help your human body and your physical being release time dust.
Be Present Energy Being, Be Present Enlightened One
Connect to your Third Eye
Notice all the little pings and pains in your body.
Notice all the little whispers of doubt or hesitation.
Notice all the little particles on your body that feel like they don’t belong.
Now, light up all these pings, pains, doubts, hesitation and particles that don’t belong and gather them all in the palms of your hands.
Take a deep breath and blow all of these light filled particles out into the Universe as you chant:
I release.
I release.
I release.
Continuing chanting until you feel the energy shift in your body, your being and your spirit.
Once you feel lighter, look at your hands and turn them over so that you see the backs of your hands.
Continue this until you feel grounded and centered.
This information and mantra are helping you to prepare for Ma’at Ra – Heart Healing Therapy which will be released in the near future.
©The Energy Therapists – All Rights Reserved
Sourced from here.